The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 23, 1896, Image 4

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    The Man with the Film/ Eye«. ' and see what it all means, however, the widow, her face pale and agi'
Mr. Wittrington, Mr. Newt, Mr. tated.
Fordick and Mr. Barnabee, you are
“Oh, Vale,” began she at ouce,
all interested in this matter; will “where is Hope, and where have
From The People'» Home Journal.
you come over to the bank with Mr. you been? Ever since tea time I
Haughton and myself and see what have been all over town looking for
W. D. HUFFMAN will be in Burns again this fall with Grades
is the matter?”
you both and could find neither,
and Thoroughbred Bucks.
“Sleep, my friend, sleep. It is
The directors and bondsmen thus and Mr. Lovering gone, too.”
my will,” murmured the irresisti­
“Oh, Mr. Lovering has disappear-
appealed to silently separated them
ble voice, and forgetting his anger,
selves from the excited group clus-1has he?” interrupted the presi
forgetting his trust, forgetting the
“Perhaps Mr.
tering about the but half recovered dent, sharply.
world and all that it contained out­
where to look
cashier, and the six men immedi­
side those eves, whoee flaming orbs
ately crossed the street, and enter­ for him?”
seemed to have become his world,
"I think you are mistaken, Bent;
ing the open doors of toe bank,
the young man bowed bis head up­
closed and locked them in the face upon my soul I do,” interposed
on his breast and slept profoundly.
of the following throng, who surged Barnabee, warmly. “I do not be-
Removing his hands to the head
untiringly about th« building until i lieve that \ ale Haughton has
of the sleeper, the stranger pressed
the late hour of the evening when ' turned robber and villain all in one
them for a moment upon the tem­
the committee reappeared, and day.”
ples, then made a few downward
without vouchsafing a word of ex­
passes, throwing him into yet pro-
planation to any one, dispersed to
profounder depths of slumber; then
their own homes, with the excep­
placing one hand upon the heart
tion of two, who, with Vale Haugh­
and one upon the ferenead of his
ton between them, took the road
subject, be murmured half aloud:
toward the Widow Wiston’s cottage.
“Sleep profoundly until the set
The cashier had told so strange
ting of the sun, then awake, forget­
and so confused a »tory, had seem­
ting all ”
ed so bewildered and uncertain in
He remained for a moment thus,
his answers to the clear, keen ques­
his eyes fixed upon the closed lids
tioning of the president, and the
of the sleejier, his whose frame
more conciliatory attempts of the
quivering with the power of the
others to come at the true state of
will whose wbole^face was roused
the case, that already the gravest1
to subjugate utterly and resistless-
suspicions regarding his part in the :
ly the will, the very soul of his vic­
robbery had arisen in more than
tim; then gently removing his one mind, and although no other!
hands, he threw himself upon a
man would have had the cruel
----- WITB-----
chair, panting and sighing, livid
frankness to put his opinion in
with fatigue and weaker than a
words, nearly everyone secretly en­
child, while from his drooping eves
dorsed the harsh summary of the
faded the power and the fire blaz­
president, as he said:
FM1CK B1.S3 PF.B Y ».AM.
ing there but r.ow, and over them I
“Well, Mr. Haughton, it see in 8
----- OB-----
crept once more the dusky film be­
useless to look to you for any fur­
neath which their magic lay in
ther explanation of his matter, and I
from IAe* Herald, Columbia, Tenn.
I must say that your cwn manner I
Minry Co’inty is one of the richest and ' of Columbia twho is now clerk and Master
Two or three minutes passed thus, and appearance are so peculiar as I
biir >i-.»t and iw-st counties in Tennessee. It I ; of the Chancery
Court of . this
’ .......
... count
. — 1 re-
would be an exaggeration to suy that any commended I>r. Williams’ Pink Pill» tur
and then, with a long sigh, Lover­
to suggest that you are either intox­
one man knew every other man in this Pale People.
county, but
may imhvij
safely be . said
if { | * "I began using uirm
them as per directions for
irui it
1. ,n.,j
viiu that
ilia. few, ii
ing aroused himself, and, rising to
icated or—guilty.”
