CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, Grand Clearance Sale’.............. .. Oregon Forwarding Company Surveyor General R A. Haber­ sham has been notified bv the com­ £5.1 missi >ner of the general land ollice * that the following contracts for OKEGON. ONTARIO, surveying in Oregon have been ac- 1 cepted within the past month: Con- "S’ l tract No. 622, to W. R. Whipple; No. 637 to Rufus Moore- No. 639 to II. Meldrum and R. S. Moore; No such Bargains ever offered before in HARNEY COUNTY ! No. 636 to E. F. S harp. Notice Call and be Convinced *%y“l’rices Talk and CASH has also been received by the sur­ Buys at prices never before equaled! M«T\Ve have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES veyor general that the four surveys on the grant of the Willamette Vai- ,,, , , , e lx, ... We carry a complete line of ley <& Gasca,le .Mountain \\ agon i SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FOLLOWING; Road Co., which were rejected some time since upon the report of the; O it ng Flannel-' 15 yards for $1.00 inspector, have, upon reconsidera­ Q Hits from $1.00 upwards tion bj the commissioner, been ac-1 Fifteen n?r cent discount on Ladies cepted, as it was decided that this Furnishing goods. Ldies Underwear anil Corsets course would be for the best inter ests of the government. A list ot lands to be surveyed during tin coming season is being prepared by Ladies Shoes. Furnishing goods Surveyor General Habersham, who Hats and Caps, has the sum of $13,<500 at his dis­ Clothing. posal for this work, and pe-sons Lined Gloves. who desire to have lands surveyed “hould hand in their lists as soon as possible, before the surveyor's list is tilled. MASON & LONDON'S will pay you to come to Ontario For Sixty Bays, Until After April 1st, 1897. and buy fall and winter goods Dry Goods, Notions, Gdiiis Furrishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. WRITE DS FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. room for our Spring and Sr mmer Stock. I L • i The Lakeview Examiner says •that the arrival in Lakeview the | other day of Luo of A. L. »Smith's | eight horse hams, with freight foi | Lakeview merchants and V. Conn, of 1 aia'.ey, icmimli 1 it that it is Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of WEDNESDAY now three months since Mr. Sudili The New Scalp Itili. left Paisley for Red Bluff Mr T ■ Smith started out October 2K, and P.’B! !>!! I'l'.S AND PROPRIETORS is 40 miles from his destination. Senator Mitchell’s bill for tilt with Jonly two teams, creation of a fund for the payment left in Big v'dr'-?’isllinö Taclxl s And Sporting Goods H I!scili l’TLON RATES: team having been of bounties on coyote scalps is a One Year .............................................. $..Co i M . :nn .................................................... 1.00 serious measure, but it may be that lev, Cal. He will return after thi- ► I’inwarc and Firearms promptly Repaired. Titile Moll >1» ... . .7 j it is destined to be made the sub­ tcam before going on to Paisley. I OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY Oregon. ject of gonp little fun on the part This will take about another month, j |}Ums N ATION X I. : .Grover ■ 'level« t.r il X Iter ..... ral owned by resi lents or being pas­ state —rxr.FcoN : most of Lakevit w’s freight is haul-. i G. W. M t'rice. tured therein This amount shall I .1. II.MItelnll. ed. The nearest railroad shipping {Binger Heimann be deemed a fund for scalp bounties, I XV. K. 1 Ili» n- >n r-çsmnen « . M. Dilemmi to which must be added a similar point is 160 miles distant, the V i »fi*»} .eueral Win I* l or«' ¡ » > ■■.»ruar t. R Kinenf.l ¡ amount by levying a prorata tax teams make the round trip in from i ■ n rv of -tale l'litl. Mrtnliir STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor U» -, t V 1 r .GM Irwin ! on all other property. Scalp in 16 to 24 days. Mr. Smith will Í • »t. p i »’ie !n»trn< tion XX II l.aed» R Van* Printer probably lose $200 on this trip. " S. Ecan. spectors shall Ke • appointed and IL ORDERS given special attention. I. S. GEER à CO, LYT.D ’'ROS. hardware and Tinware. ike Burns Bar > f •• I c. xvolverten \\ ■ these shall administer an affidavit to the slaver of the animal, that he h is duly killed the same, and shall rect ive from him the scalp or scalps.• The inspector shall then remove «■■xr-NTY —H ARsrv . r. P. Rntherfortl one ear from the scalp; then the (R) H Kelley •’ c. Wei • m<- claimant takes the scalp to the R r> ... T X. McKinnon county treasurer, and delivers it tot tt" A. J. W. McKinnon S. W h ’ c ’ i .(R p w . c . H ' r<1 1 D ; him, with the inspector’s certificate,; n? nient Ge« Tre««»kia I A .B. M»rl» tn i ami the treasurer shall remove the Geo. It 'Key ' ■Pi other «-ar from the scalp. I here H »*VHV C. S. I.ASD I OVFICB: Thon»»» Jene» appears to be no provision for the X A. Cowing ' ver »¿o»--*«■» a* -—■»*•■ disjiosal of the scalp or the single «i SOCIETIES. ear «r for reclaiming the first auric­ ular appendage from the inspector. SYLVA RFBFKAH I»e«ree No. ,S. Meetnererv «"<1 H e county treasurer pays the clai­ V1--. 1er i. ”< pt v •• M « '.<-ora Z trier. Ree. - r’ V " . mant his bi untv. This act is de- A. O. P. W.Rnrns I.oxlse. X-- <7 signed io supplement ami make Meet.every 2.1 .«><14th operative a legislative enactment j. w Sayer. Fee allowing county courts to offer haryfv ’ odgf . xn. i. o o F bounty on the scalps of predatory ill "»Il. ru H•!’.*• er’ ••’-»r<1»y M t Is-t, S.r. animals —Oregoi 4 ip.-c Me hi'li?ee F. A. Moore NlN lTtl JVDKTA!. DISTRICT. M.D curt of i.' D )l«rrlct I I ■ C ( . W. I’arrHh. O. I. Datier». n . i R) f . A W Gow an .(¡L . Feia«-'* ■ a at or J P. ZeU'er. Scry Engle valley, in Eastern Oregon is the place for growing prize taking vegetable s. Mrs Duffey received ., \,.w Y> ar gift from an Eastern h,.e,l firm a check for $.50, as first prize for the largest and best shafied White Spine cucumber; Silas Car- ; • ter a check for $.50 as first prize for (|>e largest and liest-sbaped half- long parsnip, and John Fraser, a Ch