9 Durring the winter of 1893, F Those who are troubled with rheumatism should try a few ap­ M. Martin, Long Reach, West Va., plications of Chamberlain’s Pain contracted a severe cold which left Balm, rubbing the parts yigorously him with a cough. In speaking of WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER. 9 18r6 at each application. If that does how he cured it he says: “I used i I Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they not bring relief dampen a piece of several kinds of cough syrup but 13ke so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain HA WAHNS AROUSED. flannel with Pain Balm and bind it found no relief until I boughtabot- °FOR EACH DOIUR INVESTED CUN BE.MIDE Bl OUB Seattle, Wash.. Sept. 4,—H. M. on over the seat < f pain and prompt tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which relieved me almost instantly relief will surely follow. For sale Whitty ox postmaster general of Systematic Plan nf Speculation and in a short time brought about the Hawaiian islands, who has just by druggists. tori bv us .known All succcessful speculators operate on a regular originate f ac t that there are thousands of men in all Bvttem parts a complete cure.” When troubled arrived from Honolulu, reports a with a cough or cold use this remedy ..f f 1 the united «ho. everv by mtemetic trading Chicago dollar« tmg. Vo Uroe State, amounts year, ranging from through a few thoueand strong revival of the annexation ' fi^'kh.? man »bo “vote, hundred or two dollar, up to (50,000 to and you will not find it necessary feeling onjthe islands and says it is TWO FOR ONE. to try several kinds before you get 1 il(M) 000 or more bv those who invest a few thousand. greatly intensified through the belief relief. It has been in the market that should Hawaii be annexed to Tt is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from Send for free sample and judge1 for over twenty years and constant­ United States the threatened Jap­ ivolv small investments on tins plan are person« who live com- thereby. The E. O. H erald and ly grown in favor and popularity. from Chicago and niveal through broker, who thorough! awav anese trouble would be entirely wip­ Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both p X understand Jor sale at 50 cents per bottle by 9>'8t Our Ulin doc» "O* ,he wh°,e “""T* i!'ves”"ir‘;" ed out by the abrogation of al! ex­ one year for $2. ° i !h lie« so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a druggists., The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8-pase | isting treaties. covers both s i u upenormouslv in a short time. By what is known as the Gibson paper, issued eaeh Thursday. P WklTF FOR CONVINCING PROOFS abo our Manual on Largest in size,cheapest in price, treaty, entered into with Japan Lfnlsoeculation and our Daily Market Report, full of money most reliable in news.all large type, | successful specuiai FREE Our manual explains margin about 13 years ago, Japanese may plain print, good white paper. If ! making P ointers< Hi he8 t references in gard to our standing and pour into the islands in unlimited our readers want another live paper, [ STOCK BRANDS. 1 lr. Burns.Oregon FOJ THIS YEAR. THIS PAPER— ----- WITH------ t Tf you ara in a nosition To do Busin ss Let Peonh Know it- J. C. Foley, cattle brand = on right si i Horse brand = on left shoulder. THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Cali! if yon have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. cattle brand, II., on left rii under bl’ In left ear, nnder slope in right ear Home brau | 71 on right grille. R E J. A. Williams I’. O. Riley Or. I’KIC'E «1.-45 I’F.tl V1AM, ' Home« branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebia < i ed )-( on left hip. Marion Kunjurd. PO Bur s ----- OK----- I HE SAN FRANCIS 0 '' a’tle 1 ia n >ti I ' i le'i hin: It >r sh > ul isr. C.i.irlos (1. V.iagtl-Burns > fit Horse branded P on rMit shoulder, cattle > on right hip. It. A. Hendricks. P.O. Laweu Or PRICE «0.0 > fill YEAR. tuxes, and the inhabitants get 111<■ surplus divided among them. The ordinary method of unthrifty mtmicip ilitii's is to throw all their advantages away in watt r an.I gap supply, coalfields, public lands and tnanv other etceteras, which are Used bp companies, anti the taxes mount up to a dizzy aggregate eventually, all because nobodv looked ahead with public spirit at the commencement of eomtmiti en­ terprise.— Pearson’s Weekly. Home brand Sfi on left shoulder, also thret dots.-. in sb ape of t> tangle, cattle branded same E. E. Grout Burna < >r. ----- -H------ qr'LHE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY ( ALL >1^ Is a batid-thiiip Mlaa Rota Dickenson Horse brand anvil ot left stifle, t'attle branded bar’ R ou left hip. 1 O. 1.alien Ore. eight- pagd paper. It is ¡««tied every Thursday, ami contains alt of Cite Important news of the week, g'ie.ineat>er, npp-oiii .« to the interest of eveiy uteuiber of the household. .1.1’ Dickenson < attic brand J P connected <,t; left hip Horse brand anvil on left Stille. I*. < l.awwn Ore. • 'attic brand figure 7on either bIp; mark light crop off each ear, s ip In each ear, and iva tt on left Jaw. Horse brand tigureT oneither hip J. 11. Bunvard Burns Ore. Goo Williams, horses mil nciles rounding w, ull light «title. P.O Rili Horse brand bar in on left shoulder: Cattle brand bar m on left hip and ribs. Cathcrlni Marshall 1*0 Narrow« Ore. ¡ I Home brand on left shoulder S Miss l.anrs Stanelift. Burns Ore. Home brand 7Tou left shoulder and same on o muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burns Ore. ------- «+•-------- gm • Awe r.s. Jeamanf «f if nil-t*» _ rrof. W. n. Fcekc, w o » Ft ^3 mokes ta t|>eciulty of f" A U fk v Epilepsy, has without J U x B k doubt treated and cur- fl ’ fl vA. rd more i user than any I R ft i,l living Physicianl hid ja U I ' IA rf k W sneceaa is astonishing. We have henrd of case« years’ standing Curd» ^^large bot­ tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their 1’. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a euro toaddr. «« HP MOKMNG CAM, (bKVKN IsaviM A WkZKK) Is a live tii'tropmlt iH «lailv. It la the MOS r RF.L1A- BI.E. and is tecognlaed a« belli« the LEADING NEWS- PA I*KK of tim Pii.iÖc C.mat. Kitlierof th« ab-v« i npers we will send twwtii id as a pre. llilnm <>n reeeli t <>( the (»llow- Ing aubserlpiluu prices tor th« eembina: Im: c * ff « I ' iS è - j J AHL' liiìÀ 1 CALL rsi’ Subscribe for the S, I ampshite and Son cattle brand Q connected. Far mark swallow fork ill right es» underbit in left. I", O. Burns ore. I Homes and Cuttle branded I P on left sh. ul der smie b »tided JP connected. Mary J Price, Burns Ore Herman Ruh cattle brand ini>«u er crop off ami Rival. >» fork in left ear ear under stope. P. o. Lass en. /;’ errbodr Tratls T/IE /I. E A 7. '/>. .'li/i ertise in it. Cat’ le bran I. O. on left h p. n n rl.h ear and a cr *p an l split In le )-( O on left shoulder. A. 11cmb sarr Cattle and home brand T with half circl G. W. Thompson, Lawen.» Froi.w. IL ruu, X.4 Cedar St, New Tert TIH« la Tour <>|i|H»rtun Ity. On receipt of ten venta, mah or stampa, a generuu« aainple utll bc mnilcd «>f thn Biout l’optri.vr Catorrh atei May li-wr Cure (Ely'a ('ramni Ballili snffieietit in denaon- atrate Ilio gre.it merita of Uio rtonealy. CAM I OBTAIN A PATKNTf ELÌ RROTHEKS, 5t> Warrvu fc>L, New York City. Rev. John Reni. Jr . <-f C-- «I Fa'la, Moni., recotuniviuicd Elva < t- :ula tu lo me. I catt empbasGte bis i.ati m> bt, *lt ¡sia lumi- live cure ft»r eularrli it u e»l ma«’ reeteal.“— Rev. Francis W. Finale, l'ustor Cvutnal l’rvA Cburvh, lleleua. Moni. Ely’a Crenm Balm i« thè acknon lediyed cure for cntarrh tand con'nima no tu. rcury Dur aay lujurtoua drug. Enee, 50 cento. T>IV «Tlt 4TTON B and I nstruments mat ritrMDiixr • «w L'VJ A* Fora twonipt an.»er »nd »n honest opinion, write to MINX «V CO., who have had nearly fifty years’ vriwrlencv in the patent business. Communica­ tions strict I y confident tal. A liaudbank of In­ formation concerning l’a tenta and bow to ob. tain them sent free. Also a catakvue of mechan­ ical and scientlflo books sent free. Patent» taken through Munn A Co. fecetva special notice tn the HeiratiSe American, and that are bn>u«ht widely before the puhlic with­ out cret t„ the inventor. This splendid paper. Ixuet weekly, sfmtaatlylllnstrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific werk In the world. *3 » rear. Sample eopfee sent free. ■uildins rdltiow, monthly, tf »a year. Hln*la eotnea. Ji renta Fverv number pontanas beau­ tiful rlatsa, tn color«, and pbomgrwpka of new house«, w th piana, enablin« bui decs to «bow tba latest desu-n« and secure contracta Address ML NN A CO_ Naw Vonn. 3MI Bwu.il) WAT. THE HERALD DOES THE BEST JOB PRNT .IT LOWEST RATES. ^¿ZZjWHF.N Yol’ WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DONE. < oNSl l-T THE HERALD C<