The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 21, 1896, Image 14

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    “That would be a bore; and a3
Granby and his chum, Ned Bryce,
have nut made their acquaint­
to that fashionable watering-place.
The Austraulian cricketer» were ance-------- ”
“But they would recognize mv
there; several matches had been
and claim acquaintance with
arranged, and both the young men
From The People’« florae Journal.
were vividly interesd in the various | me as Edie’s brother and we should
I be bored-------- ”
W. D. HUFFMAN will be in Burns again this fall with Grades
“There they are,” interposed Lee,
grew depressed in spirits—she hard­
and Thoroughbred Bucks.
ties of Mrs.Grandby, who was nerv as two slight, graceful figures, in)
ly knew why. It seemed to her
, ously afraid of hotels, lest her dear l print morning-dresses, sauntered l
that they would never reach their I
boy into a damp bed. Lee and his past the window. “They are un­
destination, which Edward had in­
friend had eschewed them. At his commonly nice girls, too.”
formed her was the house of ’a cler­
“Yes. and it would tie uncommon
mother’s suggestion, he fhad taken
gyman in an adjoining town. But
nice, wouldn’t it, to have all of
up his quarters at the semi-detach­
at last, to her great relief, the car­
ed villa of a certain Mrs. Mundy, | our sayings and doings reported to
riage stopped.
an old acquaintance, so whom his . the home authorities, eh? I advise1
“To avoid observation, We are go­
maternal parent felt confident that flight.”
ing in through the back way,” whis. j
his and Ned’s creature comforts j
pered Edward as he assisted her
might be safely entrusted.
j my life that Mrs. Mundy will intro­
to alight. “Draw the veil down.”
Mre. ‘luce us as ‘Mr. Crambery and
We are sorry to sav that
The night was so dark that she
boarders talked of friend.’ ’ That is how she speaks of1
could not see a thing, and she clung Mundy’s new I______ _______ ’ us to the servant. If I have to do
to the hand that led her along a her to each other irreverently as, j the civil, I’ll call you vhe Duke, as
“the old girl,” tossed her many an
short*path, up some steps, it to a
cimacassars into corners, ridiculed ( we used to at school. You are of
dark, narrow passage which led in­
the glaring gilt-framed oleographs quite as Italion an aspect as you
to a hull, and from thence into a
with which she adorned her walls, were then.”
room that opened out of it, lighted
and made fun of her prentension
bv one small, low lamp. Beside |
to gentility, as the widow ’of a
the table, on which it was placed,
church-warden. But as she com­
the clergyman stood—a venerable
looking man—and at the lower end bined cleanliness with good cookery
of the apartment seemed t > be a , and the villa was pleasantly situa­
number of persons, though the light ted in a shady road not far from
was so dim that only the outlines the sea, they were very well satis-
| tied with their apartmont
of their foims were visible.
“But by Jove, the old _ girl’s been
Edward spoke a few whispered
--------- ----------------------
words to the clergyman, and then
the ceremony commenced.
As soon as the last words were rival, as he and his friend came up
spoken, as if by a preconcerted the garden from their early swim,
“she gave us to understand that we
movement, tho two burners at each
end of the room were lighted, filling were the only lodgers, and I hav9
it with a sudden blaze of light,while just caughu sight of a female face
at one of the upstairs windows.
a peal of laughter made it ring
“The slavey’s, I dare say,”
from the Herald, Columbia, Tenn,
from again and again.
sponded Lee indifferently ; “or per­
(jie r|chcst ar,i I of Columbia (who is now clerk and Master
As soon as Jennie’s dazzled eves
l.i, ■ t ni next counties in Tennessee. It I of toe Chancery Court of ini» county), re-
haps the dear departed clinch-war
would permit her to see, she found, i.e n.i exagger.uion tn say that any commended Dr. W illiams’ Pink Pill- lor
den Lad a niece, who lives with
• ni - man knew every outer nr,n in this Pale People.
I’KICK •¡.»j I'KKV. AH.
to her astonishment, that she was
county, but it may safely lie said that few, if | " I beg in using them as per directions tor
i-iy, i-i't c one neurer to it thun Mr. Joe M. | locomotor ataxia, and in about one week
back in tho house she supposed she
r'. i r, ’vh is -home m at Carter's ( ’reek, and ' some of ui.v friends thought 1 wo.- better;
’ Berhaps,” echoed Ned, dubi-
w!l I is it.I i enn.i eted with the Herald. In i bit* it was two w< eks be. it- lhe imrrove-
had quitted forener, and surround­
: it *i i —t of the H raid he has visited ment was plum to all and xii!isli:i'iury ic niy.
