Oc ïimrs-Mîrratd. WKDNB8DAY FEBRUARY. 10 IF 7 No Hope for Mitchell. is to have a new trial he should W AN1 ED — I .vho may be able to supply has any right to maintain a system me wi h choice Indian relies that keeps such a case dragging such as spear heads, arrow iieat.s. stone along in the courts for years. pipes, eel. Write me. telling mt what ¡7“ Wood Yard! you have. Address: 11. P H amilton , Two Rivers. 'A -vonsin. Wood Yard! FRANK GOODMAN Proprietor. Greenbacks and bank notes are Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rate«. Salem, Or., Feb. 4—A special to I the Boise Statesman says: There more in demand at Salem these STOCK INSPECTOR. Leave orders at Worthingtou’s Drug Store. are now only 38 membeis who are times than gold, You see, green-j FOR HARNEY COUNTY, willing to elect a United States sen- backs don’t rattle or jingle, and ator by means of a joint assembly, i they can be easily handed from Geo.Tregaskis, Burns, Or. DEPUTIES, Representative Huntingtan of Was-. hand and put in a large envelope co today gave notice that he would and carried on the inside pocket. O. B. Dingle, — Biamomi, Oregon, — Rih1., Oregon. withdraw from further participa And, by the way, one of the legis­ li. S. Morris, tion This is the first defection lators [even] was seen to have one and it is expected to be followed by of those large envelopes full of green C A- SWEEK, others. mousy, an he was not a ‘‘green- ATTORNEY AT-L.WV, Ortgon in all probability will un" either. AND have but one United States senator Barn*, Oregon. : for the next two years unless the E P. Thorp, editor of the Cottage governor calls an extra session,and Wm. Llillac, even in that event the present Grove Leader, was found dead in a deadlock would be likely to be re p»ol of water about a quarter of a ATTORNEY-AT-LAW mile east of that town one morning peated. OREG It is practically settled that last week. On investigation it was ONTARIO Mitchell can never secure 46 mem-', found he had been stricken with a IS THE bers, which number constitutes a | severe attack of apoplexy. Mr. majoritj of the joint assembly. .Thorp had been in the newspaper| PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARK, business about 25 years. i which meets from day to day, and GLOVES, M1TT0NS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC unless he is’able to secure this num AGENT. Located first block East of Church. her no attempt will be made to bal­ The free silver officials saved to lot for senator. the county of Yamhill for the first NOTARY PUBLIC M . H. C anaday , Manager. Mitchell has claimed all along• six months of their term $l,192.5ol CR2CON ! that if he could secure votes of 46iover their predecessors, and for the1 BXTBUS members his claim to the seat J two years of their term it is esti-1 would be recognized by the United mated they will save to the county I IW Practices before U- 8. Land Office. j Pretty good for one I States senate no matter whether the 14,770. vote was taken regularly or not. county. i Failing in this tne only alterna tiye is to prevent an election and go before the people at the next Deafness Cannot be Cured. | I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON election a year from June. He will ciaim that the populists, by local applications, as they can-| Office at DEALER IN— Residence led by Jonathan Bourne and five or not reach the diseased portion of*, six silver republicans, held up the the ear. 1 here is only one way to] BURNS OREGON HARDWARE CROCKERY, legislature and blocked all busi ¡cure deafness and that is by consti- | tutional remedies. Deafness is I nesB. I : TINWARE. caused by an inflamed condition of : GUN ô . AMMUNITION the mucous lining of the Eustach ­ A Good Tramp Story. ian Tube. When this flame gets MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION. Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guns Bj DR. D. B. CATE inflamed you have a rumbling A humorous citizen of Pendleton BURNS - - OREGON. I ets. repaired promptly and satisfactory. gives the East Oregonian a good sound or imperfect hearing, and Every kind of first-class Dentistry tramp story in the following lan­ when it is entirely closed deafness j done or. short notice and in a work guage: . is the result, and unless the inflam-: manlike manner. , A tramp . ii j * , • i ination can oe be iaKen taken out and thii this! called at a certain house i iinmuii 111,1 . i •. . j j i j ' tube restored to its normal condi in the city yesterday and asked a lullu‘ hand out. On being invited toj tion, hearing will be destroyed for wield the axle for a while to give ever; nine cases out of ten are him an appetite, he readily com-! | caused by catarrh, which is nothing Carpenter .. and ’ Builder j but an imflamed condition of the plied, and split up a nice pile of| Undertaking mucous surfaces. . . Work wood, filled up all the wood boxes I a specialty We will give One Hundred Dol­ and then the cook set a substantial i lars for ar y case of Deafness (caus­ Fine Work,.............................Low Pi ices. spread before him. by catarrb)that can not be cured ed While filling himself up he ssid OREGON by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for he knew a n an who applied for circulars, free. something to eat. and was asked to F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts., ' split some wood. Having complied , Toledo, O. I and been literally filled up, he was I Sold by druggists, 75 cts. a«ked by the young ladv to come1 Hall's Family Pills are the Iiest | BONG GEE, Proprietor. again. He d <1 so, and the young! lady to’d him she had some 1 The Weekly Oregonian and T he BURNS OREGON she wanted cleared up. He H erald for only two dollars a year. ceeded to clear up the lanu. Subscribe or renew at once and se wanted a cabin built. He I cure your county paper and the ceeded to build a cabin. The being cleared, the cabin built, the mo8v weekly published in • * j -ii. » al F - intelligent ' Every read- young i lady said she wanted a hue I this state band. So they were married anu I er cannot help but see the advan­ became the best people in the town tage of getting two papers for the He was elected to congress ai nd price of one. We hope our sub­ later to the Dr» gon legislature, and scribers will see the point and give they lived happy ever afterward. I us a call. ORF \T LOOK! LISTEN!! Johnson's Cash Store C. H. VOEGTLY, : : uDsntistry:. Everything Cheap I John Sweitzer, LAUNDRY Kentucky Whiskies And Cigars NUlN PACIFIC RY VI » DENVER K \N< X« riTY AXD OM XII \ Low r»lr« h. all Foeirrn rilir« NORTHERN RY. VI V . Chamberlain’s Colic, SPOK\NR The Durrant case in California Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, MI NN F » POI.T«, promises to be as great a disgrace This is the Irest meó ici ne in the, A"»» ST »’SCI. to the administration of justice as the murderer is to the human race It has not yet been heard bv the supreme court, and it i* said a de­ cision may not be reached before the end of the year. Again, many person* learned in the law believe he will be given a new trial. If he world for larwel aints. I acts quickly and can al wavs be Of’FAX TE A NT FI?M depended upon. When reduced leave Portland every $ da> s for with water it is pleasant to take. Try it. and like many others you For full tir I nils OÎJ nn C will recommend it to your friends Agent, Baker City. or srlrtrcM For sale at 25 and 50cents a bottle W II. H i rlih rt by Druggists. • «!» PASS. AUT Portland.