gilt íimrs-^irraíd. ■ WÏDXE8VAÏ NOVEMBER. 11W». —See N. Brown ur and all kinds of all kinds of __ machinery ........ repaired Burns Butcher. All orders prompt ( __ ______ | gons holding cihuiw against the , not be responsible for any indebted* promptly and satisfactorily at the ly delivered, free of charge. groeeiies at Mason & Loudon’s. ' estate of Chas. W . ____ Jones •> deceased, ness incurred by inv wife, Laura —Teachers txamination this C. H. Voegtly Hardware store . t > prest nt iiv the mv samej ■’<••■■', to the under- Weeks, after this date, September School Repot t. —Our merchants are still receiv­ week. R obert W eeks . signed at her home on Cow Creek, 30th 1896 ing goods. The last few days sev ­ _ \ew goods arrived at the! public j Harney county, Oregon, or at the eral big teams haye come in and | Report of the Drevsey .N ottee. ‘•Wonder ” ■ school for the month ct mmem ing offT e of Maurice FitzGerald in the there are more on the road. 'Oct. 5. and ending Oct. 30, 189b. I town ( f Burn, Harney county, Ore­ —Steve Webdell is interviewing All parties knowing themseves M arried .—At the residence No. of boys enrolled .. § ... ..16 gon. verified as by law required, indebted to the firm of Shelley & friends in town th s week. the bride on last Sunday, Chas. H. I No. of girls enrolled . .37 I within six months from the date of King are requested to make an —Tom Stephens and Duffy have Leonard and Miss Madge ByrdJ^ ta7n 11UU1UVI ‘mber enrolled , lUim cmviivil . . . • 53 Hds notice. immediate settlement of the same gone tol’rii.ei 1 m glasses for one dollar you pay an de Coudress, Gussie Robertson, I ing to Geo. Hagey. KinuRlinrv Dotintv Court of Harney county. State occulist or specialist 16 dollars for. —The Burns Band has procured Lillie Robertson, Gussie Kingsbury, . . ' of Oregon, to grant to M. M McDonald This is no “gammon” but “straight —J \V . Kelso since our last issue the Armory Hall for Christmas and Ada de Armend, Zepha Johnson, and Willie Altnow a license lo «ell spir­ goods.” Call and < xamine. visied our merchants and did will give a grand ball. They ex | Delia Johnson, Castolia Johnson, itual«, mult and vinous liquors in lees • j pect to have their new uniforms by • uunio sutne trading. Lewis mui Bonham iKnii c*«ivs and vj*au>v>v> Grace GittingS. ■ quantities than one gallon at their plaee 1 that time The visitors during the month 'of busitiese in Drewsey precinct, counit Noi ire. — Renn rnl>er the solo concert in of Harney, State of Oregon, for the — IL member the Grand Thanks | were A. I. Johnson, Diet, clerk, Mrs period <>f six months from the 6tb da> Loder's Hall tomorrow, (Thurs (giving Ball, given under the aus Curry, Mr. Hamilton snd Mr. ll<>w The boarding house of Mrs. dav) t veiling. of Jnnuarv 1897, to ard. school board, W. C. Bvrd Co. 1897: Belle Geer, has the reputation of Knights of Pythias.| —H. E. Layton of the Wild'P’cts School Supt , Judge Rutherford. A I Johnson being first class in every particular, Win Fredericks Horse country spent st vert.l days Thursday evening, Nov 26th. Sup- J M McMullin R B Johnson and Mrs Geer is determined that Dr. Loder, Mr- Moffet, Thor. Lucas | per at the Burns Hotel. in Burns since our last issue John (>it Ileniy Masterson 'her house shall not lose its present and J. de Coudress — Mr. and Mrs. Rex Scheiber J R Drewett John D I >.