The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 03, 1897, Image 4

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    1 of Great Britain, but two in that ’ spoke,
of Prussia and one in that of W ur . "Do you know,” he said, 'that
temburg, yet twins are i somehow I you made a poor impression upon
it was shortly after the honey­ bi coming fashionable, which is na me the first time you called?’
moon, and he had grown a trilie turallv a source of concern to the
Ttie wife's father’s sou in law
weary of a superabundance of taxpayers of the old world, who are shock his head.
sweetness *- men will sometimes, cubed upon to provide for the main-
"Well, you did,” continued the
ABSOLUTELY FUBE. Is I,,i,d<’in Baker Ci,y.and '•a
lie was tired when be got home, of I heir monarchs an I tin- father in law of the wife’s father a I
but lie kissed her affectionately. litter’s relatives. The extent t< son in law. “I had half a mind to
Even a tired man can hold up his which they are coming into vogue kick you out.”
Ill’Y IT. and you will find it gives satisfact on.
Keep your
end in a kiss, you know, provided is shown l y the fact that those in I "Too bad you didn’t,” regretful
i’ is not too long drawn out or too 1 surancecompanies in London which II v answered the gon in law of the
money at homo, ami build up home industries.
frequently repeated. S » the kiss make a specialty of insuring people I father in law of the wife’s father’s
rarron sale by all grocers .
whs all right.
against twins have within the pa-t eon in law—Chicago Post.
Then she kissed him, »nd that few weeks been compelled to double
was all right too. She had been the rate of the premium because o
bn light up very strictly und had the sudden increase in the demand
been taught that all d< btH should for policies, and of the surprising
Io- paid with the utmost prompt- number of payments which the
m ss, so that it was only natural
companies have recently been called
that sb- should return his kiss at Upon to make. The companies
once to avoid remaining in debt to whose present rate of inrurancis
hi m.
two per cent, comprise am >ng their
A little later “he kissed him customers a large number of the
again, ami that was di lierent. Be British nobilitv.among whom twins
fore an<l during the honeymoon it
were formorly almost unknown, a j
would haye been till right, but
KEY’S CREAM BALM i® a positive cure.
double birth being considered as App’y into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60
there had come to lie a degree of bad form, plebleian and distinctly
at DrnzffiBta or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren SU« New York City.
monotony about fiye-minute wifely vulgar The change is ascribed in
kisses never experience <1 before the old world to the advent of the
marriage. ('onse<|uently he was American girl. Shopld the Buch I
d< “peíate whi n lie got the fifth kiss
Co aim di i us, Cotiv nient. Cheap
ess of Marlborough give birth t> ’
and she put her arms around his
twins the elder becomes at once the I
neck and asked:
heir to all the property ami h mors, I
"Am I the first woman you ever
to the iiuiiicou « titles, English as Caveat*, and Trade-5’•
Inert. and all Pat-
k issed ’
ent business conduutv
oder'we I ees.
well as foreign, to the hereditary ,
Our Oittce is Oppos» * u. S. P ’tent Office,
lie had answered that Question
md we ,-.n -c< ure patent in let*® time than those
pensions of |20,(MM) a year, and to •emote from Washinino ..
Frihic-viUj—Bums Stage Comp’xv
six or seven hundred times before,
bend mod 1. drawing or photo., with deterip-
i the magnificent palace and estate
.i i-v. if i item ible or not, fr««» <>f
so there was no particular novelty
barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
J of Blenheim, whereas the younger,
A P mn det. “llow to Obtain Patents.” with
about it, but lie felt HOW that it
u iib ♦ : u iua> clients in your Htate, county, or
who has perhaps arrived only., a Unm, sent free. Add re'G
Stage 'eaves Burns c erev Monday and 1 hursdav.
was about time to give Ins lon-
j minute or so after his brother, has
■cienei' a little I’onsideration
Any »
Opposite Patent Office. WwShir.otcn, 0. C
nothing to which l.e can look for­ i
i-^’Good Aceomodatrons.
one of his previous answers would
I ward, save a mere pittance of per­
hay.1 ruined (irorge Washington’s
haps .-.'¡(I'M» per annum and the
F are to P rineville $10.00.
famous cherry tree reputation, ami
rtf XtriMn»
purely courtesy title of "Lord” pre
_ Prof. XV. H. Peeke, u i
he lelt that he could hot afford to
: kes a specialty tf
fixed to his Christian name, Ah
lie more than six or seven hundred
instance in point is that of th
tilm s about i liltle matter like that
present Earl of Dunham, of Jockey
!’li< ri Ion lie i< plied eokllv
Club famo
By arriving in tl is
U ® X Epilepsy, lias without
"Not on your life!”
t trente l nn.l cur-
world a couple of minutes prior to
• <1 more casec than any
"(I* urge ' ' she cried, breaking
■ .
in i hii
■ k V Buccess is ast. nishing.
away Irom him, “do you <lare stand hi- youi tier brother, Fred, he se
\\ c have hoard of case®
• tiled to hints* If the inheritance < f
thi n aid ti ll me —
t he e.n I loin, a«* w- II as t he entailed
"Now don't
i excitid,” he in
terp 'ed. "I ni i’hl as well square | ropertv, yielding an income oi
this thing with my coii'cieuc • I s-lOO.tKMi per \ ear, whereas E reti
I has had to remain content with a
Ami bi 'iif.'s, \ m have no
Keep constantly on hand a supply of tine Liquors and Lip?»s
kick coming Y uiTe the only one . bcgg irlv allowance of $10.(10(1, ami tie of hi® absolute cure, free to anv sufferer®
the common prefix of 'Mr.' to his
Olli ot the I 2 (hat ever got such a
Proi.W. H. FE£ xl £, F, 1)., 4 Cedar ft., HewYorh
1 name —\\ cleome.
breach- if p .>mi' • in >h on me that
A Fins M02TACTZ BiUi r
ELY'S PINE0LA BALSAM is a Bure Remedy
I was afraid bitry to oreak the eu
for cough!», co»d», wore throat and for aethina. It
W ish.
soothe®, quickly
gagcinent, and you're playing tn
abate® the cough,
and renders expect*
pretty g,,,,d luck nt that.”