!» nr ¡V <” ■v-rv lio n • in the county,
’.'pon self. Then, however, 1 knur die |
ed by her father and and quite a
But when the friends entered lhe
’• Ml JItV ’’ i oei isiomt—t'mt is, tiie J/rrald’j tm- doing their grand and t.iorii u» v rk anil
large group of friends and relatives
Hl !¡ pie- -n c leniim he is th" “ Master of I kept taking them until I coii.d l.ohb.e
break fast-purler, extra cups and
U<*r* .no i
I’ icre ire few men better about on crutches.
PKICK «11.0 » Pl K VEAIK
“Mv daughter,” said .Mr Staeev, saucers indicateti that these really
kirr V i, f f w Ir-’tor lik"l, none rtio-e trusted,
“It was «ligge.-tetl to me then that union»
n i<l \ hut 1 li ■ say< the H raid, tinconditi ■.rally would do the rest, mid I left of the pills.
---- -+------
advancing toward her. “I trust that was an addition to what Mrs. Mun­
a i 1 ;n • j I livicilly, will vouch for.
In about ten days I saw that I w.isg<’i ¡st
Tii X‘” ■ hi ii now in perfect health and down hill again; I promptly renewed t!.e
I have played the part of the ‘ty- ii v always spoke of as “my little
C’l T
o nt • would not think that two and pills, and avain I be .¡a to insproie. a
ranical father’ to your entire satis­ circle ”
1» a liaiiU»<iiiie
a In 1.' y i ,ir- ng > li ■ was a bed-ridd -.i second time I tried to .eave the Haitle 1» a
1 I. ill 1. i physical wreck, wh-w family go>d constilution, but fiiuui it -¡ill too
pa«e paper. It is U»ued every
faction, and that you will now per­ “Two young ladies, entrusted to
piyt-.-itt. live I on-« -it home aid friend« weak so J coatmem e<l on the pHI« a- ..i
Thitriday, and contain« all of
11 tin i,-it -vis s i in Jo be "¡tiled hence. and kept taking them t.niil I wa»
mit me to offer conOratulations up­ my charge by their papa,” she ex­
the important newt of (tie
“1 was in my fifty-first v< ar nit’ll I «m
« .n’ « t di is t't• c is -, and not on'y lie hot his
s t e«
I uni y an i :t li i ¡ ire I friends will testify to t:
t- !;.
ken :. sick. It is now about two y<
week, itlenHetl from every quar­
on a marriage that has long been plained. “As unexpected as de-1
* I <li-c
r ’ led ’ stick and r.sid found u v
I u.
ter of the globe, conipb-te up
the first wish of my heart.”
It w >s -i p-v-nli-ir affliction lie h id, and hi» legs strong enough to carry me. I am < •
to date of publication. It fur-
lightful. An illness among the
nin ■ joying splendid health, wei.-h mor.-mid !'" k
I ‘■ur‘ w u in trvclloils, his recovery a nine-
“I hope you enjoyed the ride,” servants made him hurry them
niahee the latest and most
better than for years, utnl nilit-’Hi.le i, v
to-n i c limry miracle. And that
.1........ others
. .
timv etij iv the blessings cf the wonderful health and my r, emery end life Io He
reliable financial new« mid
said her rougish brother Tom, who, Iro n London. ‘I cannot stay with1
tn -.-h li beyond the peradventure of mu gio of Pink Pills for i'nle lhoi’e, utuir
market quotations, ad gives
doii’>—u uler (i ll's blessing—»living his the blessing of Go I.
in the capacity of coachman, had ' them invkelf,’ he said to me—he is
apeeial attend n to horticul-
“1 have reei'intnend'il these p’s'" x
i -, dr. ¡-’ 'ster—not tiesiring publicity but
tural and agricultural newt,
wil i the lion ■ of doing g<x>d—li&s con» nutnlierof peopie. and ntri y 1 know L *
driven her all about the outskirts
I such a gentlemanly man is Mr.
been cnretl ly them. I wish in i .' '¡t't
• 1 io ti ll of It« »ick i-ss and hiscinx
anil ta In every rest *ct a first,
of town, mid finally back again.
