Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1896)
Wood Yard! Wood Yard! WANT ED—I desire tocor- at Porto Principe. Angel Nunez respond with Oregon parties Torre and Alfredo Aldan, also in who may be able to supply surgents, were put to death in the me wi h choice Indian relics WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER, 16 18'6 sudi as spear heads, arrow heads, stone same way. sue Proprietor. ect Write me. telling me what FRANK GOODMAN Alfronzo Tolon, a son of Samuel . ♦' Ln have. Address: H. P. H amilton , Revolution in Surgery. T. Tolon, the American t merchant ___ 1—- y 'fwo pjver8( W »cousin. Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates. 1 at Cardenas, province of Matauzas, | ---------------------- ------------------------------- -- I Dr. Reclus, a famous French stir- who was arrested last week at this I ¿W*Leave orders at Worthington's- Drug Store. STOCK INSPECTOR. geon, has discovered a new and port on board the Ward line steam FOR HARNEY COUNTY, pimple nmde of treatment which er Seneca, is also a prisoner. Ydung revolutionizes the methods of treat Tolon was captured on 1 board a Tleo.Tregaskis, Burns,Or. DEPUTIES, ing injured limbs. By its use arms coasting vessel, and is now in jail o. B Dingle, — Diamond, Oregon. and legs so injured that heretofore at Cardenas. — Riley, Oregon. The insurgents have destroyed H. S. Morris, amputation has been found nec essary can be saved to their owners. 3000 metres of the railroad between Whatever the extent of gravity the River Pedrenalis and the towi C A- SWEEK, of the lesions. Dr. Reclus never, un of Candelaria, province of Pinar attorney AT-LAW, AND der any circumstances, amputates Del Rio. blowing up a number of with dynamite. Oregon. the limb, but merely w aps it in ^culvorts ( I Burna. antiseptic substances by a veritable ; Sad Case. embalming process, leaving nature’ FTFiPn-) TTm, Miller, » to separate the dead from this liv | “IJhave been here for three days, ing tissues. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW This method of treatment po«ses said the stranger impressively. ses the double advantage of being I I "Yes, sub,” said the landlord ©f ONTARIO O < Î i . the Georgia village tavern. IS THE much less fatal than surpical ex ‘ "Ami I did have a notion of in- < a-resis and of preserving for the PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, use of the patient, if not the entire vesting and settling down here, blit' if that confounded fellow in the I GLOVES.. MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. limb, at any rate a much larger house across the way can’t be in part than would be left after ampu Located first block East of Churoh. ^L ESTATE AGENT. tation. “He advocates this ven duced to stop playing’If You Love W. H. C anaday , Manager. conservative treatment on account Me, Tell Me So,’ on the cornvt, I . NOTARY PUBLIC am going to some oth» r town. ” of the excellent effects of hot water "Mister,” said the landlord,' ITS QB.ECO1T which he uses freely. ‘ when I tell you who that pore fel-1 After the skin has been shaved and ckansed from all fatty sub j ( low is. mebbe you won’t blame him ' ^“Practices before U S. Land Office. | , stances by ether, etc., in the usual’ 'so much. That there is Tom Wat-( J son.”—Indianapolis Journal. wav a jet of hot water 60 to 62 de grees C. (140 to 144 degrees F..) “Le Ladies’ Club” is the latest but not higher, is made to irrigate I Anglo-French institution to make all the injured surfaces and to pen j its appearance in Paris. It bids PHYSICIAN and SURGEON etrate into all the hollows and un fair to be talked about quite at- DEALER IN— der all the detached parts of th< | at Resilience much as those other fads of the Ollke wound without exception. same class, “lawn tenees” and "tif This is the only way of removing BURNS OREGON o’clock t a.” all clots and washing away all foreign bodies,' together with the : TINWARE. : GUNS. AMMUNITION- micro organisms they may contain • • • • • • • • The