•<r t I » r I I his face, and his eyes—those won The Man with the Filmy Eye«, to explain; I assure you there is derous, luminous eyes! — fastened I assure you there is not ” “You’ll find that there is though,” themselyes devouringly upon the « BY MKB. JANE G. AU8TIN. eyes of his victim, who gazed into repliedJHaughton, in high irritation. From The PeoplHome Journal. them with the helpless fascination “And, let it be two o’clock or ten, of the bird charmed to its death bv W. D. HUFFMAN will be in Burna again this fall not a step shall you stir out of this the snake who has marked it for its CHAPTER III. room until you have given me the pray. and Thoroughbred Bucks I * The next day X ale Haughton re- . , j . .A u , Sf Aill and entire meaning of vour ex TO BE CONTINUED. ceived a visit at the bank from Mr. clamation in reference to Hope Loyering. It is by ns means the Wistoon.” ! first; the filmy eyed man had, soon “You really insist upon it? You after his arrival in town, deposited wigh me to tell you exactly what I a moderate amourit*of money in think of the physical and mental the Iionton Bank, and had with health of Miss Hope VViston—of drawn nearly the whole amount in [ your betrotheed wife, Mr. Haugh small sums. On these occasions he bad often lingered, as an idle ton.” FJÜTH2PRIC; OF ONE. The words were spoken very | man might well do, for a little con ----- Hr------- slowly, with long pauses between versation with the cashier, for his the sentences, and in a slow, monot assistant clerk, or with some of the onous tone, suggesting that the other loungers whom he happened j speaker might be purposely con to encounter; so that, although not FOR THIS YEAR. suming as much time as possible precisely fancying the man or wish ---- -+----- ing for his society, Vale Haughton before giving his companion [an op —THIS PAPER— had gradually corne to look upon portunity to reply. ----- WITH — But no such idea entered the him as an habitue of the portion of THE S.-.H FRANCISCO the bank-room outside the railing mind cf the cashier, Indeed, he ta.; and counter, and had even at times hardly heard his companion’s : to come inside and write a letter or words, and felt no disposition to 1 rKICK Si.as PF.H Yi.AJt, sign a check at his own desk. i reply to them; for his whole mird, ----- OR----- Today, however, Mr. Haughton his whole attention was absorbed THE SAN FRANCISCO was more than usually busy, for the 1 in watching the marvelous change assistant referred to had been tak- which had passed over the face of en suddenly ill on the previous the stranger. That face, bur. now price ea.o> per ykab . day, after partaking of a glass efi so wan, so insignificant, so pur y, i ------ rH------ soda with Mr Lovermg who met seemed all at once to have assumed SAN FRANCISCO htm on his way home to dinner, the dignity, the majesty, the power* U V WEEKLY CALL JAf* Is a handsome nighL and was confined to his bek; so the of a god—or one of those god-like page paper. It is issued every mortals whose conscious birthright) young cashier remained quite alone Thursday, and contains all of the Important news of the and was in consequence unusually it is to rule among men, and, with week, gleaned from every quar a word, a look, to sway all meaner busy. ter of the globe, complete up I “I wish I could help you, Mr. • mortals to their will. to date of publication. It fur. Dishes the latest aod most Haughton.*’ remarked the visitor, | But, although every feature, and reliable financial news nod ’ even the color ot the skin, shared as Mr. Haughton, with an impa-|* market quotations, H’d gives . From the Ilerald, Columbia, Tenn. tient sigh, dismissed the last of a in this marvelous change, it w ■ special attention to horticul. T’v-.ry County is one of the richest and I of Columbia ’who is now clerk and Master in the eyes. * tural and agricultural news, ii< nuv VI £1 uup ui • J I puzzleheaded group of BIIIH11 small uepos- depos-| the most conspicuous ld jue-t mi I best counties in Tennessee. It of the Chancery Court of this county), re and is In every respect a flrst- itors, and glanced at the clock, just l ht,8e duI1’ di,n orëanB> wit*> their | «■...