"My poor friend, you have l ut a
oratiou easy.
1 hen iie < u -k eil his hat on one tew hours to liV<
s.ilil the kind
•ide and started for the door with
will invariably derive
TT- r,
old doctor at the bedside of the td-
benefit from it® use.
i- \ > -V e
T‘ - ‘ ‘I t- • '
. .. L . J L'i ’
the air of a man w ho feels that he itor of the liuralville Haz* o "Is
Many vho aupj <>t»e
their cam ® to be con«
Have SoIJ T» *' u *>«« ie ) chi Fer
Fiiniptiou are ouly
has won a great x ictorr, lilit tie ver there any last rtqmsl x ou wish to
»art'n.j thr> -1 »ec?Z .«• ;•»
Wc ■ Vie l i test
suffering from a
thins- til Ilk' It wise to go
I to the
eiìin c
«..i.».: . - ap
. ri;,a!. ' ;<> i a fre
make — any direction you desire to
»rated cough, often
t*' i ••Aiu.i i. n t .ati .ano y. [ «
aggravat'd by c.v
club for t h ex - ning
ranter .» h pa f .» Airent.
to « v .: pp r«>r
Lavo carried out alter vou are îarrh. F »r catarrh
Kly’® C’rvam Ba m. Roth
l”,!1 '" ‘O’ i Bv
iit’e. Hu
ire ¡i e.iüint to u«e. Cream Ha m. N' "is.
t-seal, tile i-iss or uaiaa^, ì m
’ bhippLi^.
‘And. by the way,” he said. a a
■ : l‘ ’ • a Ba «am. •**'. > Id by l>rngg -:®.
No. 130. K ohi tv agon.
56 Warren bu» >vw 5 urk*
’ T ii
he paused in the dourw: tv, "that
" 11 11 the for« man, ' said the dv
spring V-ueons, S30tcS'5. Ousrantiwi
ipi-stlon I. • f-ielish one
No. 1 Farm 11.« : ; .. v ■ . .
‘ ‘ 1 '
»or Rena
ing scribe feebly, “to do by ua as
and yon Ki.uht t > break
tdl F-BRATtD
Ph ■
Teo t. -¿iusa-luo >»•
we have dune t>\ others, and give
PhadtGnS 1 ‘U u«
the habii of «k
' BirminghamSteel Strings
us as flattering an obituary notice
are a lot mure ii t< r< sit din i
Ti Vn.r Sh<l !>,.
as his conscience will permit him
come lioim* at t. ht is this
to. R«4'.ie.«t film, too. to run it at
* Hr Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo
V/. D, PiJAI T, Secretary, F.
Vou the last WOIUUII 1 rv er kissed
i c*t Made. Extra l iated
the top of the editorial column,
RAM MARK WJrr« rj i to rust Send tor Catlg
\ 'll loui'g married women all
next to pure reading nutter, and
make I lie m li.tnke ot concerning
JupeMtr. Jfu< ./tfe.'urrr and VioirMi# ZVaier*
also call attention to it in a local
tm.H3.S15.M7 E. »th St., N.Y.
yours, I\,' w ith the wrong - le of
This a luxury which
the <*er. mo’ »
wc have never felt able to afford
lie shut th« disw gently. feeting
ter ourselves til'- now. bat we feel
that he hail imp’- - «ed a V itluabh*
that under the circumstance« it is
le*. >n on her < hieago Post
'• t
*2 • T"’"
"• rfu! reme lf
a pardonable exhibition t>f vanity
| ■’■»llcr;:: .
;i ., , „ :r. ,. ’
‘ _-L< io y K qji |»| oi , s . Nerrous-
on our part—a man net« r dm« but * FNtX
■ ' ore-.-o, 'ynitklui'.*2, rat,T® l’rnn» < r eltner sex can-efl
wi, , u |. , , |
r-'ire 'ire 't t"bacco. oplcm or »tira-
I XX iti- ai>> I'a-shu' d< ■
-i l O-: »1 peri. , s
*«'"or Insani«». Can U carrtadlo
•‘lice, y on know
\t.d, bv the wav,
Vnf-aSe- oft I
‘rl.eo ».rilIt.n;„aran
Wlth a
ordrr WC
... — .-s «t». A»l L.rii, p.u. «
\.crre,,,n*i thè money, Hold bruii
usa. lup «Lowrapper. Audn-, .X fu » p
,'"'|l« sent senlsl
Isn’t it odd. vet it is not a tnh kindly request the marble cutter
K.rMW n Bures.or». t>, u. M. UoKT “"ruX'tau“0“*'
utv to American motherhood, that to carve on our tombstone, ten.ath
»o mint American girls who have tue cuatoruarv «talemvnt of the
Wedded b ir. pean husbands have facta in the cas . in • I- g ■ 11 "We
Are Here to Stax —Weicmue
other« of t w
¿jIBwii IxsTKtAll \ ;
•ave until
• »«s mr i * kimi > ia
ikx’.isioii tor Ixi*^ix»t.
rare in th«
urops. there
ai:d di
< » i vint? < ’<>ns< • i< ‘to • • a
< 'han<‘<‘.
Durkee’s Baking Powder.
* m
p*-r bojr-
♦•»'»'ft re