’iy, can come nearer to it than Mr. .Joe M. | I locomotor ataxia, ami in about one week
his feet, muttered, with a triumph­
ivlvise hmne
nt I Carter
'lirter ’ s Creek,
I 'reek and
nnrl J some
tuilne nt'
ils better;
Foster, wh'ise
home is at
of my friends thnllirht
thought I W
“Guilty! Oh, my God, will they
wito is now connected with the Herald. In I ' but it was two weeks before the improve-
jlfQ Ii a handsome eight-
ant glance toward the sleeper:
the interest of the 11 raid he has visited | ment
ent was plain to I all and satisfactory . tc my-
say that?” exclaimed the unfortu­
page paper. It la issued every
nearly every home in tiie county. Upon
__ self. Then,
___ ' however, . ' I ¿new
' . pills
’’’ were
“I’m glad I’m not to have such
‘‘state ” occasions—that is, the Herald’» an- doing their grand and glorious work, ami
Thursday, and contains all of
nate young man, raising his clench
it" I pic-nic reunion he is the " Master of 1 kept taking them until I eouid hobble
another tussle today. The girl is
ttie important news of the
Ceremonies.” There are few men better about on crutches.
week, gleaned from eveny quar­
well in hand already. And now
“ It was suggested to me then that nature
known. few bettor liked, uone more trusted,
ter of the globe, complete up
and what In- says the Herald, unconditionally would do the rest, and I left off the pills,
for the keys, my trustworthy
i Jn about ten days 1 saw that I was going
a t I tine (ttivoeilly, will vouch for.
to date of publication. It fur.
ner that kind hearted Mr. Barna
To see him now in perfect health and down hill again; I promptly renewed the
friend ”
niahea the latest and most
emT.'v, one would not tnink that two and [ pills, and attain I began to improve. A
bee put his hand upon his shoulder,
reliable financial newt and
a h df years ago he was a bed-ridden second time I tried to leave the biittle to a
In the twilight of that summer
market quotations, and gives
invalid. a physical wreck, whose family giHxl constitution, but found it still lix>
physician, loved ones at home and friends weak so I commenced on the pills again
evening, about an hour after sunset,
special attention to horticui-
all thought was soon to be called hence. and kept taking them until 1 was iceil.
tural and agricultural news,
“No, no, Haughton; we won’t
the group of idlers wailing in the
“ I wns in my fifty-first year when I was
But stieh is the e lse, and not only he but his
and is In every respect a first-
f vni y an 1 a hundred friends will testify to taken sick. It is now about two years since
post oflice for the delivery of the say that. A little upset in your
I discarded stick and crutch and found my
slass family paper, appealing
It was a peculiar affliction he had, and his legs strong enough to carry me. I am en­
evening mail were startled bv a nerves of course, and maybe you
to the interest of every member
cure was marvellous, his recovery a nine­ joying spleudid health, weigh more mid l<"'k
of the household.
wild eyed, bareheaded, death pale diti take something to keep you up]
teenth century miracle. And that others lietter than for years, mid attribute niv
------- v+r-------
may enjoy the blessings of the wonderful health and my recovery nr.d life to the
man, who rushed in among them, when you first found ¡tout, eh, my I
m -liuine which lieyond the peradventure of magic of Pink Pills for Pale People, under
a doubt—under God’s blessing—saving his the blessing of God.
(SavnM InauasA Weax)
“I have recommended these pills to a
Will sell Grades from $3.50
to $6 per head. Thor­
oughbreds $6 to $10.
Our Premiums
A Newspaper Man Relates a Mar
vellous Story.
Weekly Call !
Morning Call!
ylf* Is a live metropolitan
‘‘Where is that man—that man j
"Help! Men, friend*, all of you.
daily. It is the MOST RELIA­
the norrlble, filmy eys—Lov-1
BLE, and is recognised as
help me. help me find the robber!'
being the LEADING NEWS­
ing?” gasped poor Haughton, cling­
Who has seen him?”
PAPER of the Pacifio Coast.
“Robber!” “Who’s robbed you, ing to the arm of his solitary friend.
Either of the above papers we
‘‘Yes.he spoke of Lovering before;
will send postpaid as a pre­
Haughton?” “What is it, Vale?”
mium on receipt of the follow­
exclaimed one and another, while
ing subscription prices for the
through the crowd pushed a stern, remained here after the bank |
pompous man, Hiram Bent, presi­ closed,” suggested Barnabee, look­
dent or the Ironton Bank, and one ing toward his associates
of its largest stockholders, who,
“I couldn’t tneke out what he
grasping the young man by the wished to say about this Lovering,
I *6.00
arm, forced him to meet his eyes, except some nonsense about his
while he harshly demanded:
eyes," replied the president, pettish-
“What do you mean, Mr. Haugh lv. "But it i« easy enough to find
ton. *by this alarm? burely the him. I suppose. He lodges at Mrs.
And llils P’.p**, P t Yaar,
bank has not been robbed!”
\\ iston’s, and it will be as well to
“Rob lied to the last cent of avail- i take this young man down there
l>\ ANCK.
able fund»! Utterly ruined, Mr. I and confront them. I will go there
Bent,” ejaculated Haughton, his with you. Mr. Barnal»ee; and
unstrung nerves and sinews quiver- ■ meantime, Mr. Newt, it would be
ing like those of a tiiuid girl be­ as well for you to prepare a couple
Thia la Yonr Opportunity.
neath the other’s glance.
of warrants, as we may find it best
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stampa,
“Ruined! Nonsense, Mr. Haugh­ to commit both of these gentlemen a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cura
ton," retorted the president, angrily, tonight We will come up to your I Ely's Cream Balui) sufficient to demon-
as he glanced about him at the house before we go home and tell > 8 trale the great merits of the remedy.
attentive eye* and greedv ears gath­ you how it stands.”
fit» \tsrreii ft.. New York City.
ering up the conversation
Reid. Jr., of Great Falk Mont,
So Vale Haughton, accompanied '
bing the Ironton Rank of such by his two judges, as they had be-1 faeotuni ended Ely’s t ream Ha'.m lo me. I
ran emphasise his 8‘ateiuent. "It ita posi­
funds at we keep at home, and come, returned a prisoner to the ti »a cure for catarrh if n-eii undirected.”—
Rev. Francis W. Poole,
Poole Pastor Central
(Central Free
ruining it. are two different things house where a few hours before he Church,
Helena, hlont.
—very different indeed, at you, the had been a welcome and honored
Fly’s Cream Balm la the acknowledged
cashier, ought to know. Let ua go guest, and was met at the door by cnrp foe catarrh and contains no mercury
aor aay injurious drag.
Price, SO
lite, Mr. Foster—not desiring publicity but
with the hope of doing good—lias con­ numlier of people, and many I know have
lieen cured by them. I wish in my heart
served to tell of h»i sickness and his curx.
It was in the fall of 1892 he was taken .11. that every person on earth who is sud'erii.g
lie w is a firmer then, and had spent the day i as I was could get them and would try them.
exuosed to the weather and working in the ' “To those who know me, I hope it is not
fiel I. and fir five hours was in the mud, in a \ nccesxiry for me to add that 1 make li <
stoouing position. In a few divs thereafter statement of my own free will, without
he had a peculiar feeling in his feet and money and without price. Blit if there are
h i ids; they beeame numb and felt as if anv who are inclined to doubt. I will nter
them to I)r. J. II. Hill. J. M. Hunter, d.
asl ’“t>.
