Durring the winter of 1893, F. Those who are troubled with M. Martin. Long Reach. West A a.,1 rheumatism should try a few ap­ contracted a severe cold which left plications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, rubbing thb parts yi>' "tusly him with a cough. In speaking of Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can m at each application. If < -t does how he cured it he says: “I used not bring relief danir a piece of several kinds of cough syrup but make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in GraV flannel with Pain P .n and bind :t found no relief until I bought abot- Provisions and Stock. try several kinds before you get $100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. relief. It has been in the market It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from com Send for free sample and judge for over twenty years and couscant- paratively small investments on this plan are persons who live awiv thereby. The E. (). H erald and ly grown in favor and popularity. from ( hicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both For sale at 50 cents per bottle by systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade but one year for $2. druggists. covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a The Enquirer is a 9 colum.8 page steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time paper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size,cheapest in price, WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on most reliable in news,all large type, successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of money plain print, good white paper. If making pointers. ALL FREE. O ir miniiil explains niu riq our readers want another live papt r, trading fuily. Highest references in ? gard to our * standing and STOCK BRANDS. the Enquirer is that paper success. For further informaticn address Call or send orders to this office. f < C • ■ ? •' * À f 's: y ■ I ".kV"’-'. I ■ r t j > Ui /. ; * v r 'I 7f »/1 « fv Ci i < ; / V r- az? 1 y * Laz. » c S’- f '■<>*. -Xv V A j -> y.M I’”* t** "X i . Lt Lb % ■ r 00 TOFU 3 S THOMAS & CO. Bankers and Sroker« 21»].242 Railto Building Chicago v*. \..i u’ / c ..lav V. jt-n Foa M’.'nt to Know -t. A VI 'i'f.: CYCLOPi '/A 0: UP-T0>DATB FACTS. c /’. ” • ryi.’tini- J Journals ’■ r....: U rlv.al’cd al c.n l 1’opular I f.-Rook. Ir t • *v<. FORTH PRIC3 OF CNE. - >9 V f I ------ --------------- ;’V.7 1st, 1896. */ /> vtW- Oor Premiums l. If yu arc in a position To do Bush ss Lot Pcoul Know it Hora, brand bar ten on loft shoulder: Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ■a:«. T. A. McKinnon, Bum» Ore. A ' llnrdin A Rilev. cattle branded Von left able Horae brandy left aide, e o. Burna,Orcgon -THIS PAPER- ---- WITH---- .1. C. Fl.ley, cattle liraml on rlgnt «Ide Hone brand on left ahouhler. THE S N FRANCISCO WeeMy Call I I I'KIC». «I.aa I’F.K Y. A»l. I CHANGING Is han! work compared with chan; in. Hie appearance ot v our stow w it!) TEN C l 3. ( TEN C I 3 ( X »EVEN X 1 Ì Tr j c I .'OVE k - Cz X . X.J I ,:f.r i times Ion er oe\ en tunes belter A bout Neve it Iunes cleaner z\ tout l'w<> til • mws cheaper A <-i.t \» k til -s h? iici.er o >4 A It v f’csn’f kvi scru! u , W I ( . I I oc a I I I.« . > !.. ■ Than Stove I’ullJl i i; Co.» A (s., Rtu » •'T.. CAU mnevh f.., t . Vk!*ofh<>;\ Ur I AN» ITS ...... CVR1Î 1 ’ n- I u. By i|. t, ; r !■''■«’ I ■ y u , h iv .■ tven ulre.i.ly I.T it Illy J |>\ t > * Arrv to tK>v of your rflkkrs W th« h I ' HMi.Thnut. hnnrhul r Lunv T' <:! t ■* will write nit the’ er, -ys 'i\e i.ktress. Sincerely, T. A. SI A M l»> Pftrl St . New Trk • f I 1 ■ .1 . I.M1.UI» MJ kf JB. rh j > i k« i ► ti I! • hc brand anvil ot | Irri ► t'e. 