à lie à imcs-Mirrafd. what their grandmothers did and W AN1 E D— I desire to co 1 s '^spond with Oregon partie- upon what they Lived, forgetting ■ _______________ I .vho may be able to supply that their grandmothers were much me wi h choice Indian relics more active in domestic duties than unci! as spear bends, arrow hem.8, stone they art, and were obliged to take pipes, eel. \\ rite me. telling ur- what FRANK GOODMAN Sturgeon AivSeaivo. Proprietor. you have. Address: II. 1* H amilton , su< h f >od as they had at hand i Two Rivers, Wsconsin. ‘•Bread was then the staff of life, i Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates The sturgeon, once so common, I and rightly, too. It was made from is a fish now rarely seen in the I STUCK INSPECTOR. Nature’s wheat, containing all the Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store Portland markets. Although high­ phosphates, the muscle-forming ly esteemed in some countries and find, and heat and force necessary finding a ready sale in the cities of for feeding Now, this wonderful » the East, especially in a smoked grain, in our niann-r of preparation, condition, it never was much of a has been robbed of the phosphates favorite here, being chiefly used by ' and a portion of its muscle food, cheap hotel» and restaurant», where | and as the poorer c-asses depend C A' SWEEK, it was served up under the name of more upon bread than 'the middle “sea bass” or ‘‘fillet of s >le.” ATTORNEY AT-LAW, or upper classes, they have suffered I A few 3 ears sit ce parties came ! most.” AND Oregon. Burns, here and engaged in the business of | shipping sturgeon Ea«t, and the L. S. Login, Frank Hoffman, the fishermen went into the business of , Siehel Cattle Company and others catching them wholesale, and soon 1 of Crook county have made a sale' the Columbia was strung with stur ATTORNEY-AT-LAW of cattle to Mr. Mellick, who pur-i geon lines as numerous as the! ! chased cattle in Prineville last sum-! ONTARIO or eg streets of Portland are with electric ' I mer. The prices paid are as fol-, wires, and ho.ika by the ton were IS THE 1 lows: Thiee-vear old steer«, $23; 1 “ set tor the doomed sturgeon. Fish 2-year-old steers and I cows with «1 PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE» Hi C mmiysioner James Crawford has1 calves by their side, $17 50; drv jj stated that over 4,000,003 pounds GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. I cows, $14; 2-year old 1.eifere, $13 J of sturgeon was shippeu from the1 yearling steers, $12; Located first block East of Church. yearling heif- BEAL ESTATI AGENT. Columbia jiver in 1892, and also , ers, $9. W. H. C anaday , Manager. NOTARY PUBLIC that over 95 000 pounds of caviare, sturgeon fjg«, was shipped the Dealness Cannot be Cured. CHuaoN i BUB ITS same year. The number of sturgeon caught by local application«, as they can­ Practices before U- S. Paini Office. during th* winter and spring of not reach the diseased portion of I 1892-3 in the Columbia was over the ear. There is only one way to 10,000, more than 20 per cent of cure deafness and that is by const! . Deafness is I which weie small fish. It is un tutional remedies. . . 1 ... r 1 'caured by an inflamed condition of necessary to say that liut few have . J .. been shipped since, hut as it was j the mucous lining of the Eustach-, AND SURGEON !ian Tu’ e. When this flame gets! PHYSICIAN not practicable to catch them all at once, there are still a few in the inflamed you have a rumbling I Qfpice at Residence river, but it is seldom any find their sound or imperfect hearing, and' deafness| BURNS . . I when it is entirely closed HARDWARE CROCKERY, way to this maiket. is the result, and unless the inflam­ Although there is no difficulty in i . J I procuring sturgeon eggs, and the i mation can be taken out and this 4 : TINWARE» GUN N» AMMUNITION method of propagating them arti­ tube restored to its normal condi T* j tion, hearing wiP be destroyed for 1 • • ficially is well understood, no steps ever; nine cases out of ten are so far have been taken toward re.1 lb DR. D. B. CBTE I caused by catarrh, which is nothing stocking the Columbia. BURNS - - OREGON. but an imflamed condition of the If the riyer were rertockad and Every kind of first elas- Dcntistrv mucous surfaces. the fishing placid under some pr p done 01 short notice mid in We will give One Hundred Doi- manlike manner. er le.-trietii ns, it might again be | lars for at y case of Deafness (caus­ come a souice of great profit to the ed by catarrh)thal can not be cured fisl c men. It might be a w. rk of by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for 8 ime difficulty to strip a female circulars, free. s urgeon of li< r eggs, but it would F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts., Carpenter .. and ’ Builder n >t be necessary to handle many < f Toledo, O. them, for the full grown fish yield Undertaking .. Work Sold by druggists, 75 cts. o i an average <4* 10 gallons of eggs, i a specialty Hail’s Family Pills are the best which, at. 168,000 egg« to the gallon, Fine Work,........................... Low Piices. makes 1.680,000 eggs to the fish. I The Weekly Oregonian and T he A doz n or two fish would yield BURNS OREGON H ehai . d for only two dollars a year. eggs enough to stock any river Subscribe or renew at once and se­ Just what legislation in regard cure your county paper and the to fish is coming before the legisla most newsy weekly published >n ture is not known, hut fishermen this state Every intelligent read­ should not fol get to have some er cannot help hut see the advan­ BONG GEE, Proprietor. thing done to protect the steelhead tage of getting two papers for the salmon aid the sturgeon, which are i price of one. We hope our sub­ BURNS, OREGON now in course of being exterminated scriber« will see the point and give at a lap d rate. us a call. Wood Yard! LOOK! Wood Yard! LISTEN!! J olinson s Cash Store C. H. VOEGTLY, ; : ::Dantistry John Sweitzer, LAUNDRY Whiskies And Cigars Mixed Diet A Necessity Mrs. S. R Rorer, th« famous in­ structor in the science of cooking and domestic economy generally, gives this advice concerning mixed diet: “As all things have been given us by Nature for Fonie good purpose, 1 have always ad vocated a mixed diet. If Nature had in- tended us for meat cab rs only we would have had meit teeth alone..' but we ha»"« grinders for the ma-ti . eating and th- grinding of grain, which teaches us at once that a mixed diet is necessary. • people are rather c >r «creative ' in matter» of charige, especially re . girdi.ig food, looking bai k upon Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is the best medicine in the aints. I world for bowel acts quickly and can always be Gives the choice <>f two transcontinental depended upon, When reduced ROUTES. crib water it is pleasant to take.; GREAT 1>NloN fry it. and like many others you NORTHERN RY PACIFIC RY will recommend it to your friends j Via. vi1 DENVER For ink at 25 and .50 cents a bottle) SI’OK XNF MINNE » P<»LI«. K \N«f«C!TY bv Druggists. and __________________________________ - mi: «TTiATT<>"< B and I nstruments Mm r DI | Eastern citi»»« Of ’K \ X STEA M EÎIH leave Portland every 5 dais for A II. IlI RI RCRT i Ml# T.iBJL ken pas *. A«T Purtlati'i,