'1 Durring the winter of 1893, F. Those who are troubled with I Ì THEY SEU THEMSELVES 1 rheumatism should try a few ap­ M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va , plications of Chamberlain’s Pain I contracted a severe cold which left Balm, rubbing the pans yigorously him with a cough. In speaking of at each application. If that does I how he cured it he says: “I used Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can tk not bring relief dampen a piece of several kinds of cough syrup but make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in f' -V ‘ 11 Drain flannel with Pain Balm and bind it | found no relief until I bought abot- Provisions and Stock. tleof Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy on over the seat c f pain and prompt; • ‘ < I n <. vi.!) itum hi ui!t), will tie Bent i parativelv small investments on this plan are persons who live aw awa - ijOMtHiD' jL'.ii! •!;>• »n i» r»‘iptof thefn'InwiHtf pdcp* : KM \ L i.. • IZ J .it •. j • r doF.,: r.’. »0 i»erbundn* nt i * ’ 5 » i> *r huti«lred: 370.00 :»« r tiiousa'id. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade but ' one year for $2. <»ru‘zi*sof Bullona, 15 cents». Largest in size,cheapest in price, WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, al-o our Manual on THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, ' most reliable in news,all large type, successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of I)10nev STOCK BRANDS. 03 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. plain print, good white paper. Ifj making pointers. ALL FREE. Oar manual explains margin ' our readers want another li ve pape r,1 trading fully. Highest references in 2 gard to our standing and .success. For further information address > the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office. | ,'S SMALL INVESTMENTS. jt n m THOMAS <&, CO. Bankers and Packers ^ailto ESuildjnsf Chicago PLANTING well begun I h luilt done. Begin well by getting Ferry’» Nee«l». Don't let eluiiK’e determine your crop, but plant Ferry's Heed«. Known and sold everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Annual for 1S1M1. Contains more prac­ tical Information for formers and gardeuerH than many Illg priced textliooks. Mailed free. 1». a. (tiiiii e. „ iirruori, sun. S.DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSiNEs._-< FREE BRAND COLUMN. Cattle brand Jii on left hip. horses same on ’eft ahi.older. John McNulty. FO 1 THIS YEAR. -THIS PAPER ----- WITH------ Hora< brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper elip on boti ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brand T left aide. r o. Burns,Ort gon If you are in a position To do Busin ss Let Peoub Know it J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt side Horse brand — on left shoulder. THE S N FRANCISCO To the E ditor :—I have ait absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use tlx vids of hi ipeless cases have been al ready p .-nently cured. So proof-positive am I ot its power that 1 consider it my duty to tend two bottln free to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoflice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., IB3 Pearl St., ltew Tor*. hr- ’l b" Kditortal and BnsineBe Management of Uils Paper Guarantee this goueroua Proposition. Weekly Call! 1‘KICK «I.SA fF.lt Y. AH. ----- OR----- Morning Gall! ------- H*-------- nd all Pai- udi rà « I ces. S. P leu' Otflce. . Iosa lime tfuui tlioae Our 0 t> e s Of »nd w< can < i-. enioti* fr i \\ fi i n. Betid tnotiol, l i,' : . i't | boto., m Itti descrip- i ton We mi- I , if ■ t tibie or not, Dee uf < barge « >i i i :i. : fili nutent i» »eeiireit. .. Oli un l'utenta," wlth A P .mnbi t limn ■ t i . od-Biute, < oimty, or luuu, eviit D. Addr •»». C.A.* Opposite I ow«tco .i t otAct. Washington, 0. C HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKI.Y CALL la a liaiHimiiite eight, ptige paper. Il ie Issued every Thursday, and contains alt of ttie important news of the week, gleaned from every quar­ ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur- Blahea the latest and most reliable fill uncial news mid market quotations, n d gives apeclal attention to horticul- tural mid agricultural news, and 1» In every reapget a first, glass fninily paper, app»mi..g to the interest of every member of the household. ------ *•*-;- hl CHAN3ÎNQ fl OUR MIND compared with ppe.irunce ot your w it U Riley Or. Horses branded )■( on leL stifle. Cattle brand ■ ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyurd. PO Burns , ' MOllMNU CA^I. t51'”5” * w“s«> »if* Is a live lie tropoiit m dnilv. It la me MOS I' RELIA­ BLE. and is re ionized as beiim the LEADING NKWS- PAl’KK of the I’aeibc ('mist. Either of the above . nper» we will send postn iu: Horse branded Pon ri.rht tshonlder. cattle I on rigid hip. R. A. Hendrk kB. 1*. O. Law en Or ASD ILL) i Ai. , Pka YEAR, i 'BOO in Look s About About About • » Miss Roea Dickenson Horse brand anvil ot left stifle. Cuttle branded barJR on left hip, I O. I.awen Ore. J. P Dickens.in « attic brand J P connected t o left litp. Hone brand anvil on left atille P. <> I l.iiwen Ore. t attle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light crop < IT each ear. Slip in each ear, n i d watt on left jaw. Horse brand figure'on either hip .1. II. Ullin ard Burna Ore. TIMES HERALD Horse brand bar m on left shoulder: Cattle brand bar m on left hip mid riba. Catherine Marshall P O NarrowaOre. Horae brand on left shoulders Miss Laura Stnncllft. Burns Ore. Heise l.rati.l r hb < !e of right hind leg. Ore. T O S ONLY TWO $ Phil Smith Burns H. I.ainpshue and son cattle brand pjj connected. Far mark a i allow fork ill right eiv underbit in left. P.O. Burna ore. Horses and Cattle branded I P on left shoul­ der some b »tided JP eonmeted. Mary J. Price, Burna Or»1 e and home tiranti T with half cirri U. W. Titolili e .U, I a.veti O LU33U H. erybody fiends •/ tn: /th'* a l />. .'t r. C h Lasts e Let People Know it. ¡HE SAN FRANCISCO PRICK «0.0 > FEB YEAD. Cai < it,«, -ni i ai.i bii»lne>H i i i « Cattle brand, II., on left rii under bit in left ear, under slope in right ear Horse brand 71 on right stille. R E J. A. Williams P, O. ' ’ with in! a I Look ' ? 'C IOC and valuable tree. Co., Asts., «19 MCNTii 3MKRY 9T .. s. F.. CAU I % \ lie a V E Al S.TRÂDE M ARKsar COPYRIGHTS.^ CkN I ORTI IN A PATENT» For omet an.wet rlratl0c American, and tnue are brought widely before th» publie with, oat cut to the Inreotoe. Thi, »ptendld paper. i»»ued weeklr, ehwantly lllaetrated, has by far the lanteM c.rvnlatioa of any »renGBr wvrk tn tha world. «3 amar. Sann'» «orice tent free. Baiidlna Rf'ina. monthlr. K..W» year. Single C'piev 45 conti. Frerr number contain» beau­ tiful platea in rotor». and rboiccrrph, of new boum», Wito piana, enabling bwiiden to »h»w Ute loten designs and secure contracts. Add resa MUNN i CU, Niw Tona. 3til B huàmwa ». THE HER.ALD DOES THE BENT JOB PKNT .AT LOWEST RATES. Wilts YOU WANT good JoR PRINTIN«. DONE. « ONMJLT TUB HER**-1'