« Iv —M N. Fegtl v, a resident of the We are proud of our selu ol and standing, but by every means in , D Stuart will retire from the Burns Hotel on C L McPherson Owyhee corn tr)', who has been here earnestly solicit the patrons of the Ell Taylor W F Loder her power will endeavor to increase for several weeks on business, Lfi the 15th inst. and Mr. and Mrs. 11 school to visit us and see for them­ • L N Stallard John L DeCoudres I its popularity. One meal at her i B Sy mes will take possession. Mrs selves what the teacher and pupils I ., this morning for home. S D Mties N E Duncan table i convincing proof of her Scheiber will still have charge of are doing. M. N. B onham . I Li« A Gittinga Win Harness —J. A Holkdav has sub-con cuisine ability The the cooking department. Teacher. W 1’ Rubbins II Baird t acted the Burns-Canyon City French Hotel is again under the S B Stewart W F Kingsbury mail route Notice change in ad. Notice. | S Williams II l’resly contra] of Mrs. Louis Racine. in this issue. Passenger rates $5 Notice. . II P Nelson S W Hamilton — Its a pity the silver men of ■ E J Howard A Hassett Notice is hereby given that for —Mrs D H. Jones and Miss this community are so very ignor­ Il ’ oin Delaiiv J W Warner _*»11 parties indebted to me will Jesse Bartlett the purpose of making an exami- Hope have organized a singing R Drake ant as not to know how to use their please come forward and settle ac- class, for sm ill children, The class C B Macon JolingM Howaid ! nation of all persons who may offer franchise. We are informed that a counts, I am badly in need ofi Merlin McMullin W F Mofl' •' themselves as candidates for teach- meets at the church on Saturday , prominent citizen expressed his money, and will be sued for mv li-J James Small Eil Washburn era of the schools of this county, afternoons al 2 o’clock p in. pity because of our ignorance and abilities unless I can collect and, . ",llia,n8 M F Howard the county board will hold a pub —Prof Brooks of thj N arrows we presume excused ns because of 1.1 A Bartlet A Altnow pay up. M art B renton . j<) F Right lie examination at the school house accompanied by Emanuel Clark this pardonable weakness of our W J South in Burns beginning at 1 o’clock p. Jacob Lutz J S Keuyon and Albert Reinentan was in town minds and faulty* education. Poor F M Gibier Axel A Hansen m. Wednesday Nov. 11th. 1896. Administrator't A’otice. last M *uday on legal business. Bryan, if he knew this decision E S Wood T B Finer | The board will consist of Proff«. — Pine Creek cast 24 votes last how badly he would feel it, to sup­ •Vin Altnow W A RobertBon Notice is hereby given to all per­ J. M. Peebles, Chas. Leonard and A F MaBterson. Tuesday all for Bryan. So we pre pose he had so long advocated a sons holding claims against the es­ the countv school superintendent. sume that j recinct will get the measure, through ignorance inimi- tate of 1’. F. Stenger, deceased, to| Dated this 10th dav of Oct, ’96. 11 n v t f ti e Banner Bryan Precinct! cal to the true interests and wants presentthe same to the undersigned j — Dance and turkey supper at W. C. B yrd , Narrows on the evening of Nov. ' of the people. But the silver hor­ at his office in Burns, Harney | the of this countv. 20th County School Superintendent. Everybody is cordially in­ net nest has been disturbed and its county, Oregon, verified as by law , • — Dr Hi rton and family left vited to be present, as accommoda- piNAL PROOF ignorant slings have only begun. required, within six months from | ,• Q ‘ j" f ■■"■’■•• ■■■«'*« lit te ) estt rday to be absent all win , , ’ . I Hons will be made for a large at- —Chas. Voegtlcy wants those the date of this notice LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. trr. Miss Dot Bowen went in com. I tendance, October 5, 1S96. in need of furniture to give him a Dated at Burns, Oregon, this 1 ___ p«nv with the Dr's. family to ■ Notice in herrby given that the following • a named settler has filed notice of hia intention I I “ Uiegon City this state to visit her call. He has a complete line of 30th