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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1896)
X«*' EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 4. - 1896 « w- N6 50. NOVEMBER 11 1896, BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. IX. H BEST GOODS, CHEAPEST PRICES MASON & LONDON. j thoughts were of his wife and three •children. He asked Mate Llewel lyn many questions, and the mate was badly frightened, asserting that Fred Cook, the name he went by, f had gone stark crazy. After a short OREGON. ONTARIO, conversation Miller succeeded in convincing Llewellyn that he was I rational; that his home was at , Wilkesbarre, Pa., and that his | name was not Cook, but Miller Frqm Llewellyn he learned that he had made at least two trips to Liv erpool and return and one trip to garWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES JpJT the West Indees and South Ameri ca. We carry a complete line of Miller has a faint recollection of tropical scenes, but it is all like a dream, he says. He remembers nothing of Liverpool, where he | originally shipped from, or on what vessel he sailed. He could hardly realize, when Llewellyn counted up that it was Sept. 26, 1896. He could not be convinced, how ver, Oregon Forwarding Company It will pay you to come to Ontario Il.ive on Hand a New and Complete stock of and buy fall and winter goods * GROCERIES Dry . oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, * a ' &C ** ’ at ^F8t’ a8 he ,n,l8t 5e East- * I er Sunday, 1895. as he had just the Dry Goods Notions, Gents Furrishmg Goods, Clothing, Boots I Shoes. Groceries. Hardware, Etc. Prici'S as low as any R R. point, with addition of freight. dav before been walking on the fiSrSpecia^attet.tmn to MAIL ORDERS-Correspondece solicited ( of WilkeBbBrre. Then came Audress Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. back to him. he says, the thoughts of that awful struggle in the alley, | when he was knocked down and I • He Lost Over A Y ear. robbed. Could it be possible that z 1 he had wandered away from home? „ , . . . . PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY , Jason L. Miller, who mysterious-, , 1 He could not tell how he came ly disappeared from Wilkesbarre, . , . . . , . BY / , . , , , _ to turn sailor, but lie surmises thati Pa., on the night before Easter, 1 , . , , , . , », I W. C. BYRD & SON. . , , , . , he must have reached either New 1895. has returned home with a v, ,, , . P ublishers and P roprietors . ... , . i York, Philadelphia or Baltimore m strange story of having wandered , . .... ,, . ,, ~ : the box car and while out of his all over the world, suffering from y SUBSCRIPTION RATES: «.Iked on a,hip, where he M.„„r„tu,er. .nd d..ler. in .11 krnd..r mental aberration, and awakening One Year ............... |2.00 was put to work. The mate told Six Months ............ LOO a few weeks ago on board a British Three Months................. 75 him that he talked very little and vessel, working as a sailor. that his name, Fred Cook, was He says that on the night he OFFICIAL DIRECTORY evidently given him bv seme em disappeared he was at the Lehigh ployment agent, who had failed to 4 4 national : Valley station, when some man .. .Grover Cleveland ascertain his real name. i risking Tackles ▲nd Sporting Goods. fresitent ................. . Adlai Stevenson told him that George Heller, the fiee-Presiilent................... Miller found a card in his pocket | S«.'retary of state Richard 8, Olney John G. Carlisle ticket agent, wanted to see him in Ucretary of Treasury . HF"linwaro and Firearms promptly Repaired. ............ Hoke Smith lecretary uf Interior u , ,, ... 1 He ______ followed the ____ man ___ and . he spvs, in which it was stated that i I Daniel 8. Lamont town. ieeretary of War Hilary A. Herbert iacretary of Navy he, Fred Cook, was to serve hs sail .. J. Sterling Morton was led into an alley, where he was Burns, Oregon. tecreury of Agriculture Jude« n Harmon or on an English ship from Liver 1‘toraey General W in. L Wilaon sandbagged and robbed. When he Pottmaiiter General pool to Philadelphia and return and STATE—OREGON ! regained his senses, he found him- ..... I G. W. McBride., i receive his board, clothes and 12 ™ I J. h . Mitchell. I ¿elf in a box car, loaded with iron shillings for his services. i Binger Hermann I castings It was a bitterly cold ■ «ngreantnen ................ (W. R. Ellie days [ . <\ M. Idleman The ship sighted land a few Attorney (.«euei al .... ♦overuur ............ Wtn P Ixird night, and he was nearly frozen, as ti R Kincaid teeretary of State . . . afterward and stopped at Newport r-aa trer . R ..Phil. Metgchan he had on only a shirt, a pair of *'.ipt. Public Inatructiou ... GM Irwin He i News for repairs, and he and a ’•ate Printer R......... W II Lae<to trousers, shot s and stockings. T. S. Bean. ) R The clothes I comrade slipped ashore. He had (npreMe Judge« ..................... > C. '. Wolverton had i o hat or coat. > F. K. A. Moore he did have on did not appear to be ■ no money, but quickly earned some NINETII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. wrote to his wife that he was alive J'ttrict Judge............... D .. . M. D. CLiFroki. i his own, as they were filthy with ¡•■rtii.t Attorney ................. C. W. Parrieh. and well and then got home as The mint-Representative .(R). . . .O. L. l'attersou dirt and were badly tern. STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor J quickly as possible. '*iiit-8enator ...........(R)............. A. W.Guwan hack of his head was aching terri At the time of his disappearance cocnty — harney : blv. where he bad l»een struck Jotinty j idge ......... ......... C. P. Rutherford. Miller was train dispatcher on the Cirk .......................... (R) H. Kelley His sides gave him great Lehigh Valkv road, Wilkesbarre. treasurer . (R) J. C. Welcome i’irvevor D TA. McKinnon where he had been kicked. His wife and children, who had 4*1-Iff (D) A. J. McKinnon A’«?«« >r very given him up as dead, are over • (D)............ w. Miller The train was going at a * •'i ►>! 4<inerintendent • -1D) w C. R' rd his return.— New York ’t »eg 1 nupector ......... ••••Gcu. Treiraskis rapid rate, and he made an effort jove^ Herald. ( D) 1 A B. Marks ’•> aniiMiioners Guo. Hagey to get up, but the pain in his head •*' ( caused him to swoon away again. harney v. a. land ofsicb : kegitter ........................ .Thomas Jones His eyes b came dimmer and dim »•reiver .............................. A. A. Cowing ^gFCourteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic mer, and he struggled hard to fight to ■ off the peculiar drowsiness that was LOCAL DISEASE creeping over him That was the and la the retali of coMt and SOCtSTTEB. sudden climatic changes. ihe last he remembeied until he It ____ ___ — ____ , can be cared by a , pleasant SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 4S. found himself on board of an Eng mwtX'^B^ M»»t»«very lit and M Wednesday. Mtns I.e’a WcGee W.O. ~ log quickly aixorbad it give« lilh ship, bound for America. I relief _______ at once. _ Sam Mothershead. Rec Sec’y. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. ¿he iimrs-gtraW. I. S. GEER & CO Hardware and Tinware. ihe Bums Bar CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm Ely's H could not realize for hours, he N3VS, that he was reallv Oil a ship, to acknowledged to b« th« moot thorough «ore for A- O. U. W. Rnrns Ixidae, No 47 t'______ . , . r "., Naaal Catarrh. Cold in H«« m and Hay Fever of all WsetseveryM and 4th Thursdays jfarawoy from hh familv. Tore- feme remediea. It open« and eleanacs th« n-aal paaaagea, H M Horton, M w . I . • ... . ‘ allaya ““O' pain and inflammation, heal« the anre», pro- ' I the membrane from eoida, reetore« the een«e« j w sayer. Rec*d , assure himself of nis identity he ? tecta at taate and emetl. Price Me. at Dm?rl«ta or hv mail. **" looked in a mirror and recognized BLY BROTHERS, M Warm Street. New York. HARxuy tnnc.K, wo. 17, I. o O F. 1 fallows Hall, everv Saturday, w r. Bred. N. O. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. Wanted—An Idea M. Phy.^„omy Thm.Monir one change, and that was that he r was attic« d as i sailor. His first wr Who eaa think of HIM Mm pie ------- tteln* to patent? I Burns-Canyon Stage Line J. A. H ai . labay , contractor. Carrying U.S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’m Ex pest fnXZiT B°rn8 Tue*day «Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City, and intermedi t» »ointa, Fare 15. 7