âltr Jimrs-Mirratd Wood Yard! Wood Yard! W ANI ED— I di-sire lo cera Therefore, we appeal to every pop­ spon 1 with Oregon partie ulist who may have been mislead, vho may be able to supply by such mistaken or false pleas of me wi h choice Indian relies I WKDNKSbkY OCTOBER, ’21 LBT6. i pretended loyalty to the people’s such as «P1 ar heads, arrow hem s. stone i party, into refusing to support such pipes, eel S\ rite me. telimi; ln.» what Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN \ou have. Address: II. I* H amilton , letter from the pops i joint electoral tickets, to stop and I >v i : Failing in this, they try to find IS THE for equality before the Jaw and the populists ami silver democrats who rights of mail. Between these two cm he induced, on one pretext or PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, there is no middle ground. The « another, to rebel against the joint GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. one i and only hope for the republi­ electoral tickets. They either have can part y to win in this campaign, Located first block East of Church. secun d, or will secure, the services and fasten the gold ¡standard upon BEAL ESTATE AGENT, of every man that money can com W. H. C anaday , Manager. the country, is the corrupt use of NOTARY PUBLIC mand to breed d seensions and di­ an u inlimited supply of money for visions. The danger lies in the bribery, corruption and intimida­ I possibility of a certain portion of tion. the rank and file of the people’s ; ^"Practices before U- 8. Lami Office. I party being misled by so-called leaders, who, for reasons best known to themselves or for want of reason, are advising voters to rebel against fmm V.S.Jmmmlof JMIrtn» tne j -lint electoral tickets and put Prof. W. U. Peeke, w makes a specialty of up separate electoral tickets or to djub&ted and cu“! 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ed more cases than any withhold their support from the living Physicinn; hia DEALER IN— success is astonishing. I ( )ii:rH joint electoral tickets. at Residence We have heard of casts 1 7l,ICt of 20 yc-ius’ standing ’ Some of the democrats of the cured by , him. Ho revenue stripe who me not y et publishes a 1 v a 1 u a b 1 a weaned from the 11 sn pots of Eg\ pt work on this dis­ : TINWÄRE. : GUNS- but are sticklers for regularity, and AMMUNITION- ease, which I ho sends with a « • I are nominally supporting Mr. Bry­ large bot­ MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION, Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guns tie of ------ his absolute . . . cure, free to ' v» any «»II y sufferers DUliei ci 1 an while secretly and in every un­ who may send their P. O. and Express addres.T. v,v «»Lavino ¿2U2® wnvjHio wisnmg anno tnaddrt a j e ts. repaired promptly ami eat ¡«factory. a euro tn addre s I‘s DR. D. B. CATE derhanded way are trying to ; c- Proi.W. H. FEEKE, F. wishing P., 4 Cedar Ct., New Torli { BURNS • - - OREGON. cemp-ish bis defeat, are advising i Every ki'.ii <>f first elm» Dentistry against the joint electoral tickets, lorn- <>• siimi notice ami in a work- and, ‘ai'mg in this, they advise manlike manner. democrat« to scratch the people’s is a partv elector«; ami already a few LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds nod so-ealltd populist leaders are advis­ sudden climatic changes. It can lie cured by a pleasant ing the rank and hie of our party remedy which is applied di­ HAYFEVER rectly into the noetrila. Be­ to stiike hack by rt fusing to sup­ ing quickly a .sorbed it gives relief at once. and Builder port the democratic electors of the joint eh ctoral tickets. .. Woi k is acknowledged to be the moat thorough acre for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay lever of all i This is a trap set by the gold remedies. It onena and cleanses the n aal passage«, pain and Inflammation, heal, the acres, pro­ bug«, who are njuicing that a few aDaya tects