Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1896)
EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES rz’A’rzdA’ za ' THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 1896 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON VOL. X. ANOTHER MORNING PAPER. seems to pe good reasons CHEAPEST PRICES. for There believing that Portland will soon BEST GOODS, Oregon Forwarding Company haye another morning paper. And if such is the case there is no doubt OREGON. ONTARIO, but it will be a creditable one in all respects. It is said that several prominent men are figuring on the proposition, and will arriyeatsome definite conclusion in a day or two. Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of If the paper is started, it will not be lacking in funds to push it along gtF'We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES^JRM until it can be placed on a paying. We carry a complete line of basis. With the necessary amount of money, all the brains and ability n.u Rnnde »•ozi 11 i v*£»/J nan rn 1 ok Pnnnwl ' required can kn be fii furnished Report I has it that typesetting machines Notions, I will be ordered from the east next I Gents Furbishing Goods, week and the new enterprise launch ed as soon es possible. Clothing, < It cannot be said authentically Boots & Shoes, at this time just who is at the back of the movement, but they are all Groceries, sound business men who are not Hardware, Etc. accustomed to trifling. It will be Prices a« low as any R R. point, with addition of freight. a first-class newspaper. — Welcome. «^“Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece folicited ------- - • W----- Address Mason Ar London, Burns, Oregon. MASON & LONDON. It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES Dry C oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. WRITE ÜS FOR PRICES Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. t She iimes-^mid. Oregon Forwarding Co A laska Bear Story. This is the best medicine in the „ . XT OP tv t I world for bowel mplaints. 1 San Francisco, Nov. 26—H J , - PltUJSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 acts quickly anjj ^always ..Lui .. J Barling,, who is identified- with the - ----5- ---- .[depended upon. When reduced | salmcn industry of Alaska, has luat I ... , • W. C. BYRD a SON. „ with water it is pleasant to take, arrived from the north. He|_, .. . ... P ublishers and P roprietors . .... ... , 1 1 ry it, and like many others you brought with him someof the largest. ... . .. . o „ will recommend it to your friends y bear skins ever seen in ban r ran-’ - . 1 bl'Usera PTION RATES: by Dniggi«to? “"d WI «<1 i» .'I k.»d.«I cisco. One of them, a perfect and One Year .................. »............................... Six Month» .................. ................ l-°” unblemished skin of an enormous .Three Months................................................7o grizzlv, measures 12 feet from tip to tip. Mr. Barling has a marve OFFICIAL DIRECTORY A J Are. r.S.Jmtnal <,/ MHv lous tale to relate of a native’s way Fiat. vV® IL Peeke, who national : of killing a bear. It is this: MTOBÎsâSë. 11*1»« TaolelssAnd Sporting Good». . .Grover Cleveland Presidant ........................ ‘ ’ There are many grizzlies on Adlai Stevenson /iee-Fresideut................... i I L 1 ,,vln« «’Frtetaat his Richaru 8, Olney lecreiary of State .. .. ■ ■ ■ k J t“«** »• astonishing. 1 . John G. Carlisle Kodiak island,” he said, “•» well as teeretary of Treasury . . HF" tinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. ■HL 'Ye h“ve heard of cases | Hoke smith teccetarv of Interior of ao years* «tending I . Daniel 8. Lamont a large number of cinnamon bears. iacretary of War ... .......... Illiarv lacretary of Navy .............. . .. A. . Herbert .. ( 4e.;retary of tgrlcttltnre. . J. Sterling. Morton [ was cruising around in a launch Oregon. Judstn Harmon 4’torney General J; ■" “ ” 1 in an unfrequented cove one day, Postmaster General ..... ’ Wm. L Wilson «TAT» —OREGON : when I espied twoimmense grizzlies . 4G. W. McPride. ,’ea,'or* ..................... ) J. H.Mitehell. not very far up the creek. They f Ringer Hermann 1 we»e so large I did not care to go wiingresainer,..................... iW. R. Elli« ... M. Hileman Attorney Getterai .... .... Win P Ixird after them, but when I got back to io.eruor ............ .. U R Kin eaid 4-“retarv of State .. . Phil. Metachan Karluk I communicated the fact to Treasurer R ............ GM irwln fapt. Public Instruction W H l^eda an fndian who enjoyed the reputa Hate Printer R ! > R. ' 8. Bean. tion of being one of the best hunters <npreM« I «igea . .? C. Wolverton » > F. A. X Moore 1 in thai stction. Although 52 years XINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Jtatrlct Ju-tge .............. D .. M. D. C liffoni » old, he had to ask his mother's per Ninrli-f .vtiirner....................... C. W. Parrfih. folot-Representative . .(R) -O. L. Patterson. mission, which being granted, he STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor' toint-Scnator . . .....(R)............ A. W.Gowan started across country after the rntHTV— harm nr: bears. Caveats, and Trade-Mr Ined, and all Pat Jonnty « »1*« ................ C. P. Rn'herford. buaineaa «induct," .oderaw fees ‘ Some of the natives of Kodiak ent Our 'It; II. Kelley Uerk Office ta Opposita u S. Patent Office, Tr .‘»surer .. .... fR) J. C. Welcome, „ , . , we can a ecu re patent in leea time than tnoee n .... t a . McKinnon use hre arm« on their hunting ex- ’ win <«r»evor . . ■emote from Washington. ■ ID) A . J. M< Ki”non 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip- IM-taoT ..tD).. . 8. w. Miller peditions, but this fellow simply' ton We advise. if patentable or not. free of nil .•»■i^erintendeut .. .iD) .w. C. Bird * *r??’ ‘*nr ^ee no* “ne patent la eecured Vock liaperUW • .... Geo. Tregaakia armed himself with a long spear. | A PaMehtet. “How to Obtain Patent«.'’ with names oraetual clionta inyourHtate. county, or <n) 1 A. B. Marka *>iami*alon«r« p ( Geo. Hagey He greased bis head and got to wind- • town, aent free. Address, ward of the animals. He dug a hakxf . v r. a. law » orncB: C.A.SNOW&CO. ierlatar .................... Thoma* loner Opposite Patent Offiw. W^hirqton, 0. C hole in the ground, planted one end kaeeirer .............. ....... A. A. Cowing ^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic ( of the spear fi ruily with the point in the direction of the bear and crouched down. The bear came SOCIKTIKS. along and licked the head of the SYLVA REBKKAH Decree So. ». Indian. With a swift and dextrous Meet» every lit and M Wedneaday. move tn ii t the native cut a gash in Mtea I-a’a X.<*. sent Motherehead. Bee. Sec’J. the bear's neck with the sharp spear point. The angered animal drew t back a few yards and made a ruth. A. O. ü. W. Ruma Ixxlge. Xo 47 , He impaled himself on the spear Meet« every 2d end 4th Thuradav» Burns-Canyon Stage Line H M Horton. M W. | I point, and all was over.” J W Myer. Rac’d , i J. A. H alladay , contractor. Carrying U.S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expess sutxrv rnnoB. xn. n. i. o o F. UfantPii—ill IHfiP o I. S. GEER & co Hardware and Tinware. CuredH- I 4 :•»■ i J. 1 Fellows Hall, everv Pstwrdgv, 7 40 P ™. w. c. Byrd. X. O. 1 B. D. MclBtyr«, Secy. ■wQIlICU xhe Bums Bar Mil lUCu Stages Leave Burns Tuesday .Thursday .Saturday,for Canyon City and intermediate joints, Fart 15. 7’