Tboae who are troubled with ■ rheumatism should try a few ap- • plications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If that does not bnng relief dampen a piece of dannel with Pain Balm and Hod it on over the seat < f pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For saie by druggists SEH THEMSELVES ! Durring the winter of 1893, F. I M. Martin, Long Reach, West V»., contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how he cured it he says: “I used o. cough syrup 'but ’1!'"rninJ pr“?peri‘-'.W1" mtlemtny rich, several kinds of found no relief until I bougi.I.bot- proii,ioD7a^d Stad? “ ’ t'“’€ “ bj ‘“'«'«fui S|-cul.7l»T.«B tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which rel’eved me almost instantly and in a short time brought about a complete cure.” When troubled with a cough or cold use thia remedy and you will not find it necessary TWO FOR ONE. to try several kinds before you get relief. It has been in the market Send for free sample and judge for over twenty years and constant­ thereby. The E. O. H erald and ly grown in favor and popularity.1 Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both For sale at 50 cents per bottle by one year for $2. druggists. The Enquirer is a 9-colum,8 paee Agents Wanted Everywhere. paper, issued each Thursday. T,.-, Wl. 11*. iA. Uctnta Largest in size.cheapest in price, THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’Pt, most reliable in news.all large type, 03 Fifth Aveoae, Mew York, N. Y. plain print, good white paper/ If our readers want another lire paper, the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office. To the E ditor .—I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use the mds of hopeless cases hive been already p ^nently cured. So proof-positive am I oi its power that I consider it my duty to smJ two bottUt fru to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, g they will write me the!-1 express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM. M. Cw U3 Pearl SU Brw Tart. *«- Tbs Editortel sad F u KTH - price of one Obtain Paient*.'1 with name* »factual client» In yourState, cuonty.or town, sent free Addrctu. ■ I ® __ __ Ciircd tie of hi* abaolut* cura, free to any sufferers r send their P. O. and Eipreaa address. Ise any one wishing a care to address ■.EMULAs E. D., aCetar St„ VewTark r Nr" 6b It... Rev Jr»bB ’ Neoiuiiii «an *ni tire c- - Bev F. Cburct. RS, ., New Tori City. • w • Fn’ln, M lo ma. I • I» iitpnai- ■ « »lirected. ”— ter Cetrai l‘rt* ■ ..... branded P on right shoulder, cattle > -1 on Korte right hip. R. A. Hendrick*. P.O. Lawen Or Horse brand SS on left shoulder, also th rev dots.', in shspeof triangle.cattla branded same E. E. Grout Burnt Or. ------- r+*-------- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL. I* a handsome eight- page paper. Il ia issued every Thursday, and eootaln* ail of tne important new* of the weak, «leaned from evesy qaar- ter of the globe, co nipple up to date of publication. It fur- nishes the iate*t and *io»t reliable financial new* and market quotation*, a< d give* special attenti' n U> hortlcoL tural and agricultural news, and is In every re«i oct a Sm­ ales* family i>ai-er. appeal!,.« Io the intereot of every men. bar of the household. ------- v+e-------- HK MOHMNG CALL (Savaw laorn** w*«*i 1* a live m-tropoiit>n dally. It Is the MOST REL1A- Bl.E. and ia reeugniged a* being the LEA l>iNO NEWS- PAPER of the Pacific Coast. Either of th« above i aper* we will «end pootp.id a* a pre­ mium on reeviit of the follow, tug aab«crlptiuii prices fur lb* cam blunt loo: Thl* I* Yttr Opportuwliy. On receipt f thè rwnedy. elï • Cattle liiniaion left-hip: hor • ahoaller. Charles H. Veect.;/. Bar .» > TRICK BB.O > FSB YEA». r.XJ*unal KMrbu PrW. W. R. Peeke, wr.o "W m-ket ■ specialty if ■■kN Epilepsy, has w.thout doubt treated and cur- ■ ■ ed more success it avonishlng. We have heard of cates <* so years’ standing cured by * A Horse* branded H on left stifle. Cattle brarnl ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burr* 1HK SAN FRANCISCO Morning Cail! - K you I aye anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. Riley or. PKICK •!.» PFAC D AM. C.A.SNOW&CO Opposite Patent Ofllc*. WaShmeton. 0. C ■ ■ ■ Cattle brand, IL, on left rit under bit in left ear. nnder slope in right ear Horae braad 71 on right stifle. R E J. A. William* P, O. Mis* Bott Dickenson Horae brand anvil oi left slide. € at tie branded barIR on left hip. f O. Laven Ore i J. P Dickenson rattle brand J P connected on left hip Hurtt brand anvil on left stifle P. O La wan Ore Cattle brand figure Ton either htp; mark light erop off each ear. slip in each ear. a nd w att . on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. H. Bunvsrd.Burns Ore. Subscribe for the TIMES HERALD Geo Wllltsms, horses and mules » runndina w, on right stifle. P. O Rii> Horse brand Ur m on left shoulder; Cattle brand bar-m on left hip and riba. Catherine , Marshall P O Narrows Ore. Horse brend on left shoulder 8 Misa Laars Stsni lift. Burna Ore. Horse brand * on left shoulder and same on muscle of right hind leg. 0„. Phil Smith Burns 8, Lampehire and Son cattle brand I g maneeted. Earmark swallow fork tn right eat underbit in left P, O. Burns Ore. Hora« » and Cattle branded J P on left shoul der same b anded JP connected. Mary J Price. Burn* Ore Herman Ruh cattle brand g <»■ i.«a •r crop off and swal.ow fork in left ear ear under * ope, P. O. I*»rn. Catt )e brand, )-< O. on I-ft hip. i right ear ai.d • crop and split in It >-( O on left shoulder. A. Hem par DAILY CALL Cattle and horse brand T with half etrcl der. G. W . Thomp»»*, Lawen O etyboJr ’Reads THE HEHALD. sifirer/ift in 17. UD Hiti Hl’S?, Pili IMS, I the aekmovledgvd By*a Cream Fa’m earv for er .’Th mi cuamuna no mercury Bor say mjunoua drug. Pnce, 50 cent*. I WEEKLY CALL Acd T5K P'p -, P r Tur, 1 $2 .W 4 l*N < Hr* ft w-ww ' —- „14; ucl £■ Say*, etc s%. THE BEST J PENT .AT LOWEST R.ATES. YOC WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DONE. CONSULT THE BKEALDc±*. h'urie AL iff S RC M A W D tj L, I THE HER.ALDDOES e.k . lësSc- x<>c- x J. î 1