Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1896)
X EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS. TIMES * ^9>-A’A>/7«VA’Z^V THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 9 VOL. IX Or Simes ' Lakeview House for their meals, ' and they had managed to secret A ladv on Sunday’s westbound a small iron rod with a sharp prong published every wednesday ; train told a passenger f-om Meach on one end. With this Keyes op» n BY that had been patched i am of a remarkable incident that [ W. C. BYHD & SON. occurred Saturday out on the'"fl'oor wfaen Jack * Martin P ublishers and P roprietors . plains east of Oregon on the line of hr(>ke ja|1 gf,ven year8 ago._Lake. the Union Pacific railroad. A lady j yiew Examiner. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : was traveling on the train with a One Year. ............................................ W.Ou three vear old badv. She left the Six Mouth« .......................................... .LOU Philadelpia, Sept. 4.—Aa the re - Three Mouth» .............................. «> I | child in the seat at an open win HERALD CLUB LIST: sult of an attempt to see how many Herald and Harper’s Magazine.............. 5.00 dow and went to the end of the cigarettes he could smoke in half Herald and Harper’s Weekly ................ 6.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar ... 5.20 car to get a drink of water. Dur an hour and to win a wager, 14 Herald and Harper’s Young People. .. 3.75 Uer«ld an<l Alden'» Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.9® ing the momentary absence of the year-old George F. Ellwell died to »«ch ad iitional volume after Vol. 1 55 cent»: mother, the baby climbed into the day. it) cents extra uer volume, postage. /^■Copiesof all the above work» can be ex- window and before it could be Several newsboys were talking of »mined at leisure in the Reading Room. .•eached fell out of the car, the cigarette smoking, and one of the /»•Publisher» of periodical» are solicited a, »end clubb ng rates, a copy of their work for train running at full speed. There crowd urged Ellwell to see how □nr Free Reading Room—We file and bind the was great excitement and the moth- ■ many he could smoke in half an tatter at close of every half-volume, »nd v»v ci iopie» bv advertisement. | 1 er was frantic. No one thought of I hour. A small b< t was made ai.d the bell chord, but several people two packs of cigarettes bought advertising RATES: went racing up and down looking j The boy was lighting his twentieth ®lir itimrs-geraitl. | •TACX 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo j 0 mo 1896, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report A Remarkable Incident Rpyai Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE J. C. Welcome, SADDLE AND HARNESS / MANUFACTURER OF TUB WELCOME TREE. 1 1 yr for the conductor. By the time he. cigarette when the half an hour was found so much distance had was up. I “ t •• been covered since the accident The lad was taken sick during Í “ U col. t ? i* happened that hej refused to stop the night, and died this morning. 1 “ the train. With the mother almost The coroner who investigated the crazed with the thought of the baby case said that death was due to ex- ’------ JOB WORK cigarette smoking, and • >( every description executed with neatness being dashed to piecesand its man cessive «rut deapatch, at reasonable rates. more directly to the large number | I gled body left on the plains, and Pamphlet» Poster«, Circulars, Letter Head», Bill Head«. Envelopes, t-he every moment being borne far» the boy smoked yesterday. Note Head«, Card«, Ticket», Statements, Dodger«, Etc. Memoranda, Invitation«. they away from it, the train pro T hk H kkalu 1« kept regularly on flic for re ceeded to the next station. From . Portland, August 29—Advices ference. In the Geo. P. Rowell New»paper Ad- this point word was telegraphed 1 from Oak Point this morning say , P.rtisiug Bureau. lObprueest.. New York. .".neh 1896 $1.50 $2.50 $5.00 $3.90 $11 00 $15.00 28 00 18.00 3.00 4 00 0.50 12 U3 40 00 24 00 3.00 15.00 S.50 5.00 50.00 32.00 20 OU 4.50 ti.00 10.00 54.00 43.00 6.00 fl 00 15.00 23 00 80.00 120.00 12. W) lb. 00 28.00 43.