Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised 1 me to consult apysician. Noticing <'hamberlian’s Cough Remedy’ ad- verstised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was ■ entyrely well’ I row most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone W m . K eil , suffering with a cold. 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by She àimrü-ïirraid. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER. 7 1SV6 The musical or whistling tree is found in the West Indian islands, in Nubia and the Sudan. It has a peculiar shaped leaf and pods with a split or open edge The wind passing through these sends out the sound which gives the tree its pe­ culiar name In Barbados there is a valley filled with these trees, An Affidavit. and when the trade winds blow across the islands a constant moan­ This is to certify that on May 11 ing, deep toned whistle is heard I walked to Melick’s drug store on from it, which in the still hours of a pair of crutches and bought a the night, has a very weird and un­ bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm pleasant effect. A species of acacia, for inflammatory rheumatism which grows very abundantly in which had crippled me up. After the Sudan, is also called the whis­ using three bottles I am completely tling tree by the natives. Its cured. I can cheerfully recommend «hoots are frequently, by the agency it—Charles H. Wetzel, Sunbury, of the larvae of insects, distorted in Pa. shape and swollen into a globular Sworn and subscribed to before bladder from 1 to 2 inches in di­ me on August 10, 1894.—Walter ameter, After the irfsect ha« Shipman, J. P For sale at 50 emerged from a circular hole in the cents per bottle by druggists. side of this swelling, the opening, played upon by the wind, becomes a musical instrument, equal in sound to a sweet toned Bute.— London Tit-Bits. » 1884, 1896. N. BROWN & SONS,--The Leading Merchants. To Oi’R F riends A nd P atrons : We take pleasure in announcing that we are now located ' new quarters, a handsome two story 6tone building, which we have erected on the site of our old ' which will give us ample room to handle our rapidly increasing stock and business. It is with pardonable pride we refer to the cause and incidents necessitating the seekin* of present enlarged quarters. For notwithstanding the present depression in the general business of country, by our reasonable prices, strict integrity, upright, business methods.and prompt attention to tl ^ wants of our trade, our volume of business has actually doubled through the kind and liberal natron ? of our friends in the short period of the last year and we have been forced to build more commodi^ quarters. We take this opportunity to thank you individually and coll-jctively for vour esteemed '°U8 fidence which has built up our business to be the largest in the county without except on, and we sincere ly believe that the benefit of this large intercourse of trade has bveu truly mutual between our valued patrons and ourselves, and you may rest assured that the same reciprocal and honest business methods will be pursued in the future as has been exercised in the past. We bespeak your future patronage, and if fidelity to your interests and faithful execution of vour wishes will accomplish it our mutual relations will be more pleasant in the future than in the pi t and we expect your business because we will save you money. Yours sincerely, N. BROWN l(>i t wi h htam in Kilt), will he sent |> • • 1 > >i •• . n i <■ <»t the fr»’ lowing prices ; . \l.i . '/.i | -rHi>;•.,; >opt*r hundred ..$2100 • i. IRU Ill’lToN.-i 7.»c. |»rr «'•»/ • *.> »«) • i r I •iiN.tml, 1\ >n BUTTONS— *’» p r«b • per Imndrvd: $70.00 p» r thoiisiiiu! • c 1 hA~nht)tto-Hut'ru e uml dlMtribiite them for ' - d<•'th • • nr-*' I ' »y .voixlI.sutext; (he whole u.’fi. u rtvipiei t atnl t ■ \vt:rfut CULP BROS, Burns, Oregon Work Guaranteed to be first class. Agen's War»*.-yd Everywhere. ' ..111, I- HI IWU fill. s of UUUOIIH, I J Celli*. ROBT, THE tIMETALLIC ASSOC’N, 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. MAIN STREET,. IRVING, We mix our own Paints, and Prop. ....HARNEY,. Our Work Sueaks fo it e f. . .. OREGON 1-ttT Uomni'idious, Convenient, Cheap, I Cawntn. and Tra •nt tontine*« condurt <>d< r.. i I e, t. Our Office is Owns ..w„. Office. w„,ww, S , P >ten> %nd u c < secure pH --¡.t hi Ives time than those '•mote from W ellington. Semi model. tiruuiiir or photo., with thwrji» ton We if patent tble or not. ftee <»f bar»'< Our fee not r towu, sent free Atkin**, O.A.SNOWaO< . » Parties Desiring Cabinet Work that excels any done in this place hereto:;re, call and examine my work. Stage 'eaves Burns werey Monday and Thursday. Opposite Patent Offic«. W.shiraion, 0 t THOS. LAHEY, Burns, Oregon. rood Aceoiiiodatrons. COUGHS and COLCS KLY 8 PIN EOLA BA 1.8AM I« a »un> Remedy for cough«, cold«, «ore throal ami for a»thnin. It •oothea, •batea the CO'iih, •ml renders expev. orati. t! easy. F are to First door north of Brick Store. P rineville $iu.oo. I RANK SMITH Consumptives nd will Invariably der ve bemllt from II» um . X iiny who *>>»*! their ca*es to heron- »umption are ouly •uttering fi> m • chronic cold er <’ ep »anted rough, often aegravat. d by ca­ tarrh Kor catarffik um E'»1» lb'm. I'.th *rine.|'ea ere pleasant to u-e Civnm Haim. ia 3pr bottle; C'neol« Hal«am, Wh K Id by Dnicgtsla, KLY BKorUKKS, M Warren ÖL. New lurk. » W. W. JOHNSON, FropricAcr of ;lio EI j ITS SALOON Bll<\> OREGON. Keep i onstantlv >n hand a supply of tine Liquors and Cig;,rs --THEY HA\E ALSO— A Fin.9 MOTTAOTX BCTi-v ’ Tab1?. ■.RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street McCLAIN 4 WILLIAMS _ - - - Proprieto The proprietor ia well known not ouly here but in ail the a j Counties and Towns. His business qualifications and naturt .» tfcm for horses specially fits him for the avocation.