It is ■ i t ie fill of 1892 he was taken V. t!mt every person on earth » ho i» -ui'e i ;t
! Lyons!—‘but I know mv daughters!
lie w is i f i -mer then, an I bail spent thetl .y as I was con’d get them ai <! would ' ¡1 ’ll-
"Ilow could you <Ieeeive me so?”
to the interest of every member
“To those who know-n e, I hole it is t- t
exo is »1 to the weitlier and working in the
are in good hands when they are in
ie! I and fi- live hours was in the mud, in a necessary for me to add (hat I nui -e t <
of the household.
said Jennie, turning het eyes upon
- siniuo position. Ina fexv days thereafter statement of my own free « ill. with-al
yours. You will take care of them
I«....... .. feeling
he Ini ■ ..
a peculiar
in .I,»
his feet mid money and without tiiee. I tn if ’I'1*
her husband, as her mind took in
till I can arrange to join them.’1
It - ' Is ; t.i-y beeaate numb and felt as if any who are im-i'ne<l to doi l-t I vt: M t
the ms«- that had been plavec
I them to Dr. J. II. 11 til. .1. JI. I'l'Uter. .
- .
I hose were his
.» words, 1 assure y you
--- be - better to let Mr. D. Lockrid-.-e. .I-,' T t well, ?.r-l - n
But. p 'rlri-»«, it would
Is a live
tropoiit >e
T ' -'-r te!i Ills own experience, and this is hols. S. B. and G W. N - h.-ls, all .d < ’(•' ’
i gentlemen 1.
... ........
It .......
is not .............
the first
time 1
dally. It isthe MO8TREL1A-
Creek. Maury Colin v, Tenn, "rit • • » >
i wli i’ he s ty i;
"Dearest love,” he said, with a
Bi.E. and la recognize,! as
“ •'ill'.wingth“ nnmh^ess of mv feet and call upon me I will ¡-’ve them the r-im
1 have had such a sacred charge
look that quite disarmed her, “it I
rvl<, that numbness - >:• a.l until my whole hiindrial n itn‘-»»'-soi ns ns»i nn n d *>’»••'11
belli« the LEADING NEWS-
imposed on me.”
••rlv n snintlvzed. 1 h-ul a < I read ful con» as the sun ever sliunr nj on.
PAPER of tlm Pscific Const.
was the only wav by which I could
" Hopin',' some poor sulf, rer may retu' '
.trietion a round my ’icily, ant) as I grew
'U " ‘Lyons,’ tiid she say?” queried
Either of the al>."« t aper» we
v>r«’ this cyt-'ii led up. cutting off my believe and be raised fmm a bcu <1 j •’*•» *
ho|w to win you.”
Very respect‘nl'v.
will send po»tb«id as a pre­
bre-t-b -iit finally got within a few inch, s inn
Neil, when Mrs. Mundy had left i
J oe M. F oster .
id mv th’ nt n i l it was with diliirulty that
mium on recoil t of the follow,
I his t tlectuallv cured Jennie of
Care of the H-rald. C< liuni ;a. ba i c «♦»■.
I br ■ li d at o)|. At irregular intervals I
the room. “That’s the name of
iug aitfixer!t»tloo prices fur th«
t-i li-.’ 'Hi! tg pain« thniughont my entire ’
I t . Williams’ Pir k I’-
her desire to l>e a heroine She
•ndy and litn w, and f>r at least five months pie are an nnfailh -,' remoly f',r
those girls on the other side of the
1 >i i» p rfa'tlv helpless, and a man servant ens -s arising from u poor nt.4 " teri ‘ 1,1 ,*
settled down into a sensible woman
square my sister is always raving
va* kept in my room day anti night to turn tion of the bloisl, u h as pile :1!l,
and a most happy wife and mother al> »lit. I hope these are not her
ne ;'i Ited in I wait upon me.
low complexion, g.neri’l mu«-nl r
" In t'l 'eariierpart of my illness my feet lo-s of appetite, depression of .»pint». I:u '
and often laughingly relates to her pieces of |n‘rfection. Why? Oh,
'•It as ff I a- is walking barv-footetl on a sti-T ambition, unaania. chlorosis <>r re < n »■* .
