TIMES, Established 1889 ¡CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1806. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, Grand Clearance Sale at Three of the citizens of Pendleton now have suits of clothes made from wool grown on Umatilla- | county bred sheep in Umatilla ¡county; scoured at the mills in Pendleton, in Umatilla county;] ONTARIO, OREGON. spun into yarn in Umatilla county: woven into cloth in Umatilla! e connty; manufactured into clothing No such Bargains ever offered before in HARNEY COUNTY! in Umatilla county; worn by Uma-i Call and be Convinced ^gTT’rices Talk and CASH Buys at prices never before equaled! tilla county businessmen, and they will be thrown finally on the rag i SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FOLLOWING; heap in Umatilla county by these I Umatilla county business men when Out'ng Flannel- 15 yards for $1.60 they have passed the ustful stage Quilts from $1.00 upwards and been replaced by more clothing ■ We carry a complete line of Fifteen per cent discount on Ladies made at the same mills. Furnishing goods. Dry Goods. Ladies Underwear and Corsets A carpenter was employed mak­ Notions, ing repairs to the windows in the | Gents Furrishmg Goods, Ludits Shoes. 'corridors of the Umatilla county Gents Furnishing goods jail, Thursday last, and during the Clothing, Hats and Caps. time that he was at work the pris­ Clothing. Boots & Shoes, Lined Gloves. oners were kept locked up in their cells. Notwithstanding all the pre Groceries. v-j • LdUllUIia lilACl cautions taken, it has since been Hardware, Etc. learned that d uring the time the carpenter was at work one of the prisoners drove a pin into the end j of a broom handle, bent the pin r i ' wl ™-" and with this dragged to his cell Oregon News. door a keyhole saw and a small square from the mechanic’s tool­ rjau ,usi) EVERY WEDNESDAY box. These tools were found Fri­ School Land Board. BY day and taken from the prisoner In submitting the report of the | by the jailer. P ublishers and P roprietors . school land board to the legisla­ ture the board also makes a short! A petition is being circulated statement, a portion of which is as here and numerously signed, ask- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 7 One Year ....................................................I'J-Ou follows: ing for an amendment to the iiri Manufacturers ami dealers in all kinds of Six Months................................ 100 Three Months..................... 7o “Collections of interest on land gation district law restricting legal notes have been slow, and quite a voters upon the question of forming OFFICIAL DIRECTORY number haye wholly defaulted, in an irrigation district to those who: which case the certificates of sale are owners of at least 20 acres of] national : have been cancelled without giying land. It is claimed by those who1 president ................... Grover » ’lcveland Vice-Presideut.......................... Adlai Stevenson thirty days’ notice, except where are forwarding the movement that: Secretary of Stale ............... Richard S, Olnej Socretarv of Treasury................ John G. (. arlisle interest payments have been in de­ now the owner of a town lot may ] Secretary of Interior............ Hoke Smith I'inwure and Firearms promptly Repaired. Sicretary of War Daniel 8. Umott fault six or more years. It will be I offset the vote of the owner of a | Secretary of Navy Hil«rv A. Herbert Secretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton noticed that there has been quite a ranch, and that the inequality is Burns, Oregon. Attorney General •n'(' Postmaster General............. Wm. L V llson iallingoffin the number of acres unfair.—Vale Advocate. STATE—OREGON : G. W. McBride. sold, due in part to the financial i Senators J. H.Mitchell. depression of the times, but more The other day a tramp asked a (Binger Hermann I Congressmen...................... jW.R. Ellie largely due to the fact that the sale Dalles woman for something to Attorney Geuerai ... ...<’. M, Idleman She said she would furnish it ] Governor W m I Lord of indemnity school lands was I eat. Secretary of State . • p R Kincaid if the tramp would sr.w some wood., Treasurer R ....... Phil. Metsclian withdrawn from «ale for two years Sant. Public Instruction ............... GM Irwin 4tate Printer ■ R W H Leeds by the operation of the Daly law, The tramp agreed to the proposi- R. S. Bean. C. Wolverton approved February 19, 1895. The tion, was fed, and shown the wood «upreete Judges F. A. Moore board has refrained from forcing pile. The woman went into the NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. vard an hour later to see how he District Judge .. . D M. P.CLIFFOS h collections by foreclosure of mort District Attorney .................... C. W. Parrish. was getting along, and found the STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor the Joint-Representative (R) .O. L. Patterson gages, except in cases where lelnt-Senator ............. (R)..............A- W.Gowan following note pinned to the saw interest of the state appeared to COUNTY—HARNET: buck; “Just tell them that you saw demand them.” Bounty olge ............ . ... C. P. Rutherford. ... (R) H. Kelley me. but didn’t see me saw.”—Ex. UerY ................... .... Oregon Forwarding Company MASON & LONDON’S Tor Sixty Days, Until After April 1st, 1897. It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods W e must make room for our Spring and Summer Stock. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. Or iimrs-MirraW BYBD TROS. I. S. GEER & CO Hardware and Tinware. xhe Burns Bar S j Treasurer .. ............ Survevor ..................... 4‘nriff......................... ks.essor < tl >ol Suo'-rintcndent St >ck t nspector i R) J. C. Welcome D T A. McKinnon (DI A . J. McKinnon ..(R\ W.S. Water» ... .(D) W. C. By rd .............. Geo. Tregaskis A.B.Marks (D' I Geo. Hagey ■ V' Ç 11 is First Hailroad Ride. | Benton county has brought suit F in. s Winos, Liquors And Cigars -------- against ex-Sheriff Osburn and his James McGarvey was taken to hemdaii-ipn bondsmen t® t« recover whatever O inmissioneri the asi lum at Salem Saturday from amount iv due from that office. It H ARKST V. 8. LAND OFFICE: McGarvey is a is alleged that Osburn was $8,608. 2 -^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic OoThoma* Jone» Josephine county. Register ...................................... Cowing lUseiver ................................... A- A bachelor, 66 years old. and has 73 short in his accounts when he been working in the mines of settled up with the county. Southern Oregon since coming to SOCIETIES. this coast in 1853. He crossed the There were 49,000 tons of Coos SYLVA REBEKAH Devree No. 43. plains with an ox team, and his Bav coal shipped to San Francisco — Meet«every 1«’ and M s- «, MieaJenri« MePhee'er»N.o. ride to Salem is the only time he in 189T, an increase of 4400 tons Mi»» Leona Zeigler. Rec. Sec > ■ over 1895. has ever been on a railroad train. t He was a partner of Alex Watts, A. O. U. W.Rurr.s Lodge. K« 47 Burns-Canyon Stage Line i working the Horsehead mints, and Weetscvery 2d and 4th Thvrsd«\s JOHN F. STRATTON ’ S H M Worten. " j severely stabbed his partner in the Celebrated j. W Sayer. Rec'd J. A. H aliaday , contractor. breast with a butcher knife a few Band Instruments ALSO Cirrying U. '4. Mtila and Eistern Oregon Express Co’s Fxp»s davs ago for attempting to arrest DRUMS.FIFES. HARXRY TODGR. XO. 77. T. O O F. f”’.,,otl fellow» Rail. CTcrv oatvrdn?. his work of destroying a pipe line Piccolosand Band Supplies. •ave Burna Tuendav. Thursday .Saturday, for Canyon City 7 JO r> m Mi’ Send foe JOHN F. STRATTON, that conducts water to the mine. J. P. Zeigler.Secy and intermedi 11 «oint«, Fare 15. CataiogiM 8 11.813. 816. 81 7 E 8th tt . N T i