Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1896)
j EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES AY THS TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. IX. BEST GOODS, MASON & LONDON 8UID6 Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of GROCERIES N© 49. NOVEMBER 4 1896, — Denver, Col.. Oct 29.— A spec al to the News from Cheyenne, Wvo., says: The Overland Flyr on the i Union Pacific, westbo*und, due here at 9:55 p m, is reported stuck in the snow between Ogallala and Big springs, Neb. She is now five hours late A violent mow storm is raging in Nebraska »nd it is iui- >~ypossible to tell when trains will re- ----------------- -4- His Brain Destroyed. 1896. Oregon Forwarding Company ONTARIO, OREGON. lit will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods fJF*We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES Jgff San Francisco, Cal. 28 —William We carry a complete line of Kennedy, the well digger who was pinned to the bottom of a 60 foot well last Friday by a crowbar I which fell from the surface of the ground and penetrated his brain, laud lived to tell how it happened, (died in great agony, in the city and countv hospital last night. How Kennedy lived at all after the accident is a puzzle to the phy sicians. When the wound was laid open by Autopsy Surgeon Morgan p.-jp,.« n« lov ns anv R R. point, with addition of freight. £iS8T*<pecial attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited at the morgue, it was found that Address Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. fully one-third of the brain had es caped through the great hole made by the crowbar, and the remainder A Philadelphia Mrs. Malaprop was badlv decomposed. The point | of the heavy crowbar had pene There is a Mrs. Malaprop living (trated (he skull ju9t over the right PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY * ---—»-I J — in --j . * up ' town whose que^r blunders . temple, passing through the skull BY her everyday talk would fill a good | ¡in the rear, fracturing the bone ii W. C. BYHD & SON. sized volume, aud most of then» are 0| a hundred pieces. Yet K Pt’RLT«HFR* AND PROPRIETORS. funny enough to deserve publica- lived three days and was i ti n She was telling a neighbor I J tell of hiB sufferings almost up to Si IM KI I’flON RAI ES: Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of the other dav about a friend of the time of his death. ■’lie Year ............................................... I'.’.Oo r M nuli» ............................................... 1-60 I hers who had bought a bicycle BllwM. nil.« . ............................ ' “He went and bought the tiling,” she said, "for $15, and when he OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I went out to ride it the first thing » vou know it fell apart ‘ Why NATION AL! 'Fishing Taolaclss And Sporting Goods. Vreil'lunt ................ ......... Grover Cleveland don’t you go,’ sez I to him, ‘and Adlai Stevenson •’»ve.Frev:d<‘nt. ......... Kieharo S, olriey get a good wheel and pay for it on iwri-uuy of St Hl“ John G. Carlisle ♦«< r-.’ihrv of I'reHiury AND ITS ^CVRB î-f*” 1 inware and Eiroarms promptly Repaired. Hoke Smith the European plan?’” Ivi-eUri of 1 nterlor Yesterday To the E ditor :—I have an absolute I Daniel S. Lamont l4urret*ry of Wnr Hilary A. Herbert she wjnt over to a neighbor’s house remedy for Consumption. l4ucretary of Navy ‘ By its timely ___ use i Burns, Oregon. J. Sterling Morton !’“■■'•'» of ifricultnre. II k mds of hopeless cases have been already Jud'-in Hnrnion for a recipe for mayonnaise dress U!<tr i«j Gi'.ieial ’ T ~>nently cured. So proof-positive am I Win. 1. Wilson p.»*: master Gei.era! ing. She said: "llow d’ve do Mrs o> its power that I consider it my duty to arATK— orkgon : send two bottles free to those of your readers i G. W. McBride.' Smith? I want to make chicken who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or ttti’on i j. H.Mitebull. ”’,r,n,uu | ' salad tonight, and I thought I’d Lung Trouble, if they will write me their H“'1gre««tnen .... t VV , ik • 1,11 IF express and postoffice address. Sincerely, I . M. Idletnan get you to give me a recipe”—pro Attorney oeuvrai T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., I&3 Pearl St., Hew York. purer..