I Bigger and Better Than. Ever Before. 584 PAGES. 1,500 TOPICS. Those who are troubled with rheumatism should try a few ap- plications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, rubbing the parte vigorously at each application. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and bind it on over the neat of pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For sale by druggists. Durring the winter of 1893, F. M. Martin, Long Reach, West Va., contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how he cured it he says: “I used Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere ran ,v several kinds of cough syrup but make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation;« r -y °l*C“»Uon in Gram found no relief until I bought a bot­ Provisions and Stock. tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which relieved me almost instantly and in a short time brought about originated by us. All succcessful speculators operateon a regular a complete cure.” When troubled It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of tnen in all « . with a cough or cold use this remedy of the United States who, by systematic trading through Chicago f and you will not find it necessary ers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thoueand dolhre TWO FOR OE to try several kinds before you get for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to isnonn $100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. ’ *° relief. It has been in the market It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from enn Send for free sample and judge for over twenty years and constant­ paratively small investments on this plan are persons who live a ‘ thereby. The E. O. H erald «nd ly grown in favor and popularity. from Chicago and invest through brokers who ‘thoroughly underat.S I Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both For sale at 50 cents per bottle by systematic trading. ian(1 one year for 12. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade hi druggists. The Enquirer is a 9-colum,8-page I covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it’ bring. paper, issued each Thursday. steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time Largest in size,cheapest in price, WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual most reliable in news,all large type. successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of mon v . plain print, good white paper. If making pointers. ALL FREE. Our manual explains mirziJ our readers want another live paper, i STOCK BRANDS. | trading fully. Highest references in 3 gard to our standing the Enquirer is that paper succees. For further information address Call or send orders to this office. THOMAS & CO. Bankers and Brokers 2A1-242 Railto Building Chicago I Tello Everythin# Yon Went to Know When Ton Want to Know It. K VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Invaluable and Unrivalled Political end Popular Hand-Book. READY 'ANI'\RY 1st, 1896. FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. —**— I by Malt ) (Pu>tp T he \ ^ orld , Pulitzer Building, New York. Qaa't O« Without It Til* r.Vk.u.-BUs. Year. Cattle brand J6 on left hip. h r»es same on t ”■ Our Premiums ce HT s . P f ^ ice If yu are in a position - side - To do Bush ss i Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von ■ left ' Horae brand — left side, r o. Burns,Oregon Let Peoob Know it. Horse brsnd oar ten on bar ten on left hip and uppv. «.-i. 1 ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Or«. FOS THIS TEAK. ---------+■--------- —THIS PAPER— » ■ THE SAN FIANCISCO • •MO • « a Weekly Call ! | ----- OB----- I Riley Or. Horw brinded P on rijtbt shoulder. cattle > on right hip. R. A. Hendrick*. P.O. Lawen Or T" T ” r I T- C I I I ? . A A A - - .—» Horas brand Sf on left shoulder, also thre< dots.', in shape of triangle, cattle branded tame E. E. Grout Burns Or. / .HK SAN FRANCISCO ■> WEEKLY CALL _ J 1« a handsome eight- page paper. It la ia.ued every Thursday, and oootalns all of tn« important news of the weak, gleaned from eveay quar­ ter of the globe, complete np to date of publication. It for­ nlahea th« latent and aio.t reliable financial newt and market quotation«, a'd give« apeeial attention to hortieaL tural and agricultural newa, and la in «very restart a flrst- ilaas family paper, appeaili.g to the in ter eel of every member of the household. I 1 K R Thin Stove Puluh I I. ’m FT.. S. F„ CAL I Miss Laura TWO $ ONLY TWO $ Horae brand ~ ou left shoulder and same on PhU Smith Burns 8. Lam,white and Son cattle brand jzq connected. Far mark swallow fork in right ea. uuderbit in left. P, O. Burns Ora. J. ­ Horses and Cattle branded J P on left shoul der some branded JP connected. Mary Price. Burna Ot, LU33’J Herman Ruh rattle brand J, on i,*u er crop off and swaliow fork In left ear ear nuder elope. P. O. Lawen. Eterybody Eeadt Catt le brand. t- O. on left hip. u right er r at «1 a - r-p and split in le M O on le.i shonh.er. A. iletn ■a THE HEK.AL Adftrliie in it. V and horse brand T with half eircl G. W Thompson. laweuO UDIHßH..r,Pi.1K13, AbViNFB. WEEKLY GILL Art ÎH b P jd •, P r Ur, I I r ♦ COPYRIGHTS. ♦ Oavo Braham the p. a’arcorap«..« •■d tiAvu-r of MuOv at Uar.lg a's rbvai.v. »> ya — T - Vjuxh l»t- trti. Mesata J Jr« r. < i’e'sr Mm —I bat»« »<•.. . u.- ITu««laa Gqt ' a Mnars athoswugb If vl.ni.lw.. ad to Mat* that they ara ths I- -«I I .»• i au4 fcv>. dura bio »tr’n J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P connected ec left hip Hone brand anvil on left stifle. P. O Lawen Ore Cattle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light I crop off each ear. slip in each ear. and watt on left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bnnvard.Burns Ore. ---- *’+”----- 1 ’ 3 Co., Agts., Horses branded H on left stifle. Cattle brand ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunvard, P O Burna , !f you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. Cattle lia-n >ndon left hip: h >r • shoulder. Charles H. Voeftley. Bar»« > I c . * Cattle brand, IL, on left rib under bit in left ear. nuder slope in right ear Horse bread 71 on right stifle. R E J. A. Williams P. O. PHJCW •!.*» PFB YkA*. G . - J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side . V Horse brand — on left shoulder. ----- WITH----- ! CHA • ^>Ll>V YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINE-n.^ i --------------------------------------------------------------- FREE BRAND COLUMN. CAM I OBTAIW A PATBNTV For« Ml’i'l A- »O.,« No btnMMrttBhy ■mar« an.*w «n.1 •« I hwm «< ovtBxra. writ, (• »OH3J r. s CELETotAT. c* MAnCOL:N3, I *»“ J ' r.-a, tt'.iUCAL A.CRC • TZ •rpwTpnc* I« tb* '«tra* tMa. Mrfctlv enaMaMiaL A H««Sk«*B «f t»- Snr«»tHW ernenn«« Pa„«t. bo« te oto> tain tbrai tm ’m. Alaa a cabalaq«. a< MAa^ teal and w et:a» Nv*. »fol frva. „ _ _ PatM»t. takra tbroaab Murn A Oa. t«Mtw notte« IB lb, <*r|ratl«r Amvriraa. a»4 than ar, brou.bt w-trfy before lb. trabhcvHA- o«t mat to tb. nrentor iwaevl »»et1». « Urvr-t nm'at »ord. Ml' Bal di» KJ t »r>rie«L '25 cert tifai F«t.K ta bo«»«. • tb r.__ iBMt d«a»m« aial ML NN A OX. Niv Toax. 3*1 Bauat»w«V. A THE HER.ILD DOES h i h ; ? i pi .AT LOWEST RATES. WHEN TOC WANT OOOD JOB PRINTING DONE, CONSULT THE HERALD C=- '-A. I