—Snowing as we go to press. —Fresh meats always on hands at the Peoples Meat Market. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY. 8l8l7 AS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF any newspaper in this county . Local News. —See ad of Mask Ball in this —We noticed E. E. Grout on our issue. streets Sunday. —Mrs. Caroline Johnson ìb still —Notice the ad of the French confined to her room. Hotel in this issue. i —¡ Caldwell is not yet able to I —See N. Brown A Sons ad in take charge of the barber shop, this issue. —Leaf Lard at the Peoples Meat, Market. —Mail orders given spec­ _ Walter Cross came over from ial attention at Mason $ — Harney County Warrants wanted by N. Brown A S obs . I ¡Ivies last night. London’s. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Royal fcSg ABSOLUTELY PURE —Jorgensen has the finest and Notice. tn to — E. II. King and wife of Harney I Burns; go and see for yourself. U. S Land Office, Burns, Ore., at Mrs. A. A. Cowing's. aid us a visit this week. I — Don't forget that T he T imes - He is also taking Cabinet Photos. . Jan. 30, 1897. —Don’t fail to read A. C. Worth­ H erald does the best Job Printing at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to 1 To whom it may concern: The I —Miss Hattie Hill ia visitiv g in go and see what he has on hand. » * and at prices you can afford. ington’s new ad in this issue. Lur town at this writing '■official plat of the survey of the —Mrs. Martha Adams, who now —Guns, Bijycles, Mowers and —Cash and the best price paid Township hereinafter named, has —Mr. Randall, of Wagontire, has all kinds of machinery repaired occupies the Geo Young residence been approved by the United Sur­ for Harney County Warrants at l promptly and " satisfactorily at the solicits the patronage of the public >een in town for several days. veyor General for Oregon, and will N. Brown & Sons. -0. H Voegtly Hardware store f“r P,ail‘ ««wing, repairing and —The sheriff has a notice in this i . , cleaning gentlemen’s clothing. filed in this office, Monday, be B orn .—To the wife of Jos. Tup- — Remember when in town and ssue to delinquent taxpayers. March, 1897, at 10, o’clock a m, and ker, yesterday morning, a girl hungry Mrs. Belle Geer will let be- —Mr. Sig Durkheimer, formerly — F. 8. Miller is in Burns for the Mother and child doing well. | fore you a first class meal for two- in the employ of Mason A London, on and after said day, we will be prepared to receive applications for i bits. ^rst time in several months. has purchased the notion store of — Young men, when you take in I —Masks for the masquerade ball Racine A Reed where he will make land in said Township, viz: Town­ — D. S. Graves had business your best girl out for Sunday din-, ship 22, South, Range 4f E. W. M. at A. C. Worthington's. [he county seat this week. his headquarters. ner, take her to the French Hotel. in Malheur county, Oregon. —L. Woldenberg and C. H. —About 9 inches of enow fell —The Hotel Burns has a new ad T homas J ones , Register. 'Notice To The I »ublie. Voegtlv received -some freight to- I here last Thursday night. in this issue. Remember you are A. A. C owing , Receiver. day. — Fresh Codfish, Mackerel, Salt well treated when at The Burns. I | Religious services will be held —Dr. H. M. Horton and family ind Smoked Salmen, at Mason A NO TR ’E —Clearance sale at Ma­ are expected home from California next Sunday at Locher Hall as fol­ London’s. lows: Sunday School at 10 a m„ son £ London’s See ad in about the 15th of this month. preaching at 11 a m. and 7:30 p Parties knowing themselves in­ —McKinley has given the war this issue. — Tom Allen, of Silver creek, was in. Al) are cordially invited ta at- debted to me are requested to call portfolio to Gen. Russell A. Alger —Try a package of Heckers Self doing business inJBurna the first | tenil. Remember the place—Loch­ and settle immediately by cash or — Win. Gittiugsand wife have Raising Buckwheat all ready for the week. er Hall. A rthur R oyse . note. seen visiting friends here fora few immediate use. No salt, yeast or1 I —Geo. Turner, of Spokane, ' was C. II. VoEUTLY. Baking Powder required, for sale | days. I the elected to the U. 8. Senate by In Memoriam. —J. P. Dickenson was in Burns at Mason A London’s. legislature of Washington. I j —Our spring and summer cloth | NOTICE. the latter part of last week visiting The following verses are dedicat-1 —Thoa. Anderson informs I ing samples are here and we can I his daughter, Mrs. 8. B. Symes. ed to little Earl Claude McClure,' that he has purchased the All accounts on Subscription or show you something new end styl ­ who died January 26. Written by —Chas. Voegtley wants those saloon of W W. Johnson. otheiwisedue T he T imeb -H erald his mother. in need of furniture