Durring the winter of 1893, F. Those who are troubled with THE/ SELL THEMSELVES! rheumatism should try a few ap ( M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va., plications of Chamberlain’s Pain | contracted a severe cold which left Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously him with a cough. In speaking of: at each application. If that does how he cured it he says: “I used Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can tl^ not bring relief dampen a piece of several kinds of cough syrup but ake so n'oLh within a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain flannel with Pain Balm and bind it found no relief until I bought a bot- VSk” 00OF0R EACH OOtUR INVESTED BAN BE MADE BI on over the seat < f pain and prompt tleof Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy j£l O, x Systematic Plant Specnli relief will surely follow. For sale which rebeved me almost instantly I and in a short time brought about | by druggists. • t 11 v .1« All succcessful speculators operate on a regular system a complete cure.” When troubled Ongl?H». well-known fact that there are thousands of >»■">" «M pan, IT V i Stales who by systematic trading through Chicago bro*, with a cough or cold use this remedy of the United .-t* 8 every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollars W/WW*. 'WA WQ dollar3 to mooo tQ and you will not find it necessary ers, make large amount« TWO FOR ONE for the man who invest a nu & thouBand to try several kinds before you get ke the large9t profits froni com relief. It has been in the market $100,000 or more > U ”,a18“ .“n invXeXon this plan are person, who hr. s,„ I’ CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS of the shove sm- com- Send for free sample and judge 1 for over twenty years and constant­ f“no'chioa™ and invest through brokers who thoroughly und.rsuod tilem. In rich colon, (with star* In irtlt). will l>e »ent uoMsg.- paid upon receipt of the fo1 lowing prices: The E. O. H erald and ly grown in favor and popularity. 8MALLHIZE -3Uc. j»-r,b«.; *’J.5O|»-rhundred: fll 00 thereby. per thousand. I1« I il HUTTONS-74t per do* ■ *5 .50 Ei quirer, both For sale at 50 cents per bottle by systematic trading. amount invested on any trade.but • >er hundred; V j > t>fr tlimisand. IX in BUTTONS— Cincinnati Weekly 11.2.5 per doc.; *7 VI |>er hundred; »70.00 |>er thousand. °" h r Kitoso “ th < ’ whether the market rise, or falls it bring. . Onierilieaebutui'isatone» and distribute them for one year for $2. druggists. tlieg.ssi of thsiause. Every word laa text; the whole The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 page I I covers both .ide«,» ..„ornwuslv in a short time a sermon eloqueutand powerful. paper, issued each Thursday. Agents Wanted Everywhere. '"«¿ffE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our M.ne.l I Sample* of two sizes of Button*, 15 cent*. Largest in size,cheapest in price, WRITE bUK , Daily Market Report, full of r._,v, THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, most reliable in news,all large type, successful speculation frEE Our manual explains margin on plain print, good white paper. If 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. making pointers. J? t rpferenceR in gard to our standing money and STOCK BRANDS. our readers want another live paper,i trading fully. H ? formaticn addre8S the Enquirer is that paper *uc<*8'L_. ac A/ ro Bankers and Brokers Call or send orders to this office. THOM ASB Hilding Chicago I ■ 77 -■n b >'• well begun I h luti/done. P< . well by getting Ferry’s Nee.. Don’t let chance deterni i: your crop, but plant Ferr Heeds. Known and sold everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Ann- ! . for 1 MW. Contains niort > r c tlcal Information for fa, . -n. and gardener* than many priced text books. Mailed I u. a. »Kititv a co., pKTKoii, an > FORTH: PRICE OF ONE. ^D<> Till’ KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEAN'S INCREASE IN BU8lil FREE BRAND COLUMN. ----------------------- Cattle brand J6 on left hip. horses same on on 'eft sh. uh.er. John McNulty. Our Premiums Hors, brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattit bar ten on left hip and upper clip on bott ears. T. A. McKiunon, Burns Ore. FOR THIS YEAR. - - - - r+r- - - - Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brandy left side, r o. Burns,Ortgou —THIS PAPER / If you are in a position To do Busiu ss Let Peouh Know it- J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right side f Horse brand = on left shoulder. ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Caveats, and Trad, ni I at- ent business conduct jiltr ■ a> Our Office I* Orin i. P •< *nd we can secure patent lu lose tin. i -111 thono •emote from Washington Semi mode), drawing m photo., v leacrip- ion W< nd* i«e. if patentable or free of • barge. Our fee not due Oil patent cured. A Puinnhlst. “How to Obtain Put, 1 with name« of actual client* InyourHtute nnty.or I ouli , M nt 1'1. Au.tr. - ■■ O C.A.SNOWfc Opposite Patent Office, W-shirqln, ). C Weekly Call! I'MICK Ml.SA PF.IC Yi-.AM. ----- OH----- ¡HE SAN FRANCISCO Morning Call! Riley <>r. | I HPJIE SAN FRANCISCO fl n J WEEKLY CALL jRfO I* * haiidsonie eight- T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 1*3 Pearl St., Hew York. th ib The Editorial and BuaineM Management of I’wpor Uuarantec thia aruervut Propuaitlon. - - - - -+-- - - - ft-|\ ' Thia 1* Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cent», cash or stump«, a generous sample will be mailed of the luoi.t |s>pirlar Catarrh ami lla.v Fever Cure (Ely'* Cream Halm) sntlicient to tlciuon- atrate the great merit« of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, till Witrn-u bl.. New York City. Rev. John Reid. Jr . < f Or .( Fulls, Mont., recommended Ely'« < ream lii.in to me. I can omphnsire Ins s'at. im it, ' It in a poai- tive cure for catarrh if u,ed ««directed.*•— Rev. Francis W. Poole. I tutor Central l’ren. Church, Helena, Mont. MOKNINO CAI.I. (SSVBN I k *VB* a W BKK) 1» a liva notroi-olitia ’ I" r t I < » • I 3 Li ♦ I KAT h Subscribe for the TIMES HERALD Geo William*, horses and mules > . I rounding w, on tight siltle. P. O Rii J Horse brand bar tn on left shoulder; Cattle brand bar-m on left hip and rib*. Gather! n» Murahall P O Narrowaore. Horse brand on left shoulder S Miss l.auta I Stanclift. Burn* Ore. Horst-brand ~~ ■ on left shoulder and same on j mnacle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burns ! Ore. I 8, I ampshiie and Son cattle brand Either of the above i apers we will »end po'tuiid as a pre- mlnm on receipt of the follow. Herman Ruh cattle brand on i ,*.< *r crop w fork in left ear ear under Siope, P.O. l.auen. Ing aubserliition price* (or th» combination: TWO $ OÉLY TWO $ g connected. Earmark swallow fork in right em umierbit in left. P, O. Burns ore. I Horst-s «nd Cattle branded .1 P on left shoul­ der s.nne b h tided J P connected Mary J Price, Burn* Ote LB ^errttodr Heads catt le brand. )-( O. on 1-f: hip, t riaht ear and a crop and split in I- )-( O vti left shoulder. A. Hem sar Cattle and horse brand T with half cir cl 11 left hip. P O. l.aweu Ore. . .1. I’ Dickenson cuttle brand J P connected on left hip. Horse brand anvil oil left stitle. P. Q Hawaii Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: mark light crop off each ear. slip in each ear, and watl on left jaw. Horse brand figure7n b»n left hip: h >r ah »ul 1er. Carries H. Voeu ~f. Bur ,a > Horse brand 3ti on left »hotihler. also threi dots.', in shape of trinngle, cuttle braudeii Mine E. E. Grout Burus Or. -------- Mt-------- To the E ditor I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to tend two bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoflice address. Sincerely, Horses branded )-( on left stifle. I'attlebrand ' ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burns . Horse branded Pon right shoulder, cattle p on righthip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I.awen Or PB1CK •».<> I PUB YEAR. page paper. It la i*-ued every Thursday, and contains all of the important news of the week, gleaned from every quar­ ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It (ur­ nlahea tile latest and most reliable finnneial new* nnd market quotations, a'd give* apeelal attention to horticul- tural and agricultural news, and la In every rej ect a Orst- (laaa family i-ai-er, appeniL.g lathe interest of every member of tile household. if yon have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. Cattle brand, IL, on left rib under bit In left ear, under slope in right ear Horse brand 71 on right Stille. R E J. A. William* P, <>. » TUE 77 /'HA L 7). Advertise ia it. Al»t 1>CK. WEEKLY CALL And This Pip^r, P r Year, W? ca VEA t T t RADEMAR k ^^ f.np..rtM eV. COPYRIGHTS.^ Ail iitCAL MARCHANDISE. EaM yihSc.Ncw York I OBTAIN A r.tTFSTf vin- nth rrro’i B and I. vstrvmi v vrs itjr PKiMut^r M» »..rm **•« BafM« •»*• » mt - • I n - . v. I ta« **»4 t »••*«••• ‘” »*AT TCN A . Aw* m A*. A. _______ MKB TBKJI ■MW i «. i .»• **gws. >wi*rw>i— ** • > m *.• 1 ftlUtfCAL MfcRCMANOir tMfne* fXitsr», Breb*. A.-cerc aa* ' US For Prompt an.wrr and an bone.» opinion, writ» to NIINN A <’O„ who have h»<1 nearly liny year»’ etpermnoe in the patent bu*ine*a. Conininnicw- tlon* strictly conIMentlal. A II anatneok at In­ formation concerning Purest* nnd bow to ob­ tain them M-nt free. Alan a catalogue of mechaa. leal end *r ent Iflc lent, sent fr.w. Patent* taken th ninth Munn & Co. receive •pecial notice m the Helen fl hr American, and thu* am brought widely before the public with­ out net to the Inventor Thl* «plendld pater. I*«urd «rvklr, rlenantly lllaatnitrd. ha» hr far the I arc mt circnlatioa or any *r>rntihe work In the world. B;| a rear. Samp'r copie» seal frv». Building Kdltu«. monthly. *?,Wa «ear. Sine*» cotnea. -J 5 rente Fvrrr num' er contain* beau­ tiful plat»*, in color*, and p1 "loanpti* of n»w boum*. » th plane vnabbn« bu .ter* to »bow the kate*t dmirn* and eecure contract*. Artdiee* MINN A Cv, Naw Tok*. AMI BnoauwAT. THE HERALD DOES THE BEST JOB PENT • IT LOWEST-RATES.