Durring the winter of 1893, F. Those who are troubled with I rheumatism should try a few ap­ plications of Chamberlain’s Pain contracted a severe cold which left Balm, rubbing the partB vigorously him with a cough. In speakiug of I WEDNESDAY AUGUST, 19 1896. i at each application. If that does how he cured it he says: “I used I Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can th Nineteen Pead In St. Louis. not bring relief dampen a piece of j several kinds of cough syrup but make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in Cr Il/V iOlifun unvi Mvv/vn, Stock. flannel with Pain Balm and bind it I found no relief until I bought a bot­ I X Provisionsand tle of Chamberlain ’ s Cough Remedy St. Louis, Aug. 9.—Never before on over the seat if pain and prompt 00 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED CAN BE MADE Bl OUR which rel’eved me almost instantly Systematic Plan nf Spasnlaiioi in history of St. Louis have its in relief will surely follow. For sale and in a short time brought about originated bv us. All succcessful speculators operate on a regular systen by druggists. habitants suffered so much from a complete cure.” When troubled It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of men in all part the heat as during the week just with a cough or cold use this remedy of the United States who, by systematic trading through Chicago bro/ ended. The highest point reached and you will not find it necessary ers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollars by the tbemometer was 100 in the TWO FOR ONE. to try several kinds before you get for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to $50 000 to shade, and on no day was the max­ $100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. relief. It has been in the market It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from com imum below 95. On the streets for over twenty years and constant­ ! paratively small investments on this plan are persons who live awav Send for free sample and judge tne heat was more intense. City thereby. The E. O. H erald and Physician Sutte: declared to night Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both ly grown in favor and popularity. from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly und -rst irid For sale at 50 cents per bottle by, systematic trading. that the record of heat prostrations one year for $2. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on anv trade but and deaths at the hospital for the The Enquirer is a 9 colum,8 paee druggists. covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a past week is unprecedented in the paper, issued each Thursday. steadv profit that piles up enormouslv in i «ir; iat Largest in size,cheapest in price, WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, sbo our Manual on city’s history. He reports that 110 most reliable in news,all large type, ! successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of monev cares, all serious, were cared for, plain print, good white paper. If »TOOK BRANDS. making pointers. ALL FREE. Oar manual explains margin and 19 of these «lied, while more our readers want another live paper, Í trading fuily. Highest references in gard to our standing and are still in a critical condition. I the Enquirer is that paper success. For further information address This is not a complete record for Call or send orders to this office. THOMAS & CO. Bankers and Brokers the city, for at least that many 2-M-242 Railto Building Chicago more cases were taken to dispen saries. where many died, and others were sent to theia homeB for treat­ ment. t Today the highest temoerature reached was 99 in the shade. . *tr kt ■ Pl ,. Ac. ord. o Twenty victims of the heat were ■ tc .etc. .. 'r ÏU2K. brought to the city hospital between EREE BRAND COLUMN. 5o’clock this afternoon and mid­ YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS. Hors«' brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle night, and «wo of those died. bar ten on left hip and upper clip on both cars. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Others will die. She Æimesi-ïicraid. IU. - Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horae brand T leftside, r. o. Burns,Oregon i J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right Bide Horne brand — on left shoulder. An Affidavit. This is to certify that on Mav 11 I walked to Melick’s drug store on a pair of crutches and bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for inflammatory rheumatism which bail crippled me up. After using three bottles I am completely cured. I can cheerfully recommend it—Charles II. Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before me on August 10, 1891.—Walter Shipman, J. P. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by druggists. If you ara in a uositiou To do Busiu ss Let Paoub Know it- Cuttle brand, II., on left, rib under bit in left ear, under slope in right ear . Horse brand | 71 on right stille. R E J. A. Williams P, O. 1 if you havs anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. ’ Riley or. . Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebrand | ed )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burns Cattle iia n>ndon left hip; hor sit inlier. Charles H. V ie'tiry, B'.ir .a • FO.i THIS YEAR. —«4*— —THIS PAPER *• Horae brand 86 on left shoulder, also thre« * dote.-, tn shape of triangle, cattle branded same E. K. Grout burns Or. ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ! > Horae branded Port right shoulder, cattle P on right hip. R. A. Ilepdricks. P.O. Lawen Or | » \ Miss Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil or left stifle. < attle branded bar’R on left hip. I I O. Lawen Ore. f FMICK •!.».*> I’KKY. AM. ----- <>K----- ’.HE i.iN FRANCIS 0 J. P Dickenson rattle brand J P connected on left hip Horta brand anvil on left stllle. 1’. O l.awoti Ore. Cattle brand figure 7 on eitherhlp; mark light crop off each ear, slip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on either hip J. II. Bunyard,Bums ;Ore. Subscribe for the Geo. Williams, horses and tn t 1«. Ir roun ding w, on right stifle. P. O. Biie For your Protection, t’utarrh “Cun s” or Ti.uiaa for Catarrh in liquid form to l>o taken iuti-riudly, UHUally oontain either Mercury or Iodide <>f l’otaxHu, or ladh, which are injur­ ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a Hood disenso, cmixotl by sudden change to cold or damp wether. It Mart» in the nasal paanngex, nffectiug eye«, earn und throat. Cold III the hea l CHUSO» excesivo flow of mucus, and, if rope«;udly neglected, then-- suit» of catarrh will follow; seven* pain in the head, a roaring »<>uud in the cara, l>ad breath, and oftciitini.w an offensive dis. ciiargi*. Theremetly »liould 1* quick to al lay inflammation mid heal thetncnibrr.ue. Ely’s Crcuua Hahn i» the acknowledged cure lor tinao trouble» mid contains no mercury uur any injurious drug. Price, f>0 cent*. TIMES HERALD HArse brand bar-m on left shoulder; Cattle brand bar-m on left hip and libs. Catherin« Marshall P O Narrows Ore. '•lorse brandon lejft shoulder S Mias Laura nclift. Burns Orc, («irse brand ~ on left shoulder and same on taele of right hirtd leg. e. Phil Smith Burn, i TWO $ ONLY TWO *. I.ampehite ami Son cattle brand iW*< < tod. Far mark swallow forkiti right ear derbit in left. P,;«>. Burnsore. tlorsca nnd < att1o«brsnded J P on left shoul r «..me l> ended JP connected. Mary J lee. Burns Ore Termali Ruh catfJe brand J, on t crop off «nd s wai, ,w fork in lefteir r under s ope. P. O. Lauen. CATARRH * «’tea Cat I« h-a i I. -( o. on left hip, nil gilt«* i i I « r. n an i split in le ( O on ief shoulder. A. Hemh Narr ■ attle »nd horse brand T with half cirCl G.W. Thom pooti. I* ivenl> LOCAL DISEASE 7;. errbody 'Aeads i TJ/E J/EEALI) Adre rf he bi i/ •nd 1« ths result of colds nnd sudden chsMtic dunj««. It rail be cured by a pleasant remedy which la applied di­ rectly Into ths noatrla. Be- ins uukkly a awtHHi it gh•* ruber alone«, jKcAVE ATS, I HAUL MARKs^r V COPYRIGHTS.^ Ely’s Cream Balm laiuki.owtrdged to be the mnat» or by mail BLY BKl >111 KUS, M Warnui burnt. Now 1 orb. CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT» Fflr a «qmtic answer and an noneat opinion, write to 'ft NN A CO., who have ba* nearlyrtfty y«ars> xperi. nceinthe latent busineea. Communlca- ¿on. »«rtetl. oxifldentiM. A Hnndbnok Of In- .VmutHWi ----------- DuJ \ ora City 1WHEN YOU WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DONE. CONSULT THE HFRAtD - AJ f Vi------- JMcllLL-M I