'Hl el,1.1 »• ! I urji till left bin. 1 i i o Law on Ore I J I’ Dh ke> i« > ’( hi •. brand J I’connectedot !elt hip lioihf bru ; anvil mi left slitle I’ ( | l.nwvn Orc ( attic » rand ti urc Ton either h’p: mark light I crop oH ea h ear. w ip in each ear, and watt I on left jaw. lb hkc brand fl mi re Ton either hip J. U. Lui \ aid.Burns Ore. I Subscribe (or the nwwDii F s Rjj* " Dili,!! n ,’ 1 ► n and I rouu»iinx ", on tiKl.t ► ft;,\ i.u , » Horae hraud r in mi left Rhmi’drr: f’atti» ' :t '"!■ »' .I n «. < atherin. Marshall I* o Xai •.» . * . lime« brand on left «h nl.1er s Mi„ | Hlltf • Stanrhft, Hurus < »re. Horae brand 'onief fh ubi. t and same 01 ! muaele » f right I n.I | Ore. I S, l.amj shite an.l^ g i nnt ted. I ! tinderbit in !«■ I Phil Smith Burns 1 ' ■' "■ f ■ kill rixht t . o. I urti» (’re. Hora, a an i t der a.»me b*«n rd Brice, burns orc ' nt’c 1 J I» . n left »honk ’ < « un« • ted. Mary J j Herman Kuh cattl brand ff on i.gn ■ vr er»ip *.fl’ an.i f tw f.>rk tn left ear ear under c, * awcrt. <’»tl Ir brand. n ie hip. »I iron WITH ALL THS LEADING PAPERS. lv U mi Ivti ahv A. IIem Sa •'f w h I Horse l.ranil on left ahouhler, »Iso thret dot«.-, in shat...... trisugle, eattle branded same E. E. Grunt Burn» Or. Ahi) this I . . , FJ •. V •! ^nentlv cut<\! <> proot-prvsitive am | 1 1 l,s | lloraa branded 1‘ n rluh' shoulder, cattle I on right hip. K. A. Hendrick«. Po LawenOr l'KK F ■<>.<>> PI KVKAIK ---------- 1« T; III MORNING CAI.I, (seven I-si c . W b »»> 1» » live on tropodt •» dully. It 1» li e MOS T REI.I A- RLE. and 1» recoitiiii'.d n< belin: the leading news - PAPER . t the Pai-Ito C :l,t. Either of Ili* ah. »e »per» w.- will send I'o-ti>iid ns a i-r«*- Illium on recell t of the f,.]|, A. mg MbMrlpUun pti. , tar U m rouibluatl ui : !f yoi? have anything You want îo Sell Let People Know it. HorMH branded I f on left «rille. ( attle brand •’<1 )-( on left hip. Marlon Bunyard. 1’0 Burn« C i"lo Its n >n I i i left hip: luir «111111-1*. < ■ i i ■, !(. V ► • p Bur ,« > MorninsCall! DAILY CM.’. ¡11! ,O......... I 1HE SAN FRANCIS 0 np.HE SAS FRANCISCO (I ' WEI KI V < Al,|, '•f' 1« » hKiolsoniH t*lght- patfe |i«|H>r. Il 1» iasued every Thuriilar, and eon(nIns »11 of tue iiiiportnnt news of the week, lilonnod from ever-v qu ir- ter of the globe, complete up to dnte of publication. It fur- oltfiea the lat.-.t and B|Ost reliable fiiinnclal new* mid met ket Muotatli.ua, a- d gives •peclol nttfiit|. h to hortietil- turnl *n<| »kiricultur»! news, «nil 1» In »very resect » first, rla.s family pat>er, appo .ii to the Interest of every in.ei ot tlie hoiisetinl I ------ H---------- Cattle brand, II, on left ril under bit In left car, linden «lope in ri lit ear Horae brand ■ 1 on lull! »title. 11 h J. A. William» P, O. Riley Or. ---- <>K---- OUR MIND ,, Cattle brand J6 on left hip. hmaea Fame on iv. FOU THIS YEAR I* r A. A. ’JK» Yob KNOW A G » >1) ADV’’BTISI’MENT MEANS INCREASE IN BL’S FREE BRAND COI.I’MN. if. /tnHfp y. A I * I Nt'K. • > WEEKLY C ILL And ihb Pip . pr Yr, SO *eARS* £• XPKHiKHCS. «»UvFvtM kVopMMU.i V'V trade marks . P desicns , I t . a» f f L... VVix u • • -» -tv » » >♦ ’’»T* CL. k i id V. ■ ~ I ... ».V a h • Coirynghu TL TrNd^Mart«, red flv# ▼•ar« «.». wh. i • pate* • v w . '.ht -, c.r r du« copyrights A c , rv' •en.rm •mvrt « ». whether an inrrt • ... \ » IMI» , ‘ > t> I . , UaL o ’s’<*tn*T r » U » <* '-Ol* » .%l*ht LI . fl t; !» t; tba” “** *4u, u * kv 1 f»x* BCIENTIFIO AT LOWEST RATES. -• «•* IMMM Hmil.t > . a WASHINUTCN. O.O. AMERICAN the HERALD does he 3 ^r J ? { 3»>l »T»r een, . rr»< I ’ "'r AAJtM **'«"4Alj.»D 'TX MUNN A co., Hr, w Yeefc. S 1 ' N.-l I T THE HERAI.P c=- —--------- -