day of September, 1896 to make final proof in support of hiaclaim,and chairs, rockers, bed room sets, etc. ! that «aid pniof will be made before Rexiater M aurice F itz G erald , sister Mrs Gradon woo resides in and Receiver U 8. Land Office at Burna Oregon I on Nov. it. DWti, viz: B axtkk It. P ortih Administrator. that place. — Hugh Smith is no v doing the1 absolutely pure i I I I COUGHS and COLDS ELY'S PINEOLA BAL8AM la a aure Remedy butcher act for our < itizens. Hugh 1 for cougha, colda, aore throat and for aethtna. It aoothea, quiekly will endeavor to keep his shop sup­ Abates the cough, Thia 1« Your Opportunity. and rendera expect­ plied with the best of beef, pork and j oration easy. On receipt of ten cents, cn«h or «tamps, mutton. generou« «ample will be mailed of the a _ Consumptives popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure will invariably derive —Jorgensen has the finest and (Ely (Ely's «nfficienXo demon- demon­ ’« Cream Balm) «ufficien*to benefit from its nee. Many who suppose best lot of goods that ever came to strate the great merits of the remedy. their cases to be con­ ELY BROTHERS, sumption are only Burns; go and see for yourself. suffering from a 56 Warren bt., J'ld and ail ver standard, „ . awfravated by ca- recommended Ely’s < ie:.m 1 n in to me. I «___ _ For at 13 per dozen. I)o not forget, to „ catarrh ___________ , ’ ______ nee Ely s (‘ream _ Balm. Both do very well to talk at rout, but at can emphasize hin sti •■ tie r’. ‘ It is a posi­ -einedlea «re _ pleasant to nee. Cream Balm, II ‘ SC eta. go and see what he has on hand. per boule; Pl neola Balaam, ttk. 8->ldb r Plneola Balsam. Me. 8-dd by Drngglsta. tive cure for catarrh if used nsdirected. ” — this office we see so little of either, KLY BROTHERS, M Warren Bi., New York. Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Pre*. that we are perfectly willing to1 — B. F. Campbell, residing in Church, Helena, Mont. take cord wood on subscriptions Burns, keeps constantly on hand Ely’s Cream Balm Is the acknowledged JOHN F. STRATTON'S «■so hay and grain. Subscribers all kinds of fruit and kindly solic­ cure for catarrh and contain« no mercury CELEBRATED nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cent*. pUa«e take the hint throw two or its the patronage of the citizen« of BirmingtiamSteelStrlitg* tnree aacksof grain into your wagon Burns and vicinity. Parties desir­ far Vlella, «ultar. Mandolin. Banjo _____ Finest M»dr. Extra Platrd ' fore starting to town, dump it at ing to purchase cannot do better as •«Ml MMK Warranted not to rust Send for Catlg ’h< T imes H erald o fl ice, pay up Mr. Campbell proposes to sell his JOHN F. STRATTON. Imparttr, Manafatlat tr and Wholttait Dtaltr' your old account aud renew. fruit cheaper than the cheapest. —The MeKinleyites Cel bruted their success Monday night in this place, made jubilant speeches, and talked lots of money in circulation and prosperity to kill. Well we certainly hope their predictions will l»e verified. Wanted-An Idea B 811.813. 815. 817 E. »th St., N. Y. ^■" s ’ r ' b ?^“- , or the H w !4, 8€C M’ T p He naiad« the following witnesses to provs hla continuoua residence upon and < ultivation oi. aaid land, vis: Charles owen, Edward B. Water«, David Flnnemore, and Jarnea Dalton all of Burna, Oregon. THOMAS JONES. Register. ^PLANTING] well begun Is half done. Begin well by gett ing Ferry's Seed«. Mi ■ hon't let chance determine BH »your crop, but plant Ferry's W Meed«. Known and sold * * everywhere. ■ Before you plant, get W W Ferry's Seed Annual 1 for IMUS. Contain« more praol tlcal Information for farmers] I and gardener« than many hlgli-j priced text book«. Mailed free. J t». a. rcRio * co., erraon, "><