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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1896)
mid. THE TIMES-HERALD. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. X. DECEMBER EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES » Consolidated ¡July 22, 1895. 9 1896» < | Kanthack, who speaks with great • authority on the subject, read a pa- I per on “Bacteria In Food,’’ in which I he pointed out that one might swal- \ low any amount of micro-organisms with food without any injury. Milk | OREGON. ONTARIO, ordinarily contain about a million I germs per cubic centimeter, in sandwitches they are too numerous Xu to count, oysters teem with them, and ices from a fashionable confec-1 tioner’s were found to contain from * f Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of 10,000,000 to 14,000,000, or consid erably more than the much abused fW^We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES Jgg Italian street render’s wares. There We carry a complete lino of is not the least doubt in the world X that we eat, drink and breathe any quantity of germs without suffering Dry Goods I in the smallest degree, day by day, Notions, unless the germ happen to be of a Gents Furnishing Goods, 1 particular sort and to meet with a I suitable soil. All the “scientific” Clothing, ' fuse about ihfc necessity of boiling Boots I Shoes, this and sterilizing that in order to kill the gertns is a piece of unscien Groceries. tific babble founded upon a set of Hardware, Etc. theoretic assumptions which take no account of actual everyday facts. Prices a« low as anv R R. point, with addition of freight. gMF“Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited Of course tbe bacteriologists will Address Mason London, Burns, Oregon. not admit their mistake without a struggle, and Dr. Kanthack met ■ Edison’s Work for Hu with a good deal of criticism. Nevertheless he is right, and one of manity. • ... ' these days every one will be saving PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Mr Thoma. A. Ed>.on >> doing a, th> ,,nie lhing _8, JamM o,„ette. BT great deal for humanity just now. * ______________ W. C. BYRD & SON. Having perfected the fluoroscope, I _ a . I which ho declined to patent end , Y«W W.-.n ’ a P-uliar Death, P ublishers and P roprietors . CHEAPEST PRICES. BEST GOODS, MASON & LONDON. . «> . k will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES Dry toods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. ® hr iimcs-iirraitl. I. S. GEER & co, which is proving such a boon to Chicago. November 27.—Anna B. surgery, he is now devoting him-' * died of brokin heart<actual. " ■ Une Year ................................................ •?•?? self to discovering, if possible, L and pbygicany a broken heart. Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of 1.00 Six Mouth* ............................ ......... _ Three Month!............... 70 whether the new “X” rays can be I ghe died .uddenly in Chicago a made use of in enabling the blind week ago Monday and her remains to see. He may never be able to OFFICIAL DIRECTORY were taken to her Cleveland home I make the totally blind see anything for interment. From that city j hatiohal : at all except a glare of light, and President ....................*....... Grover Cleveland comes information that a physician , yishdaC Taolcls® And Cflflda Vice-Preaideut..........................Adlai Stevenson he may never be able to make the examined the body and asked if i Secretary of State ............. Richard 8, Olney • wrfwwtt»* iecretary of Treasury............. John G. Carlisle partially blind see perfectly; but Secretary of Interior ............ Hoke Smith Mi„ Clark had recently -ffered tWTi«.r. od Kwm, t| R Secretary of War Daniels. Lamont if he suceeeds in giving this most any great shock or sorrow. He I r r j Secretary of .Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert £"etery of Agriculture J Sterling Morton afflicted claw of person, any help ’ thuihi had Ueo ” i ’ r .for ‘ m- B “ ™>, Attorney General ........... Hirn2°! Oregon. Postmaster General .......... Wm.LWilson or any relief at all, howerer .light,, ed th„ UU1 blind»,,, .a. near and ■TAT*—OBXGOtt: I „ < G.W. McBride. they will rise up to call him blessed inevitable. The physician said that Senator* ................... J J. H.Mitchell. and the world will join them in it. there was a heart lesion, and that (Binger Hermann i vongreMtnen ................ .... t W. K. Ellis Remarkable success has already one of the few authentic recorded I .... C. M. Idleman Attorney General........ .................... Wm P Lord attended Soveruor ....................... bis experiments, and deaths from a heart broken by sor- ’ Secretary of State ... ................ HR Kincaid R ........ Phil. Metschan Treaaurer ..........K there is really good ground for the row was hers. 1 inpt. Public Instruction J.................. GM Irwin Bate Printer .................. R........... W H Leeds hope that a new world of vision, Two weeks ago Miss Clark went R. 8. Bean. Supreme Judge*........... C. Wolverton wonderful as it seems, may yet be ihe daily round of her duties, and F. A. Moore opened up to the blind. In con then owing to some slight trouble NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Oiatrlct Judge . ........ . D . M. D. CLirroku ducting these experiments, Mr. Ed with her eyes as she supposed, she BHtrict Attorney ... C. W. Parrlah. Joi ut-Representative "(B) O. L. Patterson. ison shows the same marvelous and yisited an oculist. He told her leint-Senator .......... (R).. ...A. W.Gowen STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor untiring energy of mind and body that the loss of her eyesight might COUMTT—H A BM *T^ Seanty 4Adg* . C. P. Rasherford. that has characterized bis work for be the question of but a few hours. Stark............. (R). H. IL Kelley years. He is probably the hardest This was Saturday. Sunday after- Treaaurer ....................... (R) J. C. Welcome iarveyor ..................... D ... T A. McKinnon ONT Sheriff.............................(D) A J. McKinnon working man in this country, and , noon Miss Clark returned to her Asseesor ...................... (D), ).... 8. W. Miller the most thoroughly absorbed in re8idence from a walk. 8he en- School Superintendent <D) W. C. Byrd Stock inspector ........ • Geo Tregaskis hie work. 1 He often goes days and | tered the doorand some one spoke Mwmiaaionara ........... | A. B. Mark* Geo. Hagey nights with scarcely a wink of sleep to her. She turned and said: ‘•I and is seldom seen outside his lab hear your voice, but I cannot see ■ABFBT Ü. *. LAMP OPTIC«: Register....................................... Thoma* Jone* ra tor y. He has on more than one you.” Her own voice was a bit Receiver ............................. A. A. Cowin* occasion hired a band to keep him broken as she spoke, but the sig »"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic self and his faithful, but tired, em nificance of what she said was not ployes awake. There is but one felt by those about her. The next world for Edison, and that is the morning she was dead. world of scientific mystery. It has fascinated and holds him enthrall Wonders never cease. Senator1 ed body and soul. And all the Quay is father of a fiat money world enjoys the benefit of his la A. O. ü. W. Bara* Lodge. Me 47 scheme for the retirement of the Meet* every 3d and 4th Tharedeye bors. Mr. Edison is an Ohio man, H M Honoa.M. W. greenbacks. Ho wants notes issued Burns-Canyon Stage Line J W Sayer. Bee'd and Ohio is proud of him.—Colum in their place whieh the government bia (O.) Dispotch. will redeem in gold when it gets J. A. H alladay , contractor. HARMBY LODGX, MO. H, I. O O F. good and ready to do so. Nothing Carry*nI U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Ex peas Meet* at odd Fellow* Holl, every Saturday. The Divafled Germ. W.C. Byrtl. M.O. would be behind these notes but B. D. tfelotyre. Secy At the British association Dr. government’s promise. C«,.B aty. and iatormodiais .»oints, Fare 95. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Hardware and Tinware. ihe Bums i * % t