M I i t r I I I I I I ♦ i i The Drewsey Portion of our 1 in this their hour of affliction; that’ they be furnished a copy of these Comity. resolutions, the same be spread up­ We have just returned from a on the records of the Lodge, and few days spent in the’ Drewsey furnished the local press for publi country. We find the schools in cation; that the lodge-room be Is the Foundation of tbe Wonderful Cures JAMEa DALTON, Proprietor. by Iload’a Sarsaparilla. that part of the county, that are draped in mourning for thirty days, That Is Why the cures by Hood’s Sar­ now in session, in good condition. and that all Master Masons resid saparilla are C ures . The term being taught by Miss ingin this jurisdiction wear crape That Is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures the sererest cases of Serolula, Salt Rheum Clara Rutherford will close next for the same period of time. anlo.hjr blood diseases. BUY YOUR MEAT OF JAMES DALTON. That is Why it overcomes That Tired Friday. Miss Rutherford, from A. W GOWAN. Feci nj, strengthens the nerve3, gives information we received from pat- J. C. WELCOME, enr.-;y in place of exhaustion. ronH in that district, has taught a That is Why the sales of Hood’s Sar- S. W. MILLER, always delivers fresh and la have increased year ai.er year, j Kill8 Meat on Friday, on fat. Saturday!'1' "Twice"^week11Reme?1r,la? aucceHsful school; she is well liked Committee. BnP1- -1 i unlll it t naw naw req requires far i.a production delivers nieat right at d - a eek, Kt member he by both patrons and pupils. The ir’-nt.nrv in+hp • J Che large»* laboratory in the world. world. school term just begun in the Otis The Weekly Oregonian and T he district under the supervision of H erald for only two dollars a year. 1 Miss Rosa Miller as teacher and »Subscribe or renew at once and se­ guide of the children for the term cure your county paper and the in that district, is starting off on most newsy weekly published in | the right foot and we predict suc­ this state 1 Every intelligent read- Is tfce on,F True Blooâ Purifier pronai- ’.j -,.i the public eye today. Be sure cess to her efforts; the children are er cannot help but see the advan­ , nent to r. I' ’od'a and only Hood’s. young and very susceptible to train­ tage of getting two papers for the Hnnrl’i F>’Hc '“”T tn b"T M*v ,o ,ake' ing and seemed interested in their price of one. We hope our sub­ 1 luvu «3 i - a 13 easy in effect. Júceuta. studies. scribers will see the point and give j BURNS, Prof. M N. Bonham, at Drewsey. us a call. OREGON with his regiment of boys and girls TONSORIAL PARLOR, just starting into the fight for knowl­ MRS. R. D. SCHEIBER, Proprietress. ROBINSON A WAI.TON edge, seemingly have ¡»nt on the Hui.tir.gton, Ore., March 21. 1896 i The Hotels are now under one management. The proprietress has whole armor, and unles-r our judg P roprietors , D ear S ir :—We are now starting I few equals and no superiors in her vocation. merit of conditions, circumstances, in the new year. Computations; pluck and determination to advance for last year are completed. We, Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. is greatly at fault, that school in find that our firm sold during 1895 Transient Rates $ 1.50 to $2 Per Day. this term will win great honor for the enormous amount of 167 car-I the pupils ami its teacher. i loads of goods, equal to ten train ' Bathes at all hours. Parties desiring regular board are requested to consult the The Drewsey country, taking in loads—just think 167 cars—For! Landlady. Calamity and Pine creek neighbor­ this we thank our patrons,and prom­ ft hoods, is truly in a prosperous con­ ise the same generous treatment in ■ GEO. S. SIZEMORE, dition, regarding crops of every the future. During 1896 we will1 ATTORNEY, kind, the hay crop cannot he ex 1 | Hell closer than ever, and no honest. B urns , .......... i............... O regon . Collections, Land business, and Real celled in the county, grain excellent' competitors will be allowed to do Estate mutter proiuptlv attended to. I ‘ I and vegetables immense. If only1 more fir you than ourselves. We 1 we had money in circulation the are here for vour business, we must business of the country demands, have it, if honest count, weight,and errat hicks , J. W BIGGS, B urns . the ranchers in that section would treatment and Low prices will do I C anyon C ity . I reap a rich harvest. Mr .Stewart it. Call or write us •Hicks & Biggs on Otis creek has several tons of I ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, the finest onions we have ever seen, b d M c I ntyre , Burns, Oregon. not only him but others, but he has ' Offices at Canyon City and Burns ‘ 1 the greatest amount. Alfalfa is grown there to perfection,.Sam Ken­ For Sale Or Trade. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. yon has great ricks of it waiting a purchaser »o buy it or cattle to eat —100 acres of fine fruit land in Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic ami it. On account of the scarcity of 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene r-nysiuian rthy citizen. F .1 Cheney for 15 years, and be­ lieve him perfectly honorable in all lb- it, therefore, R ksoi vkd . That wi niost humblv business transaction and financially ami reverentially I m » w to th»* will of able to carry out anv obligations Him, who hnih m His wisdom so made bv their firm West and Truax, wholesale drug­ sorrow fully afflicted us. gists. Toledo. O. Rssoi.vxn, That, as our deceased Wilding, Kinnan A* Marvin. brother halted not at his first or frcond step, but pressed onward for Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’e Catarrh Cure is taken in greater light, so tw believe his trtor« al worth and virtues will insure ternally, acting directly upon the him a welcome entrance into that blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per Itoltle Sold Temple not made with hands. R kbolvkd , That our sympathy by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best it extended to the bereaved family r The Twice-a-week Edition of the New Yo.k World has been convert­ ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur­ nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours This gives 17)6 paper a year for One' Dollar ami every paper has 6 pages Fare One wav 47.50. Round trip $15.00. eight columns wide or 48 columns 1 in all. The Thrice-a-week World ; Through freight 3jcts. a pound. is not only much larger than any Two day? ntice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches weekly or semi-weeklv newspaper, H. A. Williams. 1 roprietor but it furnishes the news with'be furnished for passangers. much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive snecia) features of a weekly. Arrangements have bee. .ide bv which we can furnish th’» ¡ ht ami the Thrice a-Week N • fork World both for $2 25 a year. Take Proprietor H. M. HORTON, advantage of this ofler a .1 get your own local paper and the Thrice a-Week World at this special t^^nFAi.ERS rate. T he H f . rai . d . I DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIC II**» I STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES, CHOICE PERFUME« JOHN F. STRATTON’S Burns Ontario Celebrated Russian Gut Violin Strings I he FmeM w» tht orM. F very String, W errant e»1. John F. Slrillon.V.^' <13. Mlft. HIT E. 9th St n . w »on* Stage Line. * FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGAR* FTC I Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical PurPc Prescriptions accurately compounded. Firat Clase Dental Work Done.