* I WAN! ED— I desire tocois *spond with Oregon partie- who may be able to supply me wi h choice Indian relies ghow. as by law required, the amount of claims presented, filed and such as spear heads, arrow heads, stone »eoorded agsiust the County of Harney, State of Oregon, and the amount pipes, ect. Write me. telling mi what you have. Address: H. P. H amilton , allowed at the November term of the County Court, 1896. Two Rivers, Wseonsin. am ’ t . cl claimants , fok what claimed , ----- * ’ m ’ d , am ’ t ai . l ’ w ’ d SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES * Geo Tregaskis 2 mo salary as Stock Inspector......... $ 58 33 Wood Yard! Wood Yard! Propriété». FRANK GOODMAN Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. 58 33 ‘ ------------------------------------------------- I 20 00 I gMT" Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store. STOCK INSPECTOR. 2 50 FOR HARNEY COUNTY, 1 Oo 6 00 Goo.Tit'gaskis, Burns,Or. Continued DEPUTIES, 2 00 O. B Dingle, — Diamond, Oregon. 4 00 — Riley, Oregon. 30 85 H. 8. Morris, 5 00 3 50 c Ä SWEEK, 500 7 50 ATTO R NEY- AT-L A W, Disallowed. AND 4 40 Or*g«B. I Barat, 38 55 5 25 13 45 VZrcx. JÆillsr, 42 47 I Glass & Prudhome, printing ballots for Nov election 20 00 2 50 Geo Shelley, repairing circuit court seal..................... 1 00 A Hembree, material for and repairing booths........... 5 00 M H Brenton, team and hack for grand jury........... 2 00 X’ewt Livingston, board of Wm Andersen ........... 2 00 M H Brenton, bal on bill for hauling saw dust......... 4 IK) M H Brenton, bal due on hearse hire for Ed Lewis. Glass A Prudhomme, supplies for assessor’s office. . 30 85 5 IK) Bancroft Whitney Co, Oregon report Vol 28............. 3 50 T imes H erald , pub notice for bide, ballots............. 5 00 «• “ “ “ board of equalization......... 7 50 •• “ “ schedule of expenditures............. 34 50 E L St Clair, Nursing Al Short 3 weeks ................... 4 40 H Kelley, making 4 copies of Gittings bond............. The Irwin Hodson Co supplies for clerk’s office. . . . 47 55 »4 4k 5 25 “ assessor.... A4 44 13 45 elections envelopes................. 4k 44 42 40 2 delinquint assessment ro’ls Frank Edwards, juror Oct term cir court, 1 day 180 ÄTTORNEY-ÄT-LÄW 20 00 20 00 miles........................................ » 9 00 9 00 ..2..“..50 W F Moffet........... OREG ONTARIO 8 20 8 20 . .2..“. .42 J W Miller.............. ..“ IB THE 7 40 7 40 3 ............ 14 J W Jones........... “.....................“ 12 00 . . 4......... 40 12 00 Tim Donovan ...“...................... “ 10 60 PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, .“ .4____ 26 10 60 A W Howser ... .‘* ....................“ 10 80 .“..4......... 28 10 80 Jasper Davis .... *’ ................. GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. 18001 .“. .4.......... 100 18 00 L 0 De Coudress “.................. “ 19 00 .“. .4.......... 110 19 00 W J South..............“.................. “ Located first block East of Church. 10 80 REAL ESTATE AGENT. 10 80 . “ ..4 ............ 28 J C Buckland . ...“.................... “ 14 00 .“..4............ 60 14 00 W. H. C anaday , Manager. I) S Graves ....... ‘..................... “ NOTARY PUBLIC 18 00 . “ 4 .... 100 18 00 Geo Hankins.. . .“.................... “ 1200 4 ............40 12 00 Thos Maupin... “.................. “ 19 001 .“. .4..........110 19 00 8 N Williams.. . .“................... 10 60 “..5........... 6 10 60 A J Wilson.............. “.................. “ 20 00 ^"Practices before U- S. Land Office. .5.......... 100 20 00 LN Olson ...........“..................... “ 13 00 “..5......... 30 13 00 Frank Williams. .“............... 10 20 ----------------------------------- ------------- .5.............. 2 10 20 Geo E Whiting . ..................... “ “. .5........... 92 19 20 19 20._ WWW w » , P M Cheney........... “.................. “.5..........110 21 10 J H Neal................. “................... “. 14 00 -------- --------- “.. 5............40 14 00 C F McKinney .. .“.................... “. 9 00- 9 IK) John Ensley witness state vs J Gibson »4 44 44 6 80 AND W R Crawford SURGEON 6 »¡¡I PHYSICIAN 44 44 «4 7 60 W H Gibson <• 44 U DEALER IN— 17 00 17 001 offlce D H Smyth at Residence *4 u 2 20-, 2 20 Herman Ruh. . C 11 Voegtly 4 44 44 12 00 Adam Gtorge. ... 44 ¡2 ¡JJI BURNS ... OREGON 44 44 44 12 00 Mrs Adam George. 44 44 12 20 12 20 0 W Hill............... 4« 44 44 44 2 90 2 90 Milo Cushing . . t TINWÄRE. i GUNS AMMUNITION- 44 44 • < 12 60 12 60 L L Clark............... 