Rut, porhans, it would be better to let Mr. D. Lockridge, Joe Terwell, Ame rson Nic­
F >stcr tel) his own experience, and this is hols. S. B. and G. W. Nichols, ailof Carter's
I Creek. Maury County, Tenn., or if they will
wh it he says:
“ Fol lowing the numbness of niv feet and ; call upon me 1 will give them the names ot a
hands, that numbness spread until my whole hundred witnesses of ns good men and w onieu
lrody w is paralysed. I had a dreadful eon- , as the sun ever shone upon.
strietio.-i around my body, and as I grew 1 “ Hoping some poor sufferer may rem I ano
worse this extended up, cutting off my ■ believe and be raised from a bed of pain, 1
Very respectfully.
breathing; it finally got within a few inches am
J ok M. F oster .
i (
of niv throat and it was with difficulty that
I breathed nt all. At irregular intervals I I Care of the Herald, Columbia. T,^t’e‘
had lightning pains throughout my entire; Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilis for Pah Peo-
body and limits, and for at least five months pie are an unfailing remedy for m H •
I was pert’-ctly helpless, and a nqtn servant ' eases arising from a poor and watery comi •
was kept in my room day and night to turn tion of the blood, such as pale and sal­
low complexion, general inuwurir weaxnra.
me in lied and wait upon nte.
“ In the earlier mrt of mv illness my feet loss of appetite, depression of »p nts, l»‘‘K <
felt as if J was walking bare-footed on a stiff ambition, anicmia, chlorosis or green ««
oirpef. s-»»n I could not walk at ail in the ' ness. palpitation of the heart, shortnras
dark, and could not Jven stand alone with ; breath on slight exertion, coldness of h1'''
my eyes shut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelling of the feet and limbs, pam
»on my limbs reftised to carry me. Finallv in the back, nervous headache, duzines*.
I lost my sense ot feeling or touch, and loasof memorv. feeblenes» of will, ringing .
could not tell when mv feet were against the ears, early decay, »11 fora»» 0^ml»
each other, but felt all the while as if they weakness leucorrhiea. tanly or irregular
periods, suppression of menses hyvtena,
were being pulled apart.
“In th‘> beginning I had cal let! in my paralvak, locomotor ataxix rheutn i ism.
family physician, a very successful practi­ i iatira, all diseases depemimg on vltt»««
tioner. He put me on a treatment, with in­ humors in the bloml. causing scoifulA
structions to keep very quiet. But I eontin- , swelled glands, fever sores.
tied to grow worse, and in about six weeks he I I diseases, hunchback. a<-quir«i deformine*
told m-, candidly and honestly, that he had decayed bones, chronic erympelY.
don • his best, that he htid also advised with consumption of the bowels Mid
soni- of Columbia*s leading physicians, giv­ also for invigorating the blood and \
ing them mv symptoms, but that he could when brvken down by overwork, won?. “T
do nothing for me and it was useless for him ease, excesses and ¡n4iseretions of It"’’S-
to i-y n >v further. He and the nhysicians coverv from acute diseases, such as fevers,
wlt’i whom h» advised pronounced my di*. etc., loss of vital powera
cariv decay, premature old age. * ’ ■ . ,
i .. i M-o-o<>ror ataxia, and incurable.
“ ll • told my friends they could try any- directly on the blond, snpplying to tlw
I'd-g ‘hev whined, and then I hettan trying its life-giving qualities by
< v tv iln -that was «nggrWed. I tried dif­ absorb oxvgen. that great "nP,R'5te.n j —).
ferent kinds of rivetririty—Imlt rads, shock­ organic lifePmk Pills
ing ei u'hin s and rlectronoi-r. with number- era or will be sent P-t J-td on
! •-« k n l«of medlrines, both internally and rricc W cents a box or six b»?«*
*x’ —vlly. h”t nil tn no effect, until, about y aildrrusing Dr. William>’ Medicu»«
• —‘I 1st, 1893, a cousin, JIr. A. N. Aiken, ¡1 Schenectady, Ji. Y.