For Sale. —L. R. Mehaffey is suffering Don’t forget the dance Friday* —Assessor Mil'er and wife, ac- night. ¡companied by Miss Bessie Norton, with several badly larcerated fin- The Blacksmith shop and two selling were in Harney several days since gers. —Mrs. A. A. Cowing is i lots of H. C. Brown in Harney City, —Work is now going ahead on out her short back sailets and sun' our last issue, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER. 2 18fS with tools if desired,for sale cheap. hats at cost. j —What are all the teamsters go- the county jail. , For prices and terms address H. C. — We visited the school in dis- grown at Harney City this county, «„ LARGEST CIRCULATION or -Th«-!» »re not .o ma,,y persons i„g to the K. R. fot? Why don’t AS V SEWSl’AREK IN THIS COUNTY. J «'"“< *!>« ««8 th,S A. yo„ know? F.T th. He.t .„d «>«• trict No. 20, - Miss Mary Zeigler is *1 or inquire at this office. ______ g hr iiincs-Mìcrafd , 1 - w«tegh‘b' ei'"” by Local N ews. — Mason and London successors , , . . , . - to J. Durkheimer in the mercantile business, whose names appear in our last issue as the firm of M. and ' 1 L. will have here in a few days the largest and cheapest stock of mer- chandise ever brought to this place. I —Buy your goods from M. & L. and save the liberal discount they offer. —II. A. Williams, the Burns- : j Ontario mail contractor has been j in town for several days. ¿oing good work and the patrons • 8eem well patisfivd with the pro- plete sto k of merchandise of M —The supper for the dance Fri-' L., successors to J. Durkheimer. R' ! ! t >__ v tr * 1. <3 «. l —Remember Hugh Smith, our butcher, is selling meat at reduced prices. v t > • a . j —N. Brown & Sons handsome two story stone building is nearly completed. —Jorgensen has the finest and gress of their chilaren. best lot of goods that ever came to — yie]d of of — The yield Burns; go and see for yourself.; thj8 county this He is also taking Cabinet Photos. than ever before. at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to simply immense, go and see what he has on hand. ! tree in ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY j^o/¿ room grain per acre in ladies ^ season is heavier The hay crop is Conducted by the Sister» of St. Francis Baker City, Oregon. and every fruit' the county is loaded with Thig in8titution offers peculiar —Quite a number of Harneyites fruit. advantages ,to young ladies who on Monday among —jp yOU want the best mower on j wish to receive a solid, useful, and —Mr. Ed Test and Mrs. whom were the fullawing; Ered t | )e market, buy the chain mower, j refined education. Instruction is left here yesterday morning on their return trip to Ontario. Haines, Jason Bennett, Louie' at Charley Voegtly’s. (given in all branches belonging to „ , . i » i. . a thorough English education, be- —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham iWoldenberg, Charley Crawford and —New goods rt the Johnson store. . I Thos. Bain now under control of Henry Canaday. ( ^¿^8 lessons on piano, violin, guitar, baiber, desires a part of your pat- ronage, at the new barber shop. — •-------- —We published two or three ' Just ns cheap as ----------- ever or cheaper. Call | banjo and mandolin; German lan- 1 were in town Jonec weeks ago that Judge Rutherford and examine goods sod get prices, Hnd , guage; painting in oil, pastel, water —We desire through the press to if suited buy. ................ colors, and “ cruyon; all kinds of express our heartfelt gratitude and was putting up a house on his. —A nice line of dress g< ods, thanks for the k|)i(J attention and ranche above town, that was a mis- —J F. Boyle, photographer plain and ornamental needlework; ~’ ------- w'----- r suitings, puitings, ladies Indies wear, hose, etc., will rp„piv_j frnm Plt .. ;,AI,a , tn take. LH Mr Rutherford is i putting a wishes us to state that he will visit short hand, typewriting, and book- , , , ,, f r , sympathy received from the citizens1 be found at M. L 8. ! f .. , ., . , tbe river to'.irrigate his Burns again in the near future. (keeP,ng of Burns and Harney in our more Idam Studies will be resumed Monday, ranch. Irrigation with the Judge Hi8 numerous patrons, knowing 1 —I ncle Jacob I hompson is still than said bereavement. ■ the superiority of his work, will do Sept., <,1896. For particulars send first and house second. very ill. We are informed bv his M r . & M rs . L ou F oster . -• ... . - - j for prospectus or apply at the nurse that little hopes are enter­ B urns R aces —Yesterday after- well to retain their orders until hei —Another cut of 25 per cent has Academy. tained of his recovery. been made in the stock uf goods at noon races i miie dash and 600 comes. conieB’ —Rev. Jones will preach in M. & L’s. store. The goods must yards saddle horse race. Horses —Guns, Bicycles, Mowers and --------------------------- Harney this evening. He is having ^c so‘d before the new stock arrives ’entered in | mile dash, “Big Ben,” .11 kind» of machinery repaired ■ HuUington, Ore., March 21.1886. Call and be convinced. good congregations in that town, “Babe,” “Chess,” “f-peeial,” and | promptly an(] satisfactorily at the 1 D ear S ir :—We are now starting and quite an interest is manifested —If you are thinking of buying “Dutch Mollie.” The latter was (j. [J. Voegtly Hardware store. | on the new year. Computations in the direction of moral rtform. “Big Ben” took first a run a suit n it will v^iii pay you to ID Ut'iuy delay u a i withdrawn. ' ‘ — Hugh Smith is now doing tbe for last year are completed. We while, as M. & L. will have just | money, . “Babe” second. Purse $150. —Stock and sheepmen are in-j , butcher act for our citizens. Hugh find that our firm sold during 1895 vittd to call at M. & L’s. and get'"’^at you want and something new Saddle horse race the following • will endeavor to keep his shop sup- the enormous amount of 167 car- horses were entered: “Cannon-Ball” i prices. Remember you pay no an^ neat. plied with the best of beef, pork and loads of goods, equal to ten train “ Elmer, ” “ Frisk, ” “ Maud, ” “ Bird, ” more than the addition of freight* —N. Brown e just as repre I treatment and Lew prices will do Obituary. great free school of the people, I gented and certainly the b®«t stove I it. Call or write us The boarding house of Mrs opens September 14, 1896 Every I now on the market. Mr. McNight Respt., young man and young woman in'j is B still af;n here j,prp and selling stoves every j T he T imes H erald : On AuguBt I Belle Geer, has the reputation of O. C. Co. the 27th at 6:30 o’elock p. m. at| being first class in every particular, the state ought to share in its day. He courteously invites a Christian educational influences. call and examination of his ranges. | the residence of Samuel Miller i ar,d Mrs. Geer is determined that I Burns Oregon, the angel of death, her house shall not lose its present -Address University of Oregon, J71NAL PROOF. —The child, Viola, of Mr. and, again visited us, overshadowing a standing, but by every means in Eugene, Oregon. j Mrs. Louis Foster,that was accident t once bright and happy home and j *ler power will ondeavor to increase | LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, ( August 11, 1896. —Mrs C. A. Byrd, who has been ly shot by her father on Sunday making many hearts sad by gather- its popularity. One meal at her I Notice la hereby given that the fcllowlnr- here some tune visiting friends left | the ‘23d of Aug., died, at the resi- ing unto him, the pure and lovely I table is convincing proof named «eitler ha« filed notice of hla intention of her 1 }® >“ake final proof in support of hla claim, and that aaid proof will be made before Regiater A yesterday morning for her home in , deuce of Samuel Miller in Burns, child, little Viola Foester. Viola , cuisine ability eImr.’k8’ «. >MM>. via: W illiam D. H uffman ’ 8 R 82 E No' 42 for the NKJ4 NK^ 8cc ‘2Tp M’ ti-am route, with Mr. and Mrs at 7 o’clock. Her remains were •,n years she had endeared herself Notice. I »<’,e n*!neB the following witncaaea to prove Da»id Carv, of Crane Creek thir iuterred in the Harney cemetery to many hearts by her loving and I am greatly in need of i money --------- LmBh6*HL“rJfu2.