The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 09, 1896, Image 4

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    “A very pleasant gentleman.”' “So I should say,” replied Vale,
was Hope’s careless comment upon cantemptuously. “If you were
■ ■
her new acquaintance, when she going to be false to me, I should
and her lover were alooe. “Not hope for vour own sake, it would
yery deep, I should say. I One of not be in such a direction as that.”
i the nervous, invalid sort of men ‘ But when he was gone the poor
W. D. HUFFMAN will be in Bums again this fall with Grad
who always wem like Ume cuts girl came and threw herself into
“Yes. yee. I know, Mrs. Wiston,"
and Thoroughbred Bucks.
her mother’s arms, weeping bitter­
replied the landlady, sympathetic-: round the house more than lards of
I’ll bear
it —
in «ind.
ally; “ •and
___ ..
------- !creation He is half blind, too-
“Oh, mamma, mamma.' ought I
Why, come to think ef k, there’s'
to tell Vale what is troubling
I “Yes; they look filmy and dull > •
Mr. Lovering, now.”
me? He is so unhappy.”
'don’t they?”
“Who’s Mr. Lovering?”
“No, no, child; don’t think of it,”
He alluded to their
“A very nice, quiet gentleman, a
replied the mother, in a tone of
little out of health, 1 bdieye, who’s being poor, but did not «ay just
alarm. “He might be fright­
been staying here with u< for six what the matter was; and what
ened away altogether; and we are
or eight days, and Herman said be 'the matter worse, ^he is very fond
so pwr,
poor, ucar
dear —
— bu
so urcsuiuuj
dreadfully pwi
of reading.”
thought of spending the summer if
“How do you know that?” asked I and helpless—and if you should
he found a nice, quiet boarding-j
Dot marry Vale you might never
place. Maybe he's just your cus- •
l “Oh. he said so; and then he marry; and then, when I die, what
tomer. Mrs. Wiston.”
His great would become of you? Oh, no;
“Why. bow queer that I should
trunk is awfully heavy, and be said don’t think of telling Vale. Then
have spoken to-day! Well, you will
it was books and papers. I fancy here is Mr. Lovering, ask him.”
tell him, or ask Mr. Phillips to,
The filmy-eyed man came quiet*
ho is a writer.”
won’t you, and send him to talk
into the room. and. without ask­
“At anv rate, you won’t be tempt­
with me?”
ed to flirt with him. migsv, so my ing an explanation of the scene, or
So the widow went her way, and
mind is at rest.”
when Vale Haughton went that
And Vale Haughton kissed his !concerned, walked up to Hope as
night to visit bis lady-love, she and
pretty fiancee, and the conversation 8^e 8a*' weeping, and laying bis
ber mother demanded, in one
band fraternally upon her head,
took its more usual turn.
breath, his opinion of Mr. Lovering
The days and weeks went on un. said, Boftly
as a boarder.
1 “Trust in me, Hope, and be at
“Lovering—Loverii g?” repeated til nearly three months had passed, I peace.
You know that you cannot
he. “Yes. I have heard the name; and a slow, vague consciousness
began to creep 'over the mind of|conhde in Mr. Haughton at preBent;
but really the individual attached
when the time comes I will tell
to it was so insignificant that I do the young man that a change had ---- ; >>
grown up between him and his be-l^ou'
not remember anything about him.
Without reply, the girl drooped
A pale, weak little man, I belidve— loved—just when it commenced, or
her bead lower and lower upon her
not of mveh account in any way, I even what was its exact nature, he
found himself unable to explain; breast; while gradually the sobs
shoulc sav.”
ceased, her hands sank upon her*
And Vale Haughton complaen- but the free, cheerful companion­ lap, and, with a long, tired sigh,
tip squared his broad shouldera, ship, the artless gaiety and childish she lav back in her chair, her eyes 1
and threw back his handsome, mas­ eonfidence that had made Hope’s ‘ closed, and her breathing soft and
sive head, and Hope, looking at society the great recreation and ’ regular.
