He Wanted Promotion. • A little while and he went up to his room to tie alone. And the wife w ho had He had left school three months growing like any other healthy boy. Durkee’s Baking Powder. Until aht ut two years ago he was boy. His chief told her I diet was bread, water ai d tea. In previously, and had l*en in search husband that his pie was not a® fact, upon this he lived and thrived of a situation where he could begin good as her father used to make ' He could not eat meat or vegetable». in a very small way and gradually finished her meal in silence. In the last two years, however, bis rise in the eateem of everybody, a* appetite has demanded more sub he had not iced was the case in tire A € Sen th? I Jeminder. stantial food He has grown more biographies he had read, until h» strong and vigorous. Indeed, he is should have b j nior partnersh p The grocer wa« weighing some well proportioned. The last pair of thrust upon him and finally 1« sugar for the woman in the dyed Now blue bonnet, when the man in the shoes he bought were No. 12 known as a merchant prince. rather a delicate ABSOLUTELY PURE. Is made in Baker City, and is a home Pr°ductio0 BUY IT. and you will find it gives money at home, and bu Id saii-facton. up »(1lir Keep liorne industri. s connection, black frock-coat ami yellowish they are pinching his feet, and his *yFOR SALE RY ALL GROCERS. as they say, wit > a substantial re­ white tie, who had been standing next ones must be No. 13. and tail furniture store, and wan •‘n- in the door for same minutes, came made to order. Eddie is light complexioned. dearoring strenuously to merit the inside and laid a silver quarter on quiet and as his father tars, a good favor of his employer. U hat if he the counter. He proposes s »me div to be­ could rise at one bound! The men “I picked it up on the floor, just boy. thought of it filled him with an at the edge of the steps,” he said. come a hrickmason» like his father But this far in life he has spent his ecstacy that nerved him into a ten­ “It must tielong to you A quarter time in school He h-.s attended tative plunge. or a thousand dollars, sir—it is the He saw clearly that the house principlo < f the thing that I look the Franklin bui’ding where his was too conservative; it needed to at. I want nothing that is not, tall, stalwart form is a familiar sight among the other children of his age be pushed. The small display ef mine. There is the money.” He had now formed EHKi Mi STABLE. good* at the door should pla­ be carded. Merely to mention this on the quarter and shoved it would be small glorv for himself, across the counter. and then when the surprising re-i “You put dot money in back I your disclosed he would pocket, mein friend,” he said. be culled into the office ami duly “But, sir, you or one of vour1 recognized for his far seeing, mer- clerks must hrve dropped it, and chant prince like business sagacity. it rolled over there. Mv motto has MAIN STREET........................... HARNEY.......................... OREGON suits hud been He dreamed of it that PLANTING;' In always been”— his fervor he reached the store “I believe,” said the grocer, ‘ dot tally The goods were arranged you yoost move vour family in dot' at the door. One neatly lettered house across the street this mor­ well begun I* half done. Ikgtn i well bv nettiiiK Ferry’« seed». klXtul let chance determine E your crop. but plant Ferry » A Seeds. Known and »old W everywhere. ■ Before von plant, get placard was pinned with J V for l-urt. Contains more prac-' ' F UoU Information for farmers and gardeners thau many high- priced text hooks. Mailed free, t 1». a. »»SKI t to., urraotT. anti, a»- . night nervous gen; vas it not so?” had “Yes sir, I did, and it being con­ seen the sama sign at many other venient. we expect to do a good • tor< s deal of tra—” lie hand to a roll of carpet, II « employer and went several times during the day with­ but Tom came out observing the sign, noticed that passers-by pointed In the it. n| was called evening he to the door bv the proprietor. “You put dot quarter back your pocket righed away. not mine quarter “Do »ou know w ha put that then ” back in your pocket, and ven your vife come ofer vor dose groceries vo on • pod cash efery I suspected that •otne -t r*«-t hoys had done it. vas time."—Detroit The 11 \ Fad in ( i«*i !iiaiiy. Effort are being made throughout idea of a ► , n like that on a roll of Germany, but mor particularly in Prussia, to collect as many of the carpet!” for years famous iron wedding rings and room there other adornments as may still be hung on the wall the words; “Can't in existence, with a view to preserv- ing them in the museums as last- be let — W eicome. mg memorials of the sacrifices 1 om took it home and awav Up in hi- attic which Teuton I n lite \ 11 * 1 * ♦. h w • e watt give up their jaw»lry. to I e un ited •d on the life partner, who had down in order to provide funds for promised at the altar to love, hon­ |>atriotic purp .