She ¡timrs-|irraid. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER. 16 18f6. W.C. BÏKP _ _ — — — Editor Inconsistency of Gold- Gugs. The strongest argument, seem­ ingly, brought forward in this cam­ paign by the republicans and gold standard democrats, is 50 the cent dollar. They aigue if we shouldby law adopt free coinage of silver, gold would immediately rush to the European countries, and we would have nothing but the poor depreciated silver dollar. Butthen they argue that |a bimetallic sys­ tem isbest with international agree inent, which, by the way, under no circumstances will we ever get. Now the inconsistency is, that sil­ ver is a bad thing for a few but a great thing for the many, 50 cents for the United States, but a dollar for the world. Do you see the point? Now it being an acknowl edged fact that free silver is the best for the world,fjwhy not the United States set the example by l»eing the initiative of this good thing for the world? Set the ex­ ample and the world will follow. Let the United States be the strong arm that is put forth to lift labor from Jthe slough of despondency and lifted to the standard of respect ability. Let history have it record­ ed that this great republic, the friend of mankind, was the first to solve the financial problem, and set to rest the vexed question. Be it known that most of our scholarly men, and just men. everywhere con­ demn the gold standard, and how is "it possible to crush this gold standard monopoly unless some powerful nation take the lead? And tn« world can never find a bet­ leader than this republic. age annual market ratio« ranged for almost the whole time in the neigh­ hood of 15j to 1, and never varied more than from 15.04 to 1 to 16 25 to 1. It would also have shown that while the production from 1870 to 1895 approached more near­ ly to the mint proportions than ever before in the centurv.the value of silver fluctuated between 15.57 and 32.56 to 1. ‘'Concurrent circulation” is not the test of a successful monetary policy, although there was never a in times of speeie payments between 1803 and 1874 when silver five franc pieces and gold twenty franc pieces did not circulate together in France, and when both gold and silver wer-1 not coined at the French mintR. The real test is stability of value. It makes little difference whether one metal or the orlher or both be in circulation if the fluctu­ ations in value can be kept within narrow limits. Between 1837 and 1873 th-1 gold value of 371j grains of pure silver never averaged more than $1.052 or less than $1003. The range of fluctuation was less than five cents on the dollar in thirtv-six years. Between 1873 and 1895 the jiold value of the same amount of silver varied between 49.1 cents and $1.004. There was a greater fluctuation in a week than the e had been with open mints in seventy years. That ought to ans­ wer the question whether the policy of open mints proved a success or not. as compared with the one that I has followed it.—Journal. THE 0. C. CO states of Illinois, Indiana and Ken-1 tucky, it will have accomplished ' all its projectors hope for. But the question is, will it do it? HUNTINGTON. OREGON, i (Sold more goods in 1895 than any j other House in Eastern Oregon! ilUlIVO ntlIf Tbev Carry the Goods and Make the Prices. More Goods for a Dollar Than Ever Before- All goods lower in Price.—Send or call on them. I Strictly one Price. Get Their Prices. 1 .U1U. J to Encyclopeciia J ohn R ohrman , B rewer and Better Than Ever Before. A 584 PAGES. S 1,500 TOPICS. OF THE FAMOUS I 1 nF Tells Everything Yon Want to Know When You Want to Know It. X a / veritable cyclopedia OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. f An Invaluable and Unrivalled \ Political and Popular J Hand-Book. BURNS, OREGON FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. \ READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. PXICE 25 CEbflS. I (PostpaidTy Mall.) In view of the well known busi ness relations between the Roths­ childs and; Belmonts, Perry Bel­ mont’s bolting Bryan and declaring for the gold standard was not at all surprising. Senator Palmer’s speech on the Homestead riots, which he made in the senate, must be decidedly inter­ esting to his millionaire supporters. Did Bimetallism Succeed? T he W orld . Pulitzer Building, New York. Jon't Q» Without It This Presidential Year » ———————————— I ■ H W A "■ -d ■ a A nio Ci UX irr d ■ A CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. Avm tr.