Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1896)
Additional Local*. —Polk Gearhart paid our town a visit last week — Lee Caldwell and family have returned to Bure# —Joe Williams paid u« * «bort visit last Monday. —J A Halladay. Canyon City and Bums ni» i route contractor, has been n town several days. —A letter from Dr H M Horton wh. * now in Ukiah California m- fcrmo u« >f his rc<d health, bat lot* of rair He say» expect* to tw water b and for the winter. —Our dailv mail thia muddy w-*tt ’ -t so jn?mp< a* naval, bars: it reta here every day which i* n tc it? .‘redi: considering the condition of the roads. —’.Ve are informed that G. W. Haye- f this p'^.e is an aapirant for the :■ -.tMO of Register in the Burrs lar 1 office and Jame* Done- ga- for Receiver — We understand W. H. Hogan was ■. town tw or three days since our la-’ ss’je. but he did not show up at this office with his usual buc-- ’. : ews we presume he was t • iv ; rebasing china ware for h.s r.e r. Ike Foster. —Frank Kingsburry. of Drewsev is visiiii g friends in this place. Our • -- remember that Mr K. z« :rv was partially paralvzed la*: * m - r the whole f one side being effected, he is now sn far re covered as to walk with the aid oi a cane. —White owls bare made their appearance incertain localities in this state and Washington. They we presume. came from the arctic reg-.-i -, and f course, are said to winter thia winter or some other in the future. A p’« asing account of a govern ment entirely under feminine rule come* from the little Indian ocean island f the Maidive and Lacca* dive group«. The woman is the bead both of the government and of the home, and when sh- mar ne- b-r hu-band takes b«r nante a. d tak»« over ali his earning* thr . oTt am d life Silk gown* a-e th- universal wear, th* •pt-r . nit g red «¡Iks ar d •*'* -* ■ t >e 1 wer ten ap- pear dark *'r i*-d silk of coarser quality. From an teachrr- wi>l lw n 1ère* ted inarate tried aotne tir ago in Chamber- bu’» Pa A - had kick’-d a lit tie girl on ♦ L ar ground at re- Cr** Wbnn • I was dismiss«»! the bov wa* < ■4 forward for p-i-i- tehment. Mi’ refneed to go and W’cnfonrewaj Se drew a kn»fe upon I teacher. The b»»v ■ a« o ’ wr»er. and « g ven a t!-a « • h » h drew Mood The father the boy hai the teacher are» few aasault and batterv T ■raiding jedg* said that the -t w*a on* of in- •uboftiinat »4 that be had de CtJed the-» v ’ -re that he wa* at the head •»- *chool. In the op uiofk of • ** the wh ppi nr ■ - revere. The jure •. • •• and coat« of the prewre-jtw*» w-re placed on tb- boy's father How thr Electoral Tots UTrai<- milted to the Capitol. The electors of each state shall meet on the first W edoeeday in December following the presidential election a: the place designated bv the state legislature, in this state Sa.eui > named. For fear of some contingeney. the federal statue* have provided to fill vacancies that might occur. After the vote* a-e cost one person is chosen, to Per deliver the vote to th« president of the Senate at the Cpaitoi. before the first week in January if the president of the senate is not in W astington at the time the rote is put into the hands •f the secretary of state. A v-cond v te or certificate is mailed direct to the pr*?.dent >f the senate so to reach Waahington before the firs: week in January A third one is delivered to the federal judge of the distr..: in .which the electoral col lege meets. The second Wednesdav in Feb ruary congress is in session and the electoral vote is formally cast Hui.usgtcn, Ore. M^rch 21. ISSo. D eas S ib : —We are now starting in the new year. Computations for last year are completed. We hr. i chat our firm s Id durirg 1' >5 the enormous amount oi 167 car loads of goods, equal to ten train cars—For loads— -: thi this we thank our patrons.and prom- the ?ame generou« treatment in the future. During 1896 we will sell doser than ever, and no honest compr’.itors will le allowed to do m»ref>rvou than ourselves. We are here for your business, we must have it. if h nest count, weight.and treatment and I.ew prices will do it. Call or write us Resp’,.. For