» t t: W A N1 E D — I desire to cors How's This? *spond with Oregon partie- ,vh<> may be able to supply me wi h choice Indian relics We offer One Hundred Dollars I such as spearheads, arrow.hernia, stone Reward for a* y case of Catarrh WSDNESbAY DECEMBER. 16 1816. \\ rite me. telling me what that can not be cured by Hall’s Ca- pipta, eet. Address: 11. P H amilton , I you have. i tarrh Cure. T*, i Rivers, W«cousin. F. J. C heney , & Co. Propts., i _______ Toledo, O. STOCK INSPECTOR. Two ambassadors have lost their We the undersigned, have known places through their failure to take FOR llAltNI Y Col siv, F. J Cheney for 15 years, and be­ advantage afforded them to kiss the (leo.Ti’egaskis. Hurns,< >r. hand of the czarina, says the Seattle , lieve him perfectly honorable in all j)EPU 1'1 Es, Post-Intelligen-’er. Count Monte­ business transaction and financially O, B Diugle, — Dian.oixL Or. gyn bello, the French ambassador, lost able to carry out any obligations 11. t'. Morri-. — l!i!e-x’ his place. It is mt made known I made by their firm. West and Truax, wholesale drug­ w lit ther he only obeyed orders or ; c not. but be had to suffer the penalty.; gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan it Marvin. It was very unfortunate for him ATTORNEY AT- LAW, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. that when the French people Orruon. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in Burns« through their government had un­ ternally, acting directly upon the dertaken to show their friendship! blood and n.neons surfaces of the f.>r Russia by a most lavish display Wm. îÆilXa-* system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold of oster tat'ous ceremony and the by all druggists. Testimonials free. t xpenditure of many’ millions of Hall’s Family Pills are the best. dollars the entire effect should be Oil EG ONTARIO lost by the failure of the chief J lie ¿imr s-li r Wood Yard! Wood Yard. •• t* # » Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. I Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store. a , . M •V t LISTEN!! LOOK! A- SWEEK, AND M RTTORNEY-fiT-LRW functionary to pr.ss his lips to the most newsy weekly published in reaL ESTAT! AGENT. this state Every intelligent read­ NOTARY PUBLIC er cannot help but see the advan­ tage of getting two papers for the CrtZGOIT/ B VB 3STS price of one. We hope our sub-1 PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, GLOVES, M1TT0NS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. Located first block East of Church. “i W. II. C anaday , Manager. I scribers will see the point and give f us a call. in requiring observance of court etiquette as the Russian emperor. Thtse pvnishmeritB should be a warning to all men never to lose a favorable opportunity to kiss a lady’s hat.d. Many a man ha lived to regret that he has not seized a suitable occasion to snatch a kiss; thore seems to be more danger in being too I old. Where the danger lies and how great it will be either In abstaining or acting is a matter for individual judgment. But it is sometimes worth risking, it would seem. I Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy., the ’ bl PHYSICIAN be. This is the best medicine in aints. world for bowel can always acts quickly and reduced l.O,hce depended upon, When I with water it is pleasant to take, i |BURNS Try it, and like many others you will recommend it to your friends For sale at 25 and 50 cents a bottle l>y Druggists. 4 • • • • * at Residence DEALER IN— I Dantistry:; - TINWARE* GUNS Î Ai A CHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION, ■b DR. D. B. CATE AMMUNITION. J Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guru ets. repaired promptly and satisfactory. OREGON. - Everything Cheap tor Cash. I A John Sweitzer, ' Builder Carpenter.............. and. .. Ferry's Seed Annual for 1896. Contains more prac-I - tical information for farmers rA and gardeners thau many lilgh-/-rt j i priced textbooks. Mailed freeu^^^H i>. a. r»Rav z co., uktsiut , mkh . • _________—L ' e uiflYu’ SURGEON Every kind of first elan* Dentistry done or. short notice and in a work manlike manner. planting ! well begun is half done. Begin well by getting Ferry’s Seeds. Don't let chance determine your crop, but plant Ferry’s Seeds. Known and sold everywhere. Before you plant, get KVnV'-7 "ATT *■ dsaj sdnou. I" a »«ftO [ s X ujjjs aiqnjnp isoui tea i !• 1 Ts-J orj aaa Zeqi p,t)J Oj pa •*■’ •'>.: V *■ r) « tenuis W||O|A ln0 CejsktilX dtic/ *if>.\;3 i.