44 44 <4 12 00 12 00 G W Thompson . . . 9 4k 44 MACHINE SHOP LN CONNECTION. Bicycles, Mowing Machines, G um 6 20 6 20 R J Ivers ............... 44 u 44 11 00 11 00 XV H Robbins. .... .. Jas Simmons By DR. D. B. CATE eta. repaired promptly and satisfactory. 44 44 12 00 12 00 BURNS H B Simmons .... 44 - - OREGON. 4 80 4 80 L Woldenberg .... “.... 44 “......... J W Shown Every kind of first-class Dentistry 2 20 2 20 before grand jury.... 0 A Sweek . ............. done on short notice and in a work 4k 44 17 80 17 80 Frank Whitworth. 44 manlike manner. 24 07 H. Kelley, cash adv for freight, postage stamps etc. 24 07 « 3 75 3 75 Pbebe Kelley, typewriting 51 election notices........... 4 35 00 35 00 R 1) Scheiber board of J Gibson.................................. 5 00 5 00 “ “ board and room for John Scott insane etc 26 75 26 75 The Irwin Hodson Co stationary for Co treasurer. . 5 (X) 5 00 M L Lewis, justice fees state vs David Davis............. 4k 44 • Builder 5 70 5 70 Carpenter.............. and... A Dunn, constable “ 44 44 4 30 Disallowed. Undertaking....................... Todd Newell witness .. .. Work 44 44 4 30 Emanuel Newell “........ 44 a specialty 1 18 1 18 A J McKinnon, cash adv for stage freight................. 2 20 2 26 Pine Work,............................. Low Piices. Cl as P Rutherford witness fees before grand jury . 3 00 3 00 L B Springer judge of election Lake precinct......... H M Horton, face solution Ed Lewis deceased and BURNS OREGON. 8 601 books for sheriff.................................... a................... 8 60 9 101 Mrs C Lackman washing for Jas Gibson................... 9 10 W HOLESALE DEALER IN 18 00,' C Lack man sawing and splitting wood fur Co......... 18 00 A C Wo-thington stationary for Co judge................... 4 18 4 18 Clemens & McIntyre work on Co jail ................. 183 00 183 00' 500 001 “ ........... “.. . “....bal on contract 500 00 J M Vaughn deputy sheriff July 1st to July 6, 1896 16 66 1666 BONG GEE, Proprietor. J 8 Bowen, board and lodging of Chas Hughes Co charge. ............................................................... 33 251 33 25 OREGON 14 881 BURNS, C H Voegtly n.dse for county......................................... 14 88 J Durkheimer mdse for Co poor.................................. 2 00 2 00 8 W Miller services as assessor and deputy etc. ... 449 00 449 00 M L Lewis justice fees state vs Herman Ruh............ 16 85 16 85 rust door south B urns , O regon Sam Mothersbead constable “................... “................ 1 50 1 50 RJ Weeks........... “........... “................ “............... 10 50 10 50 E. McNElL, Receiver. Geo W Thompson witness. . .“................... “................ 9 (X) 900 J W Shown...............“ .. . .*•.................... “ ............. 5 80 5 80 R J I vers................... “............. “................... 3 00 3 00 C H Voegtly............. “...............••.................... “................ 1 70 1 70 Gives the choice of two transcontinental Chas Anderson juror ........... “..................... “................ 1 00 1 00 W A Gowan.............. ••.................... “ ROUTES. 1 00 1 00 Geo Tregaskis “................... “.................... ................... 1 oo 1 00 GREAT Thomas Howard ................... *•.................... “......... UNION 1 00 1 00 NORTHERN RY. PACIFIC RY. Jay Gould .. . “..................... “ 1 00 1 00 VTA. VIA M H Brenton ... “.................... “................... “............... 1 00 I 00 SPOKANE DENVER. M L Lewis justice fees state vs Chas Walton .. .. 4 55 Continued 1 MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS CITY. Sam Mothersbead constable “................... “................ *« • and 8T. PAUL. 1 50 and OMAHA. 44 E N Jameson justice fee Jas Simmons 13 40 13 401 44 Low rates to all 44 Eastern eitles. Geo Sizemore attvs “ . 5 (X) 5 00! 44 • 4 A J McKinnon constable 11 50 11 501 OCEAN STEAMERS 44 •4 Bert Simmons witne«« .. 7 .51» 7 50 leave Portland every 5 days for 44 • 4 Wm Robbins .......... 7 .50 7 50 44 44 Geo Miller .........••........... 7 50 7 50 M L Lewis justice 'Vm Anderson 11 60 II 60 For full details cal) on O. R. A N. •• V an> Mothersbead constable “........... 1 50 1 50 Agent. Baker City, or add rasa W. 11. H uki . bubt , CONTIJUEDON PAGE THREE. « km fam agt . Portland, Oar. LOOK! LISTEN!! Johnson's Cash ?! >“! Dr. W.L. Marsden, 1 Store C. H. VOEGTLY, : : ::Dentistry:; Everything Cheap tor Cash. John Sweitzer, LAUNDRY Whiskies. 0.1.11. Cl.; San Francisco. V