The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 07, 1896, Image 4

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    Mr. Stacey looked rather gravely
I from*the day of her rescue, Hope at his daughter.
“I I don
Winston became the wife of the
- ’t know what vou’ve said
■ a
( man whose baud and whose bless- to him i; but I know thatnhe’s been
From Tbe People’» Home Journal.
here a good deal, and yon’ye always
!iog her love had been.
away the | seemed glad to see him. I hope
Mr. Barnabee
Barnabee gaye
\V. D. HUFFMAN will be in Burn« again this fall
bride, and presented her with a ; you haven’t been trifling with him,
Seventeen long months had pass- princely wedding gift, while eyen j Jennie. Am I to understand that
and Thoroughbred Bucks.
ed, and a strange scene was enact­ Mr. Bint warmly shook the bride­ you don’t intend to marry him?”
ed in one of the lecture rooms of a
Jennie’s round and rosy face as­
groom’s band and said, aside:
large city of the Southwest.
as lofty an expression as
“The office of cashier of our
The subject of the lecture was | bank is open again, and if you features could be expected to wear,
“Spiritual Phenomena,” and the want it, it is yours;” but with a lit­ not formed exactly from the heroic
lecturer, John Curtis by name, pro- tle smile of triumph, the young mold.
posed to illustrate his remarks and
“Mr. Wright is an excellent
man replied:
theories by some experiments upon |
“Thank you very much. Mr. young man, papa. I’ve nothing to
the person of Madame Celeste,
,ainat him
But I would
1.1 Bent; . but . I T\ have already accepted , ...„
8dy nf
r rench lady who accompanied him, 1 the position
. of overseer and , man- [ , sooner n<»riah
pensn tnan unite mv
my fate
and who presently appeared from ager of - --
Mr. Barnabee’s mills, and ( with one whose feelings are so an-
a side room—a pale, large-eyed, I so must decline your kind offer.” tagonistic to the holiest sympathies
melancholy woman with the air of
1 of my nature.”
abstraction and introspection so
The concluding sentence was a
characteristic of magnetic medi-'
quotation from her favorite noyel,
(“Astrea; or, The fetony. hearted
“Madame Celeste, ladies and
Father,” and was pronounced with
gentlemen,” began the lecturer, but
no little vehemence of look and
before he could sav another word a
man darted forward from among
Mr. Stacey stared at his daugh-
“Jennie,” said Mr. Stacy one
the audience and leaped upon the evening to his daughter, “Edward Iter for a moment without speaking.
stage, followed more leisurely by a
Wright called at the store today; I » “I really do not see, rny dear,”
stout fellow in the uniform of thej
i he said, dryly, “any necessity for
suppose you know what for?”
| so much display of energy; if you
“How should I know what for, don’t like Mr. Wright well enough
“Friends!” exclaimed the new-1
, Jennie,
'papa? on returned
with a to marry him, all you have got to
comer, turning to address the audi­
look of unconsciousness that was do is to tell him so.”
ence, yet never removing his eyes
| belied by the vivid crimson that
from the desperate and thunder-
stricken face of the lecturer, whose
filmy eyes were beginning to clear “1 suppose it was to see about an <
ami to threaten; “this man—let his I order for some goods, or some-
magnetic powers be what they may 1 thing.”
—is a villain, a^kidnapper, a rob­ “Not exactly,” replied her father,
ber! More than a year ago he be­ smiling. “He came to see me
about you; in short, to ask my per-'
witched me, deprived me of my
mission to address you.”
senses, and while I remained so,
Jennie reddened again; but the
from the Herald, Columbia, Tenn.
stole the treasure for whose safe
• ry Cn'i-ty 5« oip of the richest and ' of Columbia (who is now clerk and Master
keeping I had pledged my honor, sudden Hash that gleamed out
t an I "ext cutinites in Tennessee. It of toe Chancery Court of this county), re­
«onid l>e an exaggeration to s.iy that any commended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill.* iur
leaving me to suspicion and dis­
mi' kite« every other tn in in this I Pale People.
(•ottitiy, hut it may safely be said that few, if | ‘-I begun using them as per directions fur
honor. But what was this theft to spoke more of scorn than satisfac
any, can come nearer t<> it thiin Mr. Joe M. I locomotor ataxia, and in about one week
the next the far more vital one he tion.
'. ’■•ster, wltos • home i at < nrter’s <'reek, and ¡some of my friends thought I was better;
iv 10 is oo.v con.n eted with t'te Herald. In j but it was two weeks before the improve-
“Of course I gaye my consent,”
afterward committed, when, leaving
t 1? i itet * t of tiie II rnd he lias visited | ment was plain to ail and saiisl’u-mry tc my­
o'ar.'v ■•very hen- in the county. Upon self. Then, however, 1 Xuo-irthe | ills wire
me still unconcious and helpless, continued Mr. Stacey, after waiting I
----- WITH------
• si lie ” oee i.*i— that is. the Herald'» w- doing their grand mid sdorimis work, ami
'in ii pic-itie reu i >n he is the “ Muster of I kept taking them until 1 eou.d bobble
he beguiled my betrothed wife from
t ereino-.iies.” l'.iere are few v men better about on crutches.
“If you hadn't, I suppose that
her home, from her mother, from
•• It was sngge.-ted to me then that nature
l;n >wi, lew he'ter liked, none more trusted,
mid 1 h it Iv-ny* the// rn/i/. nneotiditi uiully would do the rest, and I left oil the pills.
me, and led her away to become the
In about ten days 1 saw that I was g. ■ ig
mid on ■ pi:v > :ti!y, will vouch fir.
far as he was concerned,” retorted
T 1 see hi n now in perfect health and down bill again; I promptly renewed toe
tool, the victim of his accursed art.
cn r-v. one would not think Hint t .vo and pills, and again I beeau to improve. A
Jennie, with a sarcastic touch that
FKICE «1.a.» PF.R Yr AM.
a It ilf year* ago he was a bed-ridden second time I tried to leave the baitle to a
for this—this poor, wan melancholy
i 1 ii’I. a physical wreck, whose family good constitution, Imt found it stil! bo
----- OR-----
was quite lost upon her matter of. I
p i.ysi-i 11. love I ones at home and friends weak so I commence’i on the piiw :ig:..a
wretch was she, was—and now is fact father.
Ii 1 1 > 1 ;'it «’is so nt to be 'died hence. and kept taking them entil I was neil.
— what? Speak, Hope—speak, my
•‘I was in my fifty-first year wIon I was
.•I’ so h is th" e is *, and not only lie but his
“Well, my dear, I don’t know as |
I . ni.y .1.11 a hundred friendswill testify to taken sick. It is now about two years * ,
poor, lost love; look in my face and
I di-e irded stick and crutch and fmmd lev
there is any need of raising that1
It 1 is 'i peculiar affliction he h id, and liis legs strong enough to carry me. I am 't -
tell me it you are altogether hope­
cur • « is in rveilous, his recovery a nine- joving splendid health, wei ji more and h» k
question. 1 cculd have no reason- |
FBICK »0.111 ft R YEAR.
t> ■ir'i e niurv miracle. And that others better than tor years, and attribute lev
lessly changed—if you do not wel­
m.iv enj iy th > blessings of the wonderful health and my recovery ¡mil life to lie
aide objection to a well-principled,
m divine which beyond the pcradventure of magic of Pink Pills lor Pale People, under
come the release, the forgiveness 1 intelligent young man like Mr.1
a doubt—wider G id’s blessing—saving his the !>]• ssii-g of God.
bring you?”
lit'1. Mr. Foster—not desiring publicity but I “I have recommended these pil's to a
Wnglit—and who is, withal, doing
witli t ie hope of doing good—has con- number of people, and ninny I kimw have
CJ '1^0 Is a handsome elght-
But Hope had fallen, swooning an excellent business. So, it now 1
s mteil to tell of li«< sickness and his ctux. 1 lieeu cured l>v them. 1 wish in 11 y heart
page paper. It i» issued every
that every person on earth who is sabering
It was in the fall of 1892 lie was taken
at his feet, happily for herself and remains for you to say whether or1
Thursday, ami contains all of
IT" w is a firmer then, and lmd spent the day as I was could get them and would try ilmn.
