——MBM«■•—I• Wood Yard! Wood Yard! WANTED — I desire to cor- respond with Oregon parties MRj||CT5>*ho may be able to supply me wi b choice Indian relics aocar heads, arrow heads, stone Showing, as by law required, the amount of claims presented, filed , Write me. telling ino what aud recorded against the county of Jdarney. State of Oregon, and the #UC P‘uehave Address: H. P. H amilton , amount allowed at the September term of the County Court, 1896. you have. A r.^ w#(.oni,io. CLAIMANTS, FOR WHAT CLAIMED, AM*T CL’ m ’ d . AM’T ALL’ w ’D —----------------- ----------- - SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. * Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. I Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store. $ Geo Tregaskis 2 mo. salary Stock Inspector.............. $ 58 33 STOCK INSPECTOR. M F Williams board and lodging 1 day and night 1 3 00 for harney county , 3 00 S H Emerson, insane, and attendant................. 10 00 Ooo Tregaskis, Bui’ns.Or. 10 00 L R Mehaffey cleaning well for county..................... 13 94 13 94 H Kelley cash advanced for stamps, express charges deputies , 91 85 The Irwin Hodson Co. supplies for county............... 91 85 O. B Dingle, — Diamond, Oregon. Mrs Robt Weeks board of J Gibson from July 13 to — !<»•«>. Oregon. 25 75 H. 8. Morris, Aug. 18. ... , ............................................................ 25 75 J S Bowen board and lodging Mr Hughes county f 28 71 28 71 charge .......................................................................... C- A- SWEEK, 8 12 8 121 A J McKinnon cash advanced fer postage stamps . 6 00 G 00 Bancroft Whitney Co. book, Harlow on Sheriffs.. .. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, AND Chas Newell publishing notice of sheriff’s sale in 7 50 7 50 case of Harney Co vs J N Norton....................... Oregoa. I Baran, R D Scheiber boarding prisoner 3 weeks at $5 00 per 15 00 week .......................................................................... 15 00 1 25 Disallowed Geo W Hayes justice fees ¡state vs II Nall ............. Wm, Miller, Chas Newell publishing notice sheriff’s sale Co. vs 7 50 R M Templeton ......... ........... ...... attorney at law Chas Newell publishing notice sheriff's sale Co ys 7 50 D E Templeton.......................................................... Olii H R McClure constable fees state v? H Nall............. 31 25 Disallowed ONTARIO 18 THE G.ass & Prudliomme supplies for clerks and sherifl's 185 75 offices............................................................................ 185 75 PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, 1 50 1 50 Geo Fry 1 pair gloves for Wui Kjourni ..................... T imes -H erald bal. for publishi. g delinquent taxes GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. go oo I lullu muli for 1891......................................................................... 60 00 3 OO1 3 00 II A Dillard 1 day examining teachers ................... Located first block East of Church. 3 00 REAL ESTATI AGENT. 3 00 Chas Newell 1 “ “ ..................... W. H. C anaday , Manager. 9 75 9 75 W C. Byrd stationary and postage stamps............. NOTARY PUBLIC 20 00 T imes -H erald printing schedule of expenditures. . 20 00 15 00 15 00 Byrd Bros county printing as per bill....................... OREGON I Mrs Louis Racine 1 matress, 1 blanket and 1 clean­ 11 00 11 oo ing room ................... ................................ Ì3y“lTaetices before U- 8. Land Office. | Chas Newell bal. due Chronicle Publishing Co. of 7 50 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 15 00 Portland, Or.......... .................................... .. J C Wooley board and lodging Mrs Jordan and 15 51 40 98 chddren........... ......... ............... .............. T imes H erald publishing notice teachers examina­ 3 00- 3 00 tion ................................................................................ 4 I 22 00- 22 00 W L Marsden services as per bill filed....................... C A Sweek retainer fee in Gittings bond case ........ 100 00 100 UO| PHYSICIAN and SURGEON J C Welcome hobbles and straightjacket for 11 Tal­ DEALER IN— 4 30 4 301 Off]Ce at bot, insane.................................................................. Residence 50 00. 50 00 C A Sweek legal services rendered Co ..................... N Brown mdse for Mrs Jordan Co. charge .... 23 54 23 04 I BURNS ................... OREGON Mrs C Lackman sending deaf and dumb girl to 50 00 50 00 school..................... .. ;................................... I Clemens «v Bam*» f*r Carwoa'«« >wr- hair and whiskers. He will allow *• are »»rearing «pariai far Agent. Baker Chy, or address •• <■»* « Maim« no one to approach hi in, and, when W. H H urlburt , JOHN r ST->»TT3N surprised, seeks cover in the brush. •• n,v ruu öxn . DAM. aot Portland, Oer. San Francisco. *> ¡SL ill io J B urns , O regon . I