•r/s/J EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES z. v iJHS TIM3S-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JANUARY 13 1897 services. Since the law is such as to req”ire him to draw his full sal- CHEAPEST PRICES. 7 'vi" ■ ■h* BEST GOODS, MASON & LONDON [therefQre, sees Pt to give halt ot it 1 away to deserving charities, and in doing so he out-l’ennoyers Penney- [ er. —East Oregonian. Who Was The CulpritP > Oregon Forwarding Company ONTARIO, OREGON. It will pay you to ccme to Ontario An attempt was made to brain Marshal Heminger Sunday night. Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of As he was making his regular rounds he passed through the alley ^CTWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES ! back of Frtmkl’s store about 12 i o’clock, and when he reached the We carry a complete line of little gate some one struck him a piece across the eye and nose with i of scantling, knocking him down.' Al. heard the mugi im nt and threw , 1 up his arm, warding the I low some- 1 wnat. As soon an he could r< cover '■ himself, Al opened fire in the di­ rection of the retreating figure, but to no purpose. No reason is known for the assault, whether the person intended robbing the store, or had Prices as low as any R. R. point, with addition of freight. I a personal grudge against the mar­ WRITE US FOR PRICES «•“Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited shal.— Lakeview Examiner. “ Address Mason & L vndon, Burns, Oregon. and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Notions, &c. Dry Goods. Notions, Gents Furr ishing Goods, Clothing, Grots & Shoes, Groceries. Hardware, Etc. The School ot Mines. Oregon News. The United States under an passed by congress has donated to Polk county has a $50,000 indebt-, (he luining gtak,8 a ni)eral p(.r cent IWBL1-Il.;n EVERY WEDNESDAY edness. • procee(jg f t|)e mineral lands BY ' sold within then borders for the The total indebtedness of Doug-| purpose of maintaining a sell >ol of P ublishers and P roprietors . las county is about $134,000. | mines in each state. In view ot ------------------- I this it is essential that the repre- M anuh SI BSC RUT ION RATES: Colonel James B. Eddy, of the ¡sentatives in the state legislature one .. V ear .............................................. . »2.00 . six Mouths ............................................... *•£ state raihoad commission, content ■' from the mining counties of Oregon Three Mouths...................... • plates buying the Plaindeal»r. a' hold a conference so as to secure weekly paper published at Rose i th • appropriation and the establish­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY burg Colonel Eddy was formerly ment of the school in the most | orting Goods manager and editor of the I’endle prominent part of the mining dis­ national : Presi lent ... ................ Grover Cleveland ton Tri bene. tricts of the state. Vee-President........................... Arttni Stevenson ’’¡rearms promptly Repaired. Secretary of State ............. *|1f Vgricultnre. . .J. Sterling Morton I attorney G ’neral J'wn'"1 WHs'm $3,000 capital, W. E. Brock and the hub of the mineral wealth of P.wtinaster General VVnt.l. »111 others being interested in the new the state here is where the school STATE—OREGON : G. VV. McBride. I It is called the Blue should be located. Of course, the J. ».Mitchell, company. b enamore ) t Binger Hermann ' Mountain Telephone company, and Agricultural College at Corvalls, (VV. K. Ellis , ,, voti-resstnen ................. c. M.iiitenian wj|] n llne from Heppner to the State University at Eugene and Att irti'-y General ■■■• . . Win P i.or<1 j lover.>or ............... • •• ii r Kincaid | ong Creek and Canyon. ’ the Willamette University at Salem Ve-re'.ary of State Metsehan I 6 Tr ■ vrir • R .........Phil. ... G MIrwin — -------------------------- - will have their covetous eve on this i in’. !’ i liiivliistruction W H Leeds _. .. f R ln:t Printer federal bounty, but they have no -. K. Bean. Milton Eagle: Inequation of ) R. . > C. 01 > erivin , (|ividing Umatilla county is much C. Wolverton lupreme Judges just claim to it. However, if the ) F. A. Moore XINFTII JUDICI AL JHSTRTCT. I like Banquo’s ghost to the people .representatives from the mining RICHARDSON, Proprietor lls’rfetJn-Ige .............. D M. D. CLirTOLn c. vv. Parrish, of ........... Pendleton, and ’ no - matter how counties fail to co-operate and op­ ¿HX^«T^lve. ..(Ry o.L. Ä * Patterson. Patterson. . . v” it, the sub­ pose anv such attempt, the money foiat-^nat'»? • • .............. A- w.Gowan much they try to lay ject will not down. hut restlessly drawn from the mining counties C>T NTY—HAKKFY ! will be expended along with eyery ....... p .Rutherford all( l resolutely arises at every ses- County j line ............ H Kelley 1- . .. ............... r , ,i . <•. welcome i pjpj, o f th e legislature and every o n)f.r tax on the people within the J. C. Welcome I a treasurer .. • ......... T A. McKinnon 1 4 k «renn ................... ip) a . 1 ’ MeKi-Ton 1 t<> haunt wicked politicians. Willamette valley. The members A. J. M< Ki’ 10.11 election to Fino Winos, Idquors And. Cigars »riff.............. p VV.s. Wale s . .(D\ Küsegsar , The only way to finally dispose of f roll) pakek, Union.Wallowa,Grant VV. c. ” ■* ‘ i ) »1 4met«nton ient ; ... .tD) Geo. Tregaskis , 4t >ck t aspect or Malhuer and Harney comities, em­ B. Marks the matter is to divide the county, (D) > ’J .)m nUeionere Ge i. Hager ,P> < it is an act of justice due the peo­ braced within the Eastern Oregon • ^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic land orricr. : ple and they will never cease to de­ mineral belt proper, ought to at HARNEY V. s. Thoma« Jone« A >zi«’er ............... A. A. Cowing mand that which in all honor be­ once interest themselves in this Receiver matter and confer with the mem­ longs to them. bers from Josephine, Jackson, SOCIETIES. Mayor Sylvester Pennever of Douglas. Coos and Curry, and come j «V V v REFER VH Degree No. 4«. Portland has performed a generous to an understanding. The Democrat believes that if the action. He has donated to the city M'rs Leur,a Zeigler. Rec. »ec jr board of charities $1250, being one- claims of Baker City are properly ■Purns-Canyon Stage Line half of his semi annual salary as presented the school of mines will be located here. Baker City has mayor. Mayor Pennoyer enter- A. T-, W. Rnri’S Leduc. No <■ J. A. H alladay , contractor. Ment,ever) *1 «nd «hT.’j"’l’in ron. M. W I tains the opinion that the salary of nil the advantages over any oth'-r J w sayer. Bee d point for the establishment of such Ci-rying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expeas ¡the mayoralty, 15000 a yectr, is ex- ' ce,,i Ve pay for the performance of ar. institution and the appropriation '.*ave Burns Tueadav.Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City HARVEY TODGE. NO. 77. ’• ° " ' L the duties thereof, and that $2 o < m ) should come here by all means.— and intermediat t «ointa, Far# 15. «•”. V All Fellow« 'î G- ’ a year is a reasonable sum for the Baker City Democrat. She ïimfs-'ijcïaiil. IÏED mos. & co, d Tinware. $ . . M . 1’ ■ ' 1 r r t . Wnte’8 I .Atrocl 16 i 7;u4p-n, II J P Zeigler. Seey ■ •* .. . ■ 4 ‘ 4 ♦