Wood Yard! ; Wood Yard! W A NI ED — 1 desire to cor­ Weie they afraid we would not respond with Oregon parties pay our debts? vlio may be able to supply No, they were afraid we would. tue wi h choice Indian relics That would stop interest and spec­ such as spearheads, arrow he... s. stone j wEDNK8bAY O< TOBER. Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN nines eet. W rile me. telling m* what ulations in bonds. ,,'u i.'.ve, Ad.lre.o II. I' IU»OI.T.>», , I It would make the people free J Very I lot Stull' Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. Two Rivers. Wscotistn. I from debt. The following very convincing; If they could take away the right Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store STOCK INSPECTOR. document w being distributed by ; to pay in silver, they knew the peo­ fob harnky county . ‘ the thousand by commercial men: j ple Could never pay in gold. < xeo.Tit'jXii^Ki 8-8, 1 turns. ( >r. Prices would go down; gold Money is intended to be a medi­ DEPU LIES, l wou'd go up; and that it would re-1 um of exchange- It is made for the Hse of the | quire more and more labor and O. B Dingle, — Diamond. Oregon, I stuff to buy the same amount of' i ILS’. Morns. — Riley, Oregon. people in buving and selling. gold. The original system was to make Now a little gold in the hands of, a few men is the only measure of gold and silvtr coir, for the people I c Ä SWEEK, value. It measures everything, a« they brought the metal to the silver included ATTO UNE Y AT-LAW, AND mint. The metal was theirs and The silver dollar was stolen in the money was theirs. Oregon. 1873. When the people found it Burn«, I Alexander Hamilton advised the out they demanded that it be given back again. system adopted by congress. Wm. Ridgpath, the historian, says- The ratio was finally made 16 to “As the time for resumption drew 1— sixteen ounces of silver equal to near and the people learned that ÄTTORNEY-ÄT-LÄW one ounce of gold for coinage pur they could no longer pay a debt in poses. The ratio was substantially silver, the erv went up ill over the ONTARIO O < Î » IS THE maintained for 80 years, as it had land for the remonetization of sil­ ver. ’ ’ been for 100 years and more. The Did they get back the silver dol­ PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, ratio of production made no differ­ lar? ence. For the first 25 years under GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. No. They said we will buy you i lllfl (J llllll» the double standard there was$3| some silver dollars. Now they say 1 Located first block East of Church. of silver produced in the world for, to us your silver dollar is a fiftV- REAL ESTATi AGENT. W. H. C anaday , Manager. $1 of gold. During the last 25 cent dollar, We sav, give back th.* j NOTA UY PUBLIC years there was $3 of gold to $1 ol dollai vou stole from us. That was a good dollar, worth 100 cents, tin-1 silvtr. but our money was not dis der free coinage laws Thev say | turbed. they can’t do it. And when we Bimetallism is the free and un­ want to know why, they say that ¡Jjrl’raetices before U- 8. Land Office. limited coinage of the two money England will not let them do it. We have made laws without metals, at a ratio fixed by law. England’s consent, for more than It i» not a new thing. 100 years. It is not a visionary scheme. Rut they say England will not. It is approved bv Prof. Andrews, lend us any money. We will make, of Brown’s University; Prof. Arendt ourown money (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON They say that England will not' of Germany; W. H. Grenfeld, M DEALER IN— sell us anv goods. Then we w'l*| Office at Residence P., and many others buy American goods with American , Whv d'd we change? money. OBEGON They do not sav that England I The people have never heard good reasons for it, but history tells will not buv our goods, for they do not believe such