t --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Durring the winter of 1893, F. M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va., THEY SELL contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how he cured it he says: “I used prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere c»n n several kinds of cough syrup but make Returning so much within a short time as by successful Sneculaho? J found no relief until I bought a bot­ Provisions and Stock. 1 dllOn in Grain tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy which relieved me almost instantly and in a short time brought about originated bv us. All successful speculators operate on a remilar» a complete cure.” When troubled It thousand, of of man mSri *v 18 ... a .. well-known I. fact 1(lvu that mat there mere are are inousands in „11 T® with a cough or cold use this remedy of the United States who, by systematic trading through Chicago K* ■\W'' 'c'óÉ^^ everv year, v««r ranging r-mrri™ from a .* few r thoueandklli Dro<- large amounts every and you will not find it necessary ers, make larcre for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars Ub f( , •i-innon TWO FOR ONE. to try several kinds before you get $100.000 or more by those who invest a few thousand ’°°° ,0 relief. It has been in the market It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from for over twenty years and constant­ paratively small investments on this plan are persons who live f'ELLlG.oi 0 LAPEL BUTTONS of thenbove em- Send for free sample and judge blem. Io r II color». will ilia's In gdt). will be Bent uoHtage p»»i paid I njxiii upon r«*< reeeiplot to'lowing prices prices: pOHtHRH dpt of the fn'lowing thereby. The E. O. H erald and ly grown in favor and popularity. from Chicago and invest through brokers who ‘thoroughly undcrS s.M A M.I.s(Z) * -. perdoe p.»rdor f2JOperhuitdrvd:.|2IO# KM LL Si .... ZE - :**<•. • r2..5DiMThun(ins!; ... ..... - .. |»r — .i.... s • unaersUnd n rtl >u .oitl- 1 G in. Ht'TTONS 75c. ita'fiW Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both For sale at 50 cents per bottle by systematic trading. iwr (t’Ji p»-r limns.md. 1'7 >n BUTTONS— wr inmdrw.l; hnn fl 725 | |»*r dr.. " ’l*r . ~~ hundred; ’’ 1 iloa.; V' »7o.(»p'-r “ ......... ttiousaiid. . p vpnr fur .+ 9 °ur plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade but i 1.25 hembutto'»sat druggists. Oruei thane but to '««•• 0.1.« uml iite ........... - them -- - for - One year IOT | covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it briiJ thegoodoftliocim-e Every word isu text; the whole I The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page aaermou -eloquent and powerful. P* • steady profit that piles up enormously in a short time. paper, issued each Thursday. Agents Wanted Everywhere. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual st Hampk“i <»f two sizes of Buttons, la cents. ' Largest in size,cheapest in price, successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of nion ' THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, most reliable in news,all large type, STOCK BRANDS. making pointers. ALL FREE. Our manual explains nia4 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. plain print, good white paper. Ifj trading fully. Highest references in gard to our standing and our readers want another live paper,1 success. For further information address . the Enquirer is that paper . Call or send orders to this office. | THOMAS dL CO. Bankers and Brokers Those who are troubled with THEMSELVES! rheumatism should try a few ap­ plications of Chamberlain s I ain Balm, rubbing the parts yigorously at each application. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece ot flannel with Pain Balm and bind it V? ¡on over the seat t f pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For sale by druggists. | h I***'1; S’1’ 174 ¡■••T VIIMIlSiUJIJ. HI XJUIIV.’O— ——------------------------- m i 1 24M-242 Railto Building Chicago PLANTING ; well begun In half done. Begin , well by getting Ferry’s Seeds. I Don't let chance determine! your crop, but plant Ferry'» t Heeds. Known and sold ' everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Annual for 1896. Contains more prac*V tlcal information for farmers/ an<1 KHrdeuerM than many high-/ i text books. Mailed free. /• IL ■. FEItKl A <<>., DKTKOIT. MH • r?,M FJr.IHZ FRIC£ Or CHE. -------- FREE BRAND COLUMN. I Cattle brand J6 on left hip. horses same on on left sh< older. John McNulty. ---------- Cor Premiums Horse brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. F03 THIS YEAR. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brands left side. p. o. Burns,Oregon If you aro in a nosition To do Busii ss Let Peoub Know it ------ ------------ OUR MIND 4 « I « .. J W th your *!. .k C Oi • t I c THIS PAPER— THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! PKICK Ml.ao 1’F.K Y< AH. i .