1 here this morning, was held up two miles west of Roseburg this morn­ She Simri-’Rrrafd. WKUNKS1/AV FEBRUARY. 3 « 7. Whcu * Fra nt was Poor. 1 General W H L. Barnes, one of the leaders of the San Francisco] bar. at a recent meeting of the Cal­ ifornia Comrnandery of the Mtlli-l tary Order of tire Royal Legion, JUST SUPPOSE ing As soon as possible Fireman Hendricks slipped out of the engine, ran to Roseburg and gave the alarm. Arming himself, he started that you needed something in dry goods and had your choice of buying either at a retail or wholesale store, but could save 25 to 35 per cent at the latter. Wouldn’t you go to the wholesale store? Of course you would. We are going to retad goods for the next 15 days at wholesale prices, therefore we shall expect you to conie here just as quickly as you would go to any wholesale in- stead of retail store if you had your choice. The occasion is our back to the scene of trouble. At Shadv Point Engineer Norris saw a man at the sidetrack waving, a flag He slowed up for the signal,1 and as lie brought the train to a told a story atsmt General Grant stop a man armed with two revol­ which is said never before to have I vers came over the tender and been printed. It was told years covered him. At the same time another armed ago to General Barnes by Captain Richard L. Ogden, onoe a clerk in man, the one who had flagged, ap­ the office of the United Beaten quar-1 peared at the side of the cab and, I termaster at San Francisco, and presenting a revolver, ordered the Grueral Barries recently copied it J engineer not to vttempt to move the frani Captain Ogden’s dairy, viz: train but come down at once and g<» When Grant resigned his com­ with them to the express car. The mission as captain, at the age of 32, fireman in the meantime ha«i got being then in Oregon, he went to 1 down on the ether side , 1 The two robbers and the engineer San Francisco on his way home, 1 Although our long and reliable record of Merchandising here pro­ bably has gained us your confidence, we ask you to take nothing but the evidence of your own eyes to convince you that we are really retail­ ing at wholesale prices during this sale. N. BRTWN & SONS,—The Leading Merchants sonslly ami to send it back to Ore- Entering the car they attacked two water running lip hill! Here is a gon r for ~ correction. Grunt ‘ 1 had .......... '.................... “J small safes, which they succeeded case where a river has commenced ----- The mail car was also Ho run from its mouth to its source, expected to buy a passage for him in opening self to New York in the steerage, visited by the robbers ami registered Dead river is the name of a slough hut Ogden went with him to the letters taken. The explosion set [that cuts across from one part of Pacific Mail Steamship office and , fire to the express car. The train ' the \\ illamets to another among procured for him u cabin passage crew w.irked like Trojans but were the islands near Booneville, ami in pass, or what was the nearest to it the steamship Company could give, for Grant hud to pay his railroad fare across the isthmus. This how­ ever, bft him •'fió, and Grant was very grateful. The diary quotes him as saying to Captain Ogden: ‘ This is a great luxury, mid what I «lid not expect and I am indebted to you for it. • t ! The prospect of ever being able t 1° unable to save it. , The passengers were considerably shaken up amt frightened, but no one injured. ■ the years gone by there was a rapid current from west to east. Of late the water became sluggish in its movement and a year ago ceased to an « xhaustive examination | Man. Canton,«), Jan. 28—At 8:30 A steam hoist is to tie placed up­ o'clock this evening I.vman J Gage, on t ie pr«>|H’tv al once and «level president of the First National o|»emeiit pushed with all possible bank of Chicago, emerged from the speed A Itn stamp mill will l»e < dining nioiii of the McKinley home •reeled ujKiii the proprie In the to till an appointment with the As spring 1 socialed Press and special lorres- Mr ■Martin Tullgrew, formerly of the Homrstake mine ill the Black Hills, is the superintendent of Iht ( olumbian, and his ability in tin* direction give-« contim nee THE FRENCH HOTEL Mrs. Louis Reciñe, Proprietress. iThe Leading Hotel of Burns, Oregon, Is headquarters for all stages. Has large and well furnished