Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1896)
& A t> Ì '£t 7 /S /r EAST ORLGOli HERALD AND BÜRKS TIMES. Z. V the times - heralu W Consolidated July 22 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AÜGUST 2ft êhc i imcü-Iuraul A RETIRED _____ BURGLAR. 1 sion determined not to makeitnyl w ■ r . . allowance for regular deputy here, ■‘°° In^ °'er the stutl on the but to allow the clert $2 per d ij rt BUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY i I . * °*r< a house I was in one for oi e deputy for each day that, W. C. BYRD & SOU. mg it, said the retired burglar, the circuit and coiutuissior.ers’* I couidn t help thinking that if court he in session, and to also ah? P ublishers and P roprietors . | this was a fair sample of the house, so allow said clerks $2 for each. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' d lost a night. Silver-platod deputy in making up, the tax and. i teapots and sugar howls fit for delinquent rolls, and to allow the I One Year ...................................................... r.’.ou Mix Mouths .......... ........................................ Three Months.............................. ... .. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Ro^i absolutely pure .1.00 . .75 i nothing but to hold tea and sugar, sheriff $2 50 per day for two depu HEKALI) CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’s Magazine.......... 5,00 land spoonholders and everything ties while the jury is in attendance Herald atni Harper’s Weekly............ 5.20 else juet the same. In the draw re on the circuit court. This will be A 5.20 Herald ami Harper's Bazar................... Herald and Harner's Young People... 3.75 among the plated spoons and forks, hard on the sherifl and clerk, as Ha, .2.;« gerald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, ... ........... eii-h additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: ... there was a miserable little lol of they cannot do the work alone It cents extra ver volume, postage. thin silver spoons «nd light forks, The Time has investigated the ff4^“('opies of all the above works cau be ex «mined at leisure in the Reading Room scarcely worth carrying off, and a matter of deputies for sheriffs in. AND the different counties with the f 1- [ souvenir spoon or two; but I sorted at Publishers of periodicals are solicited w send clubb!ug rnres, a copy of their work for |out these things and laid them , lowing rd^iiit: Baker and l ’ ni* n. . snr Free Reading Room—We file and bind the istter at close of every half-volume, end v-ov «, L gtther, corded in a little pile on . each one at $1200 and one at 3900; | nopies bv advertisement. | left hand side of the top of the Wasco and Grant,each oh“ at $12(H>; sideboard, hand v to pick up when Douglas. M-dheur and Morrow.e u h ADVERTISING RATES: I was raady. I had fiiiieheci the i one at $1000; Clatsop, one at $1260 j 6 mo j 1 mo j 8 mo |_lyr j 1 wk 1 2 wk «FACE MANUFACTURER OF THK WELCOME TREE. '»l.i.00 sideboard and picked up the spoons one at $900; Jackson one at $1500; Jlnch »1.50 »2.50 »5.00 »s ‘10 »11.00 18.00 3.00 <00 6.50 12 UJ 28.00 I “ Linn, l*'>lk, 8.00 15.00 24 00 40 00 and was just about to put ’em into Harney one at $960; 3 50 5.00 I " I 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 50.00 1 “ inside coat pocket Sherman, Tillamook and Yamhill, SUTTlB1 48.00 54 00 my left-hand rL I 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 • s Oregon* I 12.00 111.00 28.00 48.00 80.00 120.00 each one at $600; Coos one at $ 700; when I heard somebody say: I 20.00 60.00 30 00 40.00 110.00 140.00 I “ 4 i “‘There, that'll do nicely.’ Lane, one at $75 and one at $60;' JOB WORK ». “Naturally enough, I suppose, I Marion, two for $2500; Washing ‘ 4— Of «very description executed with neat nest faced around toward where the ton, one at $500; Multnomah. 33 • ind despatch, at reasonable rates. (Sound came from, still holding the ar $75 to $150. t ' . Circular«, Poster«, Pamphlets Bill Heads. envelopes, Letter Heads, spoons in my hand. I realized in Itttement«, Note Heads, Cards, TicKets, Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. a minute just what it ment, and A ecarerl a nrmotor on T h « H erald is kept regularly on C|e for re a barn is a PO WICK the spoors for ¡rood and a power ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad I might have throwed ful thing. vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. at him. or turned the other way, or 'dropped; but to tell you the truth1 I BUKJNb - - OREGON. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 11 was a little surprised—it’s a | Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cigars watchful man that’s never surpris- national : President .. ... .Grover-p'UevUauil c-sl——uud in i*MLx,iion nf « second I flce-Presi.lent. .. . . Adlai Stevenson -----THEY HA\E ALSO— J ieereUry of State .... Richard 8, Olney that I stood there thinking about! / ‘«creiary of Treasury . John G Carlisle Secretary of Iuteriur ........ Hoke Smith it there was a clic and a flash and A Tine' MOVTA.0K BilUar A Ta)sle. f Secretary of War . Daniel 8. Lamont iacretary of Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert I knew I’d been photographed wretary of Agricnltnre. . J. Sterling Morton attorney General . . . . Jud-cu Harmon •• ’I think,’ be says, ‘you’ll find ’oatrnaster (ietterai Writ. L Wilson that’ll come out very nicely; feat-j STATE— OREGON : G J. .'Y; H.Mitchell. I . urt-s and all the accessories clear >enarnni ........... I IBiuger Hermaun ‘and distinct. We’ll send you a —ngrra*<nen ....... i w. R. Ellis ,. . . Ittoruey General < . m . Mleman ’ proof in about two weeks. What ‘ever..or Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of <erretary of state I k Kincaid >8 the address please?’ and when I I Crensurer Phii. Meteehati . . ... , R funt. Public In«true i-t.luu g m Irwin I said nothing he went on: ‘It ÌH '’ate Printer R W H lA»eds 1 a de J K. S. Beau. customary for us to require J i R. .hi Igea ; > < C. ■. woi Wolvertun nosit from customers that we don’t ’ F. A. Mi Moore N1NETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. know. If you don’t wish to make I »■tritt Ja-, ge D •M. 0. CLIFFOA» ' sirfit A'torney ... C. W. Parrish. a deposit you might leave the •«iut-Reprcsentatlve (R) O. I.. Patterson. l.iut-Senator ..(Ri A . W.Gowan | spoons with us as a sort of guaran- EF* Tinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. (tee of good faith.’ ot NTY— HARNFT: Jaunty . id?e .......... P. Rntherforvi. ‘ ‘ I'd dropped the spoons in my lerk ... . ,.tR). H. Kelley Burns, Oregon. Treasurer ... (R) J. C. Welcome | pocket and reached for my gtin. I iirvevor .. D T a . McKinnon . dieriff. • (D) _ A, J. MvKit.rion ! 1 wan’t going away without that Iwessor ...fD;.. . H. W. Miller deh >>l S'HH-nntendent • (D) an<j every »lock Inspector GeoWTre«"'kk ph<»tograph• machine * O') > thing in it: but lung before 1 was "■nmiasionars A. B. Marks P’ I Geo. Hsaey ready he’d pulled a string or some HARXEY r. « LAND officr : thing and turned up every light in festster . .. Thomas Jones Receiver ............. A. A.Cowins that room and the next; and he was BLY'S PIXXOLA BALSAM is a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat _________________ and for asthma. .4 It soothes, fuiekly standing just inside the next room, I abates th« cough, STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor holding h gun very g’ealy re o*-s and renders axpecU SOCIETIKS. oration easy. the top of the camera He was a »YLV A REBEKAH Degree No.43. Consumptives cool, business like man, very much Meetaeverv 1st and 3d Wednesday. will Invariably deriva benefit from Its use. Mlns I.e a McGee N.G. so. It was clear that there wasn’t KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Many who snpposa | sere Mothershead. Rec. Sae'y- their cases to be con anything for me /o do but to leave sumption are only suffering from a the spooi.e; ancylhat'e what I did chronic cold or deep A. O. U. W. Burna Lodge. No «7 seated cough, often Mert»every 2d and 4th Thursdays. sggra»at>d by ca- and when he rtiid ncthing futher H M Horton. . , Cream ltalm. Both I.... I med lee are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 60 _cta J.W Sayer, but just held me | un* jar bottle ; Pineola Balsam, t*'. S<dd by Druggists. deratood ihaiAhere _____ was _ no use of ' ELY BROTHERS. M Warren BL, Lew York. ^HARNEY . LODGE, AU. NO. 77. I. O v O r F. 77, J, iSTCourteou* treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic ••tt» st Odd Fallow« Hsu,«-very SsHirrtay. my waiting/or another sitting. w. C. Byrd. N. <i. B. D. McIntyre, Bevy. I was h/vk in that town two or JOHN F. STRATTON’S three year/ after that and I looked along thqfyhot' graphers’ showcases harnkt pout mo . 4*. o. a . r . Meets »verv 1st and M Wednesday of »seh ••nth. a: Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Cosnrads for the /cture, but I didn’t see it.” Is good standing invited. Sunday Welcome. Burns.Canyon Stage Line J. C. Welcome, SADDLE HARNESS j W. W. JOHNSON, : I. S... GEER A CO, Hardware and Tinware. The Bums Bar COUGHS and COLDS I r. mails . avana—▼ alb : Er^homy In Rent n County. I a. IrriToeanddepartadaily. ac awe— « antan city : '••ao< Oeearte dally. azre>t Saad»» Benton county hereafter all ofl/ial* must pay their own deputy The county court at its ses- H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co's Expe Wanted-An Idea Ss-j» RM I I StagesLeave Burns dy for Canyon City,and Fare «5. intermediat «