AMD !HL> fin , Pii YEAR,
T" t. Son I could not walk it nil in th" ne«<. palpitation of the heart »h."'"«-'*
voting friends the story of her because from her description they
. irk, anil coteld nm even stand alnnc with breath on slight exertion, coldney»
•'*6.00 ~~
mv eyes shut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelling of the fret and liu>"--P •
must be marvels; and 1 don’t like
mx- )im « refused to carry me. EinaBv in the back, nerv >n< headayl'". '.!1Z-’ j
I I ■ • m
And the reader will agree with us your wonderful young woman, anil
1 »»t my sense <d feeling or touch, and |.«sof memory. fevNlenes- of * “I- ri • v” *
i 'us tell when ini’ feet were njniust the enrw, early dei-ay. «11 frnn» <4
in thinking it to I h > the first case I have always steered clear of
e’. •• ier, but fell all the while as if they weakness, lencorrhtei. tardy or ,rI' -
.er • I. >n t pull.-1 anart.
peri,»!«, »uppressioa of in««*».
U|H>n record where a daughter runs these.”
•'In the U'einning I had called in my pamlvsis, l«»x>motor «taxis, rh'-mn
Away sod is married in her father's
i-niiv phvstri in. a very sueceasfi-.l practi. wiatiea, nil diseuse« depend:
“Then they do not know you?”
i-» i-r. lie ji yit mo on a trontm^nt. with in- hnm'irs in the blood, can-‘ng *r.B> '
back parlor, taking for her I1US-
♦2 .’0
tri -t’.i"« to ki-ep vervqnict. But I oontin- swelled gland», ft'ver sores, ri' kct«. It I’d“
“No. I have annoyed Edie more
band lhe man of his choice as well
lr»lt-»i »w u »*xo, and in al»* nit Mx woefe* ho disease«, hunchlsick. tiequirel • v.i>
11»* % Crf.
to’ I nv c iTvittU n*i«|
as hers.
btwi’Miv. that l e hn 1 decavixl bones chronic erv«,| ■ 1 » ca.a
than once by refusing to lie intro­
bin» h- . ’»**that he h wl ---------------------
also nd vised w .....I
.th consumption of tho boweis and ¡a- Z*-
■ of ’ 'o
duced to her |<ets. It’s plaguv
’» ‘n i ’ ii M. i . .< W - idiiiT
....... phv«
i ■ < i ' - 't'ìniifl,
« « i
a ; i V«
t * also for invigorating the bh«»< *>•“
t • nt oiv ‘ »vnipi.mi«.
vinpfo-ns, hut
m-M when hrok"n down bv ove-work. »‘,r
)>•]» th I r lie cn-il-l
provoking to run across then, here.”
-W f n ♦ f - me ami it was u-. !».•« for Ifni en«e. excess«« and ind’aerctio» « el lira i
____ _______
_ covrrv from »«'ire diwases. »»• n a»
v a ’V fu alr-r.
Ho an I ....
tl e t t _ hr
"You are not“certain,” he was
TtlK " T ll ATT, »-»
rrtuwMitic •vl my di*> etc.. )<«s of vital powe^g »p*tn
ei.-lv »leeay. prrrua:n e ! "W-
. ..„j
’•i. an • incuba’de.
• h i4 •
a 1» t'i"y c
i try any. dire -’tv on the bl«o‘. supplying t?.' ,,
’n«! then I l»e ■ a trvj-xg j<> p'e-giving qnal’tirs by as»!*’
“No; bvt the name i« not a very
•n "W"««nL I tried di*. abso-h nxvMti. th"» r~eat supputer '■
Frvtn G««*d Mturtae
common one. But if these are
■t. e—’ it ’■"!«. rlvek. organic I fr. Pink P II- are
* tfiHio!
**itS nnnd» r- e-w. or will he sr’it po»t paid ,,B T T •>
It wan not oniinary attraction« of Edie’s dear friend«, we shall have
iiaily a- «1 pn«-e N» cents • box or 4« hoye»
Dr William»’ Medfcia» VO,
' < . iisl-nnt l.v
.. ___
Shelliugton that had brought
t to change our quarter«.”
Ik* T »UL
> ¡sin, ìlr.N. Aiken, ¡‘cLenectadjr, N. Y<
Will sell Grades from $3.50
to $6 per head. Thor­
oughbreds $6 to $10.
Our Premiums
Aa iiitcresiing Chapter in His Own Life-Some,
V/e Hope, May Profit by Reading Same.
Weekly Call!
Morning Call!
W» «r«
*••« M .»ft «M
ill •