¡id be an exagip-ration to say that any commended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for elass family paper, appealing one man knew every other man in this Pale People. repulsive film, had changed to balls verging upon two, the hour for clos to the interest of every member '•ounty. but it may safely be said that few, if “ I began using them as per direction.« for ■ iy, can come nearer to it than Mr. .Joe M. locomotor ataxia, and in alotit one week of the household. ing the bank. “It seems a pitv ^v’nR t’re» acquired a brill- . ' . .ter, wh >se home is at Carter’s Creek, and some of mv friends thought I was letter; ------rF------- i > is now connected with the Herald. In | but it was two weeks before the improve- that one inr.n should be so hurried iancy ami power wh ch might have I T^HK MORNING CALL la ■ iniei-'.-t of the H raid he. has visited ! ment was plain foul] :qid satisfaemry tc iny- T'arlv every home in the county. Upon 1 self. Then, however, I Lira* the pills were and worried with work, and anoth struck terror and submission ’nto SI V («■’■* I>muas A W bkki ■ state ” ik - v >;«i »us—that is. the Herald'» an doing their grand and glorious wrl . and Is a live metropolitan on ti pie-nie reu don lie is the “ Master of 1 kept taking them until 1 eouid iiobbl« er have such a weight of unemploy the stoutest heart; and Vale daily. It is the MOST RELIA Cereuio'iies.” There «re few men better about on crutches. I ed time upon his hands as I have. Haughton, staring helplessly into I BLE. and is recognized kn st I. lew bettor liked, none more trusted, as “ It was suggested to me then that rattir» aad ,vh it he -aivs the /i rald, unconditionally would do the rest, and I left off the pills. their firey and absorbing light, felt being the LEADING NEWS I really find it hard io kill the ti me, ail un •■I'.iivoeally, will vouch for. In about ten days 1 saw that I was eoitij PAPER of the Pacific Const. Ti s“e him now in perfect. health and down hill again; I promptly renewal the when I cannot read any more or all will, all force of opposition, all Either of the above papers we e-ie;- ■. o-i " would not think that two and pills, and again I began to improve. A | individuality melting out of his, am tired of exercise. I tried! to a hilt years ago he was a bed-ridden second time I tried to leave the Untie to a will send postuiid as a pre i i. il’l, a physical wreck, whose family good constitution, but found it -fill too mium on receipt of the follow teach Miss Wiston a little French, soul, as melted the waxen rings of |> :ys: -ii-i. love 1 ones nt home and friends ' weak so I commenced on the pil1« agaiu ing subscription prices for the 1! fvi'i -ht was sxm to be callej hence, and kept taking tbem until I w as >rr!l. as she seems anxious to learn, but Icarus before the power of the sun combination: .u’ s'l-.-h 's the e ise, and not on’v he but his “I was in my fifty-first year whin I »»’ he dared to oppose. I imiiy an.I a hundred friends will testify to taken sick. It is now about two years since —ah, poor girl, poor girl!” it. I disc irdeil stick and crutch and found my “You wish to know my thoughts It was a peculiar affliction he had, and bis legs strong enough to carry me. 1 am en ‘TV hat do you mean by that, Mr. euro w is marvellous. Ins recovery a nine joying splendid health, w< igh more and h«>k Lovering?” demanded the cashier, —you wish me to speak more of teenth e nitury miracle. And that others better than for years, uml attribute mv AKO 1HIS PAPiR, PS8 YEAR, what I said but now—you would be mav enj >y the blessings cf the wonderful heallh and my recovery and life 1« the. angrily. “What cause have you to m dieine which Ix-yond the peradventure of magic of I’ink Pills fur Pule People, under I in full communion with me, mind i doubt—u ¡dor (r > l’s blessing—saving his the bl-ssirg of Goi. »peak of my affianced wife in that to mind,” murmured the stranger, I “I have recoinniendeil these pills to a lite, Mr. Foster—not desiring publicity but LN ADVANCK. with the hop“ of doing good—lias con- number of people, and many I know haie tone, sir?” been cured by them. I wish in my heart s --’.ted to tell of bin sickness and his cu:x never wavering in that steady, fas-1 “Ah, to be sure, she is your affi- It was in the fail of 18112 he was taken \h that every person on earth who is -uttering cinating gaze, but gently sliding1 lie w is a firmer t!ien. ami had spent the day as I was could get them ami would vy i.iein. anced wife, is she not? How stu “ To those who know me, I hope it is m t exms'-d to the weather ami working in the his hand over that of the cashier And This Pdp^r, P r Year, Gel I. anil f >r five hours was in the mud, in a necessary for me to add that I make tl - pid of me!” exclaimed the other, stoo!>iug position. Ina few days thereafter stitemeiit of my own free will, witheiit until his long, thin fingers c’as ped I *2 50 he Ini a peeuliir feeling in his feet and money and without price. But it there are much confused. “1‘rav excuse me.” .. 1 lie-ids; they became numb and felt us if anv who are inclined to doubt. I will refer „ ¡the young mans wrist, and 1 sent| IN A1IVANCK. usl -op. thi’m to Dr. J. H. Hill. J. M. Hunter, l.. Explain yourself, please,” re [(. . .. sharp, tingling arrows of sensation But, perhaps, it would lie better to let Mr, ' D. Isx-kridge. .Its1 Terwell, Ambt- a Nic peated the cashier, stiffly; and F>4er i'll his own experience, and this is hols. S. B. and G. W. Nichols, id i of Cart, rt up the pulse that throbbed madly | Creek. Maury County, Tenn., orif they wi.l wh it he says: ^g^OUR MIND coming out from t>ehind the coun beneath the pressure; and the other, CHANGING " F illowingthe numbness of ntv feet and | I call upon tne I will give them the i:stms< of» hands, that numbness spread until niy whole hundred w itnesses of as good tin n anu women ter. he confronted Lovering, who hand as silently and soft)v£clasped Isxly w is paralyzed. I had a dreadful con-I as the sun ever shone upon. wan pa ring about with his filmy the uncovered left hand hanging Is hard work compared with »friction around my body, and as I grew “ Hoping some poor stitlerer may read anti worse this extended up. cutting off my believe and be rais<-d from a bed oi patu, I eyes in search of his hat and gloves. by Haughton’s side. “Come,” con -hanging the appearance of your breathing; it finally got within a few inches am Vert reap« ctfidly. J oe M. F oster , (> of my throat and it was with difficulty that stove with “Oh, really, Mr. Haughton, there tinued the low, monotonous voice, I hr I’hcd at all. At irregular intervals I I Care of the Herald. Columbia. Tenne«w>. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills f>r Pale Pp- li td lightning pains throughout mv entire i* nothing to explain.” related whose tones thrilled and vibrated Ixxly and limbs, and for at b ast five’ months ple arc an unfailing remedy for all FEN I was perfectly helpless, and a man servant eases arising from a poor ami watery cot* • Mr. Lovering, much distressed. “1 upon the young man’s ear with so even 3 f 3. was kept in mv room day and night to turn tion of the blood, such ns pile and sal spoke thoughtlessly, ami really it strange and dreamy a music that * low complexion, general mtiscnlsr we»xne«. mein lx-d and wait upon me. loss of appetite, depression of spirits HwK “ In the earlier nart of my illness my feet is nothing—nothing at all. Excuse he quite forgot to attend to the FEN felt is if I was walking bare-footed on a stiff ambition, amvmia, chlorosis or green «<• • tove ■ irpet. Si»n I could not walk at all in the ne««. palpitation of the heart, shortness me; I see that it is already quite words they uttered—“come and sit 37 lark, and CQuld not even stand alone with I breath on slight exertion. coMnew of h:in”’ mv eyes shut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelling of the feet and two o’clock. I w ill bid you good down here with me and we will talk TEN erm my liinhs refused to carry me. Finally in the back, nervous headache, tiixzme«. (Doming, and----- ” G. j loss ( lo«t my sense ot feeling or touch, anil loasoif memorv. feehlene* of w ill. ringinc . together. Come—come.” OTki. ennld not tell when my feet were a"Riusi against the ears, early decay, all form« ofjwn»»* He moved towari the door, but each other, but felt all the while as if they weakness, leucoirhwa, tardy or trregu And, with so gentle a force that 1 Zist; periods, suppression of mense«. hyste a, were being pulled nnart. Seven times longer Vale Haughton bounded past jhiin. its object never noticed it, this “In the beginning I had called in mv paralysis, hx-omotor ataxia, rheunia MJ. ’-a, all diseases dependme on vittstra i turned the key in the lock and, strange visitor drew his host gently ! Looks i'even tunes better Than family physicitn. a very sm-cessful practi- m-iatii Boner. He put me on a tre-tnv-nt, with in- humira in the blood, causing jemWJJj placing his back to the door, stood forward, across the room, through A ’out - even times cleaner Stove »trnetions to keep vervquiet. But I contin- I i swelled glands, fever sores, nekets hip£*n» hunchback, acquired deform««* oi i-.gr.w w< r—, and in alxmt six weeks he diseases, < confronting and towering ab >ve the the gate loft open by the cashier in X \ Sont I wo times cheaper Polish told ; me, candidly and honestly, that he had decayed bones, chronic ery*'l« l«-'. • v. o tm.es handier Ion- his best, tb it he h id a!» ' ad vised with consumption of the bowels and I“"*' poor, bent, puny figure of the man his sudden exit; and finally seat m > oi ■ of <'ol r.iihia’» leading physicians, giv- also for invigorating the blood »nd *. ■ * ;ng tbem my -ymptoni«, but that be could when broken down bv overwork, wavry. with ehe filmy eves, who, as if me ing him in the leathern armchair • • • lo not i eg f >r me and it wns useless for him ease, excesses and indiscretions of >' vwk . chanically, laid his hand oyer that be» ide the fireplace, he drew anoth t vo»«r < rocer doesn’t keep it, <» -y ' -v f>--tli. r. He and the physicinns covery from acute disea-es, wh »« e n h- ndvl«c.| pmnoniM* «1 my dis- ' etc., tai of vital powers. al*mu«orrh.ra. of the cashier, clenched as it was er chair close it. front of him; and, end us h.s name with ioc and v ‘L* 'b ' • o M**' ', i IMI* earlv decav. premature old age. •" , •• >r ataxia. and ’ incurable. •* n« tdi >■ • v ...U ,-y try any- dirertlv on the blond, supplying tn tbe up>n the key, and whined, pathet stin holding the hands of the young <• a Lr e and a valuable •ing i Ser w- .n -I. a:ul then I lx—in trying its life-giving qualities by vTy-'-hir ti • I« Mr~r-«tr«t. I trieudif- trirtf dif. absnrb nxvgen. that treat snppirter ically: man in his own tingling grasp, he -uiilx household book tree. ' rent ki-uisc r-ri-l’y—It T ■'•!>, shock- organic life. Pink Pill« »re wild it m.i. 'i-n« - I -îet ;np'i-r, wi.h nnmlw-r- er«, or will be srrt p.*t p-rai «n rp* P* ?* “Oh. let me go, Mr. Haughton — firmly closed his lips, while the ice .Weenie Wcert« a foe J- kin !« of ■ -nillr and — prive. A box box or «'f «tx «IX bnxes no « "■"7 M W a. • W «I tilt LX u Co., Atfts., e •xt ■«s -n-|lv -, ... ti|. shout by ».Mroxinf Hr. William»’ Medie«« t K ? -»I! t . pray let me go. There is nothing pallor of mighty effort overspread BUCKS! , ) I I I ! . I ♦ ! I i I t ? s tt 1 iUlHlJ . U1IVU ywa BUCKS!! y —------ ------------- GOOD Q 2 Journals L Will sell Grades from $3.50 to $6 per head. Thor oughbreds $6 to $10. Our Premiums Weekly Call! I Morning Call! A Newspaper Man Relates a Mar vellous Story. I I An Interesting Chapter in Eis Own Life-Some, We Hope, May Profit by Reading Same. I I I ! I I » I ') I I ) «• t I DAILY CALL 1 I WEEKLY CALL I I > » S I I i i I « 1 * / 'S I ■■ I :’9 .VONT - ox : ery st .. ». f „ cal . Lt, If. >. a e sin, Hr. A. N. Aiken, | Schenectady, Ä. Y« —