advantages of hot water at | Six weeks ago I snffered with a • • • • MACHINE SHOP IN < ONNECTION, Bicycles, Mowing Machines, Guna temperature.are this high tern perature.are threefold: very severe cold; was almost unable DR. D. B. CATE it«, repaired promptly and satisfactory. First, hot water at this temperature to speak, My friends all advised BURNS - - OREGON. v . . ! is antiseptic, heat greatly increas me to consult apvsician. Noticing Every kind of first class Dentistry ing the potency antiseptic sub-’ Chamberlian’s Cough Remedy ad- done o! short notice and in a work stances; second, it is hemostatic— verstised in the St. Paul Volks I manlike mariner. that is, stanches the flow of bind; Zeitung I procured a bottle, ami third, it helps to compensate for the • after taking it a short while was loss of heat resulting from the entyrely well- I now most heartilv | bleeding, and especially from the recommend this remedy to anyone traumatic shock. suffering with a cold. W m . K eii ., I a rid After the "embalming” process 678 Selby Ave.,’ St. Paul, Minn., and the dead tissue has been sepa For sale by rated from the living, the ..surgeon has nothing to do except to divide the bone at a suitable spot. Accord BURNS OREGON ing to Reclus, ttie results attained W HOLESALE DEALER IN are remarkable.— New York Jour ELY’S PIN EOLA BALSAM is a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat and for asthma. It nal. soothes, quickly ghr êimrs-iînafd ? LOOK! Johnson's LISTEN!! Cash Store C. H. VOEGTLY, Dentistry:: Everything r ---------------- Cheap tor Cash. I John Sweitzer, F COUGHS and COLDS abates the cough, and renders expect* 1 oration easy. I An Honest Man’s Reward. ‘Madam,” he said, “I am a book agent. 1 nave here—” “Come into the parlor and sit> down,” she said. “When 1 see a ,„1, „„ .... t : r • i . i . t i ook agent wno isil I afraid to let i , • , . , . me know his business right at the start I feel safe in trusting him By the way, what do you think of this money question? Now, I be lieve than the free coinage of silver Rt the ratio of—” But lie was gone, and as he turii- the corner she could plan 1/ hear the snapping wf his coattails in the breeze.—Cleveland Leader. The Cuban War. Havana, Sept. 9. —Within the i*t fortnight 12 insurgent incen diaries have been shot. and tomor row Luis Patrol, another incendiary will meet the same fate. At St. Albana, on September 3», the in- lurgenl Mendez was executed, and Consumptives will invariably derive : benefit from Its use. 1 Many who suppose their cases to be con- j sumption are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cough, often veo — «Mi-w— aegravat. <1 by ca- Urrh- For catarrh um Ely’« Cream Halm. Both -eniedie«are pleasant to Balm, uw. ~ 5C eta. ---- Cream per bottle bottle; ; P1T ’ Balaam. ~ ' Pirfeola «K S .id by Drnrffiata, ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren New York« LAUNDRY. I BONG GEE, Fine Kentucky Whiskies Proprietor. BURNS, OREGON. And Cigars First door south of Post Office. • * B urns , O regon . «9 Receiver. Q ■ 1 tr.S.Jomnl of JMirfru Prof. W. H. Peckr, Wl.o Ep.i^y* Giv'•" lh- “r ’»'• ontiin nta! doubt treated and cur-‘ JMI'-rc > ed morecasec than any RUb J liO. living Physician; his success is astonishing. 1 GPt’ve V|n%. We have heard of cases V» j Vit IS ’ standing ot «V ao years NORTHERN RY PACIFIC RY cured by VIA V|A him. Ho publishes a SPOKANE DENVER. valuable work on MIN N E ' POLIS, K a NS AS CITY thia dis. and OMAHA ease, which and ST PAUL he sends Cured freejo any suffemrs Low rile« tn nil En«t«>rn (.¡lien < X ’EAX STEA M ERH leave Portland every 5 day s for San Francisco. r<?S •‘AN4ÄFMS■■ uiwsir • :r. ai in Gii . '• - Curufte.-elt. . :v$l. t, 1 ninii. Dair .«let I rrs*. Ä<hln-“*“X > A It I.-.I h ,” Dux New York cujr. For full detail« call on O R A y Agent. Biker City, or n<l<lr< M W. II HuMt.Rt'RT. O=N PAB8 AGT Portland. (Jer. sä â-HîïiFÂS'il ot all thaï la »rxxt in Ä -cower TH» W«.. * the '®le orl«in«tora m°<,ern Meet windmill and