“”l?nziLL^Mm*nd Or®-. count}’, who are going on a visit to on Friday. Rev. Jones preached gentle ways and unconsciously that section of Oregon. THOMAS JONES, Regiater her funeral sermon. stirred many souls to follow the bet- and desire my customers who are -Mr. Pearl Geer lectured at the ’ ler P aths of ,ife her own P™ I ’ n 4 f ebt . t<’ roe ,o con,e /«'ward and F. M. and J B. Tipton of | our Roseburg, this state, since c ”~ last1 court house last evening, His sub-1and gu,lele88 nature' Although we | 8e't,e lbeir acco™ts immediately. I piNAL PROOF J oseph T upker . iMue, hace arrived here and intend , ject was, ‘‘Why I am a secularist. „ sadly miss hei and feel an irreB’st-. I LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. •able longing to call her back, still---------------------- — locating in our county. Both of Mr. Geer seemed to handle his sub­ Augnat fi, 1896. Chamberlain’s Colic, these gentlemen are men of family. ject well and spoke earnestly, but we know that the Mastei doeth aid v..IÌ?U1ce ’!..herJby Flven ,httt thè followlnx things wisely and that for some ICho,era a,,d Diarrhoea Remedy, to °! A'« Intentici They are stock men and will follow while we are his particular and that . ììm j’^orwiii'be-ra WM that busineHS here. 1 h’8 18 the best medicine in the and Receiver U 8. Land Office at Burnì Oreson warm friends personally we cannot good cause known only to him it is’ ’ better that she should be taken j world for bowel complaints. I I onSept. 17. 1896, via: J ohn H. W itzell 24,H b ' R n»Ó yKNO- a°8’ ior the NWM. 8»c 24, Tp say “ amen ” to his lecture. He . 24, 8 R. HO'«. MAtWEo—At the Hotel Burns, hor absence n!><■<.I ’actB Quickly and can always be will lecture again to night upon from us, and while her hte JS»?*’“« witneaaea witncMO« to prova °n SunT vears of *-nj„ Vtnent an( enjoyment and j Drog pros . and Frei Lunaburg. Treasurer. Rev. Jones conducted the funeral » Jy®” en,*’*d at thia office r,nT. with 1 all other rejoicing , There will be a grand rally of the services. The bereft parents have I idililioria” r •'J'*****'"B I ' ' i -.awe f/uiviito Iiayc k • ot married life. The club on next Friday evening at the the sympathy of every one who had j^J^rtsined the occasion with ; court house. The Burns Brass ' the blessing of knowing their little ••**1 choice Consumptives 1 »nd select pieces. | Band will furnish music for the oc-1 one. May tbev look beyond the i fter which of sorrow that now shadows young “America' cation, and several addresses bv ’ Many who MppcxM to compliant • with th« t i with a lew ^’inwithti.. ^hoHyPatin„7onZJ1the.arne The n cans and other local speakers will be delivered. thair lives and see enly their dar­ •^P^n are o-Jy are hereby lum monad toannj‘ at tW" of torture ■nd annoy* ■ Everybody i. cordiali, invited, ling resting with Jesus, supremely •pHering from a 1 °f Frank 8. Re Id er Natarv chronic cold or deep ; Oiegon, on the Sth dav a / mo . ♦ Diamond __ . ____ l H »heir .h. •totad cough, oftZk : o’clock p m. -a. Jid Ln.? .*’** •» 1 re of candy and ' The meeting will be called to order to be called home. m ’ then* Pen tal 1 Jr*‘> T"Tbs at 7 p m, sharp. E. C. i I COUGHS and GOLDS1 .¿MlBíittiMIl * ~ | — - - -------------------------------- V >vu VV>(U l«v VVU VUV lu I IviHl