• •I . . ■ . r V 1 ? / -----OK----- 1HE SAN FRANCIS.0 Morning Call! PB1VKS6.O0 PF KI HA I*. ’v.J “r . tvr • nor y.cr ..er r*’ Ì Cattle brand, II., on left rib under bit In left ear. under slope in right ear Horse Braud 71 on right Stille. R E J. A. Williams P, O. you I ave anything You want to Sell Let People Knew it. Riley or. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand ed )-( oil left hip. Marion Bnnyard, PO Burna i C ! I J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt side Horse brand — ou left shoulder. ----- WITH------ k b ftg.no YoU KNOW A GOOD I D V ERT1SEM ENT ME ANS INCREASE IN ECKtwmj^. ------- H*------- Move ■ I » « *T-> l IIK SAN FRANCISCO (1^ WEEKLY CALL ylfQ I* a ItaiitlsuniH eight- ptrite paper. It is ianied every Thursday, anil contains all of the important news of the week, gleaned from every quar­ ter ot the globe, complete up to date of publication. It tur- nlabea the latent and most reliable financial new« mid market quotations, a'<1 gives apodal attenti' n to horticul- tural and agricultural news, and is In every ren ect a firat- ;la*s iamily paper, apponiiug to tile interest ol every member of the household. ------ -+-------- II ►: MOUSING CAI.I. (haves laavaa * Waga) COUGHS and COLDS ELY 8 PINEOLA BALSAM I Id U » a nure sure Krmedy Keme.1,- for coughs, colds, sore Uirosl anil and for aetluna. asthma. It 1. soothca, quietly •Iwte. the cough, am! renders ox|a*i.t- oration easy. Consumptives will Invariably derive benrtlt from lta uta Many who eiipi two their caera to licron- »uniption are only enffcrlng from a chronic cold or d.-cp seated Cough, oft in aggravat'd by ca- t'rvani lta>m. Both •cinr.1 r. ire piea.anl to u-<- Civ.m lla tn, SC -ta. per iiotde; Pmeolv Nal.mti. t*e. S hi by Druggists. LLY UltoI'IlKlUhM Warrtb BU. New Tork. Is a live no tropoiit m dally. It is the MOST REL1A- Bl.K. and is reciignlzed a* bld in: the LEA 1>1 NG NFWS- I’Al’KK of the l aeiflc Coast. Either of the above i »par* we «ill send pO'tmid as n pre­ mium on receli t of the follow­ ing •ubaerlptlun pt Ices Ur the combination: its’tln llvnnl > i left hip: h >r ah >.il lar. C.iai'ioa ti. Voetil- r. Burns » Horn«* branded P on right shoulder, cattle h on right hip. It. A. Hendricks, P.O. Lawen Or Horse brand 36 on left shoulder, also thret dots. . tn shape of t rtangie, cattle branded same E. E. Grout Burns Or. Miss Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil or: left Hille, t attle branded bar.R on left hip. t U. Lawen Ore. J. P Dh kenson cattle brant! J P connected on let! hip llorte brand mivil on left stifle. P. O I.awen Ore. Cattle brunt! figure 7 on either b!p; mark light crop off each ear, slip In each ear, ano watt on left jaiv. Horae tirm.il figure7on either hip J. 11. Bunyan!.Burns Ore. Subscribe for the Gci> Williams, horses atnl mules > rounding wt ,>ti tight stifle. P. O. Ril> Horse brand bar m on left shoulder: Cattie brand bar m on left hip mill ribs. Catherine Marshall P O NarruwsOre. Horse brand on left shoulders Miss Laura Stanelift, Burns Ore. Horse brand n'on left shoulder and same on ’’■US' le of tight hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burna S. I ampshitc and Son cattle brand B e.">nti ’i I. Ear mark swallow fork ill right ew undorbii ni left. P, O. Burns ore. Hom r mi l Cattle branded .1 P on left shoul­ der K .mc b »mled JP coiiuveted. Mary Price, Burns Ore Herman ttnh < stilt brand u on t .a» ur etop oil'and awal. >w fork in left ear ear under a ope. P. O. l.awen. ' le t rand, H (». on l»ft hip. t rich: cur at <1 a cr p arid split in >-( O m lei', shoulder. A. Hem star i a:tie and horse brand T « ith half circi Thompson, I aienO c/ybodr ’Keadt TH/Ì /I/: \AL 7K A<1> ertile in if. WEEKLY CUI kd Uh Pip*-, ? r Y;ir, COPYRIGHTS tn Tur E ntou s I have an »bsotute remedy for (3omutny6oa By its timely use tt> vxh of h< «cvlcss cases hive been already -tk iMly cured. So proof positive am I ot its p w.-r that I consider it my duty to am? rue K>i:bi free to tl. ne of your readers who have < xwtimi'tgtn.Thnvat. bronchial or Lung Trouble. tf they wtU write me their eiprers and j flnffcr address. Sinceretv. ¡.M.C» IU Frari ».. Brw Tart Th. K btortal Md H mi »». M i . m ».' » i «4 tfea la*«' Uw.rwalw *kta »vaarvaa Fr ipaa nu w T. A. U m , arch I • CAN I OBTAIN A PATKNT» r ^»1,14 an»«cr and an oi-in on. writ I NN A- <’<>.. who have bad nearly arty » ei - erlcnce In the ralent bUBineM. Commw tn ns Mrtctly con"ilentlal. A Handbaok u formation iwKvnuBi Patent« and bow t< to; n item sent t re*. Also a catalogne ot nitH. k-al and Be e it 1c l ooks .ent fr. e Patent, bl- n rbrouah Mura A Co. re arveial not ■ ■ the Mr lent Iti Amerlrnn it la ar« !-n .hl widely b«: '-e tt>« public nut coot lei i'i- inventor. 1 • sob-ndld r iwaod w.wk’y. ’ -aantly dlna’r«ttM. ba« by ft target cm r>'e c t uw »ent fret buitdln« t io,n»«ithly. -W*>ear. « etnie*, ■; > Frew tun • ■ . ivi» tifai piate*. >' ’doe*, and i wogr.pt>* ol bo«M>a. w tk piaaa. vnabbn. ewto»no MMwt Avwi.i - *u i •wvr» eo. ,< *. AtMm MUNN A « Naw Toa*. Jul baoau THE HERALD POES THE BENT JOB P AT LOWEST KATES. , oNMJl.T TMM