«<« Those who h d or and protect her husband nothing al»v were asked if they She carne home from the oilice w .'uhi not part with •« hat they must after the cart» and worries of the •urely hold nn>rt I'm lout of all. da . |we» odi and fretful It i* true, lur husband • r , appreci- „ . their wedding ring- ' r the sake of their country, a> i in rerponte plain gold hoop« *1 • ered in upon g hi pr< ;>er order. He even the noble founder?’ ■ movement. W« i t - i far a- to place the pretty no lei»a than 114 ■ citing Berlin lai p mat he had s > tastefully de within the coura t a few dava signed m a position where hi» wife from th» town Swit entunde could readily notice it alone K « c- n j- t ii, iron rings. Hut she did nat sec it, or if she manufactured f> he captured did made no mention of it. gun» of th- en i «ent 'o i he " «>11 she was eating dinner The owncr«. insertb. <1 it he h;s‘ one fo>bl « »idt ntly did not suit her wonla. “1 gi\» - f r iron," a cd This d »o was not pro|<«rlv prepar- theae were pro >d vo.-n bv the ed I .e cak* t »«te« ■ ■ were fighting lard as usual.' for their countrv - freedom He uoekly tried to place the fault upou soiuething e’se—the 5"1!*»kittle -> B il I B ov . fr»> < the »love, etc th Al i*»i »be cam» to th* I » • paatry. Burns Stage Company. F ricevili a Stage 'eaves Burns verey Monday and Thursday. t H^Good AccoiLodatrona. F are to CATARRH P rineville $ io . oo . M1TH................................................................................. PR LOCAL DISEASE • • • ‘ \\ t 11 don't let me catch von at sue! tricksagain derma Free Press. “Ves sir; I did.” V. Ferry» Seed Annual ; Dot vas him vill remember dot mv fc^"t’nmui-idious, Conv, uient, CLeap in, put You Prop. HOBT. IRVING. The grocer had a lar^e forefinger and grade. The t>i/g-»t boy tn the world lives the re­ m Sp kane. taya the t hron e.»« u ai k which c.tetrd h*r husband H.« n »me is Filo fi * « Hr » U* fit down weary and ibe tear» to six f«et three Itwhea tall .»nd is now come itilo hi« eye«. 14 years aid *.x U1 nt ha aid and and it the result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be enrol by a pleasant remedy which :• applied di­ rectly into the nostril». Be­ ing quickly a '»orbed it give» relief at on ce. W. W. JOHNSON, Ely's Cream Balm 1» acknowledged to be the m<»t thorough »ere for Nasal Catarrh. Cold in Bead and Hay Fever of all remedies. It ojiens and cleanses the n • sal passages, allay» pain and inflammation, bet s the sores, pn«- leetis the membrane from colds, restores the set s« » af tasteandsme I. PnceSAr. at Dm-.-.- -t» or by in >.L KLY BROTHERS. &» Warren street, New Yo.-k. Proprietor of the ELITE SAEOOIT BURNS - OREGON. . Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cigars ----- THEY HAtE ALSO---- COUGHS and COLDS A. Fln.9 M01TACK BiUisru. Tab?e. ELY S PI 5 EOLA BALSAM 1» a sure Remedy for coughs co. as, tore LUrual and for aMhnuu It S •ooCbet, the cough, ai d render, expeu- ¿yef a g orsuvu eaey. Consumptives will invarial ’▼ deri ve benefit from its um , Many »ho »iippoee their CAAee to be con­ sumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep rested cough, often aK-gravat»d by ca- t'ream Ha m. Both Urrh For cahutù um M ur (_______________ p rtw.l to UM Cream Ba m, 5P eta. wr • < • P'ieo a ««tn. *. eM-r P »* a n H Ba «am. 2'*. > .1 br l'r-’ec su. KLY BKU1 llKRj». M Warren bu, >tw } uck. eLK» No. 1. Farm Harness. Spring Wagons, S3Oto$»5. G;in*nteed e «. v, ,;i. u ....... of Rca£j w.>g:ns. Surrey, »iih 1 .r.- * öq "‘■//«’’• J r‘ ;' ”* Vop Bu ~g:eB luw “S35. Phaeton, u I. » os sc j, .V Ékjîi forer* HARNESS. r'-trle«. Slnete. n->ubl» »ml Farm R; CELEBRATED I No. lab. Road Wagon. WHOLESALE PRICES JOHN F. STRATTON'S Birmingham Steel Strings e « ss * sfs . cq . Te ( •»•amrra For U? Year«, • Irr»-pre'::.- We are the eUeat - i Lartf’-c ■ lanufaetarvrs in V..r »elii”.^ t. 'U m . it- ubject t<> approval. I» jhi v t • • -- rr. ,eu v by pH an Ajent 810 t* tj vn.er for ? '* r Lo i:ce. Y» u t*ke ah the rl.-fc of damage ir. shipping. Have W I- N’o 41 V Sarf lle«. |».-r cat-. .rüe. W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Eiknar?. Ind. Guitar. Mandolin Bin,© r«t Madi Extra F litre run - • JOHN F. STRATTON, >9-. N ./ a -.' a ' r» ¿Arala?* »11 «1; »15. -17 E. »th St.. N’. Y. MANHOOD wr RESTORE«*r - "" ** 5 «“’tv.; •wi*; ‘ v .>■ vrfui rexedf '■ - lxxwnlHrW» B«--’. a l drain« ail'd l,.««e.'r *£■• *;•*»«,•'l»nb«>o yervotw t’ »ereiert n to U1> r..,1- 'r n <■! either sei caowN uantj wr'h a'Ä" I A? ?rror^ ei<*’’ '»»■’»■tt -baceo.epimncraüw ve. ” s» ¿V . . ^ ■•■ ; -umpt.noer Ir u.Bu,. < an e ea-r.^M »w ritte. f r”’l'«il. YVltii»** order»» f. »t;» vd t < re a vklHà, t V h « » ,« « £ ri _ MCRCMJ • .? ' ...M7I^:i’,ùt; ,N\. \u.-’ a b.l. s JOHN F. STRATTON'S Celebrated Band Instruments Ateo E mm DRUMS.FIFES, Piccolos and Band Supplies. « JOHN F. STRATTON Ill Ill.lll SITf tnS1 «». T^Tncncntiy A-* «if Brun -‘Ji cncy ar4 W3. i s c:- -> » < rtsku s. • u r - au «. 1* « nervt >esthet*a?ea«* -v » wf * : £»* T”’8*. ’.«I J w; (j * - c Ji; :v ▲kJ ■ “ a- be. V» « «. ev.l ¿rva . 1/ • in <’■>' ■r -