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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1896)
4 EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES s THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. X. he said as he ordered, me and the fireman to come down. ‘You know h >w it is when a man is on the “hog train.” We are out for the stuff.’ ” OREGON. ■ “ Conductor Nichols came up ONTARIO, e flora the rear of the train to see 9 why we stopped, He was ordered | to throw up his hands, and obeyed. I don’t know whether the leader is a nengineer or not, but he is cer tainly a railroad man and under Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of stands running an engine. While fWWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST 1’RICES^f his pals kept us euvered, he cut the baggage ears and engine loose, and • We carry a complete line of was soon tearing down the track. The conductor went hack tv, Inde. Qfy GOOdS I I pendente to report the robbery, and I Notions, I the fireman arid I followed the car land engine. When we reached the' Gents Furnishing Goods, I car in Blue u , the robbers were Clothing, gone, and we trudged on papt Glen- I da'e, where we found the engine. It Boots & Shoes, is rnv opinion that the robbers left Groceries, the engine before reached Glendale and then ‘turned it loose.’ It Hardware, Etc. stopped at the top of an incline, be i-jcpR as low as any R R. point, with addition of freight. cause there was no water left in the WRITE DS FOR PRICES Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited boiler. ’ — Oregonian. Address Mason <fc London, Burns, Oregon. Oregon Forwarding Company EST GOODS, MASON & LONDON pay yOU tO C0Hte t() OlltariO jj. and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES ry L oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. (Oregon Forwading Co. , I An Effective Retort. J Few things are more useful to a 131 ue Cut Robbery. | public speaker than readiness in ------------------ • turning an interruption to his own Kansas Citv, ’ Mo., ’ Dec. 24 24—It1 . „ . . UBL'.SUWD EVERY WEDNESDAY . -advantage. Even the preacher can 8:15 (hi. mon.». Wore, tr.e, |)rofil b>. j( ia tbown ¡n „ 8(o„ | CI.r ago * Alton train, rotbed al w b ho |al( _ Kev john B Mc. W. C. BYRD à SON. last I „ . , . ,,, . 4 P ublishers and P roprietors . Blue cut, ’ near Independence, ’ . Ferran in the Western Christian a night, was got together after having I Advocate. J been cut into bv robbers, and the i SUI'.Si K1PTION RATES: In closing a speech at a mission Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of One Year ...................................................|2.(Xi trip to St. Louis resumed Marshal | ary anniversary at Jacksorport,Ar Six Mouth" ........ 1.00 Tune Moulhi........................................................7j Ki shlar, who started in pursuit of kansas, 1850, he stated that once the robbers with deputies last night he was shrinkingly timid when has not yet returned. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY called upon to take a collection,but Messenger Frier could give no es NATIONAL: timate of the loss. He described that he bad learned tn take the ’ lHsh.ixig TaOklSS And Sporting Goods, Grover Cleveland shirk by the throat and say, “Pay j keaLlent ....................... Adlai Stevenson two of the robbers as quite tall and riee-Preai.lcut. .... Kicharu 8, Olney me that thou owost!” beretary of State ......... HfTinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. John G. Carlisle smoothly shaven, about 25 years of eeretary of Treasury... Just then a man sung out,“Yes, 11 Hoke smith I -ret,try of i nterior Daniel 8. Lamont fge. The third man, the one that leretary of Wur ............ Hilary A. Herbert heard it said that they would put Burns, Oregon. bcretary of Navy . . attempted to blow open the safe, . .J. Sterling Mortou a Tenir. of tgrieultnre Jud sen Harmon on your tombstone, ‘ And the beggar Ptorie Geueral Win. L Wilson was about 35 years old and had a ‘o-t mister leueral I died.’” STATE—OREGON ! small mustache. i G.W. McBride. This created a great laugh; but ■en a ors I J. H.Mitchell. The robbers left immediately af the doctor stood silent. A tear I • (Binger Hermann »in ................... . ,W. R. Ellis I ter concluding it would be useless stole dcwn his cheek, and in a sub-1 <’. M, Idleman itt-irney tieueral .... Wm I’ Lord to break into the through safe. lovcriior ............. ... dued tone he broke the pause: ti R Kincaid e ret ary of State .. . Phil. Metsehan Fritr remained in the car alone for -I. irer R “Do you know what I told them? ......... GM Irwin npi. Public I tut ruction two hours after they left. Had the W H Laeda R. tate Priuter ................. I said, ‘ If you’ll add the rest of the i R. 8. Bean. robbers succeeded in opening the .> C. Wolverton verse, ‘and was carried by the an npre «« Ju 1 tee ’ F. A. Moore I through safe, they would more than gels to Abraham’s bosom,’ I would NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. I) M. D. C liffoki * I likely have made a rich haul. Jiotrict Ju Aste .......... not care.” ... C. W. Farrish. p strict Attorney STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor At noon wo*d was received from f R) O. L. i'atteraoti Joint-Representative The effect was electric; money A. W.Gowan GintSenator ........... ..(B).. Cracker Neck, a small place near rained into the treasury, and shouts c > tnty — hapnft : I Blue cut, thet thpt a man believed to be made the roof tremble. C >nntv j i He ■ • • ' 'Ki1 R"fih<Keiiey j one of the robbers had been held Clerk............................... J . C. Welcome I , . . . . . _ Tr-«"tirer .. •••• 'R) D t a . McKinnon there. A speciaI train bearing offi-, 4tirv*v.»r A. J. McKinnon J « . j z> r j 1 Sheriff ................... .(D) .(D).. . .8 w Miller i cers was started from Independence •« >r W. C. Bv rd , . .. - .ib) r.~. 4 -h > >1 Amennten-lent n Treiraakia TrPtraAki» I ( to make the arrest. I • ■ • Geo At >ek I n*pect»r A.B. Mark* ID) 1 Engineer Witten,who had charge ' >-n ni H' ( Geo. Hagey I of the train, was also engineer of a» land officb : hush v. R. Thomae Jonce the train that was held up at the f5ÿ“Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic k»»l»ter ............ ...... A. A. Cowing | Xereiver • same place two months ago. He well begun in half done. Begin well by getting Ferry’" heed". Don’t let chance determine says he recognizes the men as those your crop, but plant Ferry'« Heevla. Known and sold who committed the previous rob- SOCIETIES. everywhere. Before you plant, get » ry. and tells the following story SYLVA RF.BF.KAH Detree No. 4». Fare's Seed Annual of last night’s hold up: Mertieverv lat and M Wednesday. for 1NM. Contain" more prao M<rs La’a McGee N G. I Ileal Information for farmer« ‘‘I saw a red light cross the track Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec y and gardeuern than many high- prl-f-1 textliooka. Mailed free. . and stopped the train, because it I a. a. rtaat a <n„ arraoir, ami. was my duty to do so. I looked \. O. Ç. W. ’Anrna Lodpe. No 47 Hurns-Canyon Stage Line »<eet»everv--I and 4th Thnredgv » out of the cab and ’nto the barrels H M Horton. M. W. j w s»yer. Rer d . of two revolvers and a shotgun. J. A. H alladay , contractor. The leader was a short, midiuuj- Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express C o ’ b Expess Wbn ran think built man, whom I quickly recog- H IRNF.Y LODGE SO. 77. 1.0 « F. of tome Um pl* I. S. GEER St CO Hardware and Tinware. 4 PLANTING J - ____ 1—_____ a _____________ I____I___ a_ a__ a_______ tblnj r,. xhe Bums Bar