* >’ I L 1 « I 1' *10 ■•*1 .*-*,• i1 •i wp j t "T tu --------------- »*1 > ‘ —Miss Ella Whiting and Francis llui.tington, Ore., March »EU I — Big reduction iu wash goods at • N. Rrown & Sous. ,N. grown A- MW jhr ¿iiiii'ô-ïtrvaid. - ■' '■ --r- 1____ ________ _ ■ y,.ur. • . 2L I Rev. Jonsa will pnsaeh n»xt L’nivetfiilY' a»3 Mias Francis Cerja^ —Lee Robbing of Drewsey was in 1 e( p a ’ “r’ 8old during duri,,g 1895 1896,1 WEDNESDAY AUGI s T. 26 1826 Sunday morning and evening. town last week. '•’°5u.';f A ' 'v ..JVbt-enormous airjount of 167 cacp,«^ —A nice lit»«* of dress goods, —J. Beard and wife of R< seburg -tf you want the (Q uaiav| i A j the LARGEST circulation of are registered at the Burns. suitings, ladies winr, hose. ofc.| will ,he murket. I'liy th« eh*1“ ‘ | ¡l,d 8_juB» \s¥ NEWSPAPER IN this county . lcttids —just think think 167 167 curs cars — — For. For AX* —Remember Hugh Smith, our be found at M Ä L’s. at Charley VoegUy’a» *-<-••’ -*1 * ( tlpb'W thifhk'our' a patrons,and 3 prom- __ _ I butcher, is selling meat at reduced ' —Mies Ido Roberts tK'eouiiiaiiiod potsli* rt the JHliusOh stor^^ ise thd __ sttmë generous treatment in - prices. , by Miss Gillerntaw. gnve us a werr ^ how ’7 un< let e>ti»irt»l oi Henry AOi»<> we »»o Will »»»»» *“ Ri'Vhiring 1896 Local News. ... fvsh *. yiM_.kjj sJieaper. ,i»ii pleasant and agretable call, on last a „ ; ,s ♦»/ej-öi — Buy vour goods from M. & L. i .,.,.1 rv.imui ■ . »fh a»1* '-et —Big reduction in wash goods at and save the liberal discount they Monday moriuttg i *QiM|»rrof- y Brown A Sons. offer. 'tt^otefiHyèn ¡«than ’ourselvet». ourselves. UV- — We Jjrant County has keep^ .----- ------------- — _J F. Bovle» photographer^ buni»«»*. we must » —Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Foster are —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham Ron ham of I ployed, to teat b preWhuy wishes us to state that he will visit .f bpnrt)t want, wHighLandst* halber, desires a part of vour pat- emj in town- I Burns again i^ thc jnear future. - ^--»1 - trv^tlLHuit ami • - U>W prioes will j do-r school the .coming term. —Mr. Win Altnow, of Drewsey ■ ronage, at the new barber shop. ■ Jj./llis numerous patrons, knowing^^ . ...... ’»¡it. Call or write us the teamsters go­ neighb» rbood 1, is in Burns today. I —James Hutchinson of the Nar- 1 —Wbat are all ............................ 111 ,l don’t the superiority of his work, wi.. __ *’ R«spt., ing to the R. R. for? hy < —Many o f our citizens have been ' rows neighborhood was in town two the neilt and Com J re,ain their orders UUtil he J; ( rioul A B, <>. C. Co- .* you know? For t.._ ..... or three days since our last issue. attacked with cholera morbus. i píete s to k of merchandise of M - —Mr. Ed Test, merchant, of On­ g0 W :■> will endeavor to kee^V his shop sup­ i ar. hi« offime in Barns Harney County, for locations tario «nd brother in law of Register tit’ —Mrs Jones, wife of Rev. D. II. Jones, accompanied by Mrs. Jones, — MraX^hM#.--NeWalL An«!' infant plied with the best of beef, pork and Oregon, verified as by law required, .Jones, is ill. but not considered mother of the latter, are here on a child came into Burn« last Satur- ■ mutton. I within six nonths front the date of this • day for medical Yittention for the i notice. Dated at Barris, Oregon, thia dangt rous. visit. babv which was suffering with 27th day of June 1896 ( —Quite a number of Harnev cit­ For Saie James Brandon, —Another cut of 2<> per cent lias gumgfeTp complaint common so BumaieV "complaint izen» were in Burns yesterday and been «. of danger. with tools if desired,for sale cheap. ‘ ger for the P. L. S. Company is in ¿'•ill atol hu nnnvinopd —Don't