« r *0: ». it . t • • '< ». r i» ui»fj v i EAST OREGON HURAL» AN» BURNS.TIMES'- ’ j D VERTUE Z3 * t THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolida|ed July 22, l$ß6. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 23 1896, i NO 4. There is another boom, writes a ' Chicago correspondent to a London i is already partly in progress, and which is likely to at ». tract a great deal of attention—I re * » ■ • I' fer |to gold mining developments OREGON. ONTARIO, in British Columbia. On the boun dary line of the Dominion, where I I have been lately, you here of little l ’ r i: :• ■ . a else. Prospectors who are coming East just now to tell you that the British North west is going’to rival Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of South Africa. The railway com 1 panies of the adjoining’states are fWWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES laying their plans, as I happand . I accidentally to discover, for increas- We carry a complete line of edftraffic toCanada next year on this account,and already there has been Dry Goods. I a considerable migration of America Notions, , goldseekers across the border. A | Gents Furnishing Goods, I rush to British Columbia took place 40 years ago. Then it was mostly Clothing, 'placer gold, now it is the miners’ 'Ì Bnots & Shoes, turn. The ores do not pend them selves to tratment by the cyanide Groceries, process, but, require reductive by Hardware, Etc. smelting. Nothing in the world is Prices as low as any R. R. point, with addition of freight. more seductive and more disap gS^Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited WRITE US FOR PRICES pointing than gold mining to the 4 , , • i . . , , , Address Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. digger and the captalist alike. If half the visions of the cute specu r. ----- ~ lators who have been buisy staking ■ Measuring an Elephant’s .out claims under tee rather strict ■ Foot. 'Canadian law are realized, we shall PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY An interesting question »a, de >« «V numter of wiltlcsl scheme. BY elded in the elephant house at the I P'.oJ'f* 1«1. “nl1 P'»dent investor | W. C. BYRD & SON. Central Park Zoo, save a New York i w'11. do wel1 to beware. Yet, with P ublishers and P roprietors . , • its faults, the veJlow metal is a paper. m Two „ men „ were speaking of f'all piW(lld pio^eeri ai^d thl8 the size of the elephant’s feet. ., •_ Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of west .... territory of <• the Dominion _ is SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -I wonder how great a circumfer S° OU One Year ............................ •............................ m unsurpassed for agricultural and 3ix Months ............ ‘xY ence they have,” said the older of Three Months ............... .. • ........................... grazing land. Thus it happens the two that not only the miner, but tht “I shou’d think they measured OFFICIAL DIRECTORY at least four feet,” replied the other. settler, is on his way to British Col- TaOklSS And Sporting Goods The first speaker lauged at this, uuibia. Im.t an agent ofo». »1 NATION ' LI the great railways, |who has sent a e President ........... Grover Cleveland but the younger man, after a second IHce-Prcsideut. . Adlai Stevenson Al leeretary of state .............. Richard 8, Olney time gauging the size, insisted that J number offarmersjfrom kansas. [-^“Tinware and Firoarms promptly Repaired. Secretary of Treasury........... John G.Carlisle journey of a thousand miles or less | 4e‘retary of Interior ......................lioke Smith his guess was correct, »jcretaryof War Daniel 8. Lamont does not trouble the American. In Burns, Oregon. Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert “Nonsense; quite impossible!” ieeretary of Agrieultnre. J. Sterling Morton this case the families were of var Attorney General .. Judntn Harmon exclaimed his friend, and then, as Postmaster General Win. L Wilson ious nationalities—Yankee, Swedish ____ the younger still claimed that he STATE—OREGON : Norwegian, Russian and others— < t G. w. McBride. Senators ................... ] j. h .Mitchell. was right, they laid a small wager and nearly all, except the Russians, I jBinger Hermann I anij referred the matter to the keep t/ongressmen ..................... (W.R. Ellis had done well. Kansas has a most I Attorney General . .. . . <\ M. Idleman er. Governor .................... Wm P Ixtrd »e-retarv of State ......... UR Kincaid “What is the circumference of luxuriant soil and unbounded fer- ’ Treas irer R ......... Phil. Metschan tility when rain enough falls, but lupt. Public Instruction ............ GM Irwin the forefoot of that big elephant?” Mate Printer R W H Laeds for several seasons of late this es- R. S. Bean. they asked. C. Wolverton »npre-ne Ja-lges “The circumference of an ele •sential condition has not been ful- F. A. Moore N1NETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. phant’s foot is always just half of filled, and the departed settlers district Judge .. I) M.D. C liffoei , i write glowingly of their new home STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor District Attorney .... C. W. Parrish. I the elephant’s height,” replied the loint-Representative (R). .0. L. Patterson as compared with the prairie state leiut Senator ........... (R)............. A. W.Gowan keeper. “Will you be so kind as to ineas COTNTY—HARNF.Y I Jonntv « idge .............. ........... <’. P. Rutherford. ure it?” asked the amazed visitor,' ■» (R). H. Kelley Ilerk ................... . J C. Welcome and the keeper got a long cord and Treasurer...................... 'R) / T A.McKinnon durrevor .................... I> <heriff (D) A. J. McKinnon went in beside the monster, Bazzle, .ID'.... 8. W. Miller Is lessor ... . is a t'n >ol Superintendent .. .1 D) w. C. Bi rd whc stands 8 feet 5 inches in height. | dt irk I nspector • • Geo Tregaskis LOCAL DISEASE “Of course, I measure while the and 1« the result <D) t A.B. Mark« of cold« and Vimmisslonsrs p' S Geo. HaItey climatic changes. animal ¡8 standing squarely on all It sudden can be cured by a pleasant remedy which Is applied di HARNEY Ü R LAND oefice : fours,” he said. “If I were to take rectly * Into the nostrils. Be Thoma» .Ione« {^“Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage soHc desister .............. A. A. Cowing the foot up from the floor it would ing quickly aiieorbedit give« Rereiver I relief at once. not be quite so large; a small part of the size is caused by the spread- I le acknowledged to be the moat thorough onre for SOCIETIES. Nasal Catarrh. Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all ' ing out of the soft matter of the remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal paaaagea, SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. U. allays pain and inflammation, heals the cores, pro f.«ot by the pressure of the animal ’ s tects the membrane from colds, re-tores the senses Meet»every 1st and M Wednesday. uf taste and smell. PriceSOc. at Dmugfstsor by malL I Misa M’a McGee N.t*. KLY BROTHERS, M Warren Street. New York. own weight.’’ San Motherahead. Rec. Sec’y. He drew the cord around the < monster foot, held it up and meas A. O. Ü. W. Rums Lodge, No 47 JOHN F. STRATTON'S Burns-Canyon Stage Line ured it with a tape lire. The fig Meet«errr» 2.J and 4th Thnrsdsv» CELEBRATED IT M Horton. M. W The J w Sayer, Rec’d . ures showed 4 feet 2 inches. W Birmingham Steil Strings J. A. H alladay , contractor. ‘man who had lost the bet paid it, ~ Hr Violin Guitar. Mandelin. Banjo ' with the remark that he did not Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expese Wk Finest Made, ».lira Plated h arnry lodge . no . n. i. o o r. Bill SMRK Warranted not to rust Send for Catlg '»-•is «t Od i Fellow« Hall, everv «atnrday. think he was paying too dearly for JOHN F. STRATTON, O. D. Rork. P.O. Stages Leave Burns Tuesday .Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City /mpartar, Maaa/artarer aad tFAolasala Dealer* that curious bit of knowledge. W. II Canaday, Secy. and intermedi ut» oints, Fare 15. «11.813. 815. 817 E. 9th St., N. Y. BEST GOODS, ■'CHEAPEST PRICES.^-- MASON & LONDON. It will pay you to come to Ontario j 1 ■ • ; and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES Dry < oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, _ Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. Oregon Forwading Co. J He iimrs-^eratd. Hardware and Tinware. xhe Bums Bar S CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm i