Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1896)
i I 1 •• « r i 1.1 p. •I I THE TIMES' HER ADD. 9 eu, rt* N© 40. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 2 VOL. IX. irj to m ay ml Üt a T n 1 I : drinking heavily all day Monday. Dr.Goodly ¡said yesterdav that he Here is what the Financial New» I will take Thompson away .......... .. ........ with him rCBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY of London, a recoenized authority, i ag goon a8 j ie can travel. — Oregon- BY had to say of the money question , • w. C. BYRD & SOI. ¡situation in this country: P ublishers and P roprietors . “There is a plain moral in the Four Ace Bet Fire Kings. -------- -nTTTr~TT~^~~—~ remark that if the United States S> ASCRIPTION RATES. (would venture to cut herself adrift $2 00 The joke about four Miss heating .1.00 from Europe and take outright to' . .75 Three Month*............... ..................................... 73 | fiye kings has been o An sprung, herald club list I silver she would have all America people who flerald and Harper’» Magarine............ 5,00 and Asia at her hack and the com- but there are a few Herald mid Haq er’s Weekly .............. 5.20 know that Bill Lange of the Chica She iimrs-geraW. What Silver Will Do. i ’ I Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Royal & I 4 J. C. Welcome, go team was the hero of that fam ; tries. The barrier of ® gold would ... . . ous incident. It was years ago in be mere fatal than any barrier of San Francisco, when Lange was a MW-copiM of all the above work» can be ex- the custom-house. The bond of sil budding boy and King Kalakaua > AND .milled at leisure in the Reading Room. ver would be stronger than any was a social star during,his trip to J Publisher* of periodical» are »ollclted There can be .»»enTc ubb ng rates, a copy of their work for b?nd of free trade. this country. Lange, although so’ mn f ree Reading Room—We file and bind the i»tter at close of every half volume, end n«v ci no doubt about it that if the Unit- I young, was even then a hot sport, | WBie* bv advertisement. | ed Stated were to odopt a silver ba and, so it chanced, happened one sis tomorrow, British trade would1 night to find himself in a hot poker ADVERTISING RATES: be ruined before the year was out. " | game,with King Kalakaua opposite. 1 2 wk J 1 mo 1 3 mo I 6 mo |_lyr ¡1 MANUFACTURER OF THE WELCOME TREE. Every American would be protect 'Bill had three aces—history de $1.50 $2.50 $5.00 ‘$N 00 fill.00 $15.00 3.00 4 00 tì 50 12 U9 1 13.00 28.00 ed, net only at home but in every poses not as to hew many he had 3.50 5.00 H 00 15.00 24 00 40 00 4.50 6.00 1U.0O 20.00 82.00 50.00 other market.— Of course the Unit held out—and Kalakaua three Bums* .... Oregon- 6.00 9.00 15.00 23.00 43.00 54.00 12 00 Ili. 00 28.00 43.00 80.00 120.0<) ed States would suffer to a certain kings. Everybody dropped out ex / 30.00 40.09 60.00 110 00 140.00 extent through having to pay her cept the king and the buy. Kala obligations abroad in gold, bi t the kaua caught another king in the j JOB WORK j< every de»eription executed with neatness loss of exchange under this head draw, and lang received the final* tnd despatch, at reasonable rales. would be a mere drop in the bucket ace. There was considerable bet-1 Pamphlet» Poster», ,'irc'i !ar», letter Head», Bill Head», Envelopes, as compared to the profit to be ting, a coast millionaire backing. Note Head», Cards, TtenvM. Jtatemen'», Dodgers, Etc. Memoranda, Invitatieiii. eaped from the markets of South Lange heavily, and a goodly sum T h » H erald is kept regularly on file for re •'erouee, it) tl>c Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad America and Asia, to say nothing. wa8 jn sight when the call earned »GriiBiiig Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. of Europe. The marvel is that the f he hands were shown, and thus it • United States have not long ago [ happened that Bill Lange, with l iWKN.s - - OREGON. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY | seized the opportunity. It has been | four aceg> defeated five .kings—Kai-. Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cigars | a piece of luck that it h is never Hkaua and the four lesser monarchs I WATTONAb: President ......... .. Grover Cleveland occurred to the Americans to scoop 'nf the deck —Chicago News. ----- THEY HAYE AL8O— . ... Artlal Stevenaoi. _ . ... . . I ’ b Vlce-l’resideut. 4ecritary of State _________ ____ Richarus, oiney us out of the world’s markets bv -eeri’tary of Treasury ...........John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior ....... . Hoke Smith going on a silver basis, and it might . A. Fixxe MONACH Billiard. Table. Bryan at Rochester. Secretary of War ... Daniel S. Lamont taretary of Navy ......... . Hilary A. Herbert serve us right if, irritated by ’»he «ecretary of Agriculture....... J. Sterling Mortoi Rochester N. Y., Aug 2G.—The' Attorney General ................... Judsen Harmon contemptuous apathy of our govern Postmaster General.............. Win. L Wilson ment toward the silver problem,the Bryan party left Syracuse at 12:30 STATIC—OREGON! O. W. McBride. Americans retaliated by freezing and reached Rochester at 2:15 I Senators , J. 11.Mitchell. I It could be easily done.” the greatest crowd of the trip in (Binger Hermanu out gold. '.■•meres, men ............ <W. K. Ellia New York surrounded the Roches Attorney Getterai ....... C. M, ldlemnn Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of ♦overuor ■'i*RnKtn<ndd | City Physician Gillespie says ter depot and followed the party to j lecretary ol State ... . Treasurer ...................... “ Inpt. Public Instruriiou ‘ g m ’ itw I« I there has been an epidemic of at- • Brown square. There a platform, tine Printer .............. R ....... " il Lofeds f _ _ A ___ . . , _ _•__ ,1. _ «ioide, .ince <he death of| «»8 d'»pe<i. -‘o»'1 in » Picture,,-, i R. S. Bean. Aupreme Judge» .................. C. Wolverton Masten. Two women of the North ' 8Pot ur*der ^e trees. In the streets > F. A. Moore NINETlf JUDICIAL DISTRICT. End within the last fev days havejandon four sides of the square lis’rict Julge D ... M. D. CLtrroKi* Si»tri<-t Attorney ............... C. W. Parrish, i attempted to take their lives and weie solid lines of carts and car loint Repregentatlve (R) .O. L. Pattereon. A sea leint-Senator............... (R).......... A. W.Outran | only the timely application of a riages‘crowded with people. stomach pump saved them. Then of humanity stretched back of the HF" tin ware and Firearms promptly Repaired. COVWTT— mamswt : Jointy 4 id«« ................ C. P. Rutherford. followed the case of the insurance platform so far that more than halt * lerk..... (R). H. Kelley Oregon. • Treasurer ... .... (R) J. C. Welcome man, Eli Thompson, who was ac of the would be listeners secured Burns, inrvevor ... D .... T A. McKinnon lheriff.............. » .(D) A. J. McKinnon quainted with Masten, and tried to only a view of the speech in panto 4ne«a»r . ..fD}............8. W. Miller eh nd Superintendent . .ID) ,W. C. H?rd follow his example by the mor mine, and on the out skirts hun «lock Inspector .............. Geo. Tregaskis route. Fortunately for dreds were coming and going, so <D) | A.B. Marks phine lommiiiionara >’ t Geo. Hagey Thompson he was taken hold of in probably 25,000 had sight of the HARNEY V. w. i.ABt> orrres: time, and is now at St. Vincent’s man of the day though not more Re»:.ter ............. ................ Thomae Jouee i Receiver than a fourth of them could hear 1 ............... a . a . cowing hospital and out of danger. Dr. W. N. Good lev, a dentest him. Bryan was presented by ex from one of the Valley towns, and Secretary of State Frederick Cook STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor SOCIETIES. who is a friend of .Thompsons, and spoke to the crowd, devoting SYLVA REREKA1I DegreeNo. it. happened to be in the citv and ran himself mortly to the financial Meet, every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Miss Le’a McGee N.G. across him on the dock, at the Toot1 question KEEP CONSTANT LYON HAND 8am M<>'hershvad. Ree. Sec’y. of Washington street, just after he had taken 30 grains of morphine.1 A. O. U. W. Burtt» Lodge, No. 47 He knew that Thompson had at -|g-.__ Meet.eeery 2d and 4th Thu radeva. ___ i a »tire Remedy II M Horton, M. W. and fT aathma. ft •nd J. W Bayer, Rer d temped to take hie life before, and for cough», cold», »or« throat •oothea, ¡therefore promptly notified the po abate« the eough, and rendera expect I. O O F. . v^^S.SJ.5L^s^.y. ;Hce- After purging hi. system of Pl oration aaay. ^"Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic H^aid »nd AideiC* Manifold cyclopedia, .2.9« M ••) a l.litional volume after Vol. I 55 eems: IV ccuti extrx Dtr volnins, poitxsro. ¡1 I I I*. ABSOWTEKY pure (Jerald and Huf.-er^ Baxar .......... 5.20 niari(j of t};e niarket8 of bot h COUn- «.raid ind Harper s Young People .. 3.75 I I SADDLE HARNESS MAKER I 4 I H.t i I I I I I I ■fe I. s. GEER & CO, 4 « 'I I Hardware and Tinware. If ■ L I I Y • r , COUGHS and COLDS ; the poison, Dr. Gillespie found a , paper containing 20 g - ains of mor phine inside Thompson’s bst. HARNEY POST SO. 48, G. A. B- Thompson’s attenpt upon his life Beet.ever» lat and Sd Wednesday of .»•'Hi at <><M Fellow»’ Hall. All Comrade was caused by rnonhy trubles, and la tvod »tau'llnglnvitad. the desertion of ¿bis wife, who is said to be divsrcod from him V. 11. BAILI. | When asked . for an explanation tnnwAll • i rrWe» aeri ûersrtf daily, I be raid be was without either awe—CAWvnji city : ___ money or employment and had t«»at.< b«r*n« «tauly, except «•»«tor become dispondent. He had been | Consumptives If will invariably derive benefit from lu nae. Many who anppoaa theircaae«to bacon. •umpUon are only •uSering from a ehkonic eold or deep •eetad cough, often acirravaud by co- gSa»a Baha. Both Wanted-An Idea StagesLeave Burns dy for Canyon City, and intermediat > >on MB « fi- w! fl 1. J’' 4 i B urns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe I I The Burns Bar B * arl?A’re'*eey I J W. W. JOHNSON, > I I