to give him a ish. Suits to order from $12 up;l —Rentember Mason and A precious one from us has gone, up to January 1 1897, are payable call. He has a complete line of a fit guaranteed and no deposit re- ■ to me and an early settlement either chairs, rockers, bed room sets, etc. quired until suit is found lobe just London’s grand clearance A voice we loved is stilled: 1 by cash or note is requested. —Henry Richardson and Thoa as represented at N. Brown A Sons sale. Notice their ad. A place ¡3 vacant in our home, W. C. B yrd . Stephens left on last Saturday’s — Fred T. Dubois, of Idaho, will Which neercan be filled. —C. E Kenyon returned from a stage to be g >ne for several weeks. | trip to Silver creek the latter part «»e succeeded in the U 8. Senate by ' , God in His wisdom has recalled, | H. Heitfeld, a populist. ( The hoon loye haJ g-y<||i. -Ed Caldwell has purchased¡£[ w"” Notice. the interest in the Texas Resort —The latest we have from Salem | Ami though the body moulders formerly owned by Hugh Harris. here, The boarding house of Mrs. — Help along a good cause by The soul is safe in Heaven. Belle Geer, has the reputation of I ------------------------------------------------------- attindlng the entertainment at the being first class in every particular, school house next Saturday even­ Notice. and Mrs. Geer is determined that her house shall not lose its present ing. All delinquent taxes must posi- landing, but by every ’ means in cents. tivelv be paid before the beginning | |ier power will endeavor to increase —Several cattle buyers in town —The Chinamen of our town | of the new tax year. Parties know- its popularity. One meal at her this week, T. A. Rhea, of Heppner. have been celebrating their New'ing themselyes delinquent will table is convincing proof of her F. G. Arnett, and E Clark of Mon­ Years since Monday morning | please Bettie at once and saye costs cuisine ability. tana. and John Lackey. Parties Fire crackers and China gin are in of levy and sale. haying stock for sale should inter­ abundance 1 Dated Feb. 3rd 1897. view these men. A. J. M c K innon , —J. B. Huntington, of Athena, Sheriff Harney Co. Ore. M arried —In Burns Oregon, Jan. came down this morning tv look __, t . - • . ] —Ladies furnishing goods at cost I Highest cash price paid. hpwt. best lnt lot nf of cmnds goods that that pvpr ever nnmp came GRAND after the interests of his clients be I Taxes in Baker. fore the circuit court.—E. Oregon­ ian. Property owners in Baker county — Fred Ash, Robt. Pieraon and' will get off this year with a tax of Jake Green came down from the only 46.3 mills on the dollar. Be- logging camp last night, T hey | aid eg the county and state tax, report about three feet of snow up amount ng to 28.8 mills, the city - I the river. I , and school district taxes are 17.5. —A. C. Worthington has the’ Huch a rat* of taxation is^not con- FEBRUARY 12 1897. Lair pill — When «.. you , oriel, wish a ntn* nice hair cut! agency for Hon. W J. Bryan’s new I fiscation, but it is at least a second or shave, call on Lee Caldwell at book, “The First Battle.” He has cousin. Baker cannot expect to AT TIIE the II Cheatham Barber shop Lee the prospectus and is ready to take progress very rapidly from the in­ veBiment of outside capital within mAk"8 a specialty of cutting hair. order*. its limits so long as such taxation JORDON HALL. — Frank Metschan, and George — C. A. Sweek and Fred Luna- prevails.— Dalles Times-Mon ntaiti- Craddock are in from Silviea valley. berg leftjast Sunday in a sleigh, the former for Portland and the Mr. ('raddock is suffering from a latter for an extended visit in Col­ cut on his hand having taken cold Good music and a good time orad ». John Sweek accompanied in it, he thought it proper to come Supper at Burns Tnt. W. H. Peeke, w > guaranteed. make* • •twcualtr <,t them as far as Drewsey and will io town and consult a physician. Epilepey, hae without Hotel. doubt treated and cur­ bring the team back from there. —Al>out 25 young people ‘‘storm­ ed more I kstui ’MEATS when candy and nuts were brought Malheur lake. We understand «■UAxw, any PBDilDEkT in and dispeneed with in the proper new Berwla Csmpsi(s wur. their business here is to inspect the order, after which all took their *• are w»v»ri..e apodal tMMMltntt for hT ... UrHN F STRATTON Wo adviao any one wishing a care to addreta ■Aivr'-uam, having had a pleasant “ yening. ago. ■ie reaa. 30, at the home of the officiating minister, Mr. Maurice FitzGerald to Miss Bessie Norton, both of Burns, Oregon; Rev. Arthur Royse had the officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzger- already at home in the Miller residence in West Burns. We wish them happiness in their new relation. R- m I q Frat*. LFXXU, 7. B., 4 Mar St , B«wT«rk I