-.i.q j— sj|S' 4Vr>(I d uqr-f sjgsax ’Î681 1’1 tpMnjç ‘ h - ioa •■».. and C.. H. VOEGTLY, OREGON BURNS I •au>’ q r f,n fl;*.077 3;; 0;-,rK ,, IS THE The Weekly Oregonian and T he H erald for only two dollars a year. Subscribe or renew at once and se­ cure your county7 paper and the imperial hand. The other ambassador who lost Lis position is Prince Radalin, the representative at the Russian court of tha German empire. No reason is given for his omission to observe a customary act of homage. He had not the excuse of being the minister from a republic. He rep resented a court, where such cere­ monies are strictly observed and an imperial 11 a-ter who is as strict Store Johnson's T Cash .. Work Undertaking....................... .1 specialty Fine Work,............................. Low Pi ices. ja.uuiuoo jujudud eqj Luuqejy OABij BURNS r/s i EWESS KFG. CQ n --í-r'. r n - - WHOLESALE PRICES J $24 Ihve *•»!;! ToCon«aimer« For *2 Yeam, fl'irirtu them ¡\e de i i» profit*. We ate the Old.-et Rti‘1 l.ar^uM nmnufacthrci« in Aineiica selling t*iD way. S.iip MibjeuL to approval. Ur pan freight both wan if not rati farto-y. LvcrythFiiT *ar- ruiitetl Why pF . an A ire nt tlO to 4*50 to older Tor yonj Wnte your own order. Boxing free. We t*ke al! the risk of damage in shipping. V\ HQLESALE DEALER IN LAUNDRY. BONG GEE, burns I Fine Kentucky OREGON * i Lï' / No. 138. Road Wagon. I Spring WaROns, $3OtcS43. Guaranteed a. 1.11 t r too to »75. 14 styles of Road V/apcno. Surreys ">ai long renders, soo, san •• nssell for tv. t> t:oo. Top Buggies as low »«$33. Phaetons a» low ft. $65. Whiskies Proprietor. AaGorM A« Soia tur è ÏU. 3 •J First door south And Cigars Post Office. 9 HARNESS. Wutylo®, Ring!«, Dcublo and Farm. Pidlncr Saddles, IF and Fiy «end 4 <*t*’iu* in ► tain pi» to pay pt^Usg^, lit pope cmtRlotfue. W. B. P5TATT, Secretary, Elknarf, lr»d Gives the choice of two trsnreontinentu! ROUTES. MANHOOD RESTORED! Ti.i»"won Jerful remedy guarunu ok Memory. I^>as of lirula rower. Headecbe. Wakeful< e»a. Los: Manhood. NighUy Emissions, Nervous- n< rs.»ll drains and loaa of power In Generative Organs of either sex can w-4 j bt Over exertion, youthful error«, excessive nw* oi t.Oacro. opium or Mlm- u ants, which lead to Infirmity. Consumption or Insanliy. Can be carried In 1 ve-t pockeL *1 per box. « for by mall pretwld. With a SA order wa tlvr n « rltlrn marantrr tarurenr rr,u»4 the m»ner. Sold brail .IrncxIM«. Ark forlk take no other. Write for free »ledo-m Ihok sent aeal-d In piam wrapper. Andress AHU VJE 811 LA) CO., Maaumc Temple, CHWAOO , Fur salon Burns,Ore., by U. M. liOUTUN. IirugxiaL *T*hl« Fi-rens ’.TencOT- -r.iw- <*c!ekty, penaanectly ■ . ty< hi u;» ______ .-«.,. ___________ Mwm'.ry, ’«• s of brain Ro ver i i r ___________ •. » > >.;*ty. Sigh.'y 1 r., Ueartuch«. n«. . . 11 dn-Ama, _ IseyvAericy : r .. / a «t : wa. - tiug ___________________ Curau« cau« J b; |v i't fuli r* . r • , ■ «. O* -Î............... I •**•«-% t •:». |BUdlMOodb • r ‘ft “xy * Lb! |r«M. »L U* . r or or. ■»<*•' • dkvt. • -t \*4 ’ • Ir'«*«?!**’' 1 î./.rir, row iDM ~<1 ptRtn p’ntn wrw*r, v • r«- r. »-‘th u -»■ r *----- --- • f!r»is «•» 'nr. •-------- . / * . r* • • f * vU. • 2 ÀWtopi-. - a < ---ta* f -*• it»*.’ rw. Greg., by U. IL Büi.TWI, GREAT NORTHERN RY. UNION PACIFIC RY VIA VIA SPOKANF DENVER MINNEAPOLIS, K VNSA« city , and ST PAUL and OM All \ Low rates to nil Eastern citie« OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every 5 days for San Francisco. For foil details call on O R. & N Agent. Baker Chy. or add rem W. II. H urlbert . U£«t pass , aot Portland, Ger fillT DRIfiEQ by tho only concern that ever ™ I ■ niVEw voluntarily reduced prices, or in recent times originated a new idea in Windmill and y EJe.r.’,t*’,n« the farmer sells Is low.^A Who sells low to him ? we have repeatedly refused to ioin.^H •no have therefore defeated windmill combination, and have.^ Since 89. reduced the cost of wind power to } what it waa.1 ¡fa.Through gratitude, and because we are price makers, and are! MR *ate,f *° "*a*. wi*b. »nd because we are the sole originators °f «11 mat is good in the modern steel windmill and HgRESra ,ow'r.THI WORLD HAS QIVBN U8 MORI THAN ¡Jr"«! HALF ITS WINDMILL ■U8INBSB. We be lie v" «w.10 *ow prtces, high grades and large sales. We make short 1 hand with long power stroke pumps, with best seamless j B brass tube cylinders, lower than iron ones—a aW 116 inch at J IV-53-,.'*? prepay freight to ao branch houses. Send now for beautifully illustrated catalogne of up-to-date ideas, as 1 tins appears but once. Our Imitators may not have In lu ii1 p*«"«- No one knows the best | Mlll> PumP or Price until ho knows our*. *