Sale Or Trade. Traehei**’ Institute The Annual Teachers Institute for this county opens Monday. Dec. 2*th l>y6. al 9:30 a m. and cloaca Thnr-d-y. Dee 31st. 1?96- at 3:3»> o’clock. The Institute will be held in the public school building at Burns. School officer* and a’.l friends of popular education are cordially in vited to attend. The law as quoted on page 23 under section 25. Oregoo School Law. will tie cloeely followed bv the Superinteodent. MONDAY. DEC 28. BURNS. I OREGON MR. H. B. SYMES Proprietr. MEALS 25 C ENTS. I 9:30 to 10, Introductorv, Supt. labor employed. » W. C. Byrd. 10 to 10:45. Inaritute work. H. A 10:45 to 11:30, Common fractions Hendricks. Rooms according to location Remember we give the best meal in town. Parties desiring regular board are requested to consult »he q q Landlord. aftebnoc - n session . 1:30 to 2:15, History, Chas. Coch ran 2:15 to 3. Primarv Geography.. Miss Alic** Gorham I 3 to 3:30. Duties if Directors. M N. Bonham. Tl’ESDAY. DEC 29. 9 30 to 10:15, Decimal Fractions. Rufus M* Brook«. l»j:15 to 11. Writing Mis* Phoebe Kelley. 11 to 11:30, Primary Reading, Mrs. Marsden. Ban.*. Orezen. BrD Me INTYRE. aftebnoon SESSION e 1:30 to 2:15, History. Chas. New- i i Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. 2-15 to 2:45, Or . grsphy. Mis« Rn«e Dickenson. Veneering box. or frame house* almost as cheap as rustic and 2:45 to 3:30. Advanced Work in wall, durable, . very much more comfortable— m»kf« i------ --- a «olid . . wirm in » autv * bools.'»erald Griffin. winter and cool and pleasant in summer. WEDENSDAY. dec . 3). ' Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and waM a Form«. 1 nicelv finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclbtyre 9:» to 10:15. Business ■ before finishing with rustic. Chas. Leonard. _ -w **■ XI- Mentxi .vrnutnnj” > *J. M. Peebles. 11 to 11:30, Advanced Reading.* J- M Peebles^ —100 acre- of fine fruit land in AFTERXOOX SESSION. ———------------- —------- —" 10 acre Ivts 5 mile* sooth of Eugene 1:3»»to 2:15, Grammar. H. A.» Oregon. 1 mile west of Spenser Dillard. Butte. Lots at $4* t) each Horses 2.15 to 3. Practical Measure-. and cattle part pay on each lot if ment, J. M Peebles. the purchaser so desire*. For fur- ; 3 to ', General Discussion on ZX a • th- ’ iaf rmatioQ inquire at thi- Re™., office YHVRSDAY. DEC 31. -------------------- ---- ——— - Burns Ontario ’ criUïS.NlUÀàE COPYRIGHTS. can i nmix a rinvri rw • •?*?? *"* ■■ wwart apa»««, w.w» w w < "Al «»- »*» f .«4 Mar*, »ft» *«w »T-W -<«»«tWnMwt M.-m c—BMW 1. ’ «---IK. A r CatrM* aad re* •» «fe. «•>•« » W > w « jkvw «f------ r~ •» tuM t»- ail W cm a CW TW««« ir »-«..Sc b . • < h Ttll. t WXfe • 'T .T n •* “T Br««- fe —-t -B » 2 «■ *»»'<%! M—C. r v .il« wr< -w*. . ac nOrafefeOT-W»,«£»« -w. «r - ««. Mr««. >i«Wr---------- fe- — ¿UTT^u**** «V4 wrw, . a-.-wn*. I l» b TH 7. rTTATTOR’ê . —. No chínese ■—— fia. T" • — Stage Lute. 9 :•? l'.':15. Percentage. J. M. Leaves Burn* daily at 6:30 pm . Arrive* at Ontano in 42 bool* Peebles 10:15 to 11. Grammar. Cha? Leonard. Fare One way $7.-50. Round trip $15lX> 41 to 11.30, Physiology. H A t Dillard. Through freight 3jcta. a pound. Two dav* -ntice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches sil ASYEBNOON «»«ION. I 1:30 to 2:15. Theory and prac ’Ve furnished for paasangers. 1 ties. Ch*«. Newell. 2:1'» V» 3. Discipline. J. M Pee I bles. 3 to 3 :V». Duties of Teacher«. Cha* Newell. T: -re s no registration fee re- uired >f teachers, or any other ex- p nse to ¿them. All should attend and he p and be helped. l.*ct »re* will be delivered each ever ng d iring the institute on sub ject« it struetive and entertaining H. M. HOkTON by K-v D. H. Jot -*. Rev. Arthur E'vse. M. F; tri »era Id. Cha*. Leon ard and J M Peebles. ‘ H. A. Williams. Prepnetot. 1 Proprietor taures n DRUG* MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINE? STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUME? A FANCY TOTI.ET ARTICLES TOBACCO. CIGAR? ETC > w •- W «X Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Prweri ptioos accurate]v compounded. First C.««a Dentai W«rk Purposes