&JbwMtqy JTaNrfiM Prof. W. B. Peeke, who makes a specialty of V Epilepsy, haa without doubt treated and cur- auccesa ia astonishing. We have heard of cases of so year.’ standing cured by hint. He publishes* valuable work on thia dis- ease, which h- 1 I I BURNS, OREGON Wines Liquors, and Cigars. I A monometallist contemporary The democrats carried Arkansas, ' quotes the Journal’s remark that but they are not disposed to imitate Good Billiard tables, Pleasant^Card Rooms, sis., etc. ■ ' bimetallic coinage is not an untried the senseless cackling of the repub­ : Sftloan is fir8t cla88 in ever? particular. Experienced bartender experiment, hut was an approved licans over their majority in Ver­ ------ — y’---y Xi**”» BI|y Bunererl Who may send their P. O. and Express address. • Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. success through the greater part of mont. Wa advise any one wishing a cure to address rritw.x * itPXttX, P.P.,4CedarEt., law York | our national life, and exclaims: . How was it “an approved sue-j - 1 Perhaps Madeline Pollard might cess?” Did it ever for one month I be induced to take the stump maintain the parity of the metals? against Col Breckinridge. Did it ever during the forty years I of its existe ee give ns concurrent Of course Bennie Harrison is not circulation of gold and silver? If| f well begun to half done. Begin well by getting Ferry*1 heeds. I afraid to enter a joint debate with so. when? Did this magical ratio Don't let cbance determine your crop, but plant Ferry's Senator Tillman. All the same ever do either of these things ini Heed* Known and sold 1 everywhere. anv other country? If so, where?] Bennie won't do it. Before you plant, get JOHN SAYER, .. .Propriater. On the very same page our con-1 Ferry’s Seed Annual for 1888. Contains more prac­ temporary prints a table that ought Mark Hanua says this is a cam­ tical Information for farmers Situated on Silviee river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge and gardeners than many high-BrM paign of money; and that is why to enable it to answer its own ques­ priced text books. Mailed free. JFiM ‘ a. a. rcaar a co., arraoir, sich . tions. The figures show the rela­ he is buying everything in sight. Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from tive production of silver and guld.( Fcr the present century the outputs, Some cf the corporations are do­ Good Wheat as given, were: ing some lively squirming while Gold. Silver. lieing put through the republican Ounces, Ounces. 287,469,225 50 to 1 fat-frjing process. 5,715,»*7 1#»1 to 1810 8,1.79,668 173,857.506 48 to 1 toll to to/0 k • to a <.570,444 148.070.040 32 to 1 1K.1 to 1830 < ¿22,»18 191,758,675 30 to 1 1X31 to 1M0 LOCAL DISEASE Congressman Breckinridge ought and to the result o< cold, and 17.606.0to »50.vai.422 12 to 1 IMI to 1X50 sudden climatic changes. 64.482,133 287,920.126 4 to 1 to get enough out of the gold barons 1861 to I860 It can be cured by a pleasant 61. 0»S, 343 829,267,776 6 to 1 1810 to 1870 remedy which I. applied di­ to pay a little something on Made­ rectly Into the noetnla. Bo- 146,t3?,S75 2 Alt, 984,119 17 to 1 1X70 to 1885 '"fi 'VaBbaortMdu K1™ If this table had been supple line’s judgment. PLANTING! «S muk & sawmill CATARRH mented by another exhibiting the Bryan has never had a doubt of market values of the metals, it would have shown that while in his election. He has believed from the first seyentv years of the cen­ the first that it was merely a ques­ tury the production fluctuated so tion of how large a majority he enormously that in one decade only | would get. four ounces of silver were produced to one of gold, and in another the, If the Palmer and Buckner ticket disparity was fifty to one. the aver­ gets a few thousand votes in the Ely’s Cream Balm ____ la acknowledged to be the most thorough sere for Naaal Catarrh. Cold tn Head and Hay Fever of all remedlee. It opens and cleanses the ansa > passages, allays pain and Inflammation, heala the seres, pro- tecta the membrane from colds, restores the aeneea | af taste end smell. Price Me. at Dm vglsu or by mall. I BLY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York. , BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. SHELLEY & KING. burns Shop opposite the Brewery •'AXÀM IMIS » givey bwt.ta Irellei and te an in. ”»o., ***• $l._ii> • ■ ■■■i WWöox »4M, New Yortr