trash, ami that she : : AMMUNITION- GUNS. TINWARE- us. has been buying wheat in India We bad a“war. We went into with our cheap silver for a long MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION, Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guns debt. Had to. The war debt was time. We lost on the silver and thev made on the wheat. »> DR. D. B. CRTE funded in United States bonds. eta. repaired promptly and satisfactory. Just imagine a republican afraid BURNS - - OREGON. Our creditors turned this gold that England will not sell us any Every kind of first class Dentistry into paper to buv our debt—with goods for our silver when they done or short notice and in a work $1 of gold thev bought $2 85 of our claim that they want a protective tariff'so high that other countries j manlike manner. debt. Soon after the war they raised cannot drive our manufacturers out i of business. They are not con­ the question of public credit. sistent. Congress pledged for the people We have been trying to do busi­ in 1869 they would pay their debt ness on a falling market for a long Builder time. in coin. A falling market is death to . . Work Coin at that time was silver and business gold. 16 to 1. Give us free silver and a rising I What was the matter with our market, and we will become a free creditors? people, as w • ought to be. élic ¡times LISTEN!! LOOK! Store Johnson's Cash C. H. VOEGTLY, ¡¡Dentistry::: Everything Cheap tor Cash. John Sweitzer, 9 BURNS OREGON. LAUNDRY ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. BONG »24 BURNS, Have Hold To Conaumem For 22 Years, gavina them the dealers' profits. We are the Oldest and l«ar<**At manufacturer* In Ametira selling thi-4 way. Ship subject tu approval. Hr pot/ freight both ways if not aati * facto rv- Everything war. ranted. Why pay an Agent tlO to S60 to order for you! Write voùr own order. Boxing free. We t»»ke all the risk of damage in shipping. $21.50 £ WHOLESALE PRICES No. 1. Farm Harness. z C GEE, Kentucky Whiskies Proprietor. And Cigars OREGON. I I I No. 13V. Road Wagon. Spring Wagons, S3Oto$45. Guarantee*! Mine *» tell Tor MO to •*&. 11 atylc« of Road Wagons. Surreys «Ith long fender», *60, (Eft aonie aaaell forgiò to lino Top Burgles ar low T—— a. *35. Phaetons ad low a« *65. I First door south of Post Office. | B urns , O regon . A.G oeì A. Ho 14 HARNESS. 90style«. Single, Double and Farm. Ri ling Saddles, z Bridle* and Uy Nets »send 4 iu ktanpa to L j»ay postage, 112 pa ye ratal »true. No. 41 V.'a»x., m. nn ! W* ’>’.'•¿35 -Al Gives the choice of two transcontinental W. B. PRATT, Secretary. Elknart, Ind. ROUTES. GREAT Fa.Remedy cares qnlekly. pewn.ncntly .11 ^ TM< n* rsoua diaeare«, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, ____ ‘-4. o. . Heads.he. Wakefillness, lx>»t Vl.ullty. Sightly Ernlw . ceil dream», inipotency and wasting disease, c.uaed by pouMfulerroraorexeeMr«. Contains no opiates. Isa nerve lowle and bt.MMl builder. Make, the pale and puny strong and til urn*. Ea.lly e-irrtedln restfHKL-t. * 1 per bur : W f r &.>. l.y uo I paid, w-OXa wrtttm ¡rutrt'itrr ormrmtynfur'lrd. Wrtlenr.fi mrdlrnl m~,k. sealed plain wmnp.-'. with W-tlmor’ » - rn< • e , k , —» *<■- . .. • .________. . gi . ■- .<» .. . i. ,«i»yu,v*.. , for solo In Burna. Oree., by II. M. 11URTON, Druggist. NORTHERN RY. VIA. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS, and ST. PAUL Low ruten tn all "NION PACI Eie RY VIA DENVER. K ANSAMCITY and OM \|| A kiiMerri cities CM ’KAN STKA M K KS leave Portland every 5 days for San Francisco. For full di-tflih ch || on O R A N Agent. Baker City, or addreM W II. H urlburt , I UEM FAS8 AOT Portland, Ger CUT PRICF^ b’,1‘he OT >y concern that water Supply Goods Pl hi* fen SiM Everything the fanner sella la low KuJaa of all thT. H £ilTCal,‘’ weJare ‘he «ole originate™ W j EBMI tome t°wer, TH 8 n h® modcrn “eel windmill and H WORLD HAS TMAM B Bl p*cL..1 M?hW 'N