I. » «A. » i f f —Geo. McGowan, once in the oercantile buisness in this place, >ut uow of Monmouth, we under- tand was burned out a short time ince. He was insured, but to rhat amount we have not been in- ormed. I I . I For Sale Or Trade. Additional Locals. —100 acres of fine fruit land in i 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser Ji tja Foundation of the Wonderful Curea Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. and cattie part pay on each lot if That la Why the cures by Hood’s Sar the purchaser so desires. For fur- saparilla are C ures . That la W’hy Hood’s Sarsaparilla curea ther information inquire at this the sererest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum an i other blood diseases. office. M arried .— At the First Presby- A Marvvlou. Discovery Free. erian church in this place, yester« lay evening, at 8 o’clock, Henry AN OLD AND WgLL-TKtgD Kt»l»Y.-Mn ! wmdalow’i Soothing Syrup hu been u*e«i for V. Welcome and Miss Francis I over fifty tear» o.v niilliou. oftnothera for their I children while teething, with perfect aucceaa. lewitt were united in marriage. , It soothe* the child, soften* the gutna. alia.' a r i n .1 r j __- l™ ; all pain, curea wind colic, and ia the best reme udge Rutherford, assisted t>y Key. ejy for Diarrheoea. I* pleasant to the tóate by Druggist* - ■ ■ In every part ‘ of " the ‘‘ world. ). H. Jones, performed the ccre- ‘ Sold Twenty flveeeut. a bottle. It. value i. iuvalg table. Be .are and ark for Mn. Wind.low’. Inony. A large crowd of friends Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. >f the bride and groom were pres- -nt to witness and congratulate the How’s This? lappy couple, with whom T he We offer One Hundred Dollars T imes -H erald heartily joins. Reward for ai v case of Catarrh —Rev D. H. Jones will deliver that can not be cured by Hall's Ca i t lecture on “Christianity and Infi- tarrh Cure. lelity,” fiom the Christian stand- F. J. C heney , it Co. Propts., K)int, on Sunday eyening, the 27th Toledo, O. net. Mr. Jones has deyoted many ' We the undersigned, have known 'ears of bis life to a careful study F J Cheney for 15 vears, and be-. -r .v j >f the principles invoked in this lieve him jierfectlv honorable in all nost important subject, and w.ll business transaction and financially io doubt handle it in a scholarly able to carry out any obligations md logical manner. For ¡the past made by their firm. t j I iighteen centuries this subject has West and Truax, wholesale drug urn is bed food for thought of the gists, Toledo, O. I iblest thinkers and philosophers of Walding, Kinnau it Marvin. I he race; and as long as mankind Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. •lists on the face of the earth, the Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in I nembers of the human family will ternally, acting directly upon the I >e interested in investigations blood and mucous surfaces of the ouching the problem of a hereafter Lystem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold • md will never cease enquiring, what, by an all ui druggists ugg«vid. Testimonials free. ■hall become of this “teniment of ] Hall’s Family Pills are the best day,” or the divine spark within t? when the portals of the grave ilot.es upon the remains of a hu I nan being Everyone should hear I dr. Jones on this subject I ♦ * I From the tenor of republican ’omnient, we are to suppose that lie support of the gold standard >as purified the morals of Col. Ireckinridge. I I I« I -I >1 V » ■ \ muis 1 - di- >r r ■ ‘ r I a Complete Line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots & Shoes, and Groceries. IS « ,t,y lu effect. 25 cenU. ----------------------------------------------- 1 TONSORIAL PARLOR, , ROBINSON & BURNS, WALTON I P roprietors , OREGON. MRS. R. D. SCHEIBER, Proprietress. The Hotels are now under cne management. Everything in their line guaranteed few equals and no superiors in her vocation. to be done satisfactorily. Bathes at all hours. The proprietress has Transient Rates $ I .SO to $2 Per Day. rfJF Parties desirng regular board are requested to consult the GEO. S. .SIZEMORE, Landlady. attorney , B urns , .............................. O regon . Oolite .ions, Land business, and Real Estate matter promptly attended to. I ERRAT HICKS, C anyon C ity . J. W BIGGS. B urns . Hicks & Biggs ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ¡ Offices at Canyon City and Burns I BRICK MASON, PLASTER ER and VENEERING. b d M c I ntyre , Burns, Oregon. I Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom. rv * ruysician <x ourge^n. Till. I* Your Opportunity. JOHN F. STRATTON’S CMkBKATED Birmingham Steel Strings l.r Vlctln Guitar. Mandelin. Banja kmrtl AUdf. fe.tr. Plate«! tun MA.V W eir.1 t.u ■ . I1«> rust »end lol t'-atlg JOHN F. ttrATION. ! r II Oregon. HmJ'c l);l|c «-- v tn b~v. e««v to tike, llOOil -3 i \ eneeiing box. or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic and much more comfortable—makes a Bolid wall, durable, very warm in A graduate of the Iowa State winter and cool and pleasant in summer. University and College of Physi , Parties not conversant with the Veneering process and want a cians and Surgeons. nicely finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. McIntyre Office at residence in Burns. 