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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1896)
EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES Consolidated July 22, 1896. ¿ dve * rrsEl.Y TH3 TIMBS-HSBALD. _____ ______________ — I I "*r BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 12 VOL. IX. 1896, Highest of all in Leavening Power.-—Latest U. S. Gov*t Report Pittsburg, a mining cafhp a few 1 miles from this city, is the scene of Abilene, Kan , Aug. 5. — The pop- the most intense religious excite- PlTJtJSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ulist state convention was called to ment, bordering upon fanaticism. BY older by John 'V. Bredenthal. * The leaders claim to be in personal W’. C. BYHD & SOIT. P ublishers and P roprietors . Much hard work in the interest of communication with the Lord, and i'ldorsemi nt of the democratic elec- act under instructions from him. ‘ tors has been done by the commit- excitement is so high that families SrikiCKIPTION RATES: tee whiib arrived from Hutchinson have been broken up, and nurner- six Montis ........................................ ‘L1“ this morning C. 8. Urawfi-rd. of OUS tights have occurred over the Far.e Month*............................ ................... HERALD CLUB LIST: ¡Aiilence, put the delegates in a matter. The people have tried to Herod ami Harper’s Magatine... 5.20 happy mood in a welcoming ad- get rid of the fanaties but have geralJ u ni Unr] or’* Weekly .... g^UKud iianwi’a \“mng People / >'» which he said the populist failed. Warrants were swam out * i party had been of necessity b*‘e" born bornof «'^essity today for the arrest of the leaders, id cents extra uer volume. iKistaue. and would live until that i ccessiiy Mart Starles and his two brothers, (1f all ibeal-ove works can be ex should have passed away. ‘‘This and when arraigned before the jus «■ainut at leisure lu the Reading Room. AND 19 a year of the people, a year for tice they were furious, and de /^-Pohlishers of periodical* are solicltert “Pi’hlisners OI penvurcaia »tv no... ..... , . e’.ubb ng r«tes, a copy of their work for populist victories anti tor \ ictory nounced the court in the most bit-, our Free ReaUinc R Hjm—We file and bind tbo arrernt ch s-< f every half volume. ?od w tJ of that great coxinnoncr, that young . ter terms, insulting the justice in L ..pesbi a.ut.a».i.nut. [giant of the west, William J. the highest manner, even vliipbing Bryan.” , 1 upon the drek and Fitting upon ADVERTISING KATES: Judge Dennkoi, temporary chai - him. The trio were finally placed 1 wk 2 wk 1 mu 3 mo J 6 rao j Ur iP4<K MANUFACTURER OF THE WELCOME TREE. man, ueciared for a fusion of the 'in • j-iil, and Mart was taken to the ;:nch »1.60 »2 50 »5 00 fs <10 »11.00 »15.00 18.00 23.00 silver fo ces. 4 00 11.50 12 ID 3.00 Athens asylum. The others will 1 “ Pending the report 40 00 24 00 3 50 5.00 3.00 15 00 50 00 4 M) 6 00 10.00 20.00 32.00 1 “ of the committee on credentials, a surely follow. Burns; MOO S 00 15.00 23.00 48 00 6 00 U col. Oregon- 5 .. SO.00 120 0) 12.00 16.00 2S.6O 48 00 Their followers number about motion was made to take a recess l‘ •* -■0.00 30.90 40.00 <41.00 110 00 140. IK until 5 o’clock, but the motion was 150, some of whom have .given as I high as $150 each upon being con-4 .JOB WORK cried down. it every -it scription executed with neatuees The convention seemed to be in a verted. The more conservative! md despatch, nt reasonable rates. i mood to go ahead with the busi people predict that the trouble will I Pamphlets P.istera, SircuiHra, Letter Hca ’ a, Bill Head«, Envelopes, ness before it and at once made the end in bloodshed. Card», Tii Met», Nute llc«<ii, I’atenient*. Invitatigli«. Dodger«. Etc. Memoranda. temporary organization permanent. T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re No Longer Citizens te-euce, iu the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Art- Interest centered in the report of | r'-rtiiing bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. the committee ou order of business Perry, O. T. Aug. 6.—The final' which recommended that a com-. decree has been pin^. ulgated from1 BURNS OREGON. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY | mittee of 14, two from each congreB ] mulgee, capital of the Creek na- sioiial district, be appointed to con |.tinn, as it had been handed down Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cigars N\TK>K.IL: ........ Grover Cleveland ter with the committee of five sent President .................... Adlsi Stevenson ■ by Judge Adams, chief justice of /ica-Presideut. ---- THEY HAVE ALSO Rkliaro 8. Oll.ev to A bi knee Iv the democratic con Secretary of State Joliu G Carlisle the supreme court of the nation, in iseretary of Treasury Huke Smith venttun of Hutchinson. Jeeretarv of Interior Tne report the citizenship case. It strikee Daniel S. Lamont A. Fine MONACH Bill! ari Table lecretary of War ... Hilary A. Herber lecretary of Navy was adopted after a motion to re from the rolls of citizenship oe the lecretary of Ivricu'inre. . J. Sterling Mortoi JudM ti Harnioii duce the number of the number of kttoruey General Win. L Wilson Postmaster General nation the names of over 1700 ne the conference from 14 to 5 had groes. STATK—ORBUON : G. W. McBride. sena'on This committee J. H. Miti-bell. been voted down. The decision held that the action tl’Inpcr Hermann 1 was appointed and the convention • iinKre-minen lW. R Ellis of the Indian council, after the pas ... <’ • Ittornev liciterai I then took a recess until evening. »overuor sage of the emancipation act by the V. r , , ............................ íc-retary of State A a. , > . l i Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of , *'u“i<! • 1 he committees from the two con- rr R . t hu. Metfunan Treasurer United .States, in admitting the ne- 1 . Hipt. Public Instruction w n iV'd»' vei,l’<),,s were in session during the I groes to tribal relations, was uncon a ■Hate Printer ) r ff. Beau, afternoon and ?yening. stitutional, and, therefore, at this •upre JU Ju Ige« C. Wolverton Í F. A. Moore At the evening session of the con time invalid. Since the passage NlNETlf JUDICIAL DISTRICT. vention the committee on resolu of the act these negroes have drawn • ■turici Ju'«t M. 0 t LlFFOKi D ’‘■trint Attorn., C. W. 1'arrish reported that the platform in annuities $1,000,000 from the O. I.. Patterson. turns loint-Representative ■ <R) ’»int-Senatur A. W.Gowai ■;R) could not be reported until 9 o’clock Creek government, and have held COCKTY— narkkt : tomorrow morning. The rules were positions of official trust and have, Tinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. Jountv « idee .......... <’. P. Rutherford. iaiuern*r«i. . , . . . .. • lerk................................ ii _________ Kelley then suspended and nominations improved their farms, and have R I Treasurer R« J. C. Welcome Oregon. iurvevor ............ n T A.MeKlnuon fur govi rnor were declared in order. educated their children at the na Burns, 4 lieriff ID) A . J. M < KI - lion l«sessor .a»;.. S. w. Mille’ Colonel W. A. Hanis, ex Govern tion's expense for 20 years. From *ehool S ineiintcndeiit —» W. C. R> rd -Heck inspector Geo Tregaskis or Leweling, L. P. King, state Sen the decision of the court there is ID', f A. It. Marks ■Jotainissionert liter Leedy, George Campbell and f Í no appeal. Geo. H«*ey George Munger were placed in H13KEV r. «. LAND OFF1CB : The interior department has held Thome? Jotie? nomination fur governor. to the same opinion in a similar <reeiver ........................ A. A. Cowing On the fourth ballot the conven case, The Dawes commission, tion was stampeded to Leedy and which has been appealed to by the STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor he was nominated by acclamation. deposed negroes, claims it has no SOCIETIES. Ln i The convention ehen adjourned un-' right to interfere with the decision KYT.VA REFER AH Degree No. «S. Me»t» every l»t and Srt Wednesday. tomorrow morning. | of the Indian court. Mt»« lx a McGee J4.G. «—KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND—, The conference committees of the Sam Motherahead. Rec. Sec'y. democ'ats and populists were in For your Protection.- Catarrh “Cure»” or A. <•. 0. W. Huru« UMlge, No 47 session until after midnight, nut Tonica for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken Reet« even ¿4 and 4th Thursday a. j faikd to arrive at an understand-1 internally, usually contain either Mercury or H M Horton. M W J W Sayer, Re« -d of Frtaaaa, or both, which are injur ing. Certain of the populist lead-j Iodide ious if too long taken. Catarrh i* a local, not H ISO v LObot. NO. 77. i. o o F. er’ are making a personal fight on a blood disease, caused by audden change to . •> ’»w Fen«», Morris C. Ligget, one of the nun colder damp weather, it aturu in the nawi ISfCourteous treatment guaranteed Your patronage so pamagee, affecting eyes, ears and throat. ® r . i> mi intyre. s«c) . naiiiid for pr< sidential elector by Cold in the head cauw» excessive flow of ----- --- ! ihf demi cratic convention, and are mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re sult* of catarrh will follow; severe pain in demanding his withdrawal and the bead, a roaring sound in the ears, bad >1 I H N EY pt - ft no . U, n. A. R. breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis- iKifet-T- u- and M wedne.d.r <>f each subetil ution of some other demo ! charge. The remedy should be quick to allay * <i ill Fall..«*- Hall. Al! Cum rad« <• « • at. <ln.g icTttad. crai. Ibis the democrats have re. inflammation and heal the membrane. Elv’s Eurns.Canyon Stage Line Cream Balm ia the acknowledged cure tor ¡us«d to concede. these troubles and contain* no mercury Kansas Populist.. She JimriS-Jirraid. ABSOLUTELY PURE "I fl a u - a ‘ J. C. Welcome, K Oil i¥l ' • t ~ SADDLE , v ___ __ .» /».-.»xi’ ihais work fur O BPllti (‘ in-»us »«g, •’■•-vw» — • *r-.- --------- -- . j . .. L iv___ 1« «1.» .<n«1 hinrt »Fir» 1 * HARNESS • * W. W. JOHNSON, I. S. GEER & CO, Hardware and Tinware. The Burns Bar r. • nor any injurious drag. m tn «. • I BF»—Uli Holy War in Ohio • ■rtv.taori <e**rts lat’y. •• ■ ■•- raw» ■ «■«!▼: »«•«i«t bFFarr, 4s ly. ft Nelsonville, O., Aug. ß—New Price, 50 cenU. Wanted-An Idea »tbDlK^RN «a ^a^Jaytsceon.^D^.IMtr H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe StagesLeave Burns dy for Canyon K ft City, and intermedi: t> jonU •