Rooms, an elegant parlor, and handsome dining-room. No Chinese labor, white cook, and tables furnish­ ed with the best the market affords Best accommodations for families and tran­ sient customers. «IVE THE FREriCH HOTEL Al TRIAL, RATES $2.00 A DAY. — ••• — | move at all. This winter it runs With an expense of less than $5 quite rapidly from east to west. Alva Adame, elected as a democrat Th‘B seems somewhat ‘‘fishy,’’ but was inaugurated governor of Colo­ it in told as a fact by good reliable rado a few days ago. lie walked men. to the eapitol where the oath of of- Homer Davenport, the Oregon lice was administered by a supreme reciprocate is certainly remote, but court justice without fuss or feath- artist and cartoonist, is said to re­ slrange things happen in this world ers His inaugural addiees was reive $1000 a month. That is the and there is no knowing ” | short and to the point, the governor price of genius. Davenport is a giving the impression in its delivery great fellow for animals, and he al- Fin» < ’olimi uan M ini*. j that performance was better than ways gets one, or a bird in his pic­ promises. In the course of his tures if pi ssible. An Albany friend I Mt h. M Hand lias just finished speech he said; “The East ami ■ Homer tells how one time Lis fret showed (hr same average tn value ami width of vein al the 17ft- foot level Oregon Burns, and presented to Captain Ogden a then went into the express car, certificate for per diem service on a where the robbers ordered the ex- court martial, amounting to $40 ' press messenger to open the door. 1 I The certificate was incorrectly The messenger refused to do so. drawn, and Grant, with a look of The robbers then uncoupled the dispair, asked Captain Ogden's per­ express car. Meantime the expreps in 1884. when be voted fer Mr. mission to sleep on the lounge in ; messenger seized the opportunity Cleveland. He also said that he and Major McKinley substantially the latter's office, saying he had not to step out of the car. a cent to his name. He slept on ; The robbers returned to the ex- agree on the tariff question. the rikety office lounge, and Ogden I press car and with a heavy charge agreed to «-ash the certificate per- of dynamite blew the door open.• Corvallis Times: Talk about pondrnts to tell them the result of his conference with Major McKin ley. Mr. McKinley offered me the CULP BROS, Burns, Oregon. Work Guaranteed to be first class We mix our own Paints, and Our Work Speaks for it e f, father made him a present of a $75 » gold watch. It was not long after- "arils that he traded the watch for 14 bull dog, preferring that to a mere timekeeper. CARPENTO, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER, \\ hen the Klamath reservation is thrown open for settlement, it is expected that several good mines will be opened up. Several finds, good prospects, have been made on these Indian lands in the last quar­ ter of a century which are held in Parties Desiring Cabinet Wcrk that excels any done in this place heietoore, cail and examine my work. *ecreev awaiting the time when the rew rvation will be thrown open \t least such are the reports occa­ sionally heard from t hose w ho ought to know, says the Klamath Repub liean. Consumption THOS. LA HEY, Rurns, O Firat door north of Brick Store. BED FRONT LIVERY STABLE treasury portfolio, 1 told him 1 AMD AMD ITS its ^CrRR would ac ept the high honor and TO m Ei'inst I have an - ally managed —linker Democrat fill the |s>sitio«i to the beet of 111 V remedy hr ConxumtMion. R ' v . its link.y use ti>- nxis of I,. vek.s, llsrt hlve lytn 1IreaJ ability.” o„ lbe Corner South of lhe Frewh now F -arntly cured. $.» proof-positive am I I Luiuu I < >t Work. Mr. (»age said there w .1« no o. its pjwer that I consider it my dutv t<> M PLAIN a - WILLIAMS to ttmse of vour read ground for the publication thatt e osj hro - rropreitors »1» have Consumption.Throat. Bronchialor was a gold d« nuerit during the Lun< Trouble, if they wUl wnuX t'^ Counties Sn.f Town’s * °"1’, here but in a11 lhe north t.o nd overland tram, which campaign, «mi that hie only affilia ex; re» a kt p m -»1Cf address. Sincrrelv left .San Francisco \\ edneday, due at M’,C’ ,M PWI 81 • Tark- Don for horses especially fits' them fL7 œ T»v-00^00°"" '>RtUral tion with the democratic partv was I I that the property will tw scientihc