1 before finishing with rustic. • On receipt of ten cents, ctwth or stamps, a generoUH tut tuple will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely’« Cream Balm) tmfficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 1 66 Warren St., New York City. ■Rev. John Reid. Jr., of Great Falla, Mont., t recommended Ely’s Cream Ba.ui to me. I NEW YORK WORLD. can empbanixe his stat«iu< nt, ‘-It ia a posi I he Weekly Oregonian and T he tive cure for catarrh if U m ><1 aa directed."— The Twice-a-week Edition of the I khai . d for only two dollars a year, Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Prea Church, Helena, Mont New Yo.k World his been convert iubacribe or renew at once anti se Ely’s Cream Ralm is the acknowledged ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur •ure your county paper and the cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 eenta. lQl.tir.gton, Ore . March 21. 1896 D ear S ir :—We are now starting in the new year. Computations or last year are completed. We Ind that our firm sold during 1895 he enormous amount of 167 car- oads of goods. equal to ten train oads—just think 167 ears—For Lis we thank our patrons,an.i proiu- ae the same generous treatment in he future. During 1896 we will «11 closer than ever, and no honest totnpetilors will 1« allowed to do I i nore fir * vou than ourselves. We ire here for vour business, we must taye it, if honest count, weight,and reatiuent and Law prices will do1 I. Call or write us Reapt., We Carry CHEAPEST PRICES. L ondon Is the only True Blood Purifier proml- nent’7 in the public eye today. Be sure to I’ooVi and O"'.!7 Hood’s. I ItHptnfr, H>i>!>if(irr«>r> • .1 Sarsaparilla hut the»> 1C The two fsipulists who gave Mr. ’aimer a seat in the U. b. Senate •i. a promise madtjjm his behalf, hat he would vote for the fr< e •oinage of silver, might be excused or asking if any promises were nade for him at Indianapolis. nos. newsy weekly published in his state Every intelligent read- •r cannot help hut see the advan- age of getting two ps|>ers for the •rice of one. We hojie our sub-j ^critters will see the point and give is a call. 1' ’s . ' a T j .. ♦«• . ,V s’ I ‘»’.j/s I ). & Burns, That is Why it overcomes That Tired , Feeling, strengthens the nervej, gives enrrgy in place of exhaustion. That Is Why the aula» of Hood’3 Sar- aapa.-llla ha e ineaxsed year alter year, j until it ujw requires for i s prod action the Ur jest Laboratory in the world. . I t I BEST GOODS, Rich Red Blood mason Wkal.tul. Dntltr‘ bit. S13. bl.’i. M“ I’.. Vth St.. N. Y. » 14 Ì « «> A . :«.iii"X. n j •’■'V- e,««ul r*v<U- .<• V- .eua>cAL aui.o:..* >• . «. 11. '.. 1 • • ■ ■..................... O. C. Co. • b 4% m vFI**' BÜM«' <«J2> Stage Line. or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of One Dollar a year. Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours This gives 156 pajier a year for One ’ Dollar and every paper has 6 pages Fare Oneway <7.50. Round trip 115.00. eight columns wide or 48 columns I in all. The Thrice-a-week World Through freight 3jcts. a pound. is not only much larger than any Two days ntice at any P. O. on the route un i covered coaches wil weekly or semi-weekly newspaper, I» 1^X71 , H. A. Williams, Proprietor. but it furnishes the news i with ...... be furnished for passangers. much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive anecial features of a weekly. Arrangements have bee. ade by which we can furnish thu per and the Thrice a-Week N ’ fork War Id both for |2 25 a year. Take H. M. HORTON Proprietär advantage of this oiler a i get your own local paper and the Thrice-a-W eek World at this special rate. T he H krai . d . I «.^SSaPEALERS 1 JOHN F. STRATTON'S felebrald Russia» Gat Violin Strings Wanted-An Idea JS- Burns Ontario TKe Hum In the orW. Stnnf Warranted John F. Slraltec."^^* bl I. HIS. b|.\ 817 E. 9th St NtW YORK. I I DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purposes f5^B<*peeefiptiona accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work D odo . I