Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1896)
' EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES the TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 1894. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 23 189b, FROM BURGLAR TO LAWPER al’eged ground that ¿undue ihflu-| She Simti-gtraCd. ence was used ____________ Clarence White, who has been makeing of the will. EVERY WEDNESDAY BT arrested, charged with numberless i PUBLISH HD W. C. BYRD & SON. burglaries and who was SUBSCKII’TIOK KATES: vne Year............................................... jii Mouth» .................................... ..................... 1-W? Three Month» ... ............ ’■ .............................. HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’» Magazine... Herald and Harper’s Weekly .... Herald and Harper;» Boxar.. . Herald and Harper s Young People acquited I Asheville, N. C., Sept. 16.—The- recently in Chicago on the charge [ ]a8t stOp before Asheville was of murdering T. J. Marshall, is go-.atHot Spring, the summer and ing to be come a criminal lawyer winter resoits, where several hun- I After passing through the vicissi dred gazed at Bryan for two min ludes of a three months’ stay in the utes, and as the train pulled out county jail and a trial on a charge cheered him loudly. of murder, to -»ay nothing of previ The train whizzed by the little ous experiments with the police village of Marshall, and the 200 and the courts, he believes he can people on the depot platform shout put his knowledge to a practical use ed as they caught sight of Bryan by helping others out of scrapes. who came to the back platform of The only thing to interfere with the train. By the track alongside P ublishers and P roprietors . 5.00 5.20 5.20 3.75 •Jerald ami Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia. .2.9« ,vh a Iditional volume after Vol. I 55 cent»: 10 cents extra »er volume, postage. rw-i otdesof all thealiove works can be ex smiued at leisure in the Reading Room. nff“Publishers of periodical» arc solicited enTclubb <o sen<. -------- ug .. rates, a copy of their work for file -------- and -------- bind the *ur Free Fre* Reading Room Room —We ----------- --- tatter at close of every half-volume, *od n-v ci nepies bv advertisement. . the plan 18 a lack of money, and . it J r J* es the mountains, barefooted men may become necessary for him to grouped themselves in knots and) | become an actor before he becomes yelled excitedly when they saw , a lawyer. (he banners displayed on the sides , ADVERTISING RATES: He has also a big offer to go be of the cars, which read: “We| J 1 mo J 8 mo j 6 mo j i yr j 1 wk fore the public as a dime museum carry the next president—William 111.50 »2.50 »5.00 »8 no »11.00 »15.00 28.00 18.00 6.f>0 12 bJ 4 00 3 00 attraction, but he thinks he already Jennings Bryan.” 1 3.50 5.00 •24 00 40 or 8 00 15.00 50.00 32.00 1 4 50 6.00 10.00 ‘20.00 has had enough notoriety of that 48.00 54.00 1 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 80.00 120.02 1 12.00 16.00 28.00 48.00 kind. His chief desire now, he Deming. N. M., Sept. 14.—Fifty 20.00 80 00 40.00 60.00 110 00 140. (X says, is to get to work and avoid Tomochie IndiiJis surrounded the JOB WORK any more sensations, He will go (custom-house at Palomas. Mexico, if every de»cription executed with neatness into whatever is honest and ‘.30 miles south of this city, today. rmt despatch, nt reasonable rate». Day him best, and when he has | The officers repulsed them. Three Pamphlets Posier», ïirculars, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, arned money enough will begin ()f the Indian8 8tarted fortown, two Cards, Ticket.», Note Heads, Paiement», Dodgers, Etc. Invitations. Memoranda, the study of la«. In this ambition Qf wbom were wounded. One was Tug H kbald 1» kept regularly on file for re terence, in tbe Geo. P. Rowell New»paper Ad he is encouraged bv his mother and caught just south of town, and is i vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. his attorney.- Cincinnati Commer-. UIIjer arrest at this place. It is said ial Tribune. I there are 300 Tomochie Indians in . 1 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY national : ........................ Adlai. Stevenson ficc-Preaideut..................... ................ Kit haro 8. Olney fecretary of state ‘•cretary of Treasury . ....... John G Carlisle ................ Hoke Smith ief-cetary of Interior . Daniel S. Lamont Secretary of War Secretary of Navy Hilury A. Herbert Secretary of Agriculture. . J. Sterling Morton Judxcn Harmon Mtoruev General Win. L Wilson ?o»tiii»nter General London, Sept. 16—The Standard publishes a dispatch from Constan tinople that the young Turk party is covering the city with placards inciting the pe iple to dethrone the STATS—ORKOON : 1 G. w. McBride. Sllltan. Serious trouble,it is added Senators I J. H.Mitchell. week. I Binger Hermann is certain to occur within a ngr-sninen .................... (W. K. Ellis . Attorney Generai C. M. ldleman Turkish troopships are nightly de toveruor ...................... W m P Lord I to the Black j HR Kincaid | porting Armenians 4e<'retary of State rreamirer R ...Phil. Phu. Metachan Metnchnn spa< where it j9 believed they fupt. Public Instructiuu vi- n iA»ed» drowned. <uir Printer ................ R . ) K. . 8. ■■ Bean. • > C. Wolverton woiverton > F. A. Moore NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. tin'rlct Judge D . .M. D. CLIFFOK m S-Hrict Attorney........................... c. W. Parrish. foint-Kepreneutative (R) ...O. L. Patterson. '<»iiit-8euator ................ (R>............... A. «.Gowan »»preme Judges COCNTY— harnky : Jounty « idge :erk ................ Treasurer Purveyor Sheriff. ................ C. P. Rutherford.. (R) H. Kelley. ... ( R) J. C. Welcome D TA. McKinnon ■ (D) A. J. McKinnon Assessor ......... • (D).............. S.W. Miller Irh.wl Superintendent .1D) W. C. Bird ■Hock Inspector .................. Geo Tregaskis *r>) f r ( A. B. Marks Geo. Hagey HAUNFY P. ». land ornes: tegtster ................... .......................... Thomas Jones »ereiver ....... A. A. Cowing SOCIETIES. HARNKY- NO. 77, • I. • Vr O vz O F P. • •••* n i LODGE. a/ayizvjsb, ¿»V. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday. ■ ‘ Wp m. W.C. Byrd. N. G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. harnky post no . 4», o. a . r . Meets everr t*f and M Wed need ar of each ••»nth. at tu t Fellow»’ Hall. All Conrad» '« g-od standing Invited. ▼ V. S. MAILS. eeana—vaM: t rr Ives end depart* daily, win—eswYnw nn; vesaad Denon» daily, except Baade* It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods d gW*We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES^pf We carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Rardware, Etc. WRITE DS FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. I. S. GEER & CO, THEY SELL THEMSELVE8! Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Hardware and Tinware. The British residents, at the i stance of the British embassy, have telegraphed to Lord Salisbury, stating that their lives and proper ty are in danger. The French resi dents have taken similar action.' fyiinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. Burns, Oregon. m/Kwf'r~niMnn/r/ûH pROTtcnpì; British and French fleets are now CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS of the above em In rich colora, (with »tarn In gilt), will be »eut near the mouth of the Dardannel- blem. postage paid upon receipt of the fo' lowing price- : SMALL SIZE—air. per dot; »XSO per bund red: KJ 00 les. p r thousand. Í. ll< in. : i. BUT TONS—76c. per do». I K AO ner hundred; ; “~ p>r tliou.taml. IX in BUTTONS— Faud Pasha, one < f the sultan’s ;i.25per dog.; .; J7.5-I per hundred; 170.00 per tboumnd. < Idler but to—___ _______________ ______ «■butte-»at rinne and distribute them ... fbr good or th» cause Every word la a text; the whole ai ’-decamp*, was questioned as to a I he sermon—eioqneut and powerful. how long the forts along the Dar Agents Wanted Everywhere. Samples of two sizes of Buttons, 15 cents. danelles could cheek the passage THE BIMETALLIC ASSOC*N, of the warshipi, and he replied that 63 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. they could stop them for about half e I an hour. ihe Burns Bar STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Thia Io Your Opportunity. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. »8. Meets every 1st and M Wednesday. Mtas Leia McGee N.<v. Sam Mothershead. Rec. Sec’y. A. O. Ü. W. Rams I^dge, No 47 Meetsevery 2d and 4th Tbnraday». H M Horton. MW J W bayer, Rec’d OREGON. ONTARIO, the Florida mountkins, 15 miles | south of here. The town is gretly . excited. ' Against the Sultan. ......................... Grover Cleveland President ....................... '’ommissioners Oregon Forwarding Company in sucureing the ■ FROM SALEM. Salem. Sept. 16.—The pre- liminary statements by attorneys and hearing testimony of a long array of witneisesj in the Parrish *11 a a «Sa • Will CODt68t CUSP. occupied the time On receipt of ten cent,, cash or utamp«, I a generous »ample will be mailed of the I mobt popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure ■ (Ely’» Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Kt., New York City. Bev. John Reid. Jr., of Great Falla,Mont, recommended Ely’» Cream Balm to me. I • can emphaaize his statement, ‘-It is a pod. tire ^<»»v> wvw cure for catarrh ix if u-tru used an uirectea. directed. M ” — — —> Rev. Francis W. Poole. Poator Centrad Pre». Church, Helena, Mont. jwi Proprietor R and ■^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic km of the county court today. J. L. i Parrish was anOregon pioneer, wide Ely’» Cream Balm 1» the acknowledged ly known and respected. His estate cure for catarrh and contains no mercury Hi« last injurious dm®. Price, 60 oenU. involves about $50,000. will was executed February 1, 1889 After bequeathing nominal sums to each of his children. Satnuel L j Parrish, Charles. TGrace and Josie Parrish, the remainder "was willed | to hie wife, Mattie L. Parr3h. The heirs now eeek to set aside tbe will I Eurns-Canyon Stage Line JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED W BirminghamSteel Strings - Ur VUIIa. Seltar. MaMalla. Ba»)» Finwt Mad«. Sat» Plated M»ea WOOK. Warranted not to rust Send for (jtlj — .......... JOHN F. .............. STR ATT OR, «71,818. 815, 817 E*'SthSt^DLY** H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expo Stages'Leave Burns dy for Canyon City, and into imedi: ts pon I ^Bre