the membrane from colds, re-torea the acmes taste and smell. Price SOc. at Drn rgistaor by mail lamest men h tve f.llcn into it it ELY BROTHERS, 06 Warren Street, New X ork, BURNS OREGON. I , 1 LOOK! LISTEN!! JETE¡E3X> J olinson’s Cash Store C. H. VOEGTLY, : ¡Dentistry: . Everything Cheap for Cash. John Sweitzer, Ely’s Cream Balm LAUNDRY ELKSÄRT CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. iX $21.50 Have Hold To (ontumm For?? Year®, rarftifl Mrm the denim’pmflh. We are the OI drat and ).argr«t manufacturer® in Ametica welllnir thH way. Snip »ubjert to approval. W>par/rerpM buth if not »ati.«factory. Everytnintr war­ ranted Why pay an Agent SIO tog.» to order for von' Write v<»ur own order. Boxing ire«. W® t»ke all the n.*>k of damage in »hipping. BURNS $24 Proprietor. t I I Sprint Wagons, *30 to $45. Guaranteed ■uoiie ar »ell tor tso to »75. 14 >t,les of Road Wagons. Surreys with Ion« tenders, »60, (Eft aune aasell for SU to Sion Top Bunglss a,|uw f UU •»liJ. Phaetons a» low a. ses. And Cigars. OREGON . No. 130. Hoad Wagon. WHOLESALE PRICES 1. 1 arm Harness. GEE, BONG Kentucky Whiskies i First door south Post Office. j B ur Aattood A» A.I4 for«?*. HARNESS. Wrtylea, Single, Donbl. and Farm Ridin« Saddle«, Bridle, and rlr Net*, oet.d t (Mnta in ataanpa to pay po.te«e. lit pave ratalo«iie. So. 41 Wan W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elknart, Ind. JTM* Faww«® M SEEDS?WEAK MEM J UlIF.Vr trcM qnlciîy. -'•rmanenVr n* VI* PACIFIC RY ' Vf» SPOKANE DENVER MINNE »1’01,1«. K \Nw rate« t<> all Eaa’fni •dlioa >k. E««!!y r®rr1w| in vr®f»r * t. •• p’flM'i; <1 f»»r , * pal<1. «H» A a W*<1 UwtfM-i •**><#* d Wrì? i« nasale ni b«»«»k, aea’M p’ntn wnnfwr, with unlmorh - fin® nr‘ •! ®t®rwO ne. X*» l'nfinn», I- nfcM»lL » IM.-«cI«®)®,la* Fot tale In Barn». Grog., by II. M. BOKTuN. Aliy DDIPEC bv the only eonrern that UU I ■ nlUCw voluntarily reduced price*, or in recent time« originated a new idea in Windmill and Water Supply Goods I: very thing the farmer sells H low. Wha aalto law ta bias P w« have repeatedly refused to |oio. ■nd have therefore defeated windmill combination, and have, •mce reduced the cost of wind power to J what it was. Through gratitude, and because we ere price maker*, and are^U EA safe« to deal with, and because we sre the sole originators of sll that 1. g’Mxi in tiie modern steel windmill and H| KRM| .ow.-r, TH« WORLD HSS GIV«N US MORI TH AN ■ ■S^R hal F ITS WINDMILL SUSItSSS, We believe M V® In low prices, high grades and large sales. We make «hort “ hand with Ion« power stroke pumps, with best seamless brass tube cylinders, lower than Iron ones—s 1 tft inch st jj 5> We prepay frdigbi to ao branch houses. Send now for beautifully illustrated Catalogna of up-to-date ideas, as I Ibis appears but once. Our Imitators mav not hove la < M ’EA N HTEA M El {H leave Portland every 5 data for MANHOOD RESTORED! «.'."¿„•fi’S,'! »»»».all «rain, and I-»» of power In G»..-ra).re < >mna or robvr S»x*au “S br ovsrexenl.n. rwUfol error. hcmo . nx> ni t iracro.or4am .< mi X ulant>. vhk-h h ad U> Inlnrltr. < ••n«or In.auxr, C m >.« carried la .TMporlet »1 perb..«, • fr»-,. t,T Ka,t WlVi a 4.5 wS -r’T» » “ rltlra r»«rn«k „ )• r.rr »r re,and IK- monrr. gold s. .u ,1rw»i,U. |.| il p > «Mr II rec f.< |rro Mart).-«' I. e_.,i — »Ufc. Ii.ti uurrjsp r. Aartrs»* A F.U » F kbk.I « )».. U. vu»tz1-a.j .«.lau AUO ►~r «..a u B-ma.Oni.. br U M. UOXTob. .»ru«..»). MON NORTHERN RY. ItkHoui Mciuorr. ldt-b® of Brain I*« «•* J t <• ul:*<'ie. Wnkef’niH**s l-o*î VI -«Htv. Nufh’ly ’r •io»* ev’l dnmoj*. Itnpop • r ar »! w* ih « gì - sb »»«® can. . jpufñ’M'r mwiorrrcuri. C ocj UU ì «» no optate®. lau nrrve Unii, and M ocm I ht» I kirr. R.i>i thè pah» w ' m ! par» y Fin r>ar ni nui* San Francisco. I For full detail* rail on (). R A N. Agent. Baker (Ity, or addraM W II. liVELMDBT, gin pass . ART Portland, Ger 1 print ear latest piaas. No one knows the best I MUI. Pu®p or Price nntll toe kasvt earfo I .