£>om the Herald, Columbia, Tenn.
him, quite forgot her interest in
Mviry Co-nty i< trne of the richest anti of Colnnibia ’who i.« now clerk and Mn«trr
“Trust in me—trust wholly in
¿e t uni licit rounties in Tennessee. It of the Chaiiivry Court of tiii.« vounty), re­
Mr. Lovering or anv other man end. Sweet and loving, and du­ me. and all will be well,” repeated bi
would be an exaggeration to say that any commended Dr. William»’ Pink Pills tor
on • man knew every other man in this Pale People.
alive, and the evening passed like
Mr. Lovering, emphatically, and I comity, but it may safely be said that few, if *• I iie-an usin? then as per direction« for
other evenings.
•••»>, can come nearer to it titan Mr. Joe M. ataxia, and in about one week
difference in manner which dis then, turning to the widow, added: i’ r. whose home is nt (’arter’s < 'reek, ami some of my friends tliouirlit I was l-etter;
The next morning at breakfast,
w i t is no.v connected with the Herald. In I but it was two weeks bet-re ihe improve-
tressed her lover more than he “She had better go to bed now. I tin- inn-rest of the Herald he has visit**! ' meat was plain to ali and tuitisfactorylc my-
however, Mr. Haughton, remember­
every h tin • in the county. Upon ‘ self. Then, however, I Forte the | ills were
chose to confess, and yet of which • She will sleep well and wake re­ marly
•• s'ire ” oev-ututus—tiiat is. the Herald'* sm - ■loins
__ _____
their „ grand and
. . gloriou* work, «nd
ing the questions of the two ladies,
ni I nic-uie ren iton lie is the “Master of I kept taking them until I cvu.d l.obb.e
he could scarcely complain, for he
There are few men better atwint on crutches.
seated himself opposite to the pro­
“Oh, Mr. Lovering!” moaned the kn > v i. few ’tetter
knew not how to put it in words.
liked, none more trusted. 1 “ ________
It was sugge-ted
______ .. to _ me
that _____
posed boarder, and, while discuss­
and what h- say. tit- H- raid, unconditionally would do the rest, and I left elf the pills,
To say that Hope had become pen­ mother, wringing her hands dis- tin
I mt" |ttivocally, will vouch for.
i ■ ' In about ten days I saw that I wa> K< ttig
ing his coffee and buckwheat cakes
iii a now in perfect health and down hill again; I promptly renewed tlie
sive, abstracted, given to reverie, tractedlw, “it’s a dreadful thing— ! en T -r-rv,
one would not think that two and pills,
, Js. and again I Iwgan
la-gan to improve, a
quietly “took stock" of him.
and a sort of wrapt abstraction, an awful thing! My poor child — a hilt years ago he was a bed-ridden second time I tried to leave ihe ba'tle to s
ii.dil. a physical wreck, whose family good constitution, but found it still i«"
A slight, weak figure, a pale, thin
from the matters of daily life, and my poor, stricken child!”
piysieiin. l ive I ones at home s-id«friends weak so I commenced on th« pills agniu
tii.i ight w is »urn to be called hence. and kept taking them until 1 ««• <cr.7.
face, a scanty beard, and thin, fine even from her lover’s presence, is to
Ami still the man with the filmy all
“I ivns in mv fifty-first year when I was
'Pit «n,-h -s th- ewe, and not only he but his
hair, a large nose, straight, thin describe, as nearly as words inav. eves repeated, softly and confident­ I mii.y and a hundred friends will testify to taken sick. It is now about two year»
I discarded stick and cruicii and found my
lips, and eyes—
I' w-is -i peculiar atliiction he had, and his leg* strong enough to carry me. I am 11 -
the outwaid evidences of this ly:
was marvellous, his recovery a nine- joying splendid health, weith more and look
“Well, what of the eyes?” said change: but there was still some­
“Trust in me, dear madame— cure
tc-nth c-ntury miracle. And that others better than for years, nnd attril.iae n.y
Vale Haughton to himself, when thing more, not to be put in words: trust confidently in me, and obey in iv enj >v the bleasintr* of the wonderful health and tny recovery and iite to itir
ni dicine which beyond the peradventure of magic of Pink Pills for l’ale People, under
his inventory bail glibly reached
do l’d—under God’s blessing—saving his the blessing of Go<l.
a th’n, almost transparent barrier— my directions faithfully. All will a life,
“I have recommended these pil’s tn a
Mr, Foster—not desiring publicity but
this, th»* first point of doubt, or
as thin and transpar nt as glass, | vet lie well—all will v“t be well.’’ with the hope of d dng good—has con­ I number of people, and many I know h«'«
sented to tell of h*< sickness and his ctn\
l»een cured l>y ihem. 1 wish in n y heart
even inter st.
and, like glass, so perfect a non
It wm in the fall of 1892 he was taken *»’. that every person on earth who is stifterii
Peculiar eyes, certainly—large,
He was a firmer then, and had spent the day as I was could get them and would try iiu ni.
conductor that al’ the warmth, and I =?
“ To those who know me. 1 Im! e it is " t
exposed to the weather and workiug in the
round, light grav in color, and
tie! I nndf >r five hours was in the mud, in a neceeasry for me to add that 1 make 1 -
perfume, and passion of love might
«footling position. In a few days thereafter statement of mv own free will, witln ut
oddly obscured by a sort of film,
bloom upon the one side, and al 11 CHANGING V'OUR MIND h- ha I a peculiar feeling in his feet and money and without price. I’ut if th-rr acw
h i ids; they became numb and felt as if anv who are inclined ’<> doubt I «ill nmr
or haxe, or blur like that given to
as] *-p.
^hi'mto Dr. .1. H. Hill. J. M Hunter I..
the frost and colorless chill of in 11 • ­ I
the landscape by a clouded window
the otherJ
_ But, perhans, it would be better to let Mr. D. Ixtekridtre. Joe Tvrwell, And num Nte-
difference exist upon I*
, Is hard work compared with T i-t r tell his own experience, and this is hols. S. B. and G. W. Nichols, allot Cun. >; «
pane, a veil like that obscuring the
i Creek. Maury County, Tenn., orif tl.-y '■> 1
and neither be able to affect the| chang>ng the appearance of'your wh i’ he s iys:
" Following the numbness of mv feet and call upon m- I will give them the nam. > of a
eye of a sick bird, a barrier ob
stove uith
h inds, that numbness spread until mv whole hundred witnesses of as good men and wonieu
I hm I v w 1« paralyzed. I had a dreadful con- as the sun ever shone upon.
etructipg both outlook and inlonk,
“ Hoping some poor sufferer may read ana
stto-tio-i around my body, and as I grew
for surely it would seem that no
worse this extended up. cutting ofT my believe and l»e raised from a bed of pain, 1
a iir.athin *; it finally got within a few inches am
Very respectful’y,
man could see the world clesrlv Mr. Haughton attempt to break CTS.
J. ie M. F oster .
of my th* >it and it was with difficulty that
Cnreof the Herald, Columbia. Tcnnev**.
I ' r uh *1 at all. At irregular intervals I
and certainly through such eyes, down thia barrier, to crush it be­
Dr. Williams’ I*ink Pilis f.r Pale 1 ?*•
id 1 ,'iin- -g pains throughout my entire
ami surely, also, no man could neatli hi? impatient re»t, to liteli it TEN
U»ly and limits, and for at least five months pie are an unfailing remedy for all '’>••
I wis p-rf-etly helpless, and a man servant rases arising from a poor ami watery condi­
record the workings of an intelli­ with his loving ardor, but all in
was kept in my room day and night to turn tion of the blood, such as pile and *a.-
low complexion, general muscular wcak’ie«».
me in lied and wait upon me.
gence expressing itself through vain; he could not even bring his1 TEN
“ In the earlier part of my illness my feet loss of appetite, depression of spirits, lack-
It as if I wis walking bare-footed on a stiff ambition. an:emia, chlorosis or green Stea-
betrothed to acknowledge that anv CTS.
such a medium.
irpet. Soon ( could not walk at all in th- MM, palpitation of the heari. snortnras -
"Very odd eyes—rather disa­ such barrier existed, and though Lasts
dark, and could not even stnnd alone with breath on slight exertion, eoldne«» of ham«
Seven times longer
mv eyes >hut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelliug of the feet and limb', pain
greeable; hut perhaps there is the t>he wept piteously at his reproach-1 Looks Seven times better Thm •ton my limbs refused to carry me. Finally in the back, nerv-tt« hewdm he. liiMiness,
I !■■*: my «ctse of feeling or touch, and lnssof memory, feebleness of will, rirgmc
point of ill health Mrs. Wiston men- *’*- •!»■* persisted in denying their About Seven times cleaner StoVe could
-tot tell when my feet were__
2__ . the ears, early decay, all forms of femal«
weakness, )eucorrh<e.a. tardy or irregular
tinned. He looks to be partiallv truth, or any ability on her part to About I wo times cheaper Polish i u-h other, hut f it all the while as if they periods,
suppression of men»*«. hy<trna,
wer ■ Iwing pulled apart.
paralysis, br-omotor ataxia, rheumatts .
blind. At any rate, I need have no remedy the difficulty.
About 1 wo times handier
fa-nili | hvsici in. n very successful practi-
;___ _ soiati-a, all diseases depending on
“It can’t surely be that blear-
Jealousy of his being near Hope.”
tio-ier. II-put me on a treatment, with in­ humors in the blood. cau«trg
str i -tio-is to ki-ep very quiet. But I contin­ swelled glanda firver »ore«, ricketajup-,'
And the handsome lover smiled •yed fellow who lodges here—that
ued to gr >w worse, and in about six weeks he diseases, hunchback, acquire^ defrrminea.
told me, can lidly and honestly, that he bad decayed bone*, chronic erysrpeK«. catarr .
Lorering—who is dividing us!’’
oomplaceirtly to himself.
d m - N’< host, that lie hid also ad vised with consumption of the bowel« and luM«- *
for invigorating the blood and ’T”
The same day Mr. Love ring re­ exclaimed Haughton one evening. send us h:s name with 10c and som- of t'oi-im’iin’s leading phvsicinns, giv- also
in-r t'i -m my symptom«, but that lie could when broken down l«y overwork wprry.iii*
moved himself and his posstssions
do n >t ling f w me anil it was Useless f<>r him ease. ex~e»ra and intfiwretion« of living,
. ..............
io --v a->v f-i-tb-r. lie an I the physicians coverv from acute diseases, wh a« (every
»re not desert J
- um'ly household book free.
to the U idow Wlston’s cottage, and “Surely, Hop-, you
•*’i bom he advised pnmouncsi niy 4i>. etc.. !•»«« of vital powers. spermaT-rrhy’'.
enrlv deenv. premahire obi ag*.
•«•' >co of or ataxia, and inenra’de.
the same evening Vale found him ing me for him. are you?”
Donnellan & Co., Agts.,
“ I*.-tell mV friends tb ycv-’ l trv any. dire -Iv on (be blnml. supplying ’h*’
•i- tbev wished, and then I I«—:n trvi-c» its life-giving onslit-e« by sastriing • „
sitting in the little parlor, talking
Hope shuddered h< avily, and
r tv ‘d-i -tb it a >s «u
I tried d:r. absorb oxygen. tb»t rrawt *nTD’5*er,1<’L.i
as freely with the two ladies as if
ran think
rr it kid« of el vri-’ty—’»-It ritU, sh-ck- o-tranie lifr. Pink I' 11« am anM by »H draF
of noure wrapt*
v -i t.- in s and ■’»» louk-i r, with noml» r- era, or will be sent p«*-t paid on
1 Ulaatot>ateatF
‘Oh. no, no!" murmured she.
he had known them for years in­
•,'n hot medie-nrs. both inte-mnlly a-d price 50 cents a Imc or «rx box*« W»r
• v — Ifv, h<>t al) tn nn c'S-t. n-,:l. a'-wi-t U s.Mrr»ing D- Willjua»’Mrttemt 0»e
1» an«*.
stead of hours.
“Loye him—never!”
PT*» —>
The Ian with the Filmy Eye«.
Will sell Grades from $3.50
to $6 per head. Thor-
• oughbreds $6 to $10.
A Newspaper Man Relates a Mar
vellous Story.
An Interesting Chapter in His Own Life-Some,
We Hope, May Profit by Reading Same.
Wanted-An Idea_ _
1 U-t, Its Ik a cvusia, Mr.
N. Aikea, Sckcnccted), Ji. k.