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 1 (WOO no oo 140.00 Oregon. W. W. JOHNSON, back to the train which was follow- ¡that forest fires are etill raging at ( ou kins . _ OREGON. | ing to look out fur t he bady. The j that point and at Eagte.Cliff on the Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Ciga»-« mother waited at this station for Washington side of the Columbia national : the arrival of the other train and I river. It is impossible to get full President ....................... ... .Grover Cleveland -----THEY HAVE AL8O— Yice-Pre»ideut................. . ... Adlai Stevenson was filled with unbounded joy. | particulars, but it is known that no Richard 8, Olney Secretary of State •ecretarv of Treasury .. . . John G. Carlisle when the conductor placed in her lives were lost. The fire covers an Hoke smith Secretary of Interior A yiae MOXTA0S Billiard. Table. . Daniel 8. Lamont arms the little loved one not only area of ten sqnare Secretary of War miles and is . Hilary A. Herbert Secretary of Navy Secretary of Agriculture .. .J. Sterling Morton alive, but unhurt. It seemed that with in three hundred rods of Oak Attorney General ........ . . Judscu Harmon . .. Win. L Wilson Pustiuaster General ■ in lli inillliu falling num from the uiv window — muun the mu Point. There is thought io be no r_ child had fortunately fallen clear danger here unletsa northwest I ‘ iBinieXm^^of the track and landed in the wind springs up. I i It is 'istimated that oyer two I . X^Ge'nerai ,W<“ ALHiiemsn ' heavy grass and weeds beyond. It &aryrof sut®-V nVKinelid [crawled farther away from the rails hundred head of cattle have per-1 aHU acturers a,,d dealers in all kinds of OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I I. S. GEER & co, ^“pub.ic lustructiou . .Ph,1GMMT;uin |<»« to a raised piece of ground, and State Printer .............. R........... WH Laedi there cried ... itself -- to - sleep over its 1 R. 8. Bean. supreme Judge« ..................... > C. . Wolverton unintentional desertion by mother ) F. A A. Moore and friends, and was siill sweetly NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. ■Httrict Judge ............. IT . M.D.C liffoku sleeping the sleep of childhood Biitrict Attorney ....... ....... C. W. Parrish, toint Representative (R) .. .O. L. Patterson. when found.—Baker City Blade. loiut-Seuator ...............(R)............. A. W.Gowan The fire has assumed such that nothing but a heavy rain will conquer it. The number of feet of timber already destroyed runs way up into the millions. ished. proportions Hardware and Tinware, Tinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. COt’NTY—HARNkY I (»ounty „jdge .................... C. P. Rutherford. • Jerk............................ 'R> H Kelley Treasurer...................... (R) J. C. Welcome iurvevor .......... I) T A. McKinnon ♦herlff. (D) A. J. McKinnon 4««e»«or .......... (D).. 8. W. Miller 4ch.>ol Superintendent ...tD) W.C. Bird Stock Inspector ......................... Geo Tregaeki* Yommiiaionar« ........... f (D) L’i I | A.B. Mark» .P' •F I S Geo. Hailey A Jail Delivery Once more the Lake county jail is vacent On Monday Jim Ken drick got out on bail, and yesterday morning when Deputy Sheriff A. J. HARNEY Ü. B. LAND OFFICE: Kerfater Tboma« Jone» A. A. Cowing Neilon unlocked the door of the Receiver to take W. L. Keyes to break- ~ fast he found a small hole in the' SOCIETIES. floor instead of a prisoner. There SYLVA REBEKAH Degre t No. was a lengthy letter on the table Meet«every 1st and M Wednesday. addressed to Mr. Neilon, thanking Ml«« Leia McGee N.G. Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec'y. ¡himself and Sheriff* Lane for the kind treatment which the prisoner A. O. Ü. W. Burn« Lodge, No 47 had received, and regretting to put CHANGING OUR MIND Is hard work compared with changing the appearance of your stove with TEN CTS. S even TEN CTS. TEN Burns, Oregon. xhe Bums Bar STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, £¡2 LOSS CTS. Lasts Seven times longer Looks Seven timer times C|^ncr better AboJ ScvVn Meet» every ji and 4th Thursday«. H M Horton. M. W. J W Bayer, Rac'd ( ( N : ’ / X ''AKD-^ Than Stove the county to so much expense for! About Two times cheaper Poliate nothing, by staying until the fall! About Two times handier HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. term of court »•Courteous treatment guaranteed. Heeia at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday, ■»»pm. W. C. Byrd, N.G. Mr. Keyes expressed no fears as »<• B. D. McIntyre, Secy. i to the outcome of this trial, but he ) our grocer doesn t keep it was afraid that Man Whorton WUke him to Portland on a "TLrf MaiXgV.rt’Sd. Hl11' Au Co“r‘d' charge of holding up the stage, after he went free from thia charge. So, all things consikered, be thought ü. I. MAIU. it best to end the proceedings at vale : t rrlraawad <l«pwrudally, It was the custom of the deputy 1V BWW—• À WYOW CTTV : v ••««<! Dwrarta daily, «xc«*t 8« l 4« v sheriff to take the prisoners to the Proprietor Your patronage solic send us his name with ioc and get a large box and a valuable family household book free. Donnellan & Co., Agts., «!• MONTGOMERY ST.. ». nil ©AL. Burns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe Stages'Leave Burns dy for Canyon City, and intermedu t> pon