<»r Win P l<ord W The Editorial and Bnslneaa Management of 4“ retar» of stale !> K Kin'aid nouncing it in two syllables—“for this Paper Guarantee this generous Proposition. ' ... Phil. MotaebHii ' irer _____ R Mt. r.i lie Inatructtoa ............. GM Irwin Movamensing ^dressing. ” Last *t*te Printer R.................. W H Laed« > R S. Bean. winter her house caught fire and db A /Vom F..9. Jowrent r>f anr»n« Ju<1 re« ? Wolverton ' F. A. Moore Prof. W. H. Peeke, w.o ^was slightly damaged. To her H . k] ?.’n.lfes “ "Peciulty of NINFTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ■ I I k r.pilepsy, has without her friends she explained that the f* ••r!ct Ji,-o M. D. CLirroAo I ■ ■ w doubt treated nnd cur- If wri.-T a rni-v . ................ c. W. Farrlali. trouble was caused by a disinfected M QB cd more cascc than any Kej.rrwniatlve .'R) O. L. Puttervou. STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor M 8 ^B living Physician; his l“i<rl»eiiator -------- .’ ........... (R)............... A. W.Gowan flue. ■ S H k J ’’ «’"«nishlng. On another occasion an acci '\c have heard of cases of so ycais’ standing ■'OTNTY—HAHNFY I dent occurred on the street oppo f A cured by Bounty . a.l¿e P. Rutherford. him. Hs f’erk .................... ' R > She and her cronies 11. Kelley I site her house. publishes« h*Mvr .. ............. . ’R> J. C. Welcome valuable D T A. Me Ki nuoti 1 were discussing the affair across work on Ml ■ (D) A. J. McKinnon this dis )•■ «« >r “I didn’t know ,(DL. s. W. Miller the back fence. ease, which l*b»d Unonrintendent .. .<D) W. C. R’ rd ho sends tert I nipectiir Ge.,. Trevafki« there was an accident at a'l till I , kw 11 h « ID) i A.B. Marks heard the avalanche a-comin down ummtwionur« tie of his absolute cure, free to any «¡Dferers P ( Geo. Haney *®"d the,r P. O. and Express address. the street ’a-ringin the be.l.” She R. LARD OVFtCRt mt.W. H. PEEKS, F.4 CMor St., New York ...................... Thome* lone« also told Mrs. Smith that she had ..................A. A. Cowing I ^-Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patsan read in the paper that milk was a good “anecdote” for poison.—Phila delphia Record. Í | € oods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Notions, &e. 'Dry Goods Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries. Hardware, Etc. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co Jltc iimcs-^erattl. I. S, GEER & CO Hardware and Tinware. Consumption ihe Burns Bar Thia la Yonr Opportunity. SOCIETIES, SYLVA REBEKAH Iterree No. «A Beet» every 1st and M Wednesday. MI m ie’a McGee N.<>. Sam Mothers head, Rec. See’y. Blizzard In Nebraska. On receipt of ten cent«, cnah or atampa, a generous «ample will be mailed of the moot popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely’s Cream Balm) enfficient to riemon- ■trate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren bt., New York City. Bev. John Reid, Jr., rf Or st Falls, Mont, recommended Ely’s < re.-m Ba m to me. I can emphasize his «lntuunJ, "Itisa posi tive cure for catarrh if Used ns directed?*— Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. i Omaha, Oct. 29 —Western Ne < i brasila is covered with 10 inches of A. O. U. W. Burn« I,»d|re. No 47 Veet«»very 3d and 4th Thurada»» snow tonight In some sections of Burns-Canyon Stage Line H M Horton. M W J w sayer. RecM | the state a high wind accompanies ----------- ----- ■■ ■. ...-------- the snow, assuming the proportions . A. W illiams , contractor. R»R nfv todgb . xo. 77. i. o o F. ,’«*f a blizzard. The trains are de '.»frying IT. 8. Mail, and Basterò Oregon Ezpreaa Co'« Krpe t-;.to.HFen.,w. H^eve^SatrMay. |avf>(| al|<j on pfiVpra| bra„cheg hftve Ely’s Cream Ralm is the acknowledged B. ». M< lntyre, -eey. beefl jn enow drift». cure for catarrh nnd contains no mercury Fare«’”'1""” B“rn'dy ,or C*DiOn «**••* »•« ra «di, „ w Dor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents.