Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1896)
* I ' '•/ V •» «C t ■ -’a / ' A- . - • r EAST.OREGON .^ALD AND y BURNS-*!MtS « Consolidated July 1896. ' THS TIMES-HERALD. t fe, <<: '•’3 .-e . ------ NO 3. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, tíjfcEGON. i ■ ------------- ------------------- —--------- -------- -------- ♦ < f 3 ~ CKHAPEST PRICES. MASON & LONDON. I moisture escapes from the earth ’before? in performs its proper and , 1 ho new method will contribute- i to retard the action of nature’s law i at critical moments apd retain the . OREGON. ONTARIO, moisture. Ezperieitee has demon strated that the virgin soil of the western prairie is dry And hard to However, 1 an unknown depth. where the surface has been dis- turbéd and capillary attraction Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of 'interfered with, the same soil under exactly similar conditions other jjW^We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES •• • . . r wise, is moist and mellow as de- . We carry a complete line of sired bv farmers. On this theory the small grain will be drilled in lines far enough Dry Goods, » i apart to permit cultivation. The Notions, I« surface will be cultivated to a depth ) Gents Furbishing Goods, of one or two inches Capillary at traction will bring the moisture Glotl)in^ this nepr to the surface, where the Bootsr& Shoes, attraction of the molécule« is de stroyed and the unlimited store of Groceries. moisture distributed, gradually to Hardware, Etc. the roots of the grain instead of p ;)S low as anv R R. point, with addition of freight. passing rapidly .into the atmos ¿¿gp* Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited phere. The professor’s experts will WRITE US FOR PRICES. ® A Ures« Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. spend the remainder of their time , » in speaking at farmersinstitutes >n this and adjacent states. DISTRIBUTION OF MOISTURE ---------- 1 List of patents granted to Pacific Omaha, Dec. 8 lite enormous i g[ates Inventors this week. Re ,» •31,14(1 -11) EVERY WEDNESDAY crop Kansas and Nebraska P1’0’, ported by C. A. Snow A Co , Se BY duced the past year his given agri ¡¡ej(()rs of America’) and Foreign W. 0. BTRD A SON. culture such an imppetus in these) paten(8 opposite U. S. Patent Of- PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. two states that all other industries i i ßce, Washington, 1). C. « 7 ) have in a measure been overshad- F. H. M Davis, Los Angeles, Cal., HI BHCKll’TlON RATES: Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of ! owed. The attention soil culture is Horse power pumping - machine. One Year ......................... •’.......................... Six Month» .............................................. ‘ XT receiving in the west has determin G. Koehler, San Francisco, Cal., Three Mouth»........... • ........................... ed the Burlington Railroad Com- Bottle stopper. G.O. Ranson,Pert , nanv to establish a number of ex iand, Oreg., Vending device. .A. J. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY perimental stations or'tnodel farms’ Soto, Martinez. Cal., Arm rest for national : in order io demonstrate the advan books. J. T. Titus, San Francisco. > Fishing TaclxlsS Sporting Coods. ?r»»i lent ....................... ... .Grover Cleveland Adlai Stevenson tage of the most improved methods Cal., Sewer trap and flushing gate I fice-?resi<ie:it.................... Kichar.i b. olnei I Jeeretary of State .......... .. John G. Carlisle of soil culture and le«l farmers of H. G. Wilshire, Los Ángeles, Cal , ¡ Tin ware and Firearms promptly Repaired. 4ocrerary of Treasury ... Hoke Smith 4 ,-re: try <>f interior .... Daniel S. Lamont Nebraska and Kansas to new eftorts Speeding device for race-tracks. . 4-«"ret try of W»r Hilary A. Herbert I Burns, 4eeret try of Navy . Oregon. e J. Sterling Morton in this direction and enable them s- -re'ary ->f Agriculture. JudMn Harmon Attorney General . ■ ■ Win. L Wilson to become independent eyen in *o,t'na»ter General STATE—OitEtiON ’• called ‘‘drought sections” and G. W. McBride. Seaa’om J. II.Mitchell. “dry years.” (Binger Hermann Incidentally the company expects W. K. Ellis i......... t/ongressmeu .................. c. M. Idleman Att >ru -y 'ieneial ... Wm I’ laird returns from its investments in in 41,-erniir .................... !i R Kincaid 4 1 -retar) of State .. . . .Phil. Metsehan creased and regular crops necessi rr-u-K>-r ... R ......... GM Irwin < its. l“u‘>:i>- Instruction W H Leede tating heavy freight and passenger ,lne<i nxlallPat- Caveat». and Trade-'1 4taie Printer ....... R ent biiuirie»» <-<>n«l.. _______ ___ .oderaie t ees. i R S. Benn. . i C. Wolverton traflic on its net work of lines in Our Office is O c - kisi a 0. S. Patent Office, I »nd we can eecnre parent in less time than those ) F. A. Moore the west. •emote from Washington. XIX' i'll JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Send model, drawing or photo., with desrrlp- John Francis has just returned ion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of iis riet Julge ... D M.P. CLtFrobo barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I.'.M y ................. C. w. I'arrirh. STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patent».'’ with loint-itjpreeentatlve ...(R)... O. L. Patterson from a trip over Nebraska where he names of actual clients in your Stale, county, or iwiiit-,'- uutor .............. (R)............. A. W.Gowan has established “model farms” at town, sent free. Address, coi NTT— harnet : O Jerlin. Kansas, and at McCook, C.A.SNOW&CO. . c. P. Rutherford. Jonnty « il.xo ( î T II. Kelley i Holdredge, Alma and Broken Bow, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C (R). '.lerk .. ... . . 'R) J. C. Welcome i Tr-asnrer ... I» TA. McKinnon Neb | . . .(I)' A. J. McKinnon "keriff .. .. ....(D).... 8. W. Miller Something was done in this line A is-1»» >r r» 4 »»»1-41-»-: . it-’i lent W. C. Bi r«l Fine ', Liquors And Cigars by the company last year,and with 11 •ck'. n»pe<’l<:r Geo. Trecafki» i ID) * A .B. Mark» immensely satisfactory results. ! onmlcalonars •l‘ Í Gwo. Hus«? is a Th ■ firms co isist of 40 acres in; H W F.Y v. ». land office : LOCAL DISEASE . Th.itn«» Jonc» each station under the immediate RciiîRter “Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic and is the result of coIde and . A . A. Cowins Receiver sudden climatic changes. supervision of a pratical and tried It can tie cored try a pheasant remedy which is applied di farmer of the neighborhood. Each rectly Into the nostrils. Be- ins absorbed it give* farm will be visited frequently by j relief quickly «OITETIES. at once. ' one of the learned corps of Professos RVT. ’A REBEKAH Degree No. 43. Meetsvverv let and 3d Wedneedtiv. Campbell who is skilled in the new is acknowledged to be the most thorough eure for Miss Í e'a N.<*. Nasal Catarrh. Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all methods. In Nebraska and Kansas remediee. -ain Motlierfchead. Rec. Hec’y • It opens and cleanses the nseal passages, alley» pein and inflammation, heals the »ores, pro- farm staples, corn, wheat, rye, oats tecta the membrane from colds, re-tores the senses taste and smell. Price 50c. at Dni vgistsor by mail. and potatoes, will be produced.! of KLY BROTH EKS. M Warren Street. New York. \. O. T’ W.Rnrn« Ixxlge, No. 47 Burns-Canyon Stage Line The fanning at the experimental W<ret»ev»rv 2<1 and 4th Tbnradwva H M Horton. M. W J .W Sayer. R«"d ;stations is conducted primarily on J. A. H alladay , contractor. the theory that the rainfall of the Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express C o ’ b Expees we«-t is ample and ahund mt for all HARXTV tODGF. NO. 77, T. O O F. .. tblDR to parent) M •••«• Hlp»!|ü„ HaH. rr<-rv “»’’’ri’ay, practical farming purposes,but that ” . ’ Prorect your Id**« th»y may brlnir you wealth ____________________ w Parent Stages Leave Burns Tuesday .Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City I SO pm, on Rt-rk N. O. Wore JOHN WKDDEHBtRN> CO “tor w. h cat • , secy. (owing to capillary attractions the (and intermediati »oints, Fare $5. I »• It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods • • GROCERIES Diy . oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Notions, &c. V •J ., J r a i ?» 5 Oregon Forwarding Co. L"»S ¡Un’ Jinics-^vraid. Hardware and Tinware. I • * ¿he Bums Bar CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm Wanted-An Idea SSSSg Í.