Senator Thurston’s style of ora­ tory must be objectionable to the Kansas City republicans. He went there the other day intending to ì DNKSMAY O» TOBKB. U I«1*. make a speech, but found upon his arrival tha*t no announcement had Editor c. Hinn been made and no hall secured. He left without making a public Maine and Vermont are equaled, speech, and his private speech jf not ____ outdone! ! Tne The splendid tri­ wouldn't do to print. umph ll of democracy in Georgia and Florida, has demonstrated clearly . ~~ y I he republicans of Ohio are such that the people of the South,are still ardent believers in the right of free true to the teachings of Jetlerson speech that thev have leased all of and Jackson. Considering th^ the available halls in the City of three cornered fight in these states Cleveland in order to prevent the jrts mane and the supreme efforts made oy by ‘tore of the’ holding of Bryan meetings in them., tne opposition, the vic democrats appears the more signal. The Virginia darkies needn't cut When two of the elenientn arrayed - :h other against each _...... . in the recent up about being ignored in the ar- hail join issues in Novem- rangements for the Ben Harrison election s! be.-, «hat a tremendous majority meeting at Richmond. Ben never will be piled up There is no dan- was inclined to Le chummy with g. r thatMark Hanna’s partv will the colored brother. t>e able to make any inroads into the solid South in this year of There is a big McKinley scare ; grace. The result of these two last on in Ohio, and a worse one in In­ contests precludes any such possi- diana Oh ves, the silver genti- I bi'ity Nor will the South alone be ment is passing—to the front, solid The great West, from the , I M>si--.; river to the Pacific % j isn’t certain ofj ocean, will send a solid delegation i car|Vj(.g own gtate> ,t , would in tavor ui that peerless 'ou"? seem to be in order to ask what he leader—Wm. J. Brvan. The coun jg certain of? jt looka ¡ike “defeat” I try has become thoroughly aroused. | ig „swer. ' is the the proper proper a answer. The issues are every day becoming more clearly defined. It is plutoc­ Brvan’s voice may break down— racy vs. the people! Our candidate he is onlv one man—but his cam is a host in himself. By ins match paign «ill g>> marching on to vic less achievements, in the face of tory. because, as Joe Blackburn extraordinary difficulties, he has ‘said, it is being conducted by the wrung reluctant tribute, from all, ' people. fairminded opponents. Even the New York Herald and World are Some men have queer ideas. One compelled to admit that he "has of tie in wanted a New York labor shown extraordinary energy, cour meeting to adopt a resolution ask­ age and vers.ati.ity.” ing the Republican National Com­ Mr. Bryan has now delivered .be­ tween 20ken in 22 states ] idea would have been more ration­ ami 200 towns In many of these al had it sugg sted that Hanna fire places he has faced hostile and dis the committee, which he so com orderly audiences, in all of them pletelv owns. THE 0. C. CO ùlir ¡Àimrs-ìtrrafd he has invited the closest critical I | questioning from the people. Not A New York preacher found out once has he blunderd. Not once during a living trip as far west as| has he said aught, that might nut Michigan that the west is in favor, come with propriety from a candi of gold Bright man that! Wonder date for the presidency. Not once how the McKinleyites overlooked lias be been discot certed by a hos him when they were selecting the tile question. He is in the right | men to fix up election figures, from and he knows and feelsit. He has their imaginations? the cau-e of humanity at heart and he feels assured that victory will Every attempt to break up a perch up<>n his banner. I Let the ¡Bryan meeting .whether by Yale voters of Harnev county rise super-' .............. students i or Cincinnatti toughs. | ior to party ties on election day and I . makes new fri* n Is for Bryan among cast a ballot for thi. great tribune | thoee air'p |av uioee who wno oeneve in in f lair piav. of the people. Ev so doing they ------------------- — will be lending a helping hand to Ex-Congresi-man Bvnum, of Ind.,1 I rit g ba< L | u ‘|a rity to this sorely will give people the impression that afflicted iiatioii. 11 »-• suffbri> g from he is baid to gev along with if he the daninsiion <>fs ailless syndicates isn’t careful. He is already on the and heartless tnonnpoiies. outs with some of the gold demo­ crats. It seenni that Turkev will not be cateti by th» rovai Itouses of Europe Of course fear had nothing to do f-ir some lime yel. with Secretary Carlisle’s declining to divide lime with Senator Black 1 burn Chicign pick's^ckets «re no r**- spector« of candidate« At a repub- - lican eting the other night thev K»1 „ ... I C . . ' t J rough a imml er of pocke'S. including tba» _t of the repu »licai. candidate for governor, who was “touch'd” for 1150. Republican claims in the solid S >oth are even more \ issionary than the r'aim« they were m ak ir.g ►»me time ago of carrying Kansas and Nebraska Thl. 1» Toor Opportunity. On receipt or of ten cents, casn cash or stamp«, vyn «.„.pie will mailed the I _ B generou ____ « ____ _1_ — si« be -- _ll_w of » ** moot popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's t'rewrn Balm; enffirient to 4tuon- •trate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS. 5C Warren EL. New York City. Rev. John Reid. Jr.. • f CI-■•at Fa!1«,MonL, nconini.teled Ely’s < -e in i>a.tu to irte. I ean empl.a»ize. hi. «*:■'< ui. nt. ~It is a poai. tire cure for catarrh if n-e e HT s - (Ptt.p i y Mail. ) \ ?6 rld , T he Burns' Pulitzer Building, New York. Oon’t Go W ithout It ijo v CHANGING u„ a. ’.'rar OUR MIND Is hard work compared with changing the appearance of your stove with TEN CTS. EVEN TEN O / O tove / CTG. TEN CTti. HARRIS “ M < :>n«vt ■ ---- rXW ; » -i..ill i. BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP SHELLEY ' BURNS Shop opposite the Brewery All work io our line done neatly and with dispatch, guaranteed . Give us a call. Satisfacti a