forget that the new stock For prices and terms address H. C. ' priNAL PROOF. Burns this week. Church was of goods for Mason London will Brown at Harney City this county, •LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, — Remember the organization of August 19th, be in Burns in about two weeks., or inquire at this office. August 11, 1896,. the Bruin club at the court house | 1896,consisting of Mr Jasper Davis I Notice is hereby given that the foilowhijr- Call and examsne it. No trouble nameil settler hns filed notice of his mtentii n • Friday evening next. . to make final proof iu support of his claim, and Charlie Davis, Peter Davis, Mrs to show woods. All the latest de 1 that said proof will be made before Register & Chamberlain’s Colic, Receiver U S. Land Office at Burua Ore, on. — Or n Thompson has moved to Mary E. Bower, Mrs E. J Newell. signs will be displayed. Sent. 18 18116, viz: WILLIAM D. H uffman . I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Hd. E. No. 42 for the NE14 NEJ4 Sec 2Tp 29,. the A. C. Worthington bouse in the’ Mrs R. Irving. Miss Rose Loggan, S R 32 E. —Edward Boyer, residing in names the following witnesses to. prove Miss Ida J. ( ’ lark, Miss Ella Will ­ This is the beat medicine in the his Ue continuous southwest part of town. residence upon and culthation | Baker county on Burnt river, sui- iams, Miss Laura Newell, Miss Al of said land viz: John H. Neal, Sylvester w ’ orld for bowel complaints, I Smith, and Marion Horton of ldamend Ore., — Big redue ion in wash goods at ma Lillian Bower, Miss Ida Mar- cideti a few days since, by shooting acts quickly and can always be L. B. Springer of Narrow», Oregon. N. Brown Sons. t THOMAS JONES. Register himaelf through the heart. He j shall. depended upon, When reduced shot himself in the presence of Miss • —At the spicial school meeting 1 with water it is pleasant to take. la»t Saturday afternoon a ten mill • —If you are thinking of buying McClaimahan, because she refused’ •piNAL PROOF ,r 1 • I Try it, and like many others you I *- tax was voted for school purposes. I a suit it will pay you to delay a •to marry him. will recommend it to your friends . LAND OFFICE AT BURNS', OREGON. i while, as M. «•«>• «aid > land, viz: W J UOIIIIBIHI, Johnson, vat Cal nevi, (leer, he did not n cive any benefit from dustrial Exposition, which opens « have this 26th day of July, 1896, ¡'¿uJ'Ilkw^^[h> "n,î w-T-Whltwor,h'al) of J oseph T upker . j sold my general merchandise busi- j THOMAS JONES, Register. the springs which had been lecom-'in Portland September 10, and I closes October 17 of thi« year. He uivtided to cure rhemmatism nessin Burns, Oregon, to Mes.-rs. i ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY solicits exhibits of our resources I i M ubou & London and would thank ' — \V. 1). Huffman residing in j'O k ro i : t g la dzjís . fir the exposition. The list is as you to continue the pleasant busi , NOTICE.—TIMBER CULTURE, Di. 'inond Valiev lost his house and fhe Sinter» uf follows: Grain, fruit, vegetables. J ------------ Francia, ness relations heretofore existing to’ contents, alm, his barn by fire last fish, gold, silver, etc. If in case , linker Cihi, Oregon. my successors. ' Thanking you for ( u - 8 - LANI) office ,LAkkviEW O regon . Monday He informs Ue there was anv of our citizens desire to repre­ past favors shown me and again JULY 28, 1896. a small amount of insurance on the This institution offers peculiar sent. tins county by sending a sam­ asking you to continue dealing with house and i one on the barn. Complaint haviug been entered at thia office advantages to young ladies who bv Major M. Whiteside against E. Knoop for ple of any of the above products the new firm, I am failure toeomidy with law as to timber-culture — Stock and sheep men are in­ i they can do so. Send by freight,! wiah to receive a Rolid’ ,18«fu1» and | vo1try .’J.?. Aug 17. 1887, upon the NU ^ours Respectfully, . _ ’ . W.A. W ilshire , Register. accidentally shot his daughter I o’clock. Mr. Stenger was one of' short hand, typewriting, and book- goods and we will at all limes guar- Vi B | antee lowest possible prices. Our ioh. aged about ¡4 years, in the tbe pioneers of Harney Valley, set- keeping .Notioe lor Publication. new goods begin to arrive about Hand, wrist and hip; the child sup­ tling here before the Indian out­ Studies will he resumed Monday, posed to haye had her hand to her break which occurred in 1878. At Sept., 7.1890. F<>r particulars send i I August 25th. Trusting we shall U.S. L and O ffice , Burns.Or..July21,lH86. Notice is hereby given that the follow­ aide. She was brought to Burns the time of his death he was in his for prospectus or apply at the have, the pleasure of meeting you ing-named settler has tiled notice of his one and all, we beg to remain and is still here in a critical condi­ 44th year, and of a strong constitu-: Academy, intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that, said prnhf w ill be XoufB Respectfully. tion 1 he gun was loaded with tion. He leaves five children to1 ■sss- .. • ' maue. made oerore before Kegister Register i and Receiver U.S ■sass A ia son < y J j OND on . I 1 Land 1ÙIM) Office at ------- Burns, ’ Oregon, on Aug. small shot, and the doctor fearB imurn the loss of a father. Clara, , U( w> • — i_. 28th, 1896. viz; , ® five or six of the shot penetrated the eldest, is married; Bessie now 1 i J. nellib P arker . her abdomen. Mr. Foester. at the il ’ ’B r in EOLA to LA nALaa* ia a K emed y grown, Frankie, a little girl about ELT »PIN BALSAM la a sure lure Remed I 24 1 ! ’ ! :{80, j’urLot 8’ “«Ron 1», tp. e fur — cougha, cough«, coula, cow», tore «ora Usual Uoual and for aathma. Mtlima I It time he was so unfortunate as to * ' 24,V r 80 ’ * 8Ei 8ection ‘P •oothe«, 11 years, and two little boyB young­ «bale« the cmi u h, s»« •" '•irl-ntally wound his own child er than Frankie. His funeral ser­ *° ‘*t*‘ and render« expocu Prole« vour IdeJ thev m.v He names tho follow inr witneuHpa t.-» oratiun easy. had left the house hurriedly with niduLu" co"tinn'”,a resiJence upon and mon was preached by Rey. I). H. ana itat of^ÂJUà “ n Consumptives 1 »? MP1**?" *"’d land, viz; ttbald Cote tho gun to »hoot a hawk which was will Invariably derl v« Jones at the First Presbyterian Orville D. Ru»k, Cb»n. Ri*i»s Hnd Fri benefit from It« a«e. Moore, all of Burns. Oregon** making off with a chicken; after church in this place at 3:30 o'clock Many »bo «iippoM JOHN F. STRATTON'S tbelr case« to be con­ l‘»ving the house he stumbled p tn, yesterday afternoon, and bis T homas J ones , Register C«l»br«t»d sumption are only Buffering from a 8and l ?.?J ru,n8nts "Hi(h caused the accidental dis- remains aero interred in the Burns chronic cold or deep seated rough, often c '*:geof the gun with the result cemetery by the I. O. O. F. lodge PiTr^* drums T fifes , S- . •fXravat.d by ca- By1« Cream Balm. Both already stated. S 9 ,gnT’,’ní'’',n• Piccolos and Band Supplies lae. Cream Balm, tt eta. of Burns. ^•r IwrUle: Pineola Balaam. B-dd by bmririeta. Wilk Vftr Send for JOHN F. STMATTOM ELY BKuTHh.lU>, M Warren B l , b4w I «-UM-. • « •. • «3.• 15. B1 7 E 9th y I J V«< »"v-................................................ . V I 1 .. ■ C? IP v> J V/Vz • j’l I • KJ IV II V> 1 »▼ (in V II v ■■ I VP a COUGHS and GOLDS Wanted-An Idea * ■ ■■■■MFDox WO, Now Yura Uti,