Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1896)
+*1 fl EAST 0REG0N HERALD ANI> pl fl I [I BURNS TIMES .A-DVEKr/SB tvV ' the TIMES-HERALD. > BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. hi« vest, but pometime« he nttnin n n let« 1896. NO 48. OCTOBER 28 1896, it dntg Uie floor to show it« full length CHEAPEST PRICES BEST GOODS, MASO.N & LONDON. Consolidated July 22, just as a w°u^n * w,ai,h of k | back luiir exhibits it in the privacy of hi r boudoil* to a coterie of admir- I ing friends, XMr. Je ¡kins’ mue* owing. tache is still growi Oregon Forwarding Company OREGON. ONTARIO, It will pay you to come to Ontario CATARRH Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of and buy fall and winter goods I local ’ disease GROCERIES ' > flTWe have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES^J and Is the result of Cv— a and sudden climatio changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which is applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be ing quickly absorbed it gives relief at once. We carry a complete line of Dry i oods, Dry Goods Ely ’ s Cream Balm Notions. Clothing, 1 Gents Furnishing Goods, Furnishing Goods. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, Hardware, Etc. i Is acknowledged to be tb* most thorough sure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens snd cleanses the ni*sal passages, »Hays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro- I tecta the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 50c. at Driivgists or by mall. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren Street. New York. * Title Is Yottr Opportunity. Prices as low as anv R R. point, with addition of freight. i a generous sample will be mailed of the ¿V£T' Special attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited i moGt popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely’s Cream Baku) sufficient to demon* Address Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. strata the great merits of the remedy. I ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., Few York City. Bev. John Reid. Jr..< f Gr- nt Falls,Mont., HIS QUEER INSIDES recommended Ely’s I -^r.i Fa ns to me. I ______ I can emphasize Irs i, f it. "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used ns directed."— Geter Sharpe, a 17-year old color-1 Rev. Francis \V. l’oole. Pastor CeutrulPreB. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY , , , , . i ... Church, Helena, Mout. BY cd bov. whose heart beats merrilv , . . , . , , , . Ely’s Cream Balm is the acknowledged I BYRD & SON. away in his right side, while his cure for catarrh and contains no mercury P ublishers and P roprietors . liver peforrns its functions in an j nor unJ injurious drug. Price, 50 cents, eminently satisfactory manner on | the left, is affording the St. Louis bCBSeRIFTION RATES: Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of ' lie Year.............................................................. I'J.W) City hospital physicians an inter .1.00 •:x Mvuuhs ........................................................ . .7.- three N od ........... •• esting study Geter went to the hospital for > i treatment for a nervous trouble,and | OFFICIAL DIRECTORY AMD ITS in making their examination the To the E ditor 1 have an absolute , for Consumption. By its t'imeiy use Tiabirier Ta rtlwl - a A. — J « — national : oliys'ci ius discovered the misplace remedy the inds of hopeless cases have been already ' Aa,ClXXsS An,Cl 5001'^11^0» Goods ......... Grover Cleveland ••fesilent ........ . . ...........Adlui Stevenson ment of these important organs p .anently cured. So proof-positive am 1 1 & flce-Presldeut............ ....... Kieliar-. S, Olney <ecrt-tary of state tw-’l’in j u >- ......... John G Carlisle There was no accident that caused ot its power that I consider tt my duty to I 'v'Ti'iary of Treasury send two bottln frit tolhost at your readers i tinware and Firearms promptly Reuairad ................ Hoke smith l.'i-cet tr> of Interior . Daniel b. Lamottt a shifting of the heart and liver, who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or 1 J H 4-*eret*ry of War Hilary A. Herbert lacretaiy of Savy Lung Trouble, if they will write me their Burns, Oregon. J. Sterling Morton and their location was caused by tccreiar. jf Igrivliltnre. express and postoffice address. Sincerely, Judai n Harmon t’tor ev General Win. L WilBun no disease. It is just a freak of T. A. SLOCUM, M. C- 183 Pearl St., Hew York. ’osi-.naMer General Ths Editorial and Bnsinsss Management of STATE—OREGON ! nature, the doctors sav. The boy ' 09* this Paper Guarantee this generous Proposition. WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. She Jimcsi-ï ¿imrs-gtiaiil. ïhc W. C. I. S. GEER à co, ronsumDiion G. W. McBride. J. 1!. Mitchell. | Binger Hermann • ■•nvresxmen ..................... ,W. It. Ellis Attornev General .... ... <'. M. Id’emsn •overuor .... Win P lx>r<: leeretary of State ................ 1, R Kincaid rreasnr.-r R .. Phil. Metschnn 'upt. Pm,ic Instruction................... GM Irwin Rate Printer R......... W H l..veds !R. S. Bean. •-itirex-te Judges (.'. Wolverton F. A. Moore NINF.TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Jixtrict Ju-'ge.................I) ... . M. D. CLtFFOki. b'xtriet Attorney....... .... C. W. Pnrrish. loint-Representative . .(K) .O. L. Patters.,u. ietut-senator .............. (R)............. A. IV .Gowan >eu»:ors l I Hardware and Tinware. was born that wav and never knew till the physicians told him that he COUGHS and COLDS was a freak. The organs perform their functions satisfactorily, and ELY’S PINEOLA BALAAM la a sure Remedy and for asthma. It Geter is rather proud because he is for coughs, colds, s<tre throat soothes, quickly abates the cough, different from other men. and renders expect oration easy. The physicians sav the case is Consumptives rare one. Instances of the heart will Invariably derive benefit from Its use. being on the right side have fre Many who suppose their cases to be con quently been reported, but it is us sumption are only COVSTY—H A B1« KY : suffering from a ually the result of some accident. chronic cold or deep Jountv jjdze ........... C. P. Rutherford, i seated cough, often Ilerk (R). H. Kelley The liver, however,has always been aggravated by ca- . <R) J. C. Welcome ( treasurer .. For catarrh use Ely's t ’ream Balm. Both Urveror p t a . McKinuon considered to have it« location on ...nedles sre are pleManl pleasant to to use. Cream Oeam Bairn, Balm, K 5C cl eta. «tariff .(D) A . J. McKf non r bottle; Plneola Balsam, 2IV-. Sold by Druggist Ass-ss ,r .(D).. . s. W. Miller the right side of the back, and no lists. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren St, New York. ieh.wl Superintendent .il» .._) W.C. rd Hock Inspector ........... Geo. Tregaskis case has come under the hospital | JOHN F. STRATTON'S ID) ? A.B. Marks iotamittaionera CELEBRATED P ( Geo. Hagey physicians’ notice where it was otherwise. — St.Loui« Post Dispatch J? HAHNKY r. a. l.AKD officb : xhe Burns Bar STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor Birmingham Steel Strings Register ................................... Thomas lone» A A Cow,n* CHANCE FOR THE WIND.! lor Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo Finest Made. Extra Plated ■Baal OMSK. Warranted not to rust. Send tor Cstlg F ' ^Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic JOHN F. 8TRATTON, Out at the Fort Hall Indian 9CK7IETIES. agency is a clerk who can probably SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. W. boast of the longest rnustnehe in Marta every 1st and Sd Wednesday. Mias I^la McGee N.G. the world. He parts his name in Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec'y• the middle, signing hi« letter« H. Elwell Jenkin«. Mr Jenkin«’ face A. O. ü. W. Burns Lodge, No 47 is just naturally good soil for hair ••«♦tseverv 2d and 4th Thursdays. H M Horton. M W " w" cayer.'Rec’d and hi« mustache just grew and — grew and grew, until it has reached a length of nine feet. Ordinarily M a RXKY T/1DGR. NO. 77. I. O O F. YewsatOid Fellows Ha’l. every Saturday. Mr. Jenkins folds the end« of his Kya, w r Herd. N.G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. mustache away out of Bight under Importer, Jfana/artnrer and ITkolesale Dealer* 811.813. 815. 817 E. 9th St.. N. Y. JOHN F. STRATTON'S Celebrated Band Instruments ALSO DRUMS, FIFES, Piccolosand Band Supplies. Send foe JOHN F. STRATTON. Catalogue. • 1 I. • 11. • I S. MI 7 E. fftl« SL.N.T I I Hurns-Canyon Stage Line i H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U.S. Mail, and Eaitern Oregon Expreaa Co’« Exp» . Wanted-An Idea Fw. aad list of two bu I B“'°' dy f0' C*njon C1'F. »U ™«di. U pss