“To those who know mi', 1 lo pe it ;s ’• t
tiie important news of the
for others, quite unconscious, and not you will be Mrs Edward
exposed to the weather and working in the
fiel I. and fir live hours was in the mild, in a necessary for me to add that 1 make 1 *
week, glenned from ever.y quar­
beyond the control of those wonder, Wright.”
stooging position. In a few days thereafter statement of my own tree wdl, without
ter of the globe, complete up
lie h id a peculiar feeling in his feet and money and without 1 riee. ¡’lit it tie " • e
fill, fiery eyes so steadfastly fixed
to date of publication. It tur-
h i vis ; they became numb and felt as if anv who are inclined 10 doubt. 1 "ill riler
Jennie pursed up her ruddy lips •
them to Dr. J. H. Hill, J- M Hunter. ' .
as] -ep.
niahea the latest and most
upon her, and willing her to speak with an uir of great dignity.
I’.ut, perhnns, it would be better to let Mr. D. Ixx'kridge, .!..•■ T-rwell, And-a .’ 1 -
reliable fin>«n*-ial nows end
the words they weie burning in up­
U > ' r 1 'll his own experience, and this is hols. S. I>. and < 1. W. Nichols, :"I ol 1 t 1 4
market quotations, ■ • d gives
”1 haven’t been asked yet.”
Creek. Maury County, 'letin.. or J th' .' " 1 1
wil l' !|V s ' VS :
on her brain.
special attentl n to liorticul-
" Hollowing th" numbness of my feet and cull upon ni" 1 will'.-i ve tin m the nai" * ot :»
“No. I suppose not. But I should [
II l-ids, that numbness spread until my whole hiindri'd witnesses of as grxxi men ni.d women
tural and agricultural news,
Leng before she recovered, the
liody w is paralyzed. I had a dreadful con­ a» the sun ever shone upon.
not wonder if he was here tonight
and is In every respect a flrst-
striction around my body, and as I grew ; “ Hoping some poorstirti rer ie "y -•>' rnd
lecturer—for among his many alii-
glaas family paper, appealing
for that express purpose.”
worse this extended up. cutting oif my believe and be raised from a bed ol pi*iu, 1
hsi s no name
seems actually his
Very re*tx-cCiil'y,
to the interest of every member
breathing; it timillv got within a few inches nm
Then, as a glimmer of the truth
J oe M.F os T vk .
of mv thro it ail it was with difficulty that j
of the household.
own—was securely loilged in jail
Cere of tbe ITrndd, Columbia. Iirie
I br "h d ot al!. At irregular intervals I
entered his mind, Mr. Stacey add­
------ -+--------
Dr. W illiams’ Pink Pills f.r I’ll' I’ "•
h id li j itni’ig pains throughout my entire
to answer for the robbing of the ed:
laxly and lim'n, and tor at least five months pie are an unfailing remedy for all " —
Moltxi.SU CALL
I w is p rfectly helpless, ami a man servant eases arising from 11 pmir and watery emaf-
(1‘avna Isauas a W« bk )
Ironton Bunk, proved upon him
"1 trust that you are not so fool­
was kept in my room day and night to turn tion of the blood, sin 11 >•’ pile and s.i
not only by \ ale Haughton's won ish. mv daughter, as to take offense
low complexion, general mil«' 'i! r we
me in l»s| and wait upon me.
daily. It I» the MOST RELIA*
“ In tii" earlier part of my illness my feet lo«s of appetite, depression ot spirits. lack <>l
derful story, but by tho ‘incautious b< cause he spoke to me about it
Bl.K. and i» recogniaed m
felt is if I w is walking hare-footed on a still ambition, ameiniu, chlorosis or gr on sick­
irix-t. S s>n I could not walk at all in th - ness, palpitation of the heart, sli.irltic««
sale of some bonds and certificates first. In -o doing he acted honora­
and could not even stand alone with bre-ith on slight exertion, coldness of h in'.»
PATER f the I’aciBc Coast.
mv eye. shut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelling of the feet and liud' I“"1
He was found guilty and sen. bly. and as every man should, and
Either of the above 1 aper« we
- >"ti my limbs refused to carry me. Finally in the back, nervous he 'd n he, dizzim -.,
tern rd to stati s prison; but had it ought to raise, rather than lower,
1 b t my s'-nse of feeling or touch, and lossof memory, feebleness of will, ringing m
will send po«tuiid as a pre-
not tell when my feet were against the ears, ea-ly de< ny. all form« of tcncoe
Illium on recell t of the follow­
hardly served a year of his sentence him in your esteem. Indeed, II
•'".<■’1 r icr, but felt all the while M if they weakness, leucorrhiea, tiniy or irrepi: ir
ing eubscrtpiiuu prices for the
periixls. suppression of menses, hyste-ia,
wer - Ix-ing pulled apart.
when he was removed from that fancied from what he said that he
“I‘i tin- la-ginning I had cal!°d in my piralysts, locomotor ataxia, rhmimi’isin.
tam’l pbvsn-i m. a very successful mwetf- sciatica, all disease« dependirg on v>t:ate<l
institution to an insane asylum, was quite sure of the nature of your
ti oner. He put tnc on a treatment, with in- humors in the ldoo.1, can-mg *;roluia.
wlirre he still remains an nicura feelings for him, el st*
str'i<-tio-'s to kec ■pverv quiet. But I contin- swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, hip-,l*;inl
he had not
lied t »g <w «"-«••. and in »!>'iit six week!* he diseases, hunchl'ack. acquired deformities.
ble and most dangerous madman. spoken to me.”
•ol I me, enndid’ „ y and
that he hnd de*'aved bones, chronic ery«p* l •*. catarrh,
UD iHli H., Pii IUR,
Ion- hi* best, that lie had also advised with consumption of the bowels nml lune«, an«
Removed from the influence that
Jennie's indignation reached its
* nn • of > 'o’'i-nbi-i’x leading physicians, giv- also for invigorating the ldixxi and system
I *fi.00
had so long been her life, llojte climax. She elevated her
i'e- t • m toy symptom«, but tirtt be could when broken down by overwork. w >rry,' ’*•
• > Ai.vivir
io -lot i’llfor me and it wes useless for him ease, excesses and in" »•.’•■lions oi Iivn g. re­
M iston fell into a low. nervous fe­ ly rather aspiring nose
1 --v a >v fu-tlwr. He an I tl-e physicians covery from acute diseases, wich s* fevers,
until it
1 •• 'run h’ advised pnmonnc<sl my dis- etc., loss of vital powe-s. xpermstol-h cs
ver. followed bv sveh extreme de­ stood at right angles.
earlv decay, pretaalnre old nge. T'l. v "• t
• ' h
to-or ataxia, and inenra’de.
I! »0] I my t-i'-nd« they c >e I try nny- directlv on the bhxvl. supplying to the bl<«»l
bility that her life was long despair
“Quite sure, was he? I don’t
iev wU'ied and then I lie—'ll trying its life-giving qualities by assisting it to
Acd iu<- P p>; p r Taar,
*r v
TMtwl. I 1ri«1 •l'r- absorb nxvgen. that c eat supporter oi a l
W • iMt w •«
ed of; but the patient love and know why he should, then, 1 never
\«>f ■>) ••••ri ••• V— » k I m , uhrwk- organic life. Pink Pili - are sold by all deal­
I, ,
•*, with nnntlw r- ers. or will be sent p«et pml on
attendance of her devoted mother gave him any reason to feel so con­
•>' mr
I n*’i inleroillr end price ’>1) cents a box or six bores tor
•-> vl»V X
. • ■» n|] to no , '” <•;, n-t'l about by addrrasing D*. Williams’ Medicine LO,
and lover conquered in the end,1 fident.'*
The Man with the Filmy Eye«, and somewhat more than a year
Will sell Grades from $3.50
to $6 per head Thor
oughbreds $6 to $10.
An Interesting Chapter in Bis Own Life-Some,
V/e Hope, May Profit by Reading Same.
Weekly Call!
Morning Call!
I, I
», « Cu.iiu